Rebirth of the Red Dragon: Self-discipline Becomes Stronger

Chapter 269

   At this time, Ash explained to Olena.

   “Look, even Ashe, the newcomer who joined Noxus, knows.”

   Kloss felt speechless.

   “No, I heard it when I was in the Kingdom of Siloam.”

   Ai Xi touched her head embarrassedly.

   “I…I just put my energy on magic.”

   Olena retorted with lack of confidence.

   Actually, she spends most of her time having fun.

   But because of the powerful talent, magic has reached the point of an eight-ring mage.


  Cross doesn’t believe that Olena puts her energy on magic, otherwise it won’t cause mistakes every time she teleports her magic.

   Looking at the look in Kloss’s eyes, Olena felt a guilty conscience.

   “We still haven’t figured out how Kirami came to the dark dimension. We asked them, and they ignored us.”

   “It just drove us out of his territory.”

   Orr stretched out his hand, and the guard offered three cups of tea.

   “This is the tea we obtained in Western Fantasy Continent before. People in the Deep Sea don’t like to drink it. I don’t know if you like it or not.”

   Orr said.

   “Thank your Majesty the King.”

   Kloss took the teacup.

   Seeing that Kross took it all, Olena and Ashe also took it.

  The Western Fantasy Continent possesses magic, so it is not difficult to preserve a tea.

   “Your Majesty, can you help Clos and the others solve Mektor’s influence?”

   At this time, Frank stood up and asked.

  The main reason he brought Kloss and the others here was that he wanted Kloss and the others to join the Deep Sea Castle.

   If they can solve their own Mektor influence, they should join the Deep Sea Castle.

   “Resolve Mektor’s influence? It’s not a big deal. Go and ask Duke Abraham to come.”

   Orr said to the guard.

   The guard immediately nodded and walked down.

   “Then here, we would like to thank His Majesty the King.”

   Kloss did not expect that the other party would take the initiative to help them get rid of Mektor’s influence.

   “It’s okay, it’s a trivial matter. As a creature of the Western Fantasy Continent, I understand Mekdor’s influence on us very well, and it feels uncomfortable.”

   Orr smiled.

   If it weren’t for the Duke of Abraham, the deep sea people would die in the dark dimension.

   is originally aquatic creature, and it will reduce the strength when it comes to land, plus Mekdor, should the people of the deep sea live in the dark dimension.

   “Yes,” Clos said.

the other side——–

   “The magic power seems to be almost restored.”

   Xilin sensed the magic in his body and whispered.

   After the supplement of food and the passage of time, the magic power is finally about to return to its peak.

   “That means we can go back soon?!”

   Bronya asked with glowing eyes.

   “Well, I will take you to see my Red Dragon Empire Noxus at that time.”

   The corner of Xilin’s mouth tilted slightly.

   I don’t know what Bronya will react when I go to Noxus.

   “Great! I’m finally leaving the dark dimension!”

   Bronya didn’t hear the second half of Xilin’s words at all, only that she could return to the Western Fantasy Continent.

   “I hope that when you return to the Western Fantasy Continent, you will not say that you miss the Dark Dimension again.”

   Xilin joked.

   “How is that possible! I don’t like the dark dimension.”

   Bronya doesn’t like this red dark dimension.

   Mektor made her feel uncomfortable.

   “Do you want to go back? But you can go back.”

   Danni’s face also rarely smiled at this time.

   In fact, the Red Dragon doesn’t hate the Dark Dimension, but it’s just because of this Mektor.

   Elise felt indifferent beside her.

  Dark Dimension…Western Fantasy Land…all the same.

   has been in the underground palace for a thousand years, and the situation here is similar to that in the underground palace.

   is dark, and all you can see when you raise your head is a solid rock wall.

   “Let’s go.”

   Xilin felt that his magic power was almost restored.

   should be able to take them back to Western Fantasy Continent.

   As long as he can cross to the Western Fantasy Continent, his own magic power recovery speed will return to normal.

   As before, Danielle transformed into a human form, and stayed on Xilin with Bronya and Elise.

   “Sit down.”

   Xilin got up and prepared to take Danier and the others to leave here.

   “Ready.” Bronya said excitedly.

   “Your Majesty.”

   The surrounding skeleton lizards and dead insects approached.

   “Don’t worry, I will be back soon after a while. Before I come back, I hope to explain that your building can be completed.”

   Xilin said.

   “Please rest assured, your majesty, come to Oak will definitely complete the construction for you.”

   Lai Ooke looked up at Xilin’s magnificent body and said.

   “Well, let’s go.”

   Xilin spread his wings to cover the sky, and a black whirlpool slowly appeared above his head.

   There was a shocking space storm in an instant, and the wall of space opened.


   A threatening roar swept away, and Xilin led everyone into the space storm.


  Large chapter.

Chapter 24

  Space Storm

   Xilin brought Bronya and the others here again.

   Came here for the second time, Bronya didn’t feel so scared anymore.

   But his limbs would still hug Xilin tightly to prevent him from being swept away by the space storm.

  Western Fantasy Land


   The sky suddenly shattered with a hole, and the red figure came out from the broken hole.


   Xilin fell steadily on all fours, and he is back!

   “Finally come back!”

   Bronya was the first to fly excitedly.

   Her wings can be flapped!

   Looking at the blue sky above her head, she understood how beautiful Western Fantasy Continent is.

  Dark dimension or something, go to death!

   The magic power in everyone’s body is recovering at an extremely fast speed.

   Especially Xilin, who had experienced the shuttle of space storm, the magic power that had been exhausted long ago is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   “Where is this now?”

   Xilin looked around and said.

   “I don’t know, but it doesn’t seem to be the southern side of Western Fantasy Continent.”

   Dannier looked at the surrounding scene and said.

   As the ancient red dragon who has lived for two thousand years, she knows exactly what the Western Fantasy Continent is like.

   After all, the Blazing Mountains are just south of the Western Fantasy Continent.

   “Just find an intelligent creature and ask.”

   Xilin got up and sensed the surroundings, searching for any living entities.

   “I have it.”

   After sensing the living body, Xilin flew there with everyone.

   in the bushes

   Jackal was holding a weapon in his hand and was about to attack the sand lizards gathered in front of him.


   But there is a figure faster than their movements.


   Just when they were about to start, a huge figure fell from the sky and trampled on all the sand lizards in front of them.

   “Who is this…”

   The Jackal leader just wanted to scold him, but as his sight slowly moved upward, he saw a red dragon.

   A giant red dragon…


   The Jackal leader swallowed, then plopped!

   All the jackals knelt to the ground at this moment.

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