Rebirth of the Peerless Martial God

Chapter 705: Yin Xiang who makes people invisible

The 705th chapter is the invisible Yin Xiang

The bombardment of the emperor on the emperor level?

Yang Teng changed his mind to the wrong thought, this was definitely not a contest between Tianhuang Great Emperor and Devil Emperor.

The Great Emperor is the ruler of the universe, and a continent will turn into dust in one blow.

If it was a confrontation between the two great emperors just now, let alone this high mountain, Xizhou would no longer exist, and the Tianwu Continent would become dust.

Is it a confrontation between imperial weapons?

Yang Teng thought about it carefully and it was wrong. If the two imperial weapons were blasted with all their strength, the power they would cause was not as powerful as the great emperor’s blast, but it was enough to destroy the Tianwu Continent.

In the current situation, the mountain did not respond, just shook slightly.

Yang Teng felt that at most the imperial weapon's power was just a blow.

No longer feeling the strong pressure on his face, Yang Teng shouted at Xiao Hui and Thin Monkey: "Go! Let's meet the Devil Emperor's stick!"

This is an imperial weapon, and it is impossible for anyone to remain unmoved.

If this news spreads out, all the strong in Tianwu Continent will be crazy about it, and the strong who has been hidden for many years will immediately rush here to compete for this imperial weapon.

By then, Yang Teng didn't even have the qualifications to participate.

While the news has not spread, take the Devil Emperor's stick and leave Xizhou immediately, find a place that no one can find to hide his name, and come out after a few years in calm. This is the best way.

The three figures rushed up the mountain.

The top of the mountain is a flat land, just as seen from a distance, the top of the mountain was cut off by people with supreme supernatural power to form this flat land.

In the middle of the top of the mountain, a black cane stuck in the ground.

The stick is completely black, and the uppermost handle is the head of a divine beast with a pearl in its mouth.

Yang Teng only glanced at it, and he felt a sense of dizziness. The light emitted by the pearl had a strong magical nature, and the sea of ​​consciousness vibrated violently, causing Yang Teng to have an impulse to worship.

"Om!" Tianhuangdao trembled slightly, and its radiance blocked the magic emanating from the Devil Emperor's wand.

Yang Teng felt much better now.

Stride towards the cane, and every step closer, Yang Teng’s pressure will increase by one point. Even with the protection of the Tianhuangdao, Yang Teng feels heavy breathing and cannot get close to the cane.

There are more than ten steps, you can grab the Devil Emperor's stick.

Yang Teng gritted his teeth, his abdomen turned violently, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Puff!" The ground was stained red, his body shook, and he almost fell to the ground.

Xiao Hui and Lean Monkey followed Yang Teng in fear. With such a powerful pressure, only Yang Teng could bear, the two of them had to take a step back and let their master help them resist the pressure.

"Bang!" Every time you take a step forward, you feel like a mountain has been added to your body. The hard ground leaves Yang Teng's clear footsteps, and there are footsteps on the smooth stone surface, reaching half a foot deep.

"Boom!" The footsteps gradually deepened, and there are still seven steps away, but these seven steps have become an insurmountable gap.

Yang Teng pulled out his leg with difficulty. After this step, he and his thigh were already sinking under the ground, crushing the smooth stone surface.

At this time, he could no longer take one step at a time, and only took half a foot at a time.

This can't go on, I'm afraid he can't get close to the cane at all.

There are still five steps away, his body has sunk deeply, only the half of his body above the abdomen is still exposed on the ground.

"Open!" Yang Teng shouted, raising his hand and slashing to the ground in front of him.

"Boom!" After a loud noise, Tianhuang Dao slammed into the ground in front of him.

At the same time, the Devil Emperor's stick also shot out a ray of light.

This light fell between Tianhuangdao and the ground.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Yang Teng's arm numb, and Tianhuang Dao shot out.

The ground did not crack, and even a trace was not left.

The Tianhuang Dao was in front of him, Yang Teng quickly grabbed the Tianhuang Dao, squeezed the Tianhuang Dao on the ground, supported his body strongly, and barely stood up after shaking it several times.

It was these few times that Yang Teng felt that his body was about to be crushed, the bones all over his body creaked, his skin cracked, and traces of blood leaked.

With a thump, Yang Teng sat on the ground and couldn't hold on anymore. The strong pressure made him unable to stand up. Even if the Tianhuang knife in his hand helped him offset a large part of the pressure, he still couldn't fight the Devil Emperor's stick. Coercion.

Sitting on the ground, he quickly threw a spirit-level healing pill into his mouth. After the medicine's effect was integrated into the body, the pain in the body improved slightly.

Staring at the Devil Emperor's stick nearby, Yang Teng was not reconciled. He only had four or five steps away. As long as one leap forward, he could grab the Devil's stick.

Yang Teng knew that even at such a short distance, he still couldn't pass.

This is the end of the world!

No matter how much he dared to take a step or two, Tianhuangdao could not protect him.

While recovering his body, he quickly thought of all feasible methods.

If you don't take away the Devil Emperor's staff, this action will fail completely.

At this moment, there was some movement behind him.

Yang Teng looked back with difficulty, only to see that the chief was walking in the forefront, with Madness Luo in the middle and Yin Xiang following behind.

The three of them climbed to the top of the mountain and were suddenly attracted by the Demon Emperor's stick inserted in the middle.

The Grand Commander showed ecstasy on his face and laughed up to the sky: "Hahaha! It turned out to be the Demon Emperor's Scepter! The Demon Emperor's Scepter that once commanded the Great Universe and made hundreds of peoples surrender!"

