Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 116

Chapter 113

“What does the latest observation report of the Weather and Geophysical Institute say?” A middle-aged man with black hair and black eyes wearing the uniform of General Zhuxing’s government from Zhuxia people works to a young Yuzu looking at a virtual screen on a wrist terminal The person asked.

“General, the situation is a bit bad.” The staff did not raise their heads to look at the middle-aged man, frowning and staring at the virtual screen on the terminal. “The latest observation report shows that this Little Ice Age has no matter the minimum temperature or duration or accompanying The extreme weather exceeded expectations. The Little Glacier Period was originally expected to end in at most 20 years, but the latest forecast reached 25 years, and the minimum continuous temperature was 500 degrees lower than originally expected, reaching an astonishingly below zero 1500 degrees. And one month earlier than expected.”

“Sure enough, isn’t it the worst, only worse?” The middle-aged man frowned and looked at the long-eared man on the other side: “How is the evacuation situation?”

“The last batch has been reached, and all the population will be able to enter the underground refuge in 10 days at the latest.” The Long-eared man replied after viewing the progress on the terminal’s virtual screen.

“Is the dormant cabin sufficient, and the defense facilities and material reserves of the refuge?”

“The dormant cabin is very sufficient. It was originally produced by adding 10% to the number of statistics. The material reserves are the same, enough to provide everyone with the needs of 10 years after the end of the evacuation period. All the defense facilities of the refuge have been pre-activated, and so on. Once a person arrives at the refuge, they can open it immediately. All the construction dolls are also on standby, which can guarantee the normal operation of the refuge within 100 years.” The Long-eared man replied without hesitation.

“Yeah.” The middle-aged man nodded, and then asked, “Have the Yuren tribe and the Huangsheng of all tribes finished their evacuation?”

The long-eared man manipulated the screen and replied: “The Yuren have all evacuation in the independent refuge. Some of the registered Huangsheng are on the list of the last batch of personnel. After 10 days, all evacuation can be guaranteed. Already. The awakened had already taken refuge in the first batch, and the rest were not awakened.”

“Okay, that’s it.” The middle-aged man walked to the side after expressing satisfaction with the progress. An old man with a white beard was sleeping on a work chair on one side.

“Doctor.” The middle-aged man awakened the old man politely.

The old man opened his dim eyes and raised the glasses that were pulled down on the bridge of his nose: “Oh. Xiaoge. What’s the matter?”

“Doc, Master Market Master’s new racial integration plan is really going to start?” The middle-aged man asked a little hesitantly.

“Well. Just after the last batch of personnel was in place and the dormancy plan was officially implemented.”

“Just because of the prophecy that doesn’t know when it will come, and doesn’t know whether it’s true or false”

“The prediction is true. The destruction of the boundary line will leave traces in the undestructed boundary line world. We have found more than a dozen similar traces. The truth of the prediction has been confirmed.” The old man said calmly, looking at the middle-aged man.

“But is the time to choose now too early? The time when the surface civilization of the stars is destroyed.” The middle-aged man still couldn’t understand.

“Now is the best time. To share suffering can we better integrate the new race into our big family. And we have to save something for future generations, right” the old man said with a smile.

Time is pushed to the present, May 26, 2488 in Zhuxia calendar, overcast.

Inside a gas-refining-powered silent train bound for the underground refuge in Linhang District, Zhuxia.


Ning Yuan opened his eyes while shaking, his eyes were slightly confused.

“Brother, wake up” a strange voice rang beside him, and Ning Yuan turned his head to look at the seat next to him.

A young man in his twenties, wearing a brown stand-collar trench coat and black leather pants. The ears were very long, almost ten centimeters long, and Ning Yuan saw 4 pinnaes.

“Long-eared tribe” Ning Yuan muttered to himself softly, his consciousness started to become sober.

