Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 985 - : 1 group, 1 family, 1 meeting

“General Nantian, even if you are appointed by the Chief of the Purple Sky. But, you can’t kill Suga!”

“You can’t ignore Wang Fa and ignore it!”

“My Dongmen is officially appointed by the military department, the director of the Second Division of the Holy City Intelligence!”

Director Dongmen, though suppressed by Nantian.

However, Director Dongmen, his mouth may not be soft.

Wanyue and Zhuang Hao also had glaring eyes and looked at Nantian, hoping Nantian would come up with a piece of evidence.

“There is naturally evidence!”

“Since I dare to suppress you, there are my reasons!”

Nan Tian snorted.


A file file was thrown on the head of Dongmen.

Nantian even suspected that it was estimated that the high priest Ferdinand XVIII gave it to himself.

However, immediately, Nantian overthrew.

It is understandable that the Black-faced Chief Executive Officer and Judge Green have kept this thought in mind.

But what is the high priest Ferdinand XVIII?

What a long-term vision is, the pattern is very broad.

He took this file, in his eyes, where is the director of Dongmen, such a small person in the third grade Holy Realm?

Moreover, this dossier file is not the main record of intelligence work, but only slightly involved. It happens that the name of Director Dongmen is sandwiched between them.

When this dossier file hit his head.

Director Dongmen is also blinded!

“This is the top-secret archive of the secret storage room in the church. This seal is gleaming with gold and cannot be faked at all!”

Director Dongmen, his face pale.

“Explain, Director Dongmen, why is your name on this file?”

Nan Tian sneered.

Wanyue and Zhuang Hao were also taken aback.

“Yeah, what’s wrong with this?”

“Dongmen, you explain!”

“There is your name in the church’s archives? You will not be in the position of the Galactic Army, can you match the chief of the purple sky?”

Wanyue is also cold in the eyes.

Zhuang Hao is even more furious and angry.

Zhuang Hao was grumpy and took a step forward to grab the Dongmen directly.

“Dongmen, the Galactic Army is not thin for you! Why do you want to betray the Galactic Army?”

“Do you know how shameful the betrayal is!”

Zhuang Hao rushed to the crown in anger.

Dongmen seemed to anticipate his own ending.

The archives in the church’s secret room are out.

He Dongmen, there is no chance to refute one or two.

“Oh, where am I betrayal? I’m just a church member.”

Director Dong Dong, Huo Ran sneered.

“You really have a problem!”

Wan Yue was heartbroken.

“You killed a galaxy soldier who was loyal to the liver. Now, forgive your sins!”

Nantian’s eyes flashed a gleam.


The Nine Heavens Dragon’s true energy turned into a sharp sword, and directly cut off the head of Dongmen.

Director Zhuang Hao also closed his eyes in pain.

In fact, the directors of their three sacred cities have worked together for many years.

Believable, the relationship is very good.

Director Dongmen, his identity changed suddenly. Zhuang Hao, the lover, couldn’t help but accept it.

“Fortunately, the discovery was early. I was lucky. Otherwise, the intelligence system of the entire Holy City will be fatally attacked!”

Nan Tian said solemnly.


Wanyue sighed.

“General Nan Tian, ​​really a hero out of the boy. How long has it been since entering the church, he was able to bring out the top-secret dossier files from the church’s closet.

Zhuang Hao also had to admire.

He Zhuang Hao is the chief of the intelligence department, with the highest status and the most information.

Regarding the order that Zi Changkong gave Nantian, Zhuang Hao passed a special channel, and also heard one or two.

Nan Tian laughed softly, waved his big hand, and put Dongmen’s head together with his body into a sack.

“The two of you should report to the headquarters of the Galaxy Army as soon as possible. In a short period of time, stabilize the second office. The second intelligence office, without the director, can not be confused in terms of work.

Nan Tian urged.

“Please General Nantian rest assured, we, do our best to serve the Galaxy Army!”

Wanyue and Zhuang Hao arched their hands.

Nan Tian nodded slightly, immediately, carrying a sack, disappeared.

“General Nantian, with his swift popularity and amazing strength. Chief Zi Changkong’s vision is really accurate!”

Wanyue and Zhuang Hao looked at each other.


Around the early morning, Nantian came to the city’s central square with a sack.

The Knight of the Golden Armor had already waited here in accordance with Nantian’s order.

“Your Highness Nantian!”

The golden armor knight is long, the deity of the **** is so powerful.

When Nantian stepped into the central square of the venue, Nantian was discovered.

“Golden Armor Knight, you just came.”

Nantian chuckled.

“This goes on!”

Nan Tian threw the sack and threw it to the Golden Knight Knight.

The Golden Armor Knight took over the sack and swept slightly, his face slightly changed.

“This person?”

“Director of the Yinhe Army Station 2 in the Sacred City Intelligence-Dongmen!”

Nan Tian said lightly.

“Dongmen? The second director, Dongmen?”

The golden knight is long and his eyes are cold. “Dongmen, this person, I know. He is well-known in the Holy City, underground intelligence system. He has been known for cunning. To him. “

“He caused a great loss to my church!”

“This time, His Royal Highness, Nantian, was able to win this director for the church, which is extremely good!”

The golden knight is long and clenches his fists.

Nantian smiled slightly, not speaking.

His own goal was achieved.

Those who do underground intelligence work do not communicate with each other, and some of them are even connected in a single line.

It is easy to appear that “own person” does not know “own person”.

Moreover, in order to gain the trust of intermingled institutions, spies often launch some attacks, which will make some unwitting people hate these spies.

As a matter of fact, I do not know that these spies are all on their own side.

Dongmen, in the dossier file, is classified as a special-cult-cult.

Obviously, this is a person on the side of the high priest.

The golden knight is long and naturally unclear.

Killing the Dongmen, on the one hand, let the Golden Armor Knight understand that he has already drawn the line with the Galactic Army.

On the other hand, you can breathe out the high priest.

In particular, Judge Green, who is about to be sent to protect himself.

Judge Green has personally dealt with the Galactic Army’s secret whistle, and he certainly knows something about the whistleblower “Winter Gate”.

However, in the matter of killing the Dongmen, Nantian made a seamless suit, reasonable and reasonable, “completely unaware”, and pulled out a “director” -level senior officer of the Galaxy Army, it is still a big deal!

After resolving the traitor, Nantian did not delay, and directly returned to the church altar with the knight of the Golden Armor.


In the church altar ~ ~ Nantian also looked at some information, which is a rough understanding of the major forces in the chaotic star field.

The area of ​​the chaotic constellation is not small, and the existence time is very long, and the three major galaxies are not too much.

In the long years, there are three local forces in the chaotic star field!

In simple terms, it can be used: a group of families to summarize!

One of them, it means: gangsters! It is the first gang in the chaotic Star Realm, and its comprehensive strength is also the most powerful!

One family refers to: Du Gu Family! Chaos Du Gu Family, is the oldest family in Chaos Star Realm, with deep roots.

For a while, it means: Quarrying! In Chaos Star Realm, an organization that relies on mining star rock mines is equally powerful!

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