Rebirth of the Great Era 1993

Chapter 2, royalties

This is the second time this month that I have received a remittance note for royalties. After a few polite greetings, Zhang Xuan calmly accepted it, his mood not fluctuating much.

It was the postman's loud voice that called Ruan Xiuqin back, who was getting hot water outside.

"Xiao Lin, I'm troubling you again." Ruan Xiuqin was very familiar with this postman who had been delivering letters for several years. After finding a clean enamel cup and filling it with hot boiling water, he quickly took a bottle of canned orange from the bedside table and handed it to him. .

Ruan Xiuqin was familiar with the postman, and the postman was also well aware of the Zhang family's difficult situation. Instead of picking up the can, he held the boiling water and blew it, couldn't wait to take a sip and said congratulations:

"Your Zhang Xuan is really promising. This is the fourth time I have sent him a remittance slip in the past six months. He will definitely become a great writer in the future."

Ruan Xiuqin silently took the remittance slip from Zhang Xuan and looked at it, then put it into her pocket with familiarity, and said to Postman Lin with a warm smile: "I accept your good advice, if I really succeed in the future, it will be you." Best wishes."

As she spoke, Ruan Xiuqin handed the can of oranges to the postman again.

"No, no, I have this at home." The postman waved his hand and declined.

"I have it at home. It's not easy for you to go out in the cold weather now, so just take it and blow your mouth."

This time Ruan Xiuqin directly stuffed the canned oranges into someone's mail bag, and at the same time whispered to someone to keep her son a secret.

"Don't worry, I know it. I promise not to spread it." Postman Lin didn't refuse this time. After looking at the orange can, he quickly patted his chest to assure himself.

The postman left.

Ruan Xiuqin walked to the door, then closed the door, took out two remittance slips from her pocket and read them carefully over and over again. Although she said nothing, her miserable face was already covered with smiles. The expression of satisfaction is beyond words.

Zhang Xuan lowered his eyelids and watched this scene quietly, also silently.

In his previous life, through unremitting efforts, he was admitted to a good university. When he was evaluating his scores to fill in his application, he asked Ruan Xiuqin: "What major should I choose?"

Ruan Xiuqin thought carefully and said to him: "We are a poor family. Don't think too much. Just go for a career as a civil servant, teacher, doctor. After two or three generations of accumulation, our family can truly escape poverty and enter the middle class." .”

Later, as his mother wished, Zhang Xuan became a teacher in a second-tier college.

After becoming a teacher, I like to walk around the campus quietly, read books, practice boxing, and talk to friends when I have nothing to do. Although he can be regarded as a little nerd, his communication skills are quite good.

Just meeting his mother, Zhang Xuan never learned how to express his intimacy. Many times when he went home, he wanted to talk to his mother about himself, help her wash her feet with water, beat her back, and take a walk together. Or give a hug and say "Mom, you have worked hard in this life" and "Mom, I love you", but every time the words come to my mouth, I swallow them back. It is difficult to speak when love is in my heart.

After returning his thoughts, Zhang Xuan glanced at his mother, who was still enjoying herself alone, and opened the parcel. Inside was a copy of "Friends" magazine and a piece of letter paper.

Since the "Zhiyin" magazine is very popular these days, Zhang Xuan has successfully submitted articles to it three times for its high remuneration, and both parties are familiar with it.

I briefly flipped through this issue of the magazine, and found that it was all fried rice with different ingredients. There was nothing interesting about it, so I threw it aside carelessly.

Then the letter was unfolded.

At the front of the letter: The editor still used the same rhetoric. As always, he praised Zhang Xuan for his sophisticated writing, rich content, clear layers, and thorough analysis of urban emotions, which was fascinating...

After quickly browsing the front, the last paragraph caught Zhang Xuan's attention.

Um? what's the situation? The editor actually invited me to write a manuscript? Make yourself one of the regular staff writers?

An article of 5,000 words in each issue can be an essay, an emotional story, urban emotions, etc.

Read it again, you read it right! The manuscript is really invited!

Although it was still the stage of testing the waters, his heart suddenly became much brighter.

As a reborn old yb, don’t read too much into the romance between men and women. As the young man said, if you want to live a decent life, you have to have a little green...

As someone who has watched the rise and fall of "Zhiyin" magazine, he has almost figured out the reason for the magazine's existence.

Zhiyin Magazine now has a huge readership. Moreover, due to the cultural background of this era, most Chinese, especially the middle-aged and above, are emotionally repressed. One of the accompanying characteristics is that they like to pry into other people's private lives involving men and women, and they will eat whatever they want, even the most inferior and hypocritical ones. But it is also what is most needed.

