Rebirth of the Peerless Martial God

Chapter 758: understand deeper

Chapter 758 in-depth understanding

The painful expression on the youngest's face was even more serious, and he could see that he was clenching his teeth.

Yang Teng's divine consciousness input into the third meridian, and he immediately noticed that a powerful and strange aura was violently destroying the third meridian.

Amazing! Yang Teng was sure that if he didn't get rid of this strange power as soon as possible, the youngest third's body would be severely damaged, and eventually the aura in his body would completely disappear and the meridians would be completely destroyed.

Yang Teng was helpless, he encountered such a strange situation for the first time.

At this time, I heard someone next to him say: "This little brother, your companion has been hit by the aura of the Northern State monk. It is actually very easy to resolve."

Yang Teng looked up and saw that he was a Xizhou monk.

Quickly stood up and gave a deep salute to the other party, "Also ask Taoist friends to teach me."

"Use the Spirit Gathering Pill to dissolve it. Didn’t you just throw the Spirit Gathering Pill to deal with the Northern State monk? The best way to dissolve the spiritual energy of the Northern State monk is to use the Spirit Gathering Pill. "The Xizhou monk said.

Yang Teng was overjoyed and immediately took out a bottle of Spirit Level Gathering Pill, opened the cork, and gave the youngest one.

The spirit-level Gathering Pill melted instantly, and the powerful aura was quickly absorbed by the third child.

Seeing, the painful expression on the face of the third child quickly disappeared, and he felt much more comfortable.

Yang Teng was not relieved, and gave the youngest a pill again.

The aura contained in the two spirit-level Gathering Pills was strong enough, and the youngest yelled comfortably: "It's great! I thought I was going to die."

Yang Teng let out a sigh, the youngest third’s danger also frightened him. Fortunately, this Xizhou monk was not bad, and reminded him what to do in a critical moment.

"Lao San, check your body quickly to make sure that the strange power has completely disappeared." Yang Teng ordered.

Of course, the youngest didn't dare to be careless. He ran his mind to check his body. Aura was running in the meridians for a few weeks to make sure that there was no harm in the meridians and dantian. The strange power just disappeared.

"Master, I'm okay." The youngest palpitated, thinking of the tremendous pain he had just endured, made him terrified and never dared to look down upon the Beizhou monk.

Yang Teng turned around and thanked the Xizhou monk, "Thank you for your advice, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

"A little thing is not enough. I also can't stand the tyrannical monks of the Northern State monks. Your companion just said a word unintentionally, and that guy wanted to kill you." When the Xizhou monk spoke, his eyes were staring. The jade bottle in Yang Teng's hand.

Yang Teng smiled. No one can resist the temptation of the Spirit-Level Gathering Pill, especially in such a place, where the aura is extremely thin, and the desire for the Gathering Pill is far stronger than in other places.

Take out an empty jade bottle, pour ten spirit-gathering pills from the jade bottle containing the spirit-level spirit-gathering pills, and place them in the empty jade bottle with the lid.

Handing the jade bottle to the Xizhou monk, Yang Teng said: "I have met with fellow Taoists today, and a few spirit gathering pills are not respectable, please accept them."

The Xizhou monk was a little embarrassed, "How does this make it?"

When Yang Teng saw him, he didn't say anything, so he stuffed the jade bottle into his hand, "If it weren't for the daoist to give instructions, I still don't know how to treat my companion. These few medicines should be my heart. "

The Xizhou monk took the jade bottle, his eyes still fixed on the jade bottle in Yang Teng's hand, "May I ask if you sell this kind of spirit gathering pill."

Yang Teng shook his head, "I'm really sorry, I only have so much. I don't know what dangers I will encounter when I go to Beizhou this time. These spirit-gathering pills are still used to save my life, so I'm really sorry."

Yang Tengxin said, even if I am willing to sell, you can get any good things to trade. This is a spirit-level Gathering Pill, which is two levels higher than the top-grade Gathering Pill on the market.

A look of disappointment appeared on the Xizhou monk's face, and he asked unwillingly: "Can I ask, where did you buy this kind of Spirit Gathering Pill."

"There is no place to buy this kind of gathering spirit pills. A few years ago, I met several alchemy masters in Zhongzhou City and helped them do something. Those alchemy masters gave me these gathering spirit pills. In order to deal with the Beizhou monk, I used two bottles!" Yang Teng said, with a pity look on his face.

"That's it." The Xizhou monk said again: "Actually, you have nothing to regret. You should be fortunate. If the northern state monk knew that you only have so many spirit-gathering pills, he would not run away. You I'm afraid I don't know yet, he is not an ordinary person, and his cultivation is already in the innate realm of the Juyuan Period. You are a marrow-slashing monk who can scare him away, what else do you want."

Yang Teng was also taken aback. He could actually meet a Beizhou monk who was in the congenital realm during the Juyuan Period!

Fortunately, he used the Spirit Gathering Pill to scare away the monk from Beizhou.

"Thank you fellow daoist for telling me." Yang Teng arched his hands at the other party again, "Farewell to this, and see you later."

He found that the Xizhou monk's eyes were not far from his jade bottle, and he didn't want to have more troubles, so it was better to leave as soon as possible.

