Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 359

Chapter 356

Sitting on the entire Dragon Prisoner Jedi, known as the “Treasure Land of Dragons”, as long as the large number of outsiders within a radius of tens of millions of miles are handled well, Ning Yuan is sure that with the help of everyone, there will be no other city-state alliance forces. The Dragon Prisoner Jedi has built a secret core base camp that can recover even if it is destroyed countless times in the outside world. A huge urban agglomeration integrating politics, culture, logistics, and military.

As long as the “outsiders” war plunders enough population, solves the only real shortcomings of Mengyuan Village, and relies on Mengyuan Village’s many sub-cities that will be divided into the top level in the future, Ning Yuan has this confidence and confidence.

Although Yang Yunyu is a professional urban designer with Grade A qualification and a related academic career, in practice, he and Ning Yuan can be regarded as a newcomer.

Although Yang Yunyu took a job as an urban designer as early as when he was in Nanyanyu, he has not actually designed and constructed a city, he only possesses relevant professional knowledge and skills. And his original purpose of coming to Longshan Region was to go to the permanent neutral force “Academy Alliance” on the Nieno continent to set up a sub-alliance urban construction college in Longshan Region to study his career as an urban designer, improve urban construction strength and complete practical experience accumulation.

Although he came to and joined Mengyuan Village for various reasons, became a follower of Ning Yuan, and temporarily cut off his way of studying, he also got an opportunity to fully realize his dream of urban construction.

Ning Yuan promised that as long as there is no stronger and more suitable urban construction personnel, the design and construction of the entire city will be completely freely arranged by him except for the general direction. All the planning, design and construction arrangements before Mengyuan Village was upgraded to a D-level city were opportunities for him to practice.

As for whether there will be stronger and more suitable urban construction personnel in the future, Yang Yunyu is not worried at all. What he needs most is just this opportunity to practice hands and accumulate practical experience.

Yang Yunyu needs to practice hands, and now Ning Yuan also needs it.

After being fully synchronized with the real body, although Ning Yuan’s physical fitness is much better than that of reality due to the relationship of the game experience, how can I say? The calmness in the original game has become daunting due to the influence of the sense of reality. Even if you know that this world will not really die, all the hurt and pain can be regarded as a kind of self-suggestion and deception. But unlike the previously recognized game body, the synchronized physical body Ning Yuan will always unconsciously recognize the physical body in reality.

After real life in Nieno, the cognition of “truth” has penetrated into Ning Yuan’s soul unknowingly, so in the face of hurt and pain, Ning Yuan will subconsciously recognize it with realistic perception.

Although after more than a week of special adaptation and training, including discussions with Tan Xiong and the militia members, Ning Yuan slightly adapted to the feeling of using a “realistic” body to fight, but this time Ning Yuan is still not sure that he will not lose the chain. .

But fighting on the Nieno continent, killing is the same theme, so I can only choose to adapt to the “real” way of living in this world as soon as possible through continuous actual combat.

So before coming, Ning Yuan had made it clear that he was not participating in any command and team battles this time, just came to practice hand skills.

Tan Xiong also agreed to choose a suitable target for Ning Yuan to practice his hand. After all, Ning Yuan’s state has been seen by everyone in the past few days. If Ning Yuan participates in a team battle, it is estimated that everyone will have to put half their minds on him.

But as Ning Yuan said, actual combat is the best way for him to integrate into the life of Nieno Continent as soon as possible. Choosing a suitable rock lizard to practice alone for Ning Yuan only requires Tan Xiong to devote part of his energy to Ning Yuan, and it will neither affect the team’s combat effectiveness nor have much impact on Tan Xiong.

After everyone was ready, Mao Qing disappeared in the stone forest a few steps. Tan Xiong and the two militia captains who had just broken through to the lieutenant level jumped onto the stone pillars beside the stone forest passage, while the three doctors Hu Yang retreated to a hidden place outside the battlefield. Ning Yuan was hidden in the concealed gap in the encircling circle.

