Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 119

Chapter 116

“Human tribe, Zhuxia tribe.” Ning Yuan said his choice to the system in a slightly complicated and proud manner.

“The player is asked to choose the initial identity.”

The other race models disappeared, and several human race models with different shapes appeared in the glow, slowly rotating around the original human race model. But except for two flashing faint fluorescence, the other models are all entwined with black chains.

Needless to say, Ning Yuan also knew that it was his unselectable identity. In the game rules, there is a description: “According to the player’s real dragon yuan level, determine the player’s initial game resources.”

The Dragon Yuan rating is equivalent to the credit rating and status symbol. Although Ning Yuan said that his ancestors had been extensive, his father seemed not easy, but since he was born, even after he became a bright student at the age of 6, his identity is indeed just a civilian, and he only enjoys the most basic of the all-star coalition government. For welfare, the Dragon Yuan level is only two. (The initial Longyuan quota for civilians is Level 1, and those with no criminal or other bad records will automatically be upgraded to Level 2 as adults)

The identities of the two flickering and fluorescent models are civilians and craftsmen. The civilian status does not have any blessings but can be converted to any other status. The craftsman status can acquire a life skill at the initial stage and can bless the life skills it has to improve efficiency.

“Civilian.” Ning Yuan put his hands on his chest, nodded his forehead with the index finger of his right hand, frowned and thought for a while and chose.

(“The uncertainty of the craftsman’s requirements for subsequent identity changes is too high. It is still the initial use of civilians to find a way to transfer to scholars and then to craftsmen. Although troublesome but controllable, I seem to vaguely remember that subsequent identities will not cover the blessing effect of the previous identities. , But exist in parallel. Although it has been blocked, except for the critical memory, everything else has been blurred. It must be before the memory is completely blurred”)

“Please select the talent test items that need to be performed.”

An illusory screen appeared in front of Ning Yuan, with more than 300 talent test items densely listed on it.

Ning Yuan recalled the feeling of “me” in the dream, and said: “I choose to take all the tests.”

(“It seems that there is a player on that realm line who made this crazy choice and got the same crazy talent. Because it was a lot of noise when it was exposed, so the impression of’I’ on that realm line Very deep. Even left a mark in my archive.”)

“Are you sure to participate in all items? Please note that the more items players choose to participate in the test, the greater the impact of the test’s average score on the talent. It is recommended that players participate in the talent test with one to ten items that they are most confident of.”


About ten days later, Ning Yuan finally completed all 326 tests of innate talent and obtained his own innate talent.

After finishing all the test items, Ning Yuan finally understood what the concept of ‘freak’ is. Although there is no concept of hunger and tiredness in the landing hall. But Ning Yuan still felt a sense of exhaustion.

Looking at the innate talent information given by the system, Ning Yuan looked a little at a loss. Because his innate talent is not the slightest similar to the innate talent of “him” in his dream. Although it had been predicted, from this moment on, his choice had already embarked on a completely different future from the “him” in his dream.

Ning Yuan believes that when he completely digests the overlapping memories brought by “him” and transforms it into his own foundation, it is when he and “him” are completely separated from each other.

“Please choose the place of birth.”

Ning Yuan settled down and looked at the three-dimensional map of the Nieno continent in front of him. The player’s birth point was flashing green on the map.

Ning Yuan magnified the dragon-shaped mountain range on the eastern part of the mainland that winds from the sea. The dragon tail and the coiled dragon body formed by the mountains form a half-moon-shaped bay, and the coiled range of the mountains on the inner side of the dragon body forms a bay. In the huge circular plain basin, the coiled dragon body mountain range extends to the south. The mountains form the largest dragon head, but this dragon head has only one dragon tooth. Even from a three-dimensional map, the plain basin surrounded by the high mountains of the dragon’s body seems to be a Jedi with no exit.

(“Yes, it’s here.”) Ning Yuan confirmed in his heart after referring to the memory in his dream, (“Fulong Mountain, Longya Mountain, Longya Maze, Unknown Stele Forest, urban knot heart.”)

