Rebirth of the High Gate Mistress

Chapter 76: Jing Shu’s heart sank

Chapter 76 Jing Shu’s heart sank

Liu Yunzhi is worthy of being a famous talent. This travelogue is not only well-organized and layered, but also beautifully written and fascinating to read.

 The book not only covers the mountain and river landscapes, geographical features, customs and customs within the four seas of Daqi, but also describes the conditions of the surrounding countries in detail. Moreover, the author also made detailed annotations at the bottom of the book for difficult to understand parts.

It can be seen that this book is the result of a lot of hard work.

Back at Qingfeng Garden, Jingshu held this book and read it with gusto.

After Li Ling came back from duty, he saw his wife leaning on the imperial concubine's couch and reading a book attentively. He walked straight to her side and said, "You have some leisure time today." After saying that, he took the book in her hand and said: " What are you looking at?”

Li Ling lowered his eyes and said to himself: "It turns out to be a travel note." He flipped through a few pages and couldn't help but praise: "It's well compiled. It's a good book."

 “Where did you get it?” Li Ling asked casually.

Jingshu took the book from his hand, closed the page, pointed to Liu Yunzhi's nomination on the cover and replied: "It was a gift from Mr. Liu."

When Li Ling saw the words "Liu Yunzhi" on the cover of the book, his smiling face darkened.

He glanced at his wife and asked, "Did he come to the house today? Or did he ask someone else to give it to you?"

Jingshu put down her book, looked at Li Ling and asked, "I was just about to ask you. Third sister said it was you who ordered the door not to allow people to come in, right?"

Li Ling stood up and took off his official uniform. He looked calm and admitted: "It is indeed my order."

Jingshu put on her soft shoes and got down on the bed, took the official uniform he took off, put it on the clothes rack, and asked: "The visitor is a guest, and Mr. Liu is the third sister and Xing'er of the official school." Teacher, how can you be so negligent?"

Li Ling looked gloomy and snorted coldly: "I just don't like this person named Liu."

Jingshu asked doubtfully: "Did your husband have any trouble with Mr. Liu?"

Li Ling looked disdainful and said with a sneer: "He is just a man who writes and writes, how can I have any trouble with him?"

 This is unreasonable.

Jingshu replied: "Since it's not a formality, my husband's behavior today is really rude. If Mr. Liu thinks of us, I'm afraid he will be prejudiced against Third Sister and Xing'er in the future."

Li Ling raised his eyebrows: "How dare he! If he really offends me, don't blame me for driving him out of Chang'an City."

His face was gloomy and his tone was sharp.

Li Ling is not a bully, but today he seems to have taken the wrong medicine.

Jingshu looked at him inexplicably and said, "Okay, why do you insist on having trouble with Mr. Liu?"

She glanced at his cold face and asked tentatively: "But did you encounter something difficult outside?"

Li Ling came back to his senses, looked at his wife's slightly worried eyes, and his expression finally softened a little. He stepped forward and put his arm around her shoulders, and replied: "It's nothing, but this guy surnamed Liu doesn't look like a gentleman. From now on, you Stay away from him."

As he said that, he walked to the bed and picked up the travel journal, and continued: "I will order someone to send this book back to him soon."

Now Jingshu finally understood the reason why Li Ling "took the wrong medicine".

She looked at Li Ling and said with a smile: "Mr. Liu came to visit today just to thank me and my third sister for helping him that day. Don't get me wrong."

Seeing Li Ling's face darken again, Jingshu walked up to him, glanced at her face, held back a smile and said, "Are you jealous?"

Of course Leng Suru Li Ling would not admit this. He dropped the book in his hand, turned around with a cold face, and lay on his back on the bed.

 As if he had been greatly wronged.

Jing Shu secretly laughed at his childishness in her heart, but she didn't dare to show it on her face. She walked to the footrest beside the bed and sat down, then reached out and pinched Li Ling's nose. Li Ling turned his head to avoid her hand, his face still gloomy.

