Rebirth of the Peerless Martial God

Chapter 768: Wonder Man

The 768th chapter is a strange man

The voice was erratic, as if it came from the sky, and it seemed to be in the ear.

The youngest stepped back two steps subconsciously. This sound was extremely penetrating, penetrating his body straight into his heart, and the hairs on the youngest body stood up. He tried to tell himself that as long as he stayed with the young master, there would be no danger.

Whether he is a man or a ghost, the young master must have a way to kill this guy.

Out of blind confidence in Yang Teng, the youngest regained confidence in an instant, took two steps forward and stood beside Yang Teng.

Yang Teng was also frightened out of a cold sweat. He was very courageous. Yang Teng still couldn't bear such an echo.

"Woo..." The long hair roots on Xiao Hui's back stood up, indicating that it was frightened now.

There is no way to hear from which direction this voice is coming.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Teng calmed himself down and shouted into the air: "Senior, the younger generation and his party have no intention of offending, so please make it convenient for you to wait for me to leave here. The younger generation is grateful."

"Who are you! Why did you come here!" The voice came again.

The youngest man felt much more stable, and did not panic like the first time.

"The junior is from Dongzhou, and the companion is from Xizhou, passing by the precious land of senior, I don't intend to disturb, please raise your hand and let us go." Yang Teng said loudly.

"You two are not North State monks?" A suspicious voice came from the sky, "Then why are you here!"

Yang Teng sensed that there was no strong murderous intent in this voice, and he felt relieved that this strong man hidden in the dark might not have murderous intentions against him, otherwise he would not have been unable to make a move until now.

"Senior, the younger generation offended the peerless powerhouse in Xizhou who thought he had a very high cultivation level, so he had to hide in Beizhou for refuge, and he didn't expect to stray into the precious land of senior." Yang Teng replied.

"Peerless powerhouse with extremely high cultivation base? Hahaha!" There was a sneer from the sky, "Just your cultivation base during the marrowing period, will there be any peerless powerhouse who looks down on you!"

Yang Teng said embarrassingly: "The seniors don't know something. With the current cultivation base of the juniors, as long as the cultivation bases are in the cultivation stage, they are peerless experts in the eyes of the juniors."

There was no movement in secret, Yang Teng was anxious, did he let him go?

What does it mean to hesitate!

Yang Teng was thinking, suddenly he felt a huge force coming from his body, his body was suddenly out of control, and he ran forward erraticly.

Not only him, but the third child and two pets couldn't help rushing forward.

The oldest three yelled, his hands and feet danced wildly, his body was completely out of control, and he couldn't stop.

"Lao San, don't you need to resist? This senior has no malice against us." Yang Teng comforted the youngest man loudly. He felt that this strong man hidden in secret, if he wanted to kill them, would not take such an effort. With this senior's ability, the two of them couldn't resist.

The third child unconditionally obeyed Yang Teng's words and immediately gave up the struggle.

After a while, the two and two pets appeared in another place.

Yang Teng hadn't stood firm yet, and a voice came from the opposite side, "You two are really not Beizhou monks."

Following the sound, the sound came from a mountain on the opposite side.

This mountain is lonely, without a **** or foot, soaring into the sky, like a huge sword inserted into the ground and turned into this mountain.

A monk hangs halfway up the mountain.

Looking closely, several chains were tightly tied to this monk, binding him to the mountain.

"Two courageous little babies, who dare to break here, don't you want to live!" Yang Teng was looking for the monk who had spoken before, and his voice came from halfway up the mountain.

"Senior, is that you! Did you bring us here?" Yang Teng asked loudly.

"It's not the old man, who else! It is possible that there are others here! Since the old man was trapped here, maybe no one will come for five thousand years." The voice of the monk halfway up the mountain was slightly old, but his voice was vigorous and powerful. .

The third child stared at the strong man in horror, "Senior, you mean you have been trapped here for five thousand years?"

I can't believe it, five thousand years! After such a long time, the bones and scum should be gone, but this senior can still maintain such a terrifying cultivation base.

The third child did not believe that the monk halfway up the mountain was obviously from Xizhou, and it was impossible for him to survive in such a harsh environment.

Even if his cultivation base when he was trapped here was at the level of a saint, it was impossible to resist the erosion of time.

This is Beizhou, there is no spiritual energy for cultivation, and the whole Beizhou is filled with death energy, which has great harm to the monks.

The third child didn't believe that this strong man resisted the death of five thousand, and he could still live so deliciously.

Yang Teng doesn't think so. People who can live in such an environment for five thousand years and still maintain a strong cultivation base, the positive one must be superior.

"Why, don't you little baby believe what the old man said!" The strong man halfway up the mountain laughed loudly: "Hahaha! I thought that the old man was trapped here, and I didn't believe he could survive. Those **** would not think of the old man. Let's live for five thousand years!"

