Rebirth of the Peerless Martial God

Chapter 719: Riot

Chapter 719: The Great Riot

The drink was so happy, all the depression in the youngest's heart disappeared with the water and smoke, and his body was full of strength.

His third son also had a dream back then, and he also thought about leaving his name on the horizon.

However, ten years of difficulties have wiped out all the ambitions of the youngest, and he can no longer find the lofty ambitions he once had. All that is left is a walking dead.

Today, the danger of decapitation is coming, resistance may die, and non-resistance will inevitably die.

Between possible and inevitable, the third child resolutely chose possible.

Done it! Rebelling against the rule of Lord Demon King, there are a few people in Xizhou who can show such lofty ambition.

Thinking of this, the youngest man was excited.

Are you afraid? The youngest one forgot what it was like to be afraid, and only hoped that Yang Teng would do it quickly. He wanted to witness the rise and experience all this with his own eyes!

He believed that Yang Teng would be able to succeed. Since Yang Teng came to the Shenshi Mine, he thought of a small method to make the mine and mine slaves undergo earth-shaking changes. The third child believed that Yang Teng would also be successful this time.

"Pop!" The third child threw the big bowl to the ground and smashed it to pieces. "Let's talk, when do you do it! I think the sooner the better, if the leader comes, we won't have a chance."

Without further ado, Yang Teng asked, "Lao San, how many of your samurai are loyal to you, such as those who dare to fight against Lord Demon with you."

The third child thought for a while, "I'm afraid there are not many. After all, this matter is too big. It would be nice to have a dozen."

"Enough! Gather all the samurai who you think are absolutely loyal, don't need them to do anything else, just hear the sound of the collapse of the veins and create some chaos, their role is to make the entire sacred stone mine mess up! Can't do it." Yang Teng asked.

"It's a small thing. If my third child can't handle even this little thing, how can I do big things with you!" The third child promised, patting his chest.

"Okay, leave this small matter to you, immediately summon your loyal subordinates, and I will help you check it out. Once someone doubts, kill on the spot, remember not to ruin our major event just because of the difference of thought." Yang Teng did not A word of peace of mind.

The old third's eyes widened, "If any **** dares to ruin Lao Tzu's good deeds, I will kill him!"

Let Yang Teng hide in there, the youngest person went to call someone.

Not long after, more than a dozen samurai entered the third residence.

"There is only one thing calling you here today. I will ask you if you want to go out alive!" The youngest's face was gloomy, "I won't talk about extra nonsense. If such a big event happens, everyone will have to dead."

"San Ye, please tell me, no matter what you do, as long as you can get out alive, our brothers will listen to you." These samurai are the confidants of the youngest, and they know the youngest. Since the youngest said that, there must be Way to take them away alive.

The old third's eyes slowly swept across every samurai. There must be no mistakes in such a major matter.

All the samurai have the same expression, "San Ye, please tell me, my brothers will never frown, even if it's a mountain of fire!"

"Okay! You deserve to be my third brother. You go out and prepare immediately. When the mine veins collapse, you will immediately create chaos, release all the mine slaves, and tell them that if you don't leave, you will die. Let the brothers leave immediately, and can do it. How come!" The third man stared at a dozen warriors.

"San Ye, it's simple to create chaos. The subordinates don't understand, why did the veins collapse?" a samurai asked.

The third child didn't explain, "This is not something you need to care about. Just do what I have arranged to ensure you leave this ghost place safely! Go and prepare now."

A samurai asked again, "San Ye, after we get messed up, where shall we run and where will we meet."

"It's also a fart! After escaping, hide far away, don't be found in the future, and live a happy life!" The youngest asked everyone to go out and prepare quickly.

A dozen samurai left, Yang Teng came out from behind.

"When do you need to do it, and what preparations are needed?" the third child asked urgently.

I don't know when the commander will come, the youngest is very nervous now.

"Do it now, you go and destroy the formation of the mine." Yang Teng couldn't wait, and strode out of the third residence.

"Okay, I'm going to do it now." The old third rushed to the mine.

The two came to the entrance of the mine, and the third child ordered the entrance to be opened immediately.

The warriors guarding the entrance of the mine didn't ask much. After opening the entrance, the third child told them to go back.

Yang Teng entered the mine, standing on his feet, ready to move.

The third child was extremely nervous, and whether he could go out alive or not would depend on Yang Teng's ability.

"You slowly prepare, hand it to me here!" The old third guarded outside the mine.

There is nothing to prepare, Yang Teng has already calculated how to use the mysterious magic.

When he arrived at the measured position, Yang Teng ran his spiritual energy, adjusted his state to the peak, and an invisible aura hit the ground from his body.