“The nearest place of birth is Yuanmo City, which faces the plain to the east. From Yuanmo City to the north and the plain to the east, passing through the Dragon’s Breath Forest is near the Longshou Mountain Range under the Fulong Mountain Range. It’s a bit far away.” Ning Yuan stared at him. The virtual map said silently.

When seeing the map scale, Ning Yuan silently complained: “Well, it’s not a bit far. It’s super far.”

“Is it possible to send at a fixed point?”

“If the player is not born at the birth point, he can choose to locate the birth in the wild. Note: If the player chooses to be born in the wild, he will not be able to obtain the birth point household registration. If he does not obtain the household registration, he cannot enter and exit all public cities. The initial number of deaths for players without household registration is limited to three. Three deaths After that, they will be forced to reincarnate randomly.”

(“Well, there are a lot of restrictions. It seems to be set specifically for people like me. Hukou is indeed a big problem. But if it succeeds, Hukou is not a problem. The key is to succeed.”)

“I choose to be born in the wild.” After thinking for a while, Ning Yuan still firmly chose to be born in the wild.

“Please select the positioning range.”

“The Fulong Mountain Range is at the junction of the Longshou Mountain Longya Mountain (the Longshou Mountain Range has only one miniature mountain range composed of one main peak and four secondary peaks, called Longya Mountain) and the Dragon Breath Forest.”

“Located. Players will be randomly born within 50 kilometers.”

“Fifty kilometers? The error is not too big. I hope the road will not be too difficult to walk.” Ning Yuan chose to confirm in his own speech.

(“According to the memory, the entrance to that place is on the shadow of the second peak facing the Dragon’s Breath Forest. The place is very hidden, it may take some time to find it. I hope that there will be no moths on the way.”)

“Does the player enter the game now?”

“enter the game.”

With a flash of white light, Ning Yuan appeared in a dense forest on the border of Dragon’s Breath Forest, surrounded by towering old trees, weeds and bushes. When Ning Yuan appeared on the Nieno Continent, he had already transformed into a thin and thin human image with a face similar to his own, wearing sackcloth.

However, before Ning Yuan could act, he was caught off guard by what happened to him.


“Huh!?” As soon as Ning Yuan recovered, he heard his stomach scream, and at the same time felt the negative feeling of weakness and hunger from his body. The footsteps in the stunned space was even more of a staggering and almost falling to the ground, frightening him and quickly supported the old tree next to him.

Ning Yuan was a little confused, frowned, and said silently in his heart: “Attribute.”

An illusory character panel appeared in front of Ning Yuan’s eyes:

“Name: Ning Yuan (can be modified once)

Race: Human Race (Zhuxia)

Identity: Civilian

Household registration: None

Background experience: Lost in the border of the Dragon’s Breath Forest, a poor man who has no identity certificate except his name. You have not eaten any food for almost three days, and you feel that if you don’t find something to eat, you will have to be buried forever in this vast forest and become food for beasts before you find your way home.

job information:

Combat occupation: None

Life and occupation: None

Skill information:

Retrieval: Passively obtain information about items. (After obtaining the relevant knowledge points, the effect of the skill can be improved)

Equipment: sackcloth, straw sandals (clothes without any defense level, clothing for civilian players born)

Talent information:

Innate talent: What I think is what I want: to automatically activate when certain conditions are met, and to give the player a certain ability. Effect: Unknown (current status: inactive). Required conditions: unknown (please explore by yourself) (this talent can be deepened after meeting specific requirements)

Race talent (opened):

Learning (human race): The biggest difference between humans and other races is that humans are good at learning anything that is good for them. Primary effect: reduce the difficulty of learning non-specific skills. (Racial talent can be sublimated after fulfilling the conditions)

Professional talent: not activated

Character attributes:

Physique: 10 (6)

Strength: 10 (6)

Wisdom: 10 (8)

Agility: 10 (5)

(Note: the current attributes are in parentheses)

(Note: The initial four-dimensional attributes of all players who choose Terran are the same)

Professional attributes: not activated

Fluctuation attributes:

Fortune: 5 (current)

Physical condition: Weak and extremely hungry

Mental state: normal

Body sensory intensity (comprehensive attributes including hearing, sight, smell, pain and other attributes, which is the so-called realism): 80%!. (MISSING) (During non-combat, players can adjust themselves between 20%! and (%! (MISSING)). The sensory intensity is consistent with the reality of the virtual world interaction. Underage players feel the intensity is fixed at 20%!, (MISSING) The default for adult players of all races is 80%!) (MISSING)

Kun package (player package): Gold coins: 100 (blue gold coins; purple gold coins; diamond essence) Items: None (the initial 100 grids of the Kun package does not account for the weight.)

