Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 180 - : Du 13

“No, sir, I never mean that! That’s my little brother’s ignorance. Go back, I must teach my little brother well!”

Rex crawled to the ground in horror, trembling, without the iron blood of the squad leader.

Nantian sneered contemptuously: “Go away, don’t let me see you!”

Rex smirked: “Adult, but the elevator has not been repaired yet!”

Nantian waved his hand: “That’s not the case, hurry and repair, wipe!”

“Yes Yes!”

Rex didn’t dare to put one, rolled back to the elevator and started repairing the ladder with the soldiers of the Sabre Class.

Nantian continued to stick to his post and kept the ten-day post full, ensuring the safety of the miners.

Is strange to say.

Rex also sent a message to Tian Wei that the elevator was broken and requested that the maintenance tools be dropped.

However, there is no reply.

Because of lack of tools.

The repair work of the elevator has been going on for a long time.

Nantian has completed the ten-day period, and they have n’t fixed it yet.

Nantian is not a phagosome.

The Devourer has a terrifying talent, open his mouth, can lead to the void, and directly jump into the space wormhole.

It can be said that wherever the phagocytosis wants to go, just go there.

The passage in the mine is very complicated.

If you don’t pass the elevator, you can’t go out even if you are flying in a mecha.

Fortunately, under the urging of Nantian, the soldiers of Rex and the Sabre Class were finally repaired.

Riding on the elevator, Nantian and his party swayed up, and finally got out of the mine and came to the ground.

However, the situation in front of him is beyond what Nantian expected.

Tianwei and other leaders of the six fields of military industry, as well as many sergeants internally organized by the Galaxy Army, were **** by the flowers and hung on the square.

Tian Wei and other important figures were even stuffed with towels on their mouths, unable to say a word.

Saw that Nantian and others came out.

Tian Wei’s eyes showed a bright color.

But soon, Tian Wei’s eyes darkened again.

Tian Wei shook his head strugglingly.

“Go, go!”

Tian Wei shook his head vigorously. Although he couldn’t speak, he tried to express such meaning.

“Slap” sound!

A one-eyed robber approached, punching and kicking Tian Wei with his face covered.

“Mama is a god, really looking for death! It’s all like this, and want to steal the report?”

One-eyed robbers are horribly authentic.

“Tie them all up!”

One-eyed robber waved his hand.

In a moment, a large number of robbers poured out from all around.

These are interstellar robbers, committing crimes in the endless sea of ​​stars.

Endless Xinghai is endangered. These robbers survive in such a harsh environment and still have their own unique features.

Nan Tianling had known people, and when he swept his eyes, he felt the blood of the people around him.

These robbers are even more brave than the galactic sergeants in the Galaxy Army!

One-eyed robber seems to be the leader of the robber, laughing wildly, his face full of pride!

“Okay, this time, count the robbery of the top grade iron ore. Take all of you as a hostage and ask for ransom from the Galaxy Army! Hey, then the earned Galaxy contribution points are really tempting!”

The one-eyed robber laughed.

Rex’s complexion changed greatly.

“You are Du XIII, the head of the Xun Gui Group!”

Rex pointed at the one-eyed robber and said in fear.

“You kid, know me?”

Du thirteen evil spirits smiled.

“Commander Du, that’s my cousin! At that time, my cousin followed the guard Yan Yanlian of Xingluo base to participate in the battle of massacre!”

Brother Leopard walked out fartly.

Brother Leopard feared the might of the fast ghost bandit group, disarmed directly

Surrendered and made a traitor.

The defense work of the six military fields was originally done very well.

Even if Du XIII led the team, it would take a lot of casualties to break through.

However, Brother Leopard took advantage of Sergeant Galactica to provide Du XIII with some useful information, which allowed Du XIII to lay down six wars in military industry.

“Little Leopard, you made the thirteen lords! This is really great! Thirteen lords, but the big names around Tianqi star!”

Rex was not ashamed of this.

Looking, there are many people in the Xun ghost group. Rex, like his cousin, began to be a traitor and surrendered directly to the Xun ghost group.

Du XIII slightly glanced at Rex: “Boy, what level of officer are you at Xingluo Base now?”

Is still waiting, Rex replied.

Brother Leopard answered first: “Return to Du Commander, my cousin is now the No. 5 squad leader of the Tenth Battalion at Xingluo base, rank second lieutenant!”

“A second lieutenant built within the Galaxy Army, yes! Yes! More valuable than your big-head sergeant! I think the ransom from the base should be no less than one hundred thousand Galaxy contribution points!”

Du XIII laughed.

Rex looked embarrassed: “Admiral, one hundred thousand galaxy contribution points, I can work together to make up. I don’t need the base to pay for me!”

Du XIII waved his hand: “That’s all right. In short, your kid wants to join my Xun ghost group. One hundred thousand galaxy contributions, no less!

“Yes Yes!”

Rex nodded and waisted.

Leopard’s eyes swept away, and he saw Nantian.

Leopard immediately raised his eyebrows and jumped up.

“Head Du, that kid, can I kill it?”

Brother Leopard pointed to Nantian and asked.

Du Xianman said casually: “Who is he? Is it your internal sergeant in the Galaxy Army? What level of officer?”

“Head Du, he is a big-head soldier, ranks soldiers!”

Brother Leopard replied.

“Yes, five hundred galaxy contribution points, give me five hundred galaxy contribution points, this person, if you want to kill, kill!”

Du XIII is the most loved one ~ ~ In fact, Du XIII’s ability, whether he is in the army or in politics, can be famous!

However, Du Shisan loves money so much that he likes to be linked to money for everything.

When you are a star robber, you can make money quickly!

Du XIII formed the Xungui Bandit Group to make a fortune!

At the beginning, the biggest dogfight near the heavenly chess stars in thousands of years, the battle of massacre.

Du XIII was a person with a three-axe, and took a dozen brethren, broke into the Heweiwei name of the fast ghost bandit group.

Even if Yan Lian saw it, she would have to politely make three points.

“Okay, Mr. Du, I will give you money!”

Brother Leopard was very excited.

“Cousin, Du Du agreed, what are you waiting for, hurry up and die this Nantian! This little deflated, look annoying!”

Brother Leopard urged Rex.

Rex also showed a terrible character.

Now, there are not a large number of phagosomes, nor under the mine.

Surrounded by people from the Xungui Bandit Group.

Rex smiled brutally: “Nantian children, accept a knife!”

Rex summoned the mecha, a nine-foot-long mecha saber, appeared, and fiercely split south.

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