Rebirth of the Peerless Martial God

Chapter 782: Lao Kou's choice

Chapter 772

In the face of such a thirteen thirteen bandit boss who couldn't be beaten or scolded, Yang Teng was really helpless.

It was someone else who was able to win the favor of Shen Yun, the boss of the thirteen bandits, was definitely a good thing from the previous life.

Yang Teng was a little sad, and who could be to blame, it wasn't because he didn't know how to deal with it.

Shen Yun not only entangled him, but also chased after him: "Yang Teng, tell me what we should do in the future, I also want to change the status quo."

"What can I do?" Yang Teng said coldly.

The more he has this kind of ignorance of virtue, Shen Yun still eats this set, "You must have a way!"

"Well, I'll take you." Yang Teng was entangled in no way.

"The biggest problem with the thirteen thirteen bandits is you." Yang Teng pointed to Shen Yun and said.

Shen Yun looked at Yang Teng in surprise, "The biggest problem is me? What do you say?"

"The reason is very simple. You have not established the authority that a boss should have. You must first establish your prestige and let the other twelve people know that you guessed it is the boss of the Fengyun Thirteen Bandits. They can't do it recklessly. You don't need to talk about trivial things Now, some important things must be done with your permission. Not everyone has the decision-making power." Yang Teng is really speechless, I really don't know how the boss, Shen Yun, did it.

"Your words made me even more confused. You want to say that this incident in the small town was done by them without telling me. For other things, they didn't seem to have done anything major." Shen Yun said puzzled. .

"Then I will ask you, Chen Yuqi, Yin Xiang and others planned to rob the Demon King's Divine Stone Mine. Do you know this?" Yang Teng asked.

"What! Who do you hear that Chen Yuqi and Yin Xiang are planning to rob the Demon King's Divine Stone Mine!" Shen Yun looked at Yang Teng in surprise. She didn't even know about such a major event. Where did Yang Teng know the news.

"Let me just say, you, the boss, have failed too much. You don't know about such a big thing. Once they get it, you won't get any benefits, and you will face endless chasing by the demon king." Yang Teng said Mo Luocheng talked about the conspiracy of Chen Yuqi and others.

"Damn! These bastards, such a big thing, are actually carrying me!" Shen Yun was furious.

"This is the reason why I said to establish absolute authority. If it weren't for me, you would definitely have to carry the black pot." Yang Teng said.

"Wait! What do you mean if it weren't for you! What do you mean by that, could it be that you did the robbing of the Demon King's Divine Stone Mine!" Shen Yun is not stupid, she can sit in the position of the boss of the thirteenth storm, and her mind reacts Quite quickly, grabbing the language in Yang Teng's words, stared at Yang Teng and asked.

Yang Teng can't wait to slap himself a big mouth and get overwhelmed. After so many losses, he can't correct this problem!

"Don't talk nonsense about such a big thing, how dare I, a little cultivator of the marrow-stage cultivator, dare to mess around. If this is passed to the Demon King, my little life will be gone." Yang Teng denied.

"Dare to do it or admit it, you are still not a man! I'm sure that you did it!" Shen Yun looked smug, "Huh! I'm holding onto it now!"

Regardless of whether Yang Teng admitted it or not, Shen Yun recognized that Yang Teng did it.

"I give you two choices. From now on, I will cover you and promise not to say that you did this. If you are not obedient, then don't blame me for arresting you and giving you to the Demon King!" Shen Yun looked smugly. Yang Teng.

"Is there any other choice." Yang Teng grimaced.

"Kill me and silence." Shen Yun gave Yang Teng a choice.

"Okay, I give in." Yang Teng felt aggrieved when he said this.

"That's the truth." Shen Yun finally let out a bad breath.

"Most of the thirteen thirteen bandits have been abolished, and Yin Xiang is nowhere to be found. The thirteen thirteen bandits will survive in name only. Why don't I follow you to Dongzhou." Shen Yun said.

what? Yang Teng admires Shen Yun's thinking speed too fast.

"Or you can help me rebuild the thirteen thirteen bandits."

Yang Teng reacted, and Shen Yun said that going to Dongzhou was false, but actually wanted him to help reorganize the thirteen thirteen bandits.

"Don’t worry about this. Take your time. First, make sure that among the few remaining people really listen to your orders, achieve internal stability, and then rebuild the Fengyun Thirteen Bandits. And to change the current way, you can continue to use it. Ranked by force, but must not be out of control..." Yang Teng said, Shen Yun listened.

Yang Teng had been talking for a long time, and he didn't know whether Shen Yun listened.

After Yang Teng finished speaking, Shen Yun nodded in agreement, "It is indeed too troublesome to rebuild the Thirteenth Invaders of the Wind and Clouds, so I decided to leave it to you to handle this matter. I only need to see a brand new Thirteenth Invaders of the Wind and Clouds."

Yang Teng suddenly jumped, "Why! Why should I give you my life!"

Shen Yun looked murderous, "You say it again! Auntie, I didn't care about you having a dozen confidantes, you dare to talk back!"

Yang Teng burst into tears, what is this!

