Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 151

Chapter 148

The interface of the “Nieno Continental Player Forum” looks very simple on the top. On the top is a virtual image of the 18 races attacking each other. Below the image is the entrance to the comprehensive section of the towering city gate, and below is the entrance to the subsections in a spiral shape.

The    sub-section includes various clan sub-sections, lord player sub-sections, adventurer player sub-sections, virtual trading market sub-sections, career discussion sub-sections, player memorabilia sub-sections, Nieno continent data statistics sub-sections, etc.

Ning Yuan randomly clicked on a section and found that there were more information posts than he could imagine, and new posts appeared every moment. In a few seconds when Ning Yuan was stunned, the title of the post he saw was refreshed. I don’t know where it is.

Ning Yuan clicked on other sub-sections and looked at it, and the situation was almost the same. Among them, the three sub-sections of the Lord Player Sub-section, the Adventurer Player Sub-section and the Professional Discussion Sub-section are the fastest to refresh. If the auxiliary stop refresh function is not used, it is difficult to open a post.

“Okay. It seems that 4 billion people in the world are really concentrated here.” Ning Yuan frowned and said to himself.

“So where do I start?”

Ning Yuan knocked on his forehead and looked at the “Players Memorabilia” sub-section.

“Let’s start here.”

Click to open the “Memorabilia of Players” section and activate the auxiliary function to pause the refresh of new posts.

Ning Yuan first looked at the top ten posts.

“The Whole Story and Influence of the Quanxin Village Incident”

“The growth path and advanced guessing of strength of the first soldier-level player”

“The honor and disgrace of the first player status, on the importance of status in Nieno”

“From the player’s first town to the player’s first city, are the aborigines necessary? 》

“The shocking and angry Changning city massacre, why the players and the aborigines are like this”

“Aboriginal counterattack, behind the destruction of Iron Heart City”

“Why are there conflicts between players and natives? Let’s start from the beginning

“Realistic racists are destroying the way players coexist with natives”

“The First Voice of Anti-realistic Racism Supremacy”

“Is this a betrayal? Yes! Remember, this is not a game, this is reality”

Seeing the title of these ten posts, Ning Yuan raised his brows, he knew he had found the right one.

Ning Yuandian opened the first “Quanxin Village Incident and its Impact”. The author detailed the causes and consequences of the entire “Quanxin Village Incident”, including the different reactions before and after the players and the announcement issued by the master of the market.

The “Quanxin Village Event” used the original player lord and the first village chief “Quanxin” in Quanxin Village according to the system to reward resources and refresh and actively gather refugees to quickly upgrade to intermediate villages and approach high-level villages in order to maintain rapid development. Advantages, over-authority organized half of the village’s 1,500 people to attack a resource mine guarded by a wolf-shaped beast group 20 kilometers away from the “Quanxin Village” as the start of the event.

However, because the player Quanxin did not obtain detailed information in advance, he treated the wolf beasts of the medium-sized group as a small group, and then was defeated without any suspense, and lost two-thirds of the battle under the chase of the wolf beast. Population, which is one-third of the total population of the village.

After returning to the village, the player “Quan Xin” did not choose to recuperate and lick the wounds. Instead, instead of waiting for the villagers to repair, they would organize the rest of the village to attack the resource mine again. And when the villagers were dissuading them, in order to frighten them, they killed several respected old people in the village.

Of course, in the eyes of “the heart of power”, the old people killed are wastes that cannot be used as combat power, and they are old things that rely on the old and sell the old and don’t put him in the eyes of the village chief. Up. I didn’t notice the sudden silence of the rest of the villagers after the death of these old people, including the sound of crying and howling because of the death of their relatives, which also disappeared at this moment.

When he noticed, the only exception was that these aborigines were shocked by him, and he knew who the master of the village was.

Then, just when he was eager to drive everyone to attack the wolf community with heavy casualties and occupy the resource mines that were sufficient to support the upgrade of Quanxin Village to a primary town, he had been silently watching the development of Quanxin Village’s aboriginal militia captain Jia Ren stabs his heart with a knife from behind and kills him.

Then led the aggrieved aboriginals into the city hall and killed the resurrected “Quanxin” together until the number of resurrections exhausted and reincarnated, losing the ownership of Quanxin Village.

It can be said that from being killed by a sneak attack for the first time to being besieged and killed continuously until reincarnation, “Quan Xin” has always been in a state of bewilderment.