Jingshu took off her shoes and got on the bed, leaned on him, and whispered in his ear: "Are you really angry? Are you ignoring me?"

Seeing that Li Ling remained motionless with a sullen face, Jing Shu saw that he was so ignorant and lost her patience: "Then you can just vent your anger here. I still have a lot of things to be busy with." After that, she Get up and get out of bed.

As soon as she put on her shoes, Li Ling hugged her and dragged her back to the bed, and then the gauze bed curtain hung down.

"What are you doing in broad daylight?" Jing Shu lowered her voice.

Li Ling looked at his little wife below him and replied: "I just said less than three nice words to me and lost my patience." After saying that, he said in a hoarse voice: "I think you need to take care of yourself again. .”

Jingshu laughed and said, "Who makes you so stingy? Do you, a grown man, still need to be coaxed?"

After a while, the two fell asleep hugging each other, and when they woke up, it was already the moonlight.

Jingshu stood up, pushed Li Ling and said, "Get up quickly. I'll have dinner later and I have to settle the accounts."

Li Ling stood up, tugged his young wife's ears, and replied: "In the daytime, I just read the idle books compiled by the scholar, but now I am thinking about serious things."

Jingshu replied while getting dressed: "You praised the book when you first saw it, but now, why are you turning your back on it faster than flipping through the book?"

 At that time, he didn't know that the book was written by Liu.

Li Ling was still aggrieved when he mentioned this. He turned to his wife and said, "Reading too many books will hurt your eyes. If you feel bored, I will accompany you to watch the lanterns during the Lantern Festival."

Jingshu agreed and said "ok", and after the two of them had finished cleaning up, they called Ziyun to prepare the meal.

Ziyun was greeting Danzhu Bilu to set up the meal when Xu Wanning came. She saw Ziyun outside carrying a food box to get food from the inner room, and asked: "It's already this hour, why did you just have dinner? "

Ziyun naturally wouldn't tell the truth that as soon as her uncle came back in the evening, the young couple stayed inside with the door closed.

She smiled and said perfunctorily: "My uncle came home late today, so he missed the time."

Just as he was talking, Jing Shu heard Xu Wanning's voice and came out to greet her: "Sister-in-law, come in quickly."

Xu Wanning entered the room, glanced at the half-disposed meal, and said, "You guys haven't eaten yet, and I won't sit down either. I just came from my grandmother's place, and there's a letter from the palace." She looked at Jing Shu and asked Said: "Guess which courtyard the Ninth Princess chose to stay in?"

In the morning, Jingshu had already ordered people to deliver the three described excellent courtyards to the palace, but she did not expect that there would be a response so quickly.

Jing Shu smiled and replied: "Anyway, those three courtyards are all the best. Whichever one the Ninth Princess chooses, we can just order someone to decorate it according to her preferences."

Xu Wanning sighed and said, "If she had chosen those three places, there would be no need to worry."

Jingshu wondered: "Didn't she like those three places?"

Xu Wanning said cheerfully: "Isn't that right? Just now the female official in the palace came back and said that the emperor's cousin wanted to live in Zizhu Pavilion."

Xu Wanning complained: "The yard is small and old, and it has been empty for a long time. I really don't know what she was thinking, and she chose that place."

The yard is indeed not good, but it is only a few steps away from the North Study Room where Li Ling works, and not far from their Qingfeng Garden.

Jing Shu’s heart sank and she couldn’t help but look at Li Ling.

 The question just now: Are you jealous? That chapter is repeated with this chapter.

After I wrote that chapter, it failed to pass the review. I was afraid of delaying everyone's reading. I revised it and reposted it. Not long after it was posted, the system unblocked the chapter. I wanted to delete a chapter, but it said that it couldn't be deleted. I'm sorry. Everyone!



 (End of this chapter)

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