Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 469

Chapter 464 test

“Unexpectedly, Li Mingyan is such a person. Fortunately, I liked his comics so much back then, and I have always regarded him as my favorite cartoonist in the past. I can’t think of threatening you.”

In the car back to the hotel, Alan said.

After rejecting Li Mingyang’s proposal, Chen Ze and Alan left Li Mingyang’s home together. The two took a taxi and drove towards the resting hotel. On the way, Alan said with an aggrieved face, seeming to be particularly disappointed.

Chen Ze was a little angry after listening to Li Mingyang’s words. He didn’t expect that, as the first person in China’s comics industry, he would say such a thing regardless of his status. But now seeing Alan like this, he laughed.

“Why are you so angry? He is threatening me, not you.” Chen Ze looked at Alan and said with a smile.

“That’s not what I said. You are my friend. If he says this to you, it is naturally equivalent to saying this to me. I am naturally angry. Besides, I liked his comics the most. , I have always regarded him as an idol in my heart, who knows that he is such a person.” Alan still angrily said, it seems that he is indeed disappointed with what happened just now.

After listening to her, Chen Ze could understand her current feelings. The influence of Li Mingyang on these two generations in the past two decades is absolutely unimaginable, and no cartoonist can compare it. Alan is also about the same as most of his peers. He has been influenced by his cartoons since he was a child. Of course, he will regard Li Mingyan who can draw such beautiful cartoons as an idol.

Now the image of idols in my heart for more than 20 years is shattered. It’s no wonder she would react like this.

“But Chen Ze, you won’t really have anything to do. After all, Li Mingxiang has a great influence in the Chinese comics industry. If you really want to be true to you, I am afraid you will indeed be affected.” Alan seems to be again I remembered Li Mingyang’s words before leaving, and looked at Chen Ze worriedly.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” Chen Ze smiled and said with a confident look, “Don’t forget who I am. I am Chen Ze. As long as it is a contest in comics, no matter who it is. Like him, Li Ming, I will never lose.”

With Chen Ze’s current status and the comic resources from his previous life, even if Li Ming-like himself came out, Chen Ze is absolutely not afraid of him. I dare not say that I will win, but at least I will never lose.

However, Li Ming’s words just reminded Chen Ze that he and Lotte Club were about to make a move. That being the case, then I have to launch “Pokemon” as soon as possible, and then prepare well.


“Teacher, why did you just now?” In the study of Li Mingyang’s home, He Yuchao looked at Li Mingyang with a puzzled look.

“Why, don’t you think it’s weird? How could I say such a thing!” Li Mingyang put down his black-rimmed glasses and smiled.

“No, it’s just that I don’t think that if you are a teacher, you shouldn’t be able to say such a thing. And, teacher, you have not had much relationship with Lotte Society, so why bother with Chen Ze, a manga artist with unlimited potential, for them? Turned over?” He Yuchao asked in confusion.

As a person who has lived with Li Mingyang for more than ten years. He is well aware of Li Ming’s disposition. His teacher is definitely open-minded, and especially loves to help young cartoonists who are frustrated. In his impression, his teacher would never say such a thing. So now, He Yuchao is very confused.

“You’re right, I would naturally not say something like this when I change to another young cartoonist. But Chen Ze is different, because his talent and potential are too amazing, so I will say This is the case.” Li Ming said like this, but he became more and more confused about what He Yuchao said.

“Teacher, what do you mean by this? Forgive me for my stupidity. I didn’t understand what the teacher said.” He Yuchao doubted.

“Because he is Chen Ze, a leading figure in China’s comics industry in the future.” Li Ming said, “Now the excessive commercialization of China’s comics industry has caused more and more cartoonists to be impetuous, and they cannot draw well. The only way to attract the attention of the market is to sell meat and rotten works. If things go on like this, we have managed to manage for many years and finally have the current situation in the comics industry. I am afraid it will be destroyed.”

“However, the appearance of Chen Ze made me happy. His cartoons are full of aura and they are all very exciting. And more importantly, his popularity is getting higher and higher, and I have even done that I did not do it in the past. What happened was to become an internationally influential cartoonist and promote China’s cartoons to the world. After winning the Guerns Award this time, there is no doubt that Chen Ze will be the leader of the new wave of China’s cartoons in the future. , Maybe Huaxia Comics goes out of the country, the task of going to the world will fall on him.”

“Then teacher, what do you mean?” Hearing this, He Yuchao faintly guessed what Li Ming meant.

“However, it is too early for Chen Ze to become famous. I am worried about his instability. If the future leader of the China comics industry is a character who sells his own magazine for profit, then anyway, I will also want to stop this. Yes. That’s why I asked this evening. Now it seems that Chen Ze did meet my requirements.” Li Mingyang explained.

Hearing this, He Yuchao understood Li Mingyang’s meaning clearly. It turned out that what he did was a test of Chen Ze, to see if he was qualified to succeed as the mainstay of China’s comics industry.

“In that case, after Chen Ze refused, you can explain clearly, why let him go like this. I think now Chen Ze must have misunderstood you in his heart.” He Yuchao said, “Or else , I will go to him now and explain things clearly.”

With that, He Yuchao turned and walked outside.

“Yu Chao is not allowed to go.” Li Mingyang interrupted, “I made him misunderstand me deliberately. The leading figure in China’s comics industry is so simple to be able to be, I am his last difficulty, he is only here Only after defeating me this time can I be truly qualified to be a leading figure in the China comics industry. That’s how I took over the entire China comics industry from teacher Wang Shoushi. Now I have to test him in the same way, Chen Ze .”

“Furthermore, after reading Chen Ze’s comics, my hands are indeed itchy. I just want to provoke him deliberately so that he can do his best in the next comics. I want to see how he can do his best. What kind of cartoon will Chen Ze create? What kind of cartoon will he use to fight me? I am very looking forward to it.”

Saying this, Li Ming laughed. As a leading figure in the Chinese comics industry for more than 20 years, and the first person in the history of Chinese comics, Li Ming-like character is actually very aggressive.

Especially after seeing Chen Ze constantly overcoming difficulties and defeating one after another over the years, he wanted to test his abilities for himself. After Chen Ze won the Guerns Award this time, Li Ming knew that the time was ripe.

“It turned out to be like this Hearing this, He Yuchao understood the whole thing completely,” Teacher, when are you going to come back and start serializing your new comics? ”

“At the beginning of next year, I have conceived the comics for more than ten years and will start serialization at the beginning of next year. I believe this will be a boutique that surpasses all the comics in my past.” Li Ming said, “What kind of comics will Chen Ze use? I am very curious now.”


BJ Alan’s new album release conference has come to an end. Alan will start flying to all parts of the country and start a national promotion for half a month. As for Chen Ze, he rushed back to City G the day after he met Li Mingyang. Now that he knows Li Mingyang, he will be in trouble. Although he may not make any moves in the short term, Chen Ze still has to prepare in advance. Row.

After all, he was facing Li Mingxian, the first person in Chinese comics, who is known as the rare man in a century. Therefore, Chen Ze intends to launch “Pokemon” as soon as possible.

It was originally planned for three weeks to adapt to the launch of the game. Now it seems that it must be done in advance. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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