When he woke up, he had been reincarnated in another public novice city, and had lost all the items he had previously obtained, including skills, occupations, and even the name “Power Heart”. At this time, the name in his character column was Li Quan’s name in reality. Not only that, but his Dragon Yuan level had dropped by one level inexplicably.

Such a blow directly made Li Quan, the “Quan Xin” angrily frustrated, but because he hadn’t even figured out where he was at the time, he first stabbed the incident on the forum, with the purpose of thinking Let the official give an explanation.

What he didn’t expect was that the first thing he waited for was the cynicism of the players. But after the players reacted, the wind direction suddenly changed.

At this point in time when they first entered the continent of Nieno, although players knew that this game world seemed to be different from other virtual game worlds, everything seemed to be very real, without the clear game feel of other game worlds. But speaking of mentality, in fact, 98% of players still maintain the mentality of other virtual zone game worlds. That is the typical game mentality, spending money on services, just to be cool.

Although faintly felt that the aborigines of the Nieno Continent were not the same, I never thought that the aborigines would besiege players, and they would kill to rebirth, such a fierce siege.

After the players reacted, the situation began to escalate.

Players who originally watched the excitement thought that the aboriginal people who were originally regarded as puppets, backgrounds and props would actually attack the player like wild monsters, and even block the resurrection point to surround the player, they felt a biting chill from the tail vertebra to the brain, and their bodies trembled A strong fear in my heart.

After subconsciously comparing the number of aborigines and players, this fear made all players even more dizzy.

At this time, a small number of players who were the first to wake up reacted. Why did the system first declare that entering Nieno was to participate in the so-called new race plan “Rebirth” experiment by default before entering the Nieno continent. The original world is really not the previous game world. But no matter what, it shouldn’t be given the function of killing players in the indigenous democracy, right? Shouldn’t the new race serve the original races of the stars? Shouldn’t the new race appear as slaves and tools of the original race of the stars after reality?

When the players were surging because of the conflict between reality and subconscious cognition, the announcement of the master of the market promptly calmed the players.

As the master of the market of the present gods, there is a huge popularity and majesty in the stars, and is almost the object of worship by most of the stars. Even some people who are dissatisfied with and hate the Lord of the Market Lord still maintain superficial obedience because the Lord of the Market almost controls the deterrence of all the creatures of the stars.

Under the explanation and deterrence of Lord Market Lord, the players finally accepted the reality that the new race will exist on the same level as them.

But accepting on the surface does not mean accepting it from the heart. Although the market owner’s intervention quickly calmed the situation, it also planted the initial cause of mutual hostility between the player and the aborigines. In the lower classes, no race is willing to accept the emergence of one or more races whose strength and power are stronger than their own.

Not to mention the lower level, even the upper level is not willing to accept the new race to share the resources and power of the stars. If it weren’t for the market owner’s overwhelming deterrence, and the existence of the horrible catastrophe that has been proven to come, I am afraid that this “Rebirth” experiment would not exist.

However, on the one hand, there is the deterrence of the market owner, and on the other hand, there is the existence of a catastrophe that the existing races of Zhuxing alone cannot survive anyway. The high-levels of all races of the Zhuxing can only accept the new race of the market owner. Proposal to the real world.

The cause of the contradiction between the player and the natives is planted. But the intensification and explosion came after several other things.

“Yi Chang”, who is known as the first person to be a player, was born with a strange status as a slave-level “back boy”, who was born in an official mansion in a second-class city “Su Yicheng”.

The author of the post quoted “Yi Chang” himself as saying that he was born as a replacement for the position of a back boy just bought by the second young master of “Su Mansion”.

As for why I chose this identity, it is because it can get in touch with the classics and other materials needed in the self-learning system in the core gameplay of the player earlier and faster, and being a book boy has certain advantages for finding jobs and identities. At least as a book boy, he can automatically acquire the “reading and writing” skills, and the difficulty of upgrading his academic skills has dropped by 20%.

It’s just that “Yi Chang” didn’t expect that the book boy who just thought it was the background of the player’s identity and didn’t need to actually do anything was the identity of a slave in the eyes of the aborigines. It seems that there is no such thing as a player in the eyes of the aborigines. After “Yi Chang” showed his status as a player, the second young master “Su Dongyi” who bought Yi Chang only gave “Yi Chang” a sentence, “Since I bought you, whether you are a player or not, you are my slave . My back boy.”

Originally, “Yi Chang” was planning to flatter and flatter falsehoods and apologies, and write a few skill books. Anyway, wherever he was born, he is the same. In Su Mansion, he may be able to get ahead of other players. Therefore, under the admonition of the second young master, “Yi Chang” also temporarily recognized his identity.