"Little brother, don't go too busy. Come to Beicheng for the first time." The Xizhou monk was a little anxious and called to Yang Teng.

Yang Teng nodded, "What else do you have."

The Xizhou monk smiled slightly: "I think you don't know much about the situation in Beizhou. Why don't we find a place to sit and I will tell you something about Northern State."

"How did you know that I was going to Beizhou?" Yang Teng looked at the Xizhou monk warily.

"Little brother, it's too fake to ask you that. If you come from the south, if you don't go to Beizhou, what are you doing in Beicheng? Is there anything worth visiting here?" The Xizhou monk laughed and said, "Little brother, though. Don't worry, although I am not a good person, I am not a person with many evildoers, and I will not be too difficult for others."

The meaning in Budding’s words is obvious, don’t be wary of me, I will not **** the Spirit Gathering Pill in your hand.

Yang Teng didn't care what Budding thought, even if he had this thought.

"Brother Ba misunderstood, I didn't mean that." Yang Teng explained: "Since Brother Ba is so enthusiastic, I'm disrespectful brother, let's talk about what to do while eating."

"Okay, I will be the host today, please my brother and your companion." Budding warmly invited the two.

When I came to a restaurant, I ordered some delicacies with the characteristics of Linbei City. Yang Teng and Buding sat opposite.

"Actually, I shouldn't ask, but I still want to ask my little brother, what's the matter with you coming to Beizhou?" Budding asked.

"It's okay, what can happen. I left the division and traveled around Tianwu this time. I didn't have any direct purpose. I just wanted to see the local customs of Tianwu, increase my experience, and improve my own strength." Yang Teng Of course he would not say that he ran to Beizhou to take refuge in order to avoid the devil's chase.

Buding shook his head when he heard this, "I'll be honest, Beizhou is definitely not a good place to travel. Although your kind of spirit-gathering pill is extremely powerful, I feel that its efficacy far exceeds that of top-grade spirit-gathering pills. However, Beizhou kind of The unique aura is extremely harmful to our bodies. With your spirit gathering pills, I am afraid that it may not be able to return from Beizhou without problems."

"Brother Ba, can you elaborate on the specific situation of Beizhou, if it is too dangerous, I will immediately change the itinerary and cancel the trip to Beizhou." Yang Teng said cautiously.

Budding drank a glass of wine, put down the glass and said, "You have never been to Beizhou, and I don’t know how terrifying Beizhou is. Let’s put it this way, the monks who have been cultivated below the Great Realm of Juyuan Period cannot leave Beizhou alive. Yes. The monks in the Juyuan Period went to Beizhou for a round, and when they returned, their cultivation base fell for at least one level. Even the king of the Void Period did not dare to enter the deepest part of Beizhou."

"So amazing!" The third child exclaimed.

"It's not just amazing. I used to enter the edge of the North State. In just a few days, the aura in my body was almost exhausted. After taking several hundred bottles of high-grade spirit gathering pills, I saved my life and quickly retreated to the territory of Xizhou. After adjusting for half a year, the body recovered.” Thinking of the past that year, Buding still had lingering fears.

"Of course, if you take this kind of Spirit Gathering Pill in unlimited amounts, the unique aura of Beizhou will not harm you in any way. You can go wherever you want. The high-grade Spirit Gathering Pill will not work. You can cultivate like a little brother. Therefore, taking the top grade Ju Ling Pill can only walk on the edge of Beizhou.

If you want to go deeper, you must either have a stronger cultivation base or serve a higher-level Spirit Gathering Pill. There is no other way.

Do you know that the monks in the north state call the aura of our four states dead energy, and we also call the strange aura of north state dead energy.

Think about it, what does the term lifelessness mean? Entering the body is a dead end!

Although this statement is not absolute, it can also reflect the physical damage of the strange spiritual energy to our monks.

You were eroded by lifelessness just now, it feels uncomfortable. "Budding looked at the youngest and said.

The third child deeply agreed, he didn't want to experience that feeling anymore.

Every meridian in his body suffered tremendous pain, as if thousands of steel needles pierced his meridian violently, but he had no way to resolve it.

"You are inexperienced just now, and all monks with this experience know how to do it. The first time the dead energy enters the body, it will immediately run the aura to dissolve it. Don't think about confrontation.

However, if you fail to resolve it in time, the dead energy will disperse in the meridians of your body. If you don't take the Spirit Gathering Pill in time, you will suffer torment and pain. "

Badin's words scared the third child, and he was tortured to death!

Might as well kill him with a knife.

"Similarly, once the Beizhou monks are eroded by our spiritual energy, the best way is to quickly dissolve them. Don't let the spiritual energy spread in the body, otherwise it will be tortured to death. The spirit gathering pills you threw just now, If you can give that Beizhou monk a few of them, he will be killed in an instant." It's a pity that Yang Teng threw out the two bottles of Gathering Pills.

Yang Teng asked, "How did the Beizhou monks fight our aura?"

"I heard that it is also a kind of pill. It seems to be called a spiritual pill. This kind of pill is absolutely harmful to us. You must beware."

Budding's words reminded Yang Teng of a person.

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