Then I thought about it, it was not a day or two to rebuild the thirteen thirteen bandits, not to mention that there was only good for him and no harm.

Shen Yun entangled him desperately, and there would be no difference between the thirteen invaders in the future and his control.

With such a powerful force, coupled with the older generation of Fengyun 13 bandits behind him, he also has a foothold in Xizhou. He dare not say that he will challenge the devil, at least he will not be scared by the devil to hide away.

Thinking of this, Yang Teng felt a lot more comfortable.

Yang Tengzheng thought happily, and the voice of God King Jiang Dongliu heard in his ears, "You two little babies, you were still friends in life and death just now. You are tired of being together so quickly, haven't you enough affection?"

Yang Teng's face flushed suddenly.

"Get me back as soon as you are tired!" Jiang Dongliu's voice came again.

"I don't repair it!" Yang Teng said angrily, then greeted Shen Yun to return to the town together.

Shen Yun grabbed Yang Teng's hand and walked side by side with him.

This is too active, Yang Teng was still a little unacceptable for a while, and was passively dragged to the town.

The ruins of the tavern have been cleaned up. God King Jiang Dongliu and the older generation of Fengyun Thirteen Bandits and others were sitting on the ground drinking, Jiang Suiliang and the youngest two were waiting on the sidelines.

Seeing Yang Teng being pulled back by Shen Yun, Jiang Dongliu laughed loudly: "You old guys, this time you have lost a lot."

The old woman sighed, "I don't want to stay in the female congress. I have worked so hard for so many years to train the old woman, but I was abducted by a little Maotou who just met. My old woman has a cold heart."

"Master, what are you talking about. The disciple will always be your old man's apprentice." Shen Yun's nose was sour, and she felt very uncomfortable when she thought of Master's kindness in nurturing her for so many years.

"You Dongzhou boy! If you dare not treat Yun'er badly in the future, my old lady will slap you to death!" The old woman gave Yang Teng a fierce look.

Now even if Yang Teng doesn't admit it, he has to admit it, and he quickly bows and salutes, "Senior, the younger generation promises to treat Yun'er well for the rest of his life, and will never let Yun'er suffer the slightest injustice."

"Look at the mouth of this **** boy. No wonder there are dozens of confidantes everywhere, and our family Yuner is still following him desperately." An old man with white beard and hair nearby said.

Shen Yun's face was flushed, and her conversation with Yang Teng was heard hundreds of miles away, which was really ashamed.

Yang Teng secretly cursed in his heart for being a group of old bandits, which is too hateful!

But Yang Teng was very surprised, why didn't these veterans fight against Jiang Dongliu, Jiang Dongliu destroyed more than half of the thirteen bandits.

Moreover, they didn't seem to be surprised to hear that they had robbed the Demon King's Divine Stone Mine.

"Sit down." The old woman called Yang Teng and Shen Yun to sit down.

"We have all heard the conversation between you two," said the old white beard.

Yang Teng was speechless, he heard it as soon as he heard it, and emphasized what he did.

The faces of the veterans were slightly solemn.

The old man with white beard continued: "The problem you mentioned is indeed very serious. Those **** are indeed not worthy of the name Fengyun Thirteen Bandits! I think I had never bullied someone who had no ability to resist. , Even the undead monks who are not as good as ours, we don't look good.

Those **** actually dared to use the name of the thirteen thirteen bandits to commit crimes, and the right was to clear the door. "

The words of the old man with white beard surprised Yang Teng. Aren't Chen Yuqi and others their disciples and heirs?

These old bandits are cruel enough!

The old woman took the topic, "From now on, you will do your best to help Yun'er rebuild the thirteen thirteen bandits! We old immortals cannot see the thirteen thirteen bandits fall before we die! If you two can't recreate the Zongyun Xizhou The invincible Fengyun Thirteen Bandits, don't see my old lady again!"

Even if Yang Teng had ten thousand unwillingnesses in his heart, no matter what the consideration was, he had to agree at this time.

"Since you can trust the juniors, Yang Teng will definitely not let down the high expectations of your seniors! I, Yang Teng, swear here that I will make the name of the thirteen invaders of the wind and the wind power Xizhou! Reproduce the glory of the seniors!" Yang Teng Said solemnly.

"Okay! Yuner really didn't misunderstand the person!"

"Boy, just talk to you and be qualified to accompany the old man to a toast." After all, it was the thirteen bandits, and several old bandits immediately yelled to Yang Teng to drink.

Yang Teng quickly picked up the wine jar and toasted each old bandit one by one.

The older generation Fengyun thirteen bandits, who are old and fine, seem to be easier to socialize than those of Chen Yuqi's younger generation Fengyun thirteen bandits. They don't care that Yang Teng is a junior, nor does he look down on his low cultivation base.

Holding Yang Teng drinking and eating meat one by one, the enthusiastic one is almost a brother.

Yang Teng knew very well in his heart that his words of reviving the thirteen bandits had moved these old bandits with their former glory.

They were too disappointed with Chen Yuqi and others.

If you can't fulfill this promise, you will definitely end up worse than Chen Yuqi and the others.

Yang Teng wasn't worried. If he didn't even have this ambition, he would talk about fighting for the enemy.

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