The young man moved his ears and stretched out his hand to smile at Ning Yuan: “Yes, Long-eared tribe. My name is Moning, how about you”

“Ning Yuan, human beings, Zhuxia clan.” Ning Yuan stretched out his hand to hold it, and replied with a smile. Then he turned his head and looked around, “This is the first stop”

“It’s the last stop.” Mourning was a little uncertain, “I was in the car at the third stop, and there were a few more stops behind. Just now, it seemed that people from the guards said that there was a crowd. The front should be the refuge. “He pointed to the guards standing behind the carriage with guns.

“We seem to be the last batch, right?” Ning Yuan looked back at the guards wearing blue stand-up collar combat uniforms, then looked at Mourning and asked.

“Yes, we are the last batch of civilians.” Mourning didn’t speak before a female voice sounded on the other side.

Ning Yuan turned to look at the seat on the other side of the corridor.

Small cat ears, shiny black long straight hair, exquisite face, beautiful vertical eyes like sapphires. The close-fitting yellow-green leather skirt wrapped the same small body, only the black cattail with the tip of the white tip swayed gently beside the owner, revealing a breath of youthful vitality like the owner.

“Hello.” The girl grinned at Ning Yuan and Mourning, her small teeth showing her mouth, “I am Su Yu, as you can see, the cat clan.”

“Hello, Ning Yuan, human.” Ning Yuan replied politely.

“You… Hello, Mo… Mourning. Long-eared tribe. Nice to meet you.” Mourning hurriedly got up next to him, his cheeks flushed, and stammered, as if suddenly nervous.

“What’s the matter?” Ning Yuan asked puzzledly.

“No… It’s nothing.” Mourning waved his hand and sat down. Although his face was still red, his nervousness seemed to decrease. However, Ning Yuan noticed that the other party didn’t seem to dare to look at the girl. Every time his eyes floated, he immediately turned back nervously. After several times, Ning Yuan was thoughtful.

“By the way, Miss Su Yu.” Ning Yuan looked at the little cat girl.

“Just call me Su Yu. I’m only 20 in 3 months,” the girl replied with a smile. 20-year-old adult

“Okay, Su Yu.” Ning Yuan asked after a while, “You just said that we were the last group of civilians, right?”

“Yes.” The girl nodded.

“In other words, when we arrive at the shelter, the hibernation plan will officially begin.”

“Yeah.” Su Yu nodded, “I checked on the terminal and consulted with the captain of the guard when I got on the bus. According to the other party, once we enter the shelter, the shelter’s defense facilities will be officially activated. We can enter the dormant cabin to sleep according to the sequence after refreshing for a while. They will enter the dormant cabin to dormancy after ensuring that all personnel are safely dormant. The daily operation and maintenance of the shelter and the care of all dormant cabins will be handed over to the intelligent structure in the shelter. Pretend dolls. I checked the latest United Network, and according to the latest observations released by the Institute of Geophysical Sciences and Weather Bureau. The seventh ice age of Zhuxing came earlier than expected. The global temperature of Zhuxing will be next week at the latest. It will plummet, and it will be accompanied by extreme rain and snow, until the stars around the world are frozen.”

“I also watched it,” Mourning said with a blushing face. “It is said that this ice age belongs to the small ice age, which lasts about 25 years. The 50-year dormancy plan is because of concerns about subsequent disasters. After all, the glacier melts and floods later. Everything takes time.”

“Yes.” Su Yu nodded, then looked at Ning Yuan, “Don’t you look at the terminal?”

“Oh, I’m Huangsheng, I can’t use the terminal stuff.” Ning Yuan replied a little helplessly.

“Huangsheng” Su Yu looked at Ning Yuan in surprise. Mourning also widened his eyes curiously, and the originally blushing face returned to normal because of Ning Yuan’s answer.

“Yes.” Ning Yuan nodded, and then smiled indifferently, “There are a lot of bright students on the stars. It’s not surprising. But it’s a bit inconvenient that Huangsheng can’t bind the terminal.”

