Rebirth of the Red Dragon: Self-discipline Becomes Stronger

Chapter 158



   A cloud of dust rose, and Elok fell in the pit.

   As Xilin hit the surrounding brothers and sisters and didn’t kill them, these red dragons flew up immediately after they fell.

  Because Aldridge didn’t stop his orders.

   “Xilin! No matter how strong you are, you can’t win so many red dragons!”

   Aldridge’s idea is very simple. He wants to recover some of his injuries and strength now, and when Xilin runs out of energy, it is time for him to fight back.

   “Is this the idea of ​​miscellaneous repair? It’s really humble!”

   Xilin casually shot a red dragon next to him.

   If you want the red dragons around to stop attacking, you must invalidate the contract. If you want to invalidate the contract, you must… kill the contractor!

   And the current contractor is Aldridge.

   In other words, Aldridge has to be killed!


   Xilin is not a dragon in this world, he wants to see what happens when he kills the same kind!

   A hurricane lifted off Xilin’s body, countless red dragons were scattered, made a space for Xilin, and pointed directly at Aldridge.


   The speed of Xilin surpassed the speed of sound for a time, and a deafening sonic boom erupted.

   “Quick! Quick! Stop him!”

   Aldridge’s eyes widened in horror. He just wanted to turn around and escape, but he underestimated Xilin’s speed too much.

··········Ask for flowers··············

   At the moment he had just turned around and still hadn’t flown, Xilin had already come behind him.


   Xilin stepped on Aldridge’s abdomen from a high altitude, his sharp claws pierced his skin, and a lot of blood spread along the claws.

   “Ah!” Aldridge cried out in pain.

   “Aldridge, look at you now, it makes me feel sick, you can sit in the position of mother?”

   Xilin stepped on Aldridge and looked down at him condescendingly.

   “You…the winner is the winner, and you have the right to enjoy all the victory products of the Blazing Mountains!”

   Aldridge turned his head to look at Xilin on him, why did he lose to this brother who had only left the Flame Mountains for a year?


   “Resolve their contract.” Xilin had to let Aldridge rescind the contract just in case.

   “I don’t! Why?”

   Aldridge said disdainfully.

   This is his trophy, even if you defeat me, this red dragon group will always belong to itself within a hundred years.

   “Are you sure Aldridge?”

   Xilin’s mouth evoked a coldness, and then he stretched out his paw and slid lightly on the spikes on Aldridge’s back.

   then suddenly grabbed a spike and pulled it up!


   A thorn with shredded meat was pulled out by Xilin. This is the real connection between flesh and blood.


   Aldridge screamed to the sky in pain.

   The miserable voice spread throughout the entire flame mountain group, and the surrounding red dragons were all trembling. Listening to the voice, you know how painful Aldridge is now.

   But when they think that Xilin is now to give them freedom, they are overjoyed.

   “I tell you, give me the contract, or I will pull out your bone spurs one by one.”

   Xilin bent down and whispered in Aldridge’s ear.

   Aldridge’s eyes suddenly widened when he heard Xilin’s words. He didn’t expect Xilin to also be interested in this group of red dragons.


   Then Aldridge turned sorrow into laughter and laughed wildly.

   The group of red dragons watching the show thought they could be free, but they didn’t expect it to end up with a different owner. Where.

Chapter 257:

   This idea was also made by Xilin temporarily.

   He did want to let the red dragon group return to freedom, but then he thought about it.

  I and this group of red dragons are not relatives, why do I have to help them restore their freedom?

   If they treated themselves as good as Felicia when they were young, it would be no problem to help them by themselves.

   The red dragon group is a very powerful combat power. With them, as long as Noxus encounters the same kind, wouldn’t it be invincible?

   Thinking of this, Xilin already seemed to see the future.

   “Okay, I promise you, I can give you the main contract, but I have one condition.”

   Aldridge appreciates Xilin’s ambition like himself, this is what a red dragon should have.

   But how can I give Xilin the contract for nothing?


   Xilin did not say a word, and pulled out one of Aldridge’s bone spurs.

   “Ah!” Aldridge let out a low growl again.

   was rendered with bright red blood on his back, like a red cloak.