(The current time ratio between the Nieno continent and the virtual world and the real world: 30:1:1)

“Okay. Sure enough, the system can’t be expected to be friendly to civilian players. Especially when the civilian is still a dazzling man.” Ning Yuan smiled bitterly and turned off the character panel, thinking: (“It was announced when the global sterilization was implemented ten years ago. The general population data are: 1.5 billion humans, 900 million long-eared tribes, 500 million cats, 300 million spirit tribes, 700 million barbarian tribes, and 200 million feather tribes, totaling 4.1 billion. Among them, 10 million Yuren tribes are calculated by Huang Sheng. The data is 15 million. According to the current situation, it should be about 15 million. Because of the Little Ice Age, everyone is forced to enter the virtual world, and the experimental virtual area game “Rebirth” is just enough to attract time. In addition, it is the main body of the master market master’s new race regeneration plan, this gimmick can attract a large number of market master fans. That is to say, even if it is conservatively estimated that the Nieno continent can attract at least 500 million players to enter, Huang Sheng If you don’t say that at least 80% of all will choose to enter. Even if the awakening special place only accounts for 1%, there are 8900,000. The most basic special feature of the Huangsheng is the instant vision. The memory transfer of the different boundary lines in the form of sense and foreseeing dreams. Although there is great contingency and randomness in the overlapping of boundary lines and the coincidence of consciousness in Hunyuan theory, there is no guarantee that no one in Huangsheng has the relevant memories in “Rebirth”. Although the sense of sight and the memory of predictive dreams are basically fleeting things. But since I can save the key memory of predictive dreams for about a month, then I can’t deny that other Huangsheng have a lesser or better one. Excellent similar ability. The system is unfriendly to Huang Sheng.”)

“The fact that there is a city knot in Longya Mountain should not be known in the memory of’I’ in the dream, but considering the accident, it is better to do it as soon as possible. But…” Ning Yuan felt his emptiness while talking to himself. Stomach, sighed: “Let’s find something to eat first.” Otherwise, I’m afraid I will become the first player to starve to death. According to the usual practice, he may also get the title of “starved ghost”. (Jie Wen: World Announcement Recording Players’ Special Deeds in the Virtual Zone Game World)

Ning Yuan observed the surrounding environment, the lush vegetation, a noisy and quiet scene of insects and birds singing. At the moment, it should be considered safe. From where Ning Yuan is currently standing, the distant mountains can be faintly seen through the gaps of vegetation, which shows that the location of the teleportation is still reliable. This place should be not far from Longya Mountain, most of the junction of the two areas belong to the sparse area of ​​wild monsters, and the strength of wild monsters will be much weaker than the depths of the region. As long as he is cautious, Ning Yuan is confident that he can still avoid most of the dangers. Of course, if unfortunately encountering wild monsters head-on, Ning Yuan can only rely on only three resurrection opportunities to bet on his luck. Fortunately, as far as Ning Yuan has observed, no obvious traces of the activities of gregarious wild monsters have been found within this sparse vegetation and the visible distance of Longya Mountain. Just add food and water as soon as possible and quickly pass through the edge of the Dragon’s Breath Forest into the entrance of the second peak of Longya Mountain, and you can completely avoid encountering wild monsters.

“Where can I find food?” Ning Yuan raised his head to look at the sky through the gaps between the branches of the ancient trees, and then murmured as he retrieved information about the surrounding things, “Let’s look at it while walking. There should always be wild fruits. “Bian staggered in the direction of Longya Mountain.

Half an hour later, after carefully avoiding a few waves of lonely wild monsters, Ning Yuan was lucky enough to find a few bushes with berries. After enduring sourness and eating a few berries to fill up an empty stomach to avoid starvation, Ning Yuan finally arrived. Near the exit of Dragon Breath Forest.

