Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 All stars

Such a rumor circulates among some indescribable great beings in the multiverse.

In the gap between time and space in the multiverse, there is a planet of life similar to the earth in the indescribable chaotic ruins.

Even if this planet is some indescribable great existence, it cannot be discovered, observed, or determined. Even if it really exists, it is impossible to know where it exists in Chaos Guixu.

But all the great beings who knew this rumor that was originally only circulated in a very small circle and confirmed the authenticity of this rumor in some way have this understanding:

When this uncertain planet breaks through the gap between time and space in the multiverse, emerges from the chaos and appears in the main material world of the multiverse, it is the entire multiverse that breaks through the existing limitations and realizes itself. Moments of promotion and great changes.

So all the indescribable great beings who know the rumors, no matter what their thoughts and purposes, or conspiracies, are quietly waiting for this rumored planet to appear.

The name of this planet, which is many times larger than the earth, is called “Stars”.

The stars are an uncertain world.

It does not exist in the fate of the main material world of the multiverse.

It has no past, present, and future. At least not before it appeared in the main material world.

It has its own long river of time and destiny, but whether it is a long river of time or a long river of destiny, it is a “ball” composed of countless “circles”.

Therefore, the stars have no past, present and future, and at the same time possess countless past, present and future.

The stars have no definite destiny, but at the same time there are countless destinies.

It all depends on how the stars choose. Or how do the creatures who exist on the stars choose.

Everything is selected by “”, and everything is borne by “”.

This is an uncertain world. The boundary lines of different destinies, different trajectories, and different historical rivers composed of countless choices all converge into a mixed-element “ball” world-the stars.

Our story takes place on the boundary line between certain and uncertainty in one of the stars.

The stars on this realm line have gone through four eras:

The mythical age of the existence of innate creatures;

The age of immortals and gods in which innate and post-innate creatures coexist;

The era of immortal heroes in which born creatures are competing for the front;

The Age of Domination after the Third Heavenly Change.

The forthcoming fifth era will be called by later generations-the “New Cultivation Era”, also known as the “Morning Star Era”.

Our story happened at the end of the fourth era, the key node of the arrival of the fifth era, the beginning of the century when the “stars dormant and races rise again” called “the dawn of a new era” by later generations.

After entering the Age of Dominance, there are only seven wise beings on the stars, or five races.

Human races similar to those on earth, human races.

The barbarians are similar to the fictional barbarians and half-orcs in many games on the earth.

A cat family similar to the cat mothers among the beast ear mothers that are popular in film and television animation somewhere on the earth.

The feather tribe that exists in the human fantasy and mythology on the earth is similar to the angel tribe.

It is close to the long-eared clan that also exists in the elves of the human fantasy on earth.

Human Race, Barbarian Race, Kitten Race, Feather Race, Long Ear Race, these are the only five remaining races of the stars in the Age of Domination.

Three of the seven groups of intelligent creatures belong to the human race, one is the Zhuxia tribe with the same black hair and black eyes as the Earth China, and the other is the Yi tribe composed of people with different skin colors, different hair colors, and different eye colors similar to the Earth and Europe.

There is also a human subspecies Yuren tribe with black hair and black eyes like the Zhuxia tribe, but possessing racial abilities that ordinary humans do not have.

Because of their uncertainty, the stars have a boundary of countless numbers, similar to what we call parallel worlds.

And because of this infinite number, which continuously produces and at the same time is constantly disappearing, there is a special group of “people” among the intelligent creatures of the stars.

Their name is “Huangsheng”.

“Huangsheng” refers to the fact that, due to the influence of the realm line, the creatures of a certain realm line have at a certain time for unknown reasons a certain segment of the mirrored soul of other realm lines or the memory of a certain time or have some memories for unknown reasons. A special group of “people” that are different from ordinary people’s abilities.

“Huangsheng” is divided into two categories and three groups.

One is the unawakened shining who has experienced the life of the mirrored soul on other realms, but has not retained the mirrored memory. This group accounts for 90% of all “huangsheng”.

The remaining 10% of the “bright students” who retain mirror images or suddenly possess special abilities are called awakened bright students.

Of course, almost all “Huangsheng” cannot retain the memory of the mirror soul for a long time. Generally speaking, it is the limit to be able to retain the mirror memory for one “coronal time” (equivalent to three hours on the earth, six hours). .

The difference between Awakened Huangsheng and Unawakened Huangsheng is that the unawakened Huangsheng belongs to the state of “wake up without a trace from the dream”, while the Awakened Huangsheng belongs to the “Yellow Beam and One Dream”. When faced with similar situations in reality, it will naturally produce a state similar to “sense of sight”.