Yang Teng bowed and saluted, "Senior, junior and companions came here by mistake, and didn't mean to offend senior. I also ask senior to give me some advice, how can we leave here."

"Leave here? You dare to think! If you can leave here, why should the old man be trapped here for five thousand years! If you want to leave here, dream about it!" The monk who was locked in the middle of the mountain spoke very shockingly.

The third child said unconvincedly: "That's different. We can move freely. You are locked in chains, of course there is no way to leave."

"Boy, listening to what you mean, I'm very unconvinced, right? I think the old man has nothing to be able to get stuck here, right?" The strong man's tone was dissatisfied.

Yang Teng quickly explained: "Senior misunderstood. He meant that Senior was trapped here with inconvenience. We can move freely, so we have the opportunity to leave."

"Huh! Two little babies who don't know the heights of the sky, do you think you can leave here if you can move freely! Then you can try!" The strong man who was chained on the mountain finished saying this, turned his head and stopped talking to Yang. Teng and the youngest.

The two looked at each other, and the youngest said unwillingly: "Is it really so powerful here, the legs are on us, so you can't go out if you want to go out!"

Yang Teng nodded in agreement, "I'm afraid that is the case. If possible, we can go out when we are outside, and we will be even more hopeless when we get here."

Yang Teng glanced at the strong man on the mountain, he felt that the strong man was a big reason, maybe he could control this puzzle.

When he was outside, he found that the maze suddenly changed, and Yang Teng had a feeling that someone might manipulate the maze.

Seeing this strong man, Yang Teng was even more sure of what he was thinking.

How can we persuade this strong man to let him leave?

After much deliberation, Yang Teng did not find a feasible way, the main reason was that he was not familiar with the preferences of this strong man.

It's definitely not possible to rush into it. If you don't find a way to break the puzzle, there is no possibility of rushing out. The strong man detains them here and will not let them go easily.

After thinking about it for a long time, but couldn't find a good way, Yang Teng simply greeted the youngest to sit down.

There is no dead energy or aura around, and a quiet rest does not need to run the aura to fight the dead energy, and it will not do much harm to the body.

The strong man **** on the mountain found that the two little guys actually sat down and couldn't leave, and looked at Yang Teng with great interest.

Yang Teng took out a piece of beast meat from the Ring of the Ice Emperor, his aura turned into spirit fire, and roasted the meat.

Take out the knife and divide it into four.

Just about to tell the third child to share food with the two pets.

A flower in front of him, all four pieces of animal flesh disappeared.

I heard the voice of the strong man from the mountain, "The taste is not bad, the old man has not eaten such a delicious food for five thousand years!"

Yang Teng looked at the mountain angrily, "Senior, just take my roasted meat without asking, you are too bad to be an outsider."

The strong man tied to the mountain gnawed on the beast meat and muttered: "Boy! The old man looks down on you if you eat your barbecue! Think back then, how many people lined up to try to curry favor with the old man. The old man didn’t even look at it. Take a look at them, it's an honor for your kid!"

"I said senior, now and then, at that time, you were the strongest among the people. Now you are just an old man trapped here for thousands of years. You have long lost the glory of the past. What is the use of mentioning those? Without a piece of meat, your old man has the face to say this!" Yang Teng looked at the mountain sarcastically.

"What are you talking about! You bastard, dare to humiliate the old man so much! Do you know the origin of the old man!" The strong man **** halfway up the mountain suddenly became angry.

Yang Teng suddenly felt that his body was tightly bound by a powerful force, which was like a big hand, holding Yang Teng so that he could not resist.

"Wow!" The body stood up, flew halfway up the mountain, and came to the strong man.

There was no panic on Yang Teng's face.

This is the end of the matter, and he can't beat this strong anyway, he can do whatever he wants.

The youngest and the two pets were nervous and wanted to catch up to rescue Yang Teng. Due to the topography, they could not rush to Yang Teng.

"Boy, do you dare to say one more thing, be careful that the old man releases you under the anger, such a height seals your cultivation base, you will definitely be smashed into meatloaf." The strong on the cliff looked at Yang disdainfully. Teng, killing such a monk is not much different from crushing an ant.

Yang Teng replied, "I guess you dare not!"

His body is suspended in the air, his feet and body have no contact with other things, and this peerless and powerful person supports him with his cultivation base.

The youngest man below was frightened in a cold sweat, and said that the young master was too courageous. If the strong man loosened Yang Teng and fell, he would be dead.

"I don't dare? What else can the old man dare not do! When the old man crossed Xizhou, there was something that the old man didn't dare to do!" The strong man was enraged, sneered at Yang Teng, and wanted to let him go. .

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