Only then did Yang Teng know that it turned out that this wand was the Devil Emperor's scepter. It had the same meaning as the Heavenly Sword. It represented the power and strength of the past. It was a weapon used by the Devil Emperor and a token of the Devil Emperor.

Yin Xiang and Mad Mo Luo also showed a crazy attitude, Yang Teng no longer appeared in their eyes, and their eyes fixed on the Devil Emperor's Scepter.

Yang Teng was a little puzzled. The route of the three people was winding and circling, and they would also endure strong pressure in the passage. Why did they come here so quickly, and did not see the purple golden pagoda of the commander.

Of course he wouldn't know the inside story. Before he came to the mountain, the moment the Heavenly Desolate Sword and the Devil Emperor's Scepter blasted against each other, all the powerful pressure enveloped the mountain range instantly disappeared.

The three commanders suddenly discovered that the pressure had disappeared, and immediately realized that something must have happened to the treasure place. According to the ultimate goal indicated on the treasure hunt, they came directly here without continuing to walk in the passage. The speed was naturally much faster.

The three of them walked towards the Devil Emperor's Scepter step by step.

The powerful pressure at the top of the mountain immediately fell on the three of them.

"Boom!" The leader who walked in the front offered the Purple Golden Pagoda casually, hoping to use the Purple Golden Pagoda to counter the pressure of the Devil Emperor's Scepter.

"At the last moment, the three of us will continue to work together. Only when we get the Devil Emperor's Scepter, the coercion will disappear. I hope you two can hold on again!" the commander shouted loudly.

Yin Xiang and Mad Moluo also knew that with their own power, there was absolutely no way to get close to the Demon Emperor's Scepter, let alone get the Demon Emperor's Scepter in their hands.

The two of them suppressed the impulse and greed in their hearts, and urged the Purple Golden Pagoda together with the general leader to advance towards the Devil Emperor's Scepter.

The three of them simultaneously stimulated the power of the Purple Golden Pagoda, and the speed of advance became very fast. In a few steps, they rushed to a dozen feet away from the Devil Emperor's Scepter.

"Stay harder! Be sure to stick to the end!" The general leader noticed something abnormal in the Purple Golden Pagoda, and a broken sound came out, scaring him to greet Yin Xiang and Mad Mo Luo quickly, and once again increased his resistance.

"Crack!" The breaking sound of the Purple Golden Pagoda grew louder and louder, and the three of them walked three feet away.

The Zijin Pagoda could not continue to resist the pressure of the Devil Emperor's Scepter, and with a crisp sound, it turned into fragments, and then turned into powder and dispersed in the air.

At the same time, the three of them realized that it was not good, and used their cultivation bases to fight against the pressure of the Devil Emperor's Scepter.

No longer covering the entire mountain range, all the pressure of the Devil Emperor's Scepter is concentrated on the top of this mountain, especially the three of them can resist.

He heard a bang, Mad Mo Luo's body burst and then turned into a cloud of blood.

Yang Teng was stunned, and Mad Mo Luo was also a strong man at any rate. In this way, no trace was left and he died tragically at the top of this mountain.

The commander responded extremely quickly. The shattering of the Purple Golden Pagoda caused him huge trauma. He spouted a mouthful of blood, grabbed Yin Xiang beside him, and threw it to the Devil Emperor's scepter.

His thoughts were a bit naive, and he actually wanted to use Yin Xiang to replace him in front of him.

Throwing out Yin Xiang, the commander retreated quickly.

Unexpectedly, the coercion released by the Devil Emperor's Scepter could not fall on the general leader without Yin Xiang's obstruction.

"Bang!" Without waiting for the commander to withdraw from the top of the mountain, the pressure suddenly fell on him, pushed him a dozen feet away, and then fell to the ground severely.

It is worthy of being the commander of the demon king, and he can stand up tenaciously under such a powerful impact.

Wiping a handful of blood from the corner of his mouth, at such a distance, the pressure he is now under is much reduced, and he can handle it.

Looking at Yin Xiang again, he was thrown out by the commander, and he actually fell directly in front of the Demon Emperor's Scepter. He could grab the Demon Emperor's Scepter as long as he stretched out his hand.

Unfortunately, Yin Xiang has passed out.

Yang Teng couldn't understand why he didn't crush Yin Xiang's body with such a powerful pressure.

He used Tianhuangdao's confrontation, and still couldn't come to the Devil Emperor's Scepter. Yin Xiang absolutely couldn't withstand such a strong pressure. Like Mad Devil Luo, his body burst into blood mist.

In fact, Yin Xiang was just unconscious and could not see that he was traumatized.

Yang Teng was in a daze, and the commander sternly shouted: "That Dongzhou kid, hurry up and send the Demon Emperor's Scepter to this commander! This commander can spare you not to die!"

Yang Teng looked back at the Chief Commander, "Your head is not sick, if I can get close to the Devil Emperor's Scepter, I will wait until now! Even if I can pick up the Devil's Scepter and throw it in front of you, you will still be alive. Is it possible!"

"You! Presumptuous! Do you know who I am! Don't you want to live anymore!" The commander was furious.

Yang Teng coldly snorted disdainfully: "I care who you are. If you are able to come and take it yourself, I can't get close to the Devil Emperor's Scepter anyway."

As he was talking, he heard Yin Xiang sigh: "It hurts me to death!"

Yin Xiang woke up.

Yang Teng quickly turned around to see Yin Xiang.

Yin Xiang was unaffected by the pressure of the Devil Emperor's Scepter, stood up and reached out to grab the Devil's Scepter.

"Don't move! The Devil Emperor's scepter belongs to this commander!" The general leader got anxious, and rushed over with an angry shout.

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