And just when he was relieved to try to find the secret crack under the cliff of Longya Mountain’s secondary peak before dark, he smelled a special fragrance of flowers at the end of his nose.

The floral fragrance is rich and refreshing, but it has a slight depressive smell.

“This is?” Ning Yuan frowned and stopped, feeling the faint restlessness in his body after smelling the scent of flowers, and couldn’t help being surprised: “What’s the matter?”

felt the physical state carefully, except for the more obvious restlessness, there was no discomfort. I checked the object panel again, and saw that the column of physical condition reads “Weak (improved) and excited (slightly).”

“How do you feel like a moth? The restlessness caused by the excitement of the body. Well, it seems that there is still a feeling of desire?” Ning Yuan tried to distinguish the state of the body, and then came up with an unreliable but very likely guess: ” Is the source of this floral fragrance a treasure that can improve physical fitness?”

Thinking of this, Ning Yuan felt more restlessness and desire in his body as he persevered, his nose moved, carefully distinguishing the source of the floral scent, “over there.”

Ning Yuan turned around and looked towards the direction where the fragrance of flowers came from the side, and saw that there was no weeds growing suddenly in a ten-step clearing among several ancient trees about a hundred steps away, only a blood-red crystal. The shaped flowers are slowly blooming in the center of the white ground.

“Huh?! Didn’t retrieve the information? Wonderful flower?!” Ning Yuan staring at the blood crystal flower did not receive the information of the retrieval skill feedback, and immediately became excited after a look of surprise. From the “I” in the dream, Ning Yuan knew that even the most basic search skills can obtain the basic information of items below the advanced level, and at least the name of the item can be obtained without relevant knowledge points. If you can’t even retrieve the name, there is no doubt that it is at least an advanced starter item.

“Luck!” Ning Yuan stepped forward excitedly, but stopped abruptly after two steps, and his expression suddenly became suspicious: “No! Why are the insects gone?”

I don’t know when the faint sound of insects along the way has disappeared, and the breeze blowing on the face has stopped.

Just as Ning Yuan’s expression changed, a wisp of “ripples” from the grass in the direction of Longya Mountain surged towards the direction of the crystal flowers with “rustling noises”.

Ning Yuan vigilantly hid behind an old tree, and carefully peeked in the direction of “Ripple”.

I saw a silver-gray wolf-shaped creature flying along the grass waves. Yes, fly. Because it is rushing from the top of the grass, as if its weight has no effect on the tall grass. As the wolf-shaped creature approaches, Ning Yuan can observe more details: this wolf-shaped creature is about one meter in length and half a meter in height, and it is about one meter long and half a meter high. Its hair is roughly silver-gray, but it has two backs. There is a faint cyan wave pattern on each side, and the limbs are vigorous, and the wolf’s claws are shining with silver-gray cold light. The strange thing is that the under-knee parts of the limbs are not covered with hair, but cyan fine scales.

(“The wolf’s body is silvery gray, the limbs are green, and the spine is like a pattern, and it flies on the grass.”)

A name faintly appeared in Ning Yuan’s mind. The name in the memory of his dream: “107th on the list of strange beasts: Spirit Beast——Lin Feilang.”

(“Then that flower is a strange flower: dragon’s blood flower? Ten steps of grass is extinct, **** crystal, fragrant and hundred steps, prosperous and sunny. That’s right, this is definitely a dragon’s blood flower, a solid flower. At the same time, it is also Necessities for Lin Feilang to advance.”) Ning Yuan vigilantly retracted his gaze before Lin Feilang stepped on the grass and stopped by the crystal dragon blood flower, lowered his head and carefully hid behind the tree, slowly breathing, Empty the whole person and reduce their own sense of existence. (“Lin Feilang is very sensitive to sight within a hundred steps, but his sense of smell is not sensitive among canines. The smell of grass on my body over the course of the journey overshadows my own breath to a certain extent, plus the strong dragons around me. The fragrance of blood and flowers should not be easy to find. Moreover, Lin Feilang belongs to the spirit level among the four major beasts: fierce, spirit, calamity, and desolation, and will not attack other creatures indiscriminately. Now only waiting for Lin Feilang to take the dragon blood After that, slowly think of a way.”)

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