   “You are not qualified to talk to me, listen to Aldridge, give me the contract.”

   Xilin put his hand on Aldridge’s other spike.

   As long as Aldridge dares to say one more thing, Xilin will pull out the bone spur without saying a word.

   “You are very good at Xilin, hot enough, only such a red dragon can reach the top.”

   Aldridge panted heavily, and a red contract on his forehead slowly floated out, revealing a number of obscure dragons.


   Xilin took the contract, then turned to look at the group of red dragons with extremely expectant eyes.

   “Which… Brother Xilin? Can you give us freedom?”

   “Brother Xilin, you are so amazing. It is up to you to help us restore our freedom.”

   “Hey~ Brother Xilin, cross out my name…”


   The red dragons around seemed to see the arrival of freedom.

   Xilin smiled softly, stretched out his left hand, a paw bounced out like a spring, and then the name belonging to Elok was crossed out.

   Elok’s character is destined that he can’t be a good soldier, he is only suitable for salted fish.

   And Xilin thought Elok was very interesting, so he crossed out Elok’s name and gave him freedom.

   At the moment the name disappeared, Elok felt the shackles in his heart opened instantly.

   “Thank you! Xilin! Thank you!”

   Elok unfolded his dragon wings excitedly and rose into the air, slapped in excitement, and hovered in the air.

   “Well, you can go to your Xilai Forest and enjoy your time.”

   Xilin smiled and looked at Elok who was like a child.

   “Goodbye Xilin, come to Xilai Forest to play more when you have time!”

   Elok didn’t want to stay in the Flame Mountains anymore, and immediately lifted his wings and flew towards the Xilai Forest.

  The remaining dragons all looked at Xilin.

   “As for the other brothers and sisters, I actually think that Aldridge is right. As long as we red dragons work together, there will be no undefeated enemy in the world.”

   “So… in order for the Red Dragon clan to dominate the Western Fantasy Continent, let’s not tear up this contract.”

   Xilin waved the contract lightly, and the contract melted into his forehead.


   “What do you mean! Do you want to instruct us?!”

   “It’s impossible! Xilin! I’m your brother, please tear me up the contract!”


   When the surrounding red dragons heard that Xilin was not ready to tear up the contract, they all became angry at Xilin.

   “Kneel down.”

   Xilin said lightly.

   The voice just fell, it thumped!

   All the red dragons knelt to the ground, and the **** of the contract made them immobile.

   “Do you think I have a good temper? Brother Xilin? Is this what you can call?”

   After Xilin finished speaking, he looked at Aldridge lying behind him.

   “You won, the ultimate winner, I lost, like a bereaved dog, haha~”

   Aldridge likes Xilin’s character very much.

   “Did you lose, are you ready to die?”

   Xilin said playfully.

   “Death?!” Aldridge’s pupils shrank: “You want to kill me!”

   “Have I said not to kill you?” Xilin would never leave Aldridge.

  Because Aldridge made no secret of the killing intent in his eyes when he confronted himself again.

   “No! You can’t kill me! Listening to Xilin, 1 we are all red dragons, and we must not kill each other.”

   Aldridge understands that Xilin will really kill him, because the other person has the same character as himself, they are all lunatics………

   “Can’t kill each other? That’s why you pierced Sister Felicia’s eyes, and then made her sister almost die in the hands of the two-tailed scorpion?”

   Xilin knew this from Elok.

   “It was Felicia who wanted to fly away! If she stayed in the Flame Mountains, she would never die!”

   Aldridge wanted to leave, but Xilin stepped on himself firmly.

   “You are afraid of death. In fact, death is nothing terrible, it’s just a matter of closing your eyes.”

   Xilin’s paw slashed across Aldridge’s skin, and blood slowly flowed out of the wound.

   “Xilin, I am a loyal believer of Empress Tia Matron. If you kill me, Empress Tia Matron will be punished by God!”

   Seeing that Xilin did not intend to stop at all, Aldridge immediately moved out of Tia Matron.

   This is the dragon **** of the five-color dragon, and all five-color dragons have to believe in her.

   Aldridge did not believe that Xilin would decide to kill himself after hearing that he was a faithful believer.

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