These people often like to sip tea, then sit comfortably and applaud those cuckold articles.

And what is a cuckold article?

Zhang Xuan has long grasped the twisted hearts of such readers.

As long as you write an article about "Those men and women in love have negative IQs, even if they knit one green hat after another for you, you still praise the other person's skill", you will be sure to have a good reputation, sell well, and then you will get more royalties. .

Of course, Zhang Xuan never writes about ordinary people. Because those low-level people who are begging for a living cannot arouse the excitement of those readers and cannot allow them to enjoy a sense of superiority while gloating about their misfortunes.

Only by writing about the unlucky celebrities, the downfall of someone, or the relationships between men and women involved in entrepreneurs, can they make the whole room full of praise and give advice with emotion.

This is the reason Zhiyin Magazine exists. As long as it does not go overboard and does not involve sensitive issues or people, as long as it is "popular" and attracts more readers, the circulation of the magazine will be large, and the author's income will be high. For this reason, Zhiyin organizes such manuscripts and is willing to spend money...

In the letter, the manuscript was requested to be one hundred and fifty words per thousand words.

This remuneration is relatively high compared to other books, newspapers and magazines, but for a large publication like Zhiyin, it can only be considered average.

Moreover, the "friend" at this time was a monthly magazine, with one article per month, and each article was 5,000 words, which actually didn't make much money.

Zhang Xuan, who was only thinking about making more money, sighed. It seemed that he should focus on other newspapers.

For example, "Xiaoxiang Metropolis Daily", "Changsha Evening News", "Xiaoxiang Morning News", "Today Express", "Market Guide" and other urban newspapers. Although these newspapers have an article of several hundred words, the manuscript fee is only 20 to 50 yuan. The price does not vary, but the advantage is that you can have more.

If you are lucky in a month, you can earn hundreds of dollars.

You must know that the ordinary salary of many people is still around 100 to 200, and the higher salary in coastal areas is only 400 or 600, which is the highest in January.

Thinking about it this way, it was actually a huge amount of income, and Zhang Xuan should have been satisfied.

But when he saw the mess at home and the tens of thousands of accumulated foreign debts, he would panic even if he thought about it for a second.

It is said that no matter how bold a person is, how productive the land is.

In this period of great social change, Zhang Xuan could smell the smell of money in the air even with every twitch of his nose. He really wanted to put aside his studies and go to Shenzhen and Hainan to try his luck.

He went to roll his arms to earn some money and help his family improve their life. He really didn't want to live a life where he had to worry about the first meal and the next meal, and eight out of ten meals were sweet potato rice.

In the past six months, he has been dreaming about making money, and he even thought of a pamphlet on serious and informal ways to make money.

There are tens of thousands of serious doorways in this period, so I won’t go into them here.

Let's just say it's not serious. Zhang Xuan feels that with his pleasing skin, he won't starve to death outside...

As the saying goes, a young man who doesn't know the fragrance of soft rice mistakenly plants his youth in the wrong seedling; a young man who doesn't know how good a rich woman is is mistakenly regards a girl as a treasure. When you meet a good person, you start a family first; when you meet a noble person, you start a career; when you meet a rich woman, you get a family and then start a career.

I am very eager to make money, so eager that I am willing to roll around the world naked.

But taking a glance at his mother, who was skinny and had a little loose skin, Zhang Xuan suppressed his burning heart again.

He knew that if he proposed to give up the college entrance examination and go out to make money, Comrade Ruan Xiuqin would change his face faster than the sky. He would pick up the broom and cry behind him, "I'm not going to live anymore..., you will suffer a thousand cuts...", and then Like a desperate man, Sayazi chased him to the end of the world.

After thinking about it and forcibly comforting myself that I was not fully prepared to make money yet, I went round and round and found that Zhang Xuan's method of making money fell back on royalties.

After all, he had been a university teacher and usually read a lot of books and newspapers, so this was not a problem for him.

Sitting on the edge of the hospital bed, Zhang Xuan took out his pen and ink, thought about it for a while, and started writing. The story he wanted to write this time was "The air conditioner is haunted in the middle of the night. It turns out that it is caused by humans"...

He plans to innovate and sublimate the extravagant love and private life, adding a bit of supernatural, a bit of horror, and a bit of emotion.

I hope that in this way I will be liked by more readers and further favored by the editor, so I will mention this remuneration again.

Zhang Xuan wrote 5,000 words by hand from noon to afternoon using the grid climbing method, and his wrists were a little sore.

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