Awakening Huangsheng only leaves mirror memory and memorizes it as a “real” memory by whatever means is called “Dreamback”, while Awakening Huangsheng who has acquired an abnormal ability is called whether or not he maintains a mirror memory. It is “Meng Jue”.

In the same way, the unawakened Huangsheng who failed to retain the mirror memory and obtain the abilities is called a “dream fan.”

But whether it is “Menghui”, “Mengjue”, or “Mengfan”, there is one common feature, that is, the uncertainty of the soul band.

The civilization developed by the stars in the Age of Domination is called the “gas-refining technology civilization”, which is similar to the “magic technology civilization” and “steam technology civilization” in the earth’s fantasy.

Because it was a civilization built on the ruins of the “Xianxia Era”, the stars and spirits had already made clear the existence of the vitality and soul of heaven and earth. Moreover, it was found that the fluctuations of the souls of all normal creatures were stabilized above a certain soul band, except for “Huangsheng”.

The core of gas refining technology civilization is “source stone”, a crystalline ore composed of more than 60% vitality and other substances (usually minerals).

On the basis of the source rock, the concentrated heaven and earth vitality in the source rock is extracted through mechanical and other means, that is, “gas refining” is used as energy to make it power or fuel to drive other equipment and devices, or apply it to other aspects.

This is the truth of “gas refining science and technology civilization”. Simply put, the “refining gas” extracted from the “source stone” is equivalent to the earth’s energy such as electricity, oil, and solar energy, and it is a completely pollution-free energy source.

Now that the gas-refining technology civilization has developed to the end of the end of the Dharma era, its level of technology has been equal to or even surpassed the current level of technology on the earth.

At least the earth can’t achieve instantaneous movement like a magic portal, and the stars have achieved instantaneous movement in different places through a refining gas-driven array device called “Dunjiamen”.

Of course, because the construction of “Dunjiamen” requires a kind of rare material called “kongming stone”, and its design is based on the legacy of the previous era, which belongs to the ancient civilization product of “knowing it but not knowing why”, so Except for some key cities, it is not popular.

The popular movement methods of the stars are still the “refining vehicles”, “rail refining cars”, “refining ships” and “air refining boats” similar to the cars, trains, ships, and airplanes on the earth.

However, although Zhuxing Technology is equivalent to or even surpassing the earth’s surface civilization, it is only the surface.

There is one thing that Zhuxing Technology is completely inferior to the earth. To be precise, the stars are blank in this respect.

That is space technology.

Although Zhuxing realized the mortal’s dream of flying to the sky, flying out of Zhuxing had no idea and could not do it.

Because above the surface of the stars, 90,000 “chars” (equivalent to the distance between the nine earth’s surface and the atmosphere), there is a layer of invisible insurmountable wind, which wraps the entire stars like a seal.

No matter how strong the material is, it will turn into a more subtle existence than dust at the moment it is rubbed against this invisible layer of wind.

Moreover, any extraordinary power will dissipate as long as it hits the invisible wind, including the vitality of the heavens and the earth on which the stars and spirits depend.

Although no matter how you look at this invisible wind, it is also an extreme manifestation of the vitality of the heavens and the earth.

So as long as there is this layer of invisible wind, the creatures of the stars don’t even want to leave the stars and realize their dreams of the stars and the sea.

Of course, the stars and creatures really don’t have any dreams of the stars and the sea.

Because there are only three celestial bodies in the starry sky of the stars.

One sun, two moons.

The sun of the stars is called the “Crown”.

There are two moons, one of which is slightly larger and silvery is called “Lunar”, and the other is slightly icy blue is called “Shaoyin”.

Shaoyin and Taiyin do not usually appear together, but once they appear together in the night sky, it represents the end of a season of the stars.

When Taimian, Taiyin, and Shaoyin appear together in the sky, it is the arrival of the most important common festival “Star Birthday” for all beings of all stars.

The reason why the stars and spirits have no idea to develop space science and technology is that, apart from the invisible wind which is called the “Shanfeng” and there is no so-called star sea in the starry sky, the most fundamental reason is that they are engraved in the depths of the souls of the stars. The innate imprint.

A message about the truth about the stars.

All the beings of the stars know that the stars are an uncertain world. Although they are real existences, they are also uncertain existences for the world beyond the stars.

Only when all the stars and beings have correctly made their own destiny choices, the boundary line of the countless numbers of the stars will be condensed into a single one.

Only when the stars can change from uncertainty to certain, can the beings of the stars truly achieve “I, which is me”.

At that time is the moment when the stars and all the creatures on it break away from the illusion and become the real.

Our story this time tells the story of the protagonist who is a member of the Awakening Huangsheng made his own destiny choice.

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