Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Prelude

Zhu Xiangyu is a manga lover, he has read almost all the classic comics of China, so this has also developed his very tricky appetite now. He can’t enter the ordinary comics anymore, and only those particularly brilliant comics can attract his attention.

“This painting is all about things, the characters are distorted, and the plot is brain-dead. It is a turning point, and there is no rationality.” Zhu Xiangyu sat in front of the computer and cursed. The computer is a new comic book.

With the advent of the 21st century, the Internet has become more and more developed. Correspondingly, many traditional industries on the ground have been greatly impacted, including the comics industry.

More and more magazines began to serialize comics in their own magazines online, but the time was delayed by one issue than the physical one. After all, the interests of physical readers must first be guaranteed.

Corresponding to this is the emergence of a large number of otaku and otaku. They are too lazy to buy magazines. Instead, they choose to spend money on the magazine’s official website to subscribe to new comics, which costs slightly less than magazines. One point, and Zhu Xiangyu is such an otaku.

Today, as usual, he went online to search for new comics to see if he could meet his appetite, but obviously, he was disappointed again.

“The painter nowadays is much worse than before, and I can’t even find a decent book!”

While he complained, he opened a forum called “Dragon’s Land” on the other. This website is a gathering place for street cartoonists and senior readers. It contains all kinds of information about the comics circle, of course. There are some new manga recommendations and complaints.

Zhu Xiangyu is an old white in the “Dragon Land” forum. His only purpose on this website is to read the new comics recommended in it. Because many of the people in it are also experienced readers with similar tastes to him, he has also found a lot of comics in it that are worth reading.

He opened the “Publish Manga Trial” section and started looking for new comics. It’s still the same as usual, and various comics are recommended. However, many of them, Zhu Xiangyu, showed no interest at all after reading the introduction, and a small number of them were fattening up with his appetite.

Just when he was about to close the website, a post caught his attention-“Slam Dunk, a rare masterpiece in the comics industry in ten years.”

“Such an exaggeration? Isn’t it a title party?”

Zhu Xiangyu thought in his heart that judging by the composition of Longdi’s personnel, they are all a group of old whites who don’t know how many comics they have read. How can they call themselves gods casually, at most they are fairy grass, grain grass, etc., especially This kind of exaggerated adjective is rare in ten years.

“Is there a painter who recommended such an exaggerated title?” Thinking about this, Zhu Xiangyu looked at the ID name again, “No, these two toads are not ancient gods of the Longdi Forum? How could he be? Writer of sensational headlines?”

After excluding the possibility of the title party, Zhu Xiangyu clicked on the post. If you can let this kind of old white take this kind of title, I want to see, what kind of comic is this “Slam Dunk”?

The content of the post is very simple. Apart from introducing a little about the background and story of the comic, I wrote a little about my own feelings after reading the comic, and determined that this comic will be a god, there is only one big door left.

“Basketball theme? This is too niche!”

After reading the content of the post, Zhu Xiangyu frowned. With his current taste, he has no interest at all in the niche of basketball, and he has read some basketball comics in the past, but that is a basketball comic, it is simply a basic comic. Since then, he has never touched the niche subject of sports comics again.

“Forget it, let’s take a look at the comments below.” Zhu Xiangyu pulled the post and the comments below immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

First floor: “Toad is poisoned, everyone, run away!”

Second floor: “Toad God’s anti-toxicity is high. The basketball-themed comics didn’t poison himself to death, and he came out to avenge the society.”

Third floor: “I’m not interested in basketball comics, but when will the great **** update your own novel? I am passing by following the update.”

Fourth floor: “It’s not like basketball again. It’s a guise, it’s actually selling rotten.”

Looking around, Zhu Xiangyu saw some remarks that did not believe in the content of the two toads’ posts. But further down, the wind of speech has completely turned a corner.

17th floor: “Despise those upstairs who came to spray without even reading the comics. This time I support Toad God. This comic definitely has the potential to be a masterpiece.”

Eighteenth floor: “Yes, this comic is really good. The plot and laughter are very good, and there is no rot at all. To me, it is definitely a comic above the fairy grass.”

19th floor: “This time I have to change my opinion on Toad God. Although he often poisons him, this time I really found a good comic.”

20th floor: “The comics are really good, but it’s a little bit less, and the one that came out is not enough to read.”

Zhu Xiangyu found that more and more people began to support the two toads’ remarks as they went further. This aroused Zhu Xiangyu’s interest in that comic even more. Is it true that God can’t make it?

He moved the mouse and clicked the link where the two toads remained there. In an instant, the screen was occupied by fiery red. And in the fiery red center, there appeared four big characters-Slam Dunk.

“Very imposing.”

Zhu Xiangyu thought in his heart that he would be even more interested in the next manga just with this picture. He quickly clicked to start reading, and after paying the fee, he started to read it. Although the new animation magazine is only a newly opened magazine, Zhu Xiangyu, as a senior otaku, also has a paid account on this official website, so it is easy to subscribe to the slam dunk.

“I’m sorry Sakuragi, I like Oda from the basketball club.” It was just the first scene where Sakuragi was rejected, which closely attracted Zhu Xiangyu’s attention.

The next development of the story made him devote himself to it. “Wow, you are so tall, who are you taller than Rukawa Kaede?” “Sakuragi, do you like basketball?” “Asshole Rukawa Kaede, dare to hurt Haruko’s heart, I will never forgive you.” “How about Sakura Wood, this is the basketball you look down on, and you lose one more goal.” “Listen to Sakuragi, next I will teach you rebounds. The person who controls the rebounds can control the court.”

Zhu Xiangyu is completely attracted by the dunk master, UU reading www. A few hours of flashed by, unknowingly he had seen the latest update, and by then it was completely dark.

“Why are you missing here? Who on earth won in the end?”

Zhu Xiangyu thought depressed, he was seeing Xiangbei going to practice against Lingnan, one of the top four in the province. By the way, he didn’t have it at this time. He was expecting Sakuragi’s little character to layup to show off his power, but in the end he couldn’t see anything. This kind of feeling of hanging in the air is the most painful when chasing comics.

As an old white, he hasn’t felt this way for a long time, so once it bursts out, it feels even more profound.

“No, the magazine was updated one issue earlier than the comics. The result must have already come out. I have to buy a magazine.” He got up and prepared to go out. At this moment, his body suddenly collapsed uncontrollably, and he quickly supported him. After the table, I didn’t fall down.

“It seems that I have read the comics for too long, and my body is sore and numb.” Zhu Xiangyu smiled bitterly. It has been a long time since there has been such a comic that he could not even feel the soreness and numbness of his body. However, even so, he was even more happy in his heart, and he actually found a good comic. From his perspective, this comic does have the potential to be magical.

He stood up, moved his body, and went out to buy a magazine. This is of course. Seeing such an emergency, if you don’t know the result today, you may not even be able to sleep at night.

Stories like Zhu Xiangyu, after so many days of fermentation, have been staged across the country one after another.

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