Then his disaster began. The second young master “Su Dongyi” really used “Yi Chang” as a slave to the book boy. Every day, let “Yi Chang” carry a book and walk around, go to school, visit friends, banquets and so on. Once there is a slight discomfort, it will be lightly cursed and whipped. Moreover, the identity and responsibilities of the aboriginal children are completely different from what “Yichang” thinks.

The “back boy” of the aboriginal people is a book boy who pays respects to his master. He does not have the right to read the master’s books privately, nor the right to enter or leave the master’s study room. He only endorses the master when he needs it. Too. If the slave class has the right to browse the master’s books privately, then what do the civilian class “student companions” do?

Therefore, in just two weeks, when we clearly realized that the “back boy” in the eyes of the aboriginals was merely a handyman who took salute and endorsement for the owner, “Yi Chang” did not intend to continue. But he was unwilling to leave like this. Then one night, he stole into the second young master’s study room after the second young master fell asleep, and left Su Mansion with the intention of stealing a few high-quality books.

But how can I put it, his luck is a bit weird.

After Yi Chang entered the study room for a while, the second young master got up because of urgency. When passing by the study room, he found a faint candle light, and his study room used the fluorescent light of Qi Refining Technology.

The second young master thought that he had been robbed, and quietly found several nursing homes. Then “Yichang” was arrested unsurprisingly.

“Yi Chang” died twice that night. He was beaten to death by family law.

Although “Yi Chang” previously adjusted his body sensation to the lowest 20% because of the second young master’s whipping. But after being arrested, his body sensation was forcibly fixed at 100% by the system.

After two deaths, “Yi Chang” was completely afraid of being beaten. The whole person was in a nervous breakdown and was sent to the dungeon by the second young master.

After    was locked in the dungeon and hungry for a few days, the second young master probably died of anger and released “Yi Chang”.

“You can’read and write’?” the second master asked.

“Yes.” Yi Chang tried to suppress the hatred in his eyes, and replied in a low voice after hesitating for a while.

“A boy who can read and write? It’s really strange.” The second young master exclaimed, “If this is the case, I don’t bother to recruit a student boy. Come and be my student boy.”

Yi Chang unexpectedly raised his head to look at the Second Young Master.

“Don’t look at me like that. Just your behavior. If you are an aboriginal slave, you can’t be killed.” The second young master looked at Yi Chang with interest, “But you are a player, so my lord has a lot of them. This time not only spared you, but also promoted you to be a companion student. Haha.”

Then, without waiting for Yi Chang to show other expressions, he muttered to himself:

“A player book boy, haha, let’s see how those guys press me this time.”

Knowing that the second young master is because his status as a player allows him to show off in front of other people, he was promoted to be a companion student, and Yi Chang’s face completely cooled.

At this moment he felt a deep shame. But he still endured it.

In the following days, Yi Chang was taken by the Second Young Master to show off like rare animals and clowns, while eagerly absorbing the books in the Second Young Master’s study.

After thoroughly understanding the importance of identity through the surrounding aborigines, Yichang chose to go to the Scholars Association for assessment after his academic skills reached level 10.

After passing the assessment, he was automatically independent from the Su Mansion and became a “scholar” in Su Yicheng. Became the first player to have a “Talent” status among players.

Although he left the Su Mansion, the shame he had once made Yi Chang feel strange when he accepted the congratulations from the association and the surrounding aborigines. It seems that everyone’s eyes are filled with curiosity and sarcasm.

Especially after seeing the second young master also watching from a distance, the feeling of mockery came straight into his mind.

From this moment on, Yi Chang had a distorted feeling of resistance and hatred towards the aborigines.

After Yichang’s deeds were exposed on the forum, players’ perceptions of the aboriginals were once again led to a negative side.

even such a voice came out:

“It turns out that our players are like monkeys in the eyes of the aborigines.”

Players’ hostility towards the natives began to deepen.

Soon after, the first player with his own skills appeared. The two announcements made by the Star Alliance Government and the market owner aroused the enthusiasm of the players for the “qi refining skills”, and because many players formed a team with the aborigines. The relationship between the aboriginals and the players slightly eases the relationship between the aborigines and the players. It should be said that the player’s perception of the aborigines has slightly eased down. In fact, the aboriginal attitude towards players has not changed, that is, the same as other aboriginals.

However, it hasn’t been long before players’ perceptions of the aboriginals have eased. There have been negative posts on the forum about the aboriginal mentors being too harsh, and they like to make things difficult for players’ apprentices.

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