“Yes. But you are the first Huangsheng I have ever seen.” Su Yu smiled.

Mourning nodded, “This is also the first time I have seen it. However, it is really inconvenient that Huangsheng cannot bind the terminal because of the disorder of the soul wavelength. Do you usually use a home terminal to surf the Internet?”

“Yes.” Ning Yuan nodded, affirming Mourning’s question, and smiled, “Fortunately, there is a game warehouse to go directly to the virtual world. I heard that a new game virtual area is about to open recently.”

Mourning blinked his divine eyes, seemingly interested in Ning Yuan’s topic, and opened the terminal on his wrist to operate it: “I found it, I just watched it yesterday. The name of the virtual zone game is Rebirth, according to Relevant media speculate that it should be a world dominated by war and adventure.”

“Oh, is it the same type as the legendary creed?” Ning Yuan asked with interest.

“No. Creed is a pure war game. Although regeneration is mainly based on war, it is more about the integration of the player and the aborigines.” The answer was Su Yu, the cat person on one side, but the main body of regeneration was only light. I took it lightly, and turned the topic to another direction, “However, Rebirth does have similarities with the creed. Everyone knows that the Alliance Government of All Stars can be successfully formed and quickly determined the primary and secondary positions of all parties because of the Lord Master Market. The evolution of the open creed world is due to a dynastic war that has lasted 300 years in the game world,” Su Yu asked quietly looking at the faces of Ning Yuan and Mourning.

“Yeah.” “I know.” Ning Yuan and Mourning both nodded to show that they knew.

“If Creed is the only game world with an arbitration nature evolved by the master of the virtual realm among the many virtual realm game worlds, then Rebirth is the second game world that is evolved by the master of the market and has an experimental nature. .” Su Yu spoke out the news that shocked Mourning as usual. In fact, it wasn’t just Mourning, even Ning Yuan was a little surprised, with a thoughtful light in his eyes.

“Are you talking about the game world that Master Market Master personally evolved? How come I don’t know that I have been paying attention to Master Market Master” Mourning stood up excitedly and asked with his eyes fixed on Su Yu. The embarrassed and shy expression when facing Su Yu just now seemed to be nonexistent, and the other people in the carriage, whose voice was so loud, paid their attention frequently. Even the guards behind the carriage were a little alarmed.

“Don’t get excited. Sit down and say.” Ning Yuan noticed that the guards seemed to come over to check, and hurriedly pulled on the wide sleeves of Mourning’s special long-eared costume, and at the same time got up to show curiosity to the guards and the inside of the car. The other people in’s signaled that it was okay, then turned to look at Mourning and whispered, “Didn’t you see everyone looking at you”

Mourning was taken aback, looked around blankly, his face turned white and then turned red, looked at the floor of the carriage with an awkward expression, and stammered: “Hug… Sorry. I… I’m a bit… a bit excited. …I am not…not on purpose.”

Ning Yuan patted his shoulder amusedly, and said with a smile: “I didn’t expect you to be a market master fan. It’s okay, sit down. Su Yu won’t mind.” He motioned Su Yu with his eyes.

Su Yu smiled and nodded: “Sit down. Nothing to be embarrassed. I am also a big fan of the market owner.”

After Mourning sat down and his expression calmed down for a while, Ning Yuan asked Su Yu, “Can you tell me where this news came from?”

Mourning’s long ears moved, his expression no longer awkward, and he raised his head and looked at Su Yu as curiously as Ning Yuan.

“You just released the news on the Zhuxing United Government Network Virtual World column when you just woke up.” Su Yu didn’t mean to confuse his appetite. The purpose of the world.”

“You just said that regeneration is an experimental game world, right?” Ning Yuan hugged his chest with his left hand and tapped his forehead with his right index finger. “If I’m not mistaken, is it related to a new race?”