Then it quickly became dozens of channels, spreading around the mine surface.

These breaths reach the farthest point, to the extent that Yang Teng can hardly control it. It feels almost over. Yang Teng shouted, "Mysterious magic technique! Open!"

Dozens of auras exert their power at the same time, which is the maximum limit for Yang Teng to use mysterious magic arts.


After an accident occurred in the treasure house, Fatty Qi spurted blood and passed out. After waking up, he immediately summoned Captain Wang and others to discuss what to do next.

The person who reported the letter to the chief had already left, and it is estimated that the chief would soon arrive here after he learned the news.

Fatty Qi knew that he was bound to die, but he felt that there seemed to be a chance.

The treasure house sacred stone was stolen. Judging from the various traces, the result of the analysis was that someone got into the treasure house and used the space magic weapon to install all the sacred stones.

Several high-level executives calmed down and analyzed it carefully. The person who sneaked into the treasure house to steal the sacred stone must still be here, even near the treasure house.

As long as this person is caught and made up for, they may still have a chance to survive.

"Check! Check it out immediately! Dig the ground three feet to find the thief for me!" Fatty Qi shouted fiercely.

"What's wrong, why is the ground trembling?" Captain Wang suddenly felt something abnormal, and a slight tremor came from the ground under his feet.

"Come here! Go and see what happened right away!" Fatty Qi shouted, what an eventful time!

Before the words fell, there was a sudden loud noise.

"Boom!" The trembling of the ground turned into a violent shaking, giving the impression that a strong earthquake had occurred and the entire vein was shaking.

"What's going on!" Fatty Qi was completely dumbfounded.

No one can answer what happened to him.

Then there was a loud noise, "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The entire sacred stone mine is collapsing everywhere.

Fatty Qi and the others rushed out of the room, and were immediately shocked by the sight in front of them, cracks appeared on the ground, and some places turned into unfathomable deep grooves.

All the mineral veins in the distance collapsed.

That's it! Captain Wang's head buzzed, and all of them understand the impact of the collapse of the veins, and the formation of guarding the veins must be destroyed with the collapse!

"Quick! Hurry up and order everything to be blocked, no one can move!" Captain Wang was the first to react and shouted and gave the order.

Unfortunately, his order was a step late.

The first time the veins collapsed, the dozen or so warriors arranged by the third child began to create chaos. They all understood that this was their only chance of escape, and they could only survive if everyone escaped.

"Run! The mine veins collapsed and the outside formation failed! Everyone quickly escape to survive! All stay here will be killed!" A dozen warriors created chaos around the third mine in charge.

Some of them wanted to open the cellar and release all the miners inside.

Unexpectedly, the first time the vein collapsed, a huge crack appeared on the ground above the cellar.

Hearing the shouts of these samurai, the miners inside were stunned for a moment.

A warrior rushed to the crack and yelled at the bottom: "Run if you want to survive! Run away from the veins, the farther you go, the better, you will die if you stay!"

The mine slaves reacted and rushed out of the cellar one after another.

"Run, the formation around the mineral vein is destroyed, all go to escape!"

"Stop for me! No one is allowed to move, otherwise you will kill you!" Several warriors rushed to the crack. At this time, they were still thinking of loyalty to the chief.

"Go to hell!" A dozen warriors swarmed up and divided these diehards into chaos.

The mine slaves all understood now, and ran in all directions with a hum.

Driven by these mine slaves, the warriors in Mine Cave No. 3 began to scatter for their lives.

They all know that if you don't leave the sacred stone mine now, everyone who stays will die.

There was a sudden riot in Mine No. 3, causing the surrounding mines to become chaotic.

The first thing that reacted was those warriors, the mine veins collapsed and the formation was destroyed, who would stay here and wait to die, screaming and rushing in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, the entire sacred stone mine was in chaos.

The samurai took the lead to escape, and some took off their armor while running.

No one took care of the mine slaves, and the mine slaves in the other nine mines rioted one after another.

The ragged army of mine slaves rushed in all directions, even if the commander came, there was no way to stop the riot.

Seeing this scene, Captain Wang's eyes went dark, "Puff!" A mouthful of blood sprayed out a long way, and then he passed out on the spot.

"It's over! Everything is over! No one wants to live anymore!" Fatty Qi sat down on the ground softly.

Take a look at the samurai next to you, let's run!

Now that everyone has escaped, let's stay here and wait for death!

Hula, these samurai also ran away, leaving only Captain Wang and Fatty Qi unconscious.

There are more than one hundred thousand people in the entire sacred stone mine, and an instant riot swept through every corner of the sacred stone mine. At this time, no matter what identity they were, they all ran aimlessly into the distance. There was only one thought in everyone's mind, that is, the farther the better. .

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