Rebirth of the Red Dragon: Self-discipline Becomes Stronger

Chapter 215

   After all, when practicing, how could Katelina continue to stay by Xilin’s side?

   At the same time, Xilin took Alisa down.

   It was a dark night, Xilin and Felicia, who were exercising, were accidentally run into by Alisa.

   So, Xilin simply pulled Alisha into the group.

   This happens to form a situation where the three countries stand on top of each other.

   It’s just that Xilin seems to have a dominant country.

   hit the two countries, but there was no backhand.

   This is how Xilin spent his Noxus days.

   is constantly receiving information from the front line, and now Kross has hit the gate of the imperial capital of the Kingdom of Siloam.

   And in the envelope, Kloss also told Xilin about the two brothers and sisters of Ike and Ashe.

   Xilin always sighed for the death of a good soldier.

   A fighter who can control an artifact, his talent is definitely not much different.


   But fortunately, the sister Ashe is alive and still an ice archer.

   just perfect match with Wendini, the fire archer.

   And Xilin not long ago, he punched a critical strike and got the Ice Bow.

   When this Ashley Noxus collects her soul by himself.

   Then you can give the Ice Bow to this Ashe to use.

   Originally, Kross was going to take the hammer and body with the desert werewolf.

   But I was afraid of something accident happened in the middle.

   In order to prevent the artifact from being lost, Kross can only continue to bring her by her side.

   “That’s all in the letter~‖.”

  Orina finished reading the letter and handed it to Xilin for inspection.

   Xilin didn’t even look at it, and blew lightly, and the letter burned to ashes.

   “The Kingdom of Siloam is just around the corner. It shouldn’t take long for Kloss and the others to return to Noxus.”

   “However, the Dark Legion mentioned in Kloss’s letter is a bit strange and cannot be killed with weapons.”

   “It can only be killed with the power of the elements. According to the description in the letter, it is a bit like a creature from a dark crypt.”

   Xilin touched his chin and searched for the memory of the dragon family inheritance in his mind.

   “Dark Crypt?” Olena asked with interest.

   This is the first time she has heard of such things.

   “Well, the creatures in the dark crypt can only be killed by the power of the elements, and ordinary blades cannot kill them.”

   “And the dark crypt is just below the continent, it’s a whole new dimension world.”

   “If you blindly dig down, you can’t dig a dark crypt. You can enter the crypt only when you are in a crack in a certain dimension.”

   Xilin, who has inherited memory, can understand the dark crypt all at once.

   “¨ “Dimensional cracks? How did that appear?”

   Orina asked like a curious baby.

   “The dimensional cracks are caused by the collapse of the original rules of the mainland.”

   Xilin replied.

   The memory of dragons is really good, it’s like an encyclopedia.

   Anything you don’t understand can be checked with Dragon Clan’s memory.

   is easier to use than system checking.

   After all, the system has a drawback.

   If you want to check something, you have to stand in front of that thing before you can find out.

   “Rules collapsed?”

   Olena felt that the more she listened, the more mysterious she became, and the more she didn’t understand.

   “Well, if a space-carrying rule exceeds the limit, a dimensional crack will appear, or if the strength is strong enough to break the space, it can also produce dimensional cracks.”

   Seeing Olena seemed very curious, Xilin explained to Olena.

   “It turns out that this is the case, your majesty, can you let the space collapse?”

   Olena looked at Xilin with shining eyes.

   “Um… (Got Zhao Zhao)… Sorry, I can’t do it.”

   Xilin shook his head, he couldn’t do anything about this kind of thing.

   At least the power of a demigod can do this.

   The current Xilin simply can’t do it.

   If you want to do it, you have to grow into an ancient red dragon, and it’s possible.

   However, Xilin was a little worried that if he surpassed the demigod power, he would be expelled by the rules of Western Fantasy Continent.

  If you don’t go out, the prohibition in the sky will be broken.

   Thinking of this, Xilin felt pain.