Su Yu glanced at Ning Yuan unexpectedly, nodded and said: “Yes. According to the information, it is indeed related to the legendary new race plan. However, the specific connection can only be known by entering the game world.”

“Sure enough, it seems that my realm line and my realm line in this dream are highly overlapped. It seems that I can’t forget it as a pure dream for the time being. Save it. But before that. …” Ning Yuan said to Su Yu as he thought about it: “Could you tell me the background of the regenerated world published in the information”

“Found it.” Mourning, who had been silent since just now, suddenly yelled, pointing to the screen on the terminal and said excitedly: “It’s really true. Master Market Master personally evolved the virtual zone game world regeneration for the second time.”

“Let Mourning speak.” Su Yu called Mourning, “Read the background of rebirth.”

“Oh, good.” Mourning had been operating the terminal just now and didn’t hear Ning Yuan’s words. He was stunned for a moment and said: “The continent of the reborn world is called the Nieno continent. It is in the age of city states. The large forces inside are called the city state alliance. There are 18 intelligent races living on the Nieno continent. That’s very little information.” Mourning complained while looking at the few words on the screen, “At least give me some professional information.”

“The Nieno continent, city-state era, 18 races, it seems correct.” Listening to Mourningnian’s regeneration background, Ning Yuan’s eyes flashed with clarity.

The little cat girl, who had been secretly observing Ning Yuan’s expression, saw a thoughtful light flashing in her eyes after seeing Ning Yuan’s expression.

At this moment, the system prompt on the train sounded:

“The terminal station Linhang Refuge has arrived, the terminal station Linhang Refuge has arrived”

. . . . . . . .

After getting out of the car, Ning Yuan exchanged contact information with Mo Ning and Su Yu. Mo Su and Su Yu were terminal numbers, while Ning Yuan gave his own virtual world sequence. After they agreed to meet each other by fate, they were led by the guards. Separate from each other.

In the room arranged by the refuge, Ning Yuan dialed his father’s terminal communication signal through the fixed terminal in the room after a little freshening.

After waiting for a while, an image of a man appeared on the screen. A man’s face is very ordinary, a type that cannot be found in shame, but a man’s eyes are very special, not the expression in the eyes, but the eyes themselves. The man has a pair of silver eyes that do not belong to the Zhuxia human race, or all the wisdom races of the Zhuxing. He is Ning Yuan’s father Ning Zhijun.

“Dad.” Ning Yuan said hello with a smile, but the smile was a bit fake. Every time Ning Yuan saw his father’s silver eyes, he always shuddered unconsciously, like this since childhood. But the father-son relationship between the two is pretty good.

“Yeah.” The man nodded calmly, but after a careful observation, Ning Yuan still saw a flash of relief on his father’s face.

“Here,” the man asked calmly.

“Here. Linhang Refuge, room number B 14286.”

“Yeah.” The man was silent for a while, “Your mother’s side, I will contact you. After entering the Void Realm, we have time to meet.”

“Okay.” Ning Yuan nodded, and then said as if he had just remembered, “By the way, I might go in and take a look.”

The man frowned: “Did you see anything at the proving ground of the market owner?”

“You know it.” Ning Yuan showed such a look as expected, and said, “I had a dream in the car. It left a little memory, and it is estimated that it will give me a good foundation.”

“Okay.” The man nodded, “This plan is very relevant, and basically belongs to the type of universal participation. If you want to go in, go in. But I remind you that this game is different from the games you played before, so don’t hold it. Play with the mentality of playing games before, and be careful not to reincarnate too many times.”

“Are there any other inside information?”

“No. I’m hanging up.”

Looking at the darkened screen, Ning Yuan curled his lips unwillingly.

“Sure enough, I didn’t want to reveal anything.”

“Forget it, just go in and see for yourself. Although there is only a memory, I am not ignorant.”

Ning Yuan chuckled the dormant cabin in the room with a light smile.

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