   Forget it, don’t want to, anyway, I still don’t have the power to surpass the demigod, taking one step is one step.

   “I thought your majesty your power has surpassed the demigod.”

   Orina lowered her head slightly.

   “If I had surpassed the power of the demigods, I would have ascended to the God Realm long ago, how could I still stay here for publication.”

   Xilin knocked Olena on the head in an angry manner.

   Olena smiled and spit out her little fragrant tongue. .

Chapter 330:

   “What are you talking about? Brother.”

   Katelina walked in from outside.

   Since Felicia and Alyssa and Xilin are in the Dragon Palace.

   Katelina doesn’t often stay in the Dragon Palace, because she can always smell the looming smell.

   No way, the dragon’s nose is too sensitive.

   “Talk about something about the dark crypt.”

   Xilin returned to his golden throne and stared at Katelina.

   “Dark Crypt? What is there to talk about that bunch of bugs?”

   As Katelina, who also has the inheritance of dragon memory, she naturally knows about the dark crypt.


  Orina tilted her head, she didn’t understand what His Highness Katelina was saying about the creatures in the dark crypt.

   “Of course, I tell you Olena, the creatures in the dark crypt are all dirty and stinky creatures.”

   Katelina lowered her body and pinched her throat, and said to Olena in a threatening tone.

  Orina backed away in fright and swallowed.

   The dark crypt that I heard from the mouth of His Royal Highness Katelina, why does it feel inexplicable to have a gloomy feeling.

   “Okay Katelina, don’t scare Olena, in fact, the dark crypt is not that scary.”

   After seeing Olena’s expression, Xilin smiled slightly.

   “Really, Your Majesty?”

  Orina seemed to have found a bright spot.

  Humans are always full of curiosity and fear for the unknown.

   “Fake Olena, that’s just for your brother’s strength, the dark crypt can’t pose a threat to your brother, so you don’t have to.”

   Katelina jumped to the side of Xilin and lay down with a smile.

   She was telling the truth. The reason Xilin said it was not terrifying was not because of her strength.

  Orina heard this, and immediately looked at Xilin with her big, watery eyes.

   “Don’t worry Olena, if you go to the dark crypt, it will be fine.”

   Xilin can’t forget Olena’s horrible lucky lamb talent.

   can always turn danger into a breeze.

  If you want Olena to be injured, you must kill Goddess of Luck.

  Only when the goddess of luck is dead, Olena’s talent will lose its effect.


   Compared with Her Royal Highness Katelina, Olena is more willing to trust His Majesty Xilin.


   Xilin smiled and nodded.

Katelina next to    looked very speechless and couldn’t help rolling her eyes.

   Is it necessary for brother to lie to Olena like this.

  The dark crypt is so terrifying.

   Alien species enter, unless they are powerful, otherwise they only need to be transformed into other biological food.

   For example, it is like myself, going to the dark crypt with my current strength, without the protection of my brother.

   I am definitely a life of nine deaths.

   After all, the dark crypt creatures are the most sensitive to the breath of foreign creatures.

   After the alien species enter, the body will be contaminated with the unique substance of the dark dimension, Mektor.

  Mektor is a gas unique to the dark dimension.

   It is colorless and tasteless, and will gradually enter your body.

   It’s okay for dark crypt monsters, but it’s a problem for outsiders.

   can continuously weaken the strength of outsiders, preventing outsiders from exerting their full strength.

   This is why the Western Fantasy Continent has gone through so many years, but no creature has ever occupied the dark crypt.

  Because of the dark crypt, it is impossible for the creatures on the continent to survive.

   Hearing what His Majesty Xilin said, Olena’s heart was full of yearning for the dark crypt again.

  The Imperial Capital of the Kingdom of Siloam

   After a night of rest and reorganization, Kloss led the army again to siege the city.

   Imperial Capital

   “What to do, they are about to attack soon.”

   Beacons walked around anxiously in the palace.

   After Doc’s death, all the rebels joined the army of Beacons.

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