It didn’t take long for the violent lizard roar to accompany the faint ground shaking and the sudden rise of smoke from the depths of the stone forest toward the entrance of the passage.

“I really want to know how Mao Qing caused strange things. Why do you feel that the roar of the fierce beast every time has a sense of irritation?” As everyone raised their spears and waited in full battle, Ning Yuan watched getting closer and closer to the entrance of the passage. The near smoke muttered to himself in a low, inaudible voice.

Before the words fell, the cat person rushed out of the tunnel like a phantom, and appeared on the periphery of the encirclement before the militia didn’t react at all.

Then a hoarse and charming voice sounded, with a serious tone:

“Attention, the number of targets is 148, the ordinary rock lizard 15, the ordinary rock lizard 10, the soldier-level rock lizard 120, the lieutenant rock lizard 3, the petrified rock lizard 1, the strength is about to break through the ground. There are 3 leaders at the lieutenant level, and two in the rear. Only in parallel.”

“Attention everyone: throw a spear after three beeps, and the target range is within ten meters of the entrance of the passage. At the end of the spear throw, everyone uses the distance to shoot the injured beasts first, and the second-level shoots and kills the soldier-level beasts. The lieutenant-level beasts don’t need it. Consider, it’s up to me and the two team leaders to deal with it.”

Tan Xiong’s indifferent voice followed Mao Qing’s voice. After the peripheral militiamen responded in unison, they looked at Li Yi and Zhang Wu on the stone pillars on both sides, and said, “I’ll deal with the petrified rock lizard, the other two lieutenants. The rock lizard is temporarily taken over by you. You don’t need to hit hard, just keep it under control.”

Li Yi and Zhang Wu, who had just broken through the rank of lieutenant for a few days, looked at each other, their nervous expressions calmed down a little, and they nodded in response:


Tan Xiong looked at the faint queue and smoke behind the three lieutenant rock lizards that were getting closer and closer to the passageway. He slowly raised his right hand, and began to count down calmly:




“Throw a spear!”

‘S right hand swung down along with the word “throw a spear”.


With a shout, the densely densely packed one-meter-long, thick-armed spear head shone with a short spear with cold light. The petrified rock lizard at the lead and the two marble rock lizards immediately rushed out of the channel, surrounded by a semicircle from 50 meters away. The militiamen at the entrance of the passage flew up and fell down the moment more rock lizards rushed out.

A total of twenty or thirty rock lizards, including the three lieutenant-level rock lizards in the lead, quickly rushed out of the passage, were instantly covered by dense spears.





The duh sound of the short spear landing and the injured roar of the rock lizard sounded one after another. Before they knew what was going on, several Marble Rock Lizards were stabbed in the body by several sharp spears at the same time, and threw themselves to death in painful roars. The rock lizard in front was constantly shot, or died on the spot or was seriously injured and fell. More rock lizards that were too late to stop rushed out of the passage, or were hit by the falling spear or tripped by the corpse of the front companion. Within ten meters in front of the passage, people turned their backs on their backs and made a mess. Even the three lieutenant-level rock lizards at the forefront of the rock lizard group were injured in varying degrees after rushing out of the spear throwing range.

Looking at the tragic scene in front of him, Ning Yuan’s scalp numb, a feeling of nausea and vomiting suddenly rushed to his throat, Ning Yuan resisted the discomfort and swallowed the vomiting, holding the “three changes” spear tightly in both hands, his body was out of control. The ground was trembling.

In the game, all players have extraordinary adaptability to these horrible scenes and pictures, but once in reality, few players can adapt immediately. Now, these scenes are reality for Ning Yuan.

Fortunately, after a few days of adaptation and training, Ning Yuan can barely keep calm. And when you think about it, these are nothing compared to the scenes that Ning Yuan once saw in the test of “The End of the Illusion”.

After thinking about this, Ning Yuan finally stopped the shaking of his body, and his eyes became calm again.

After the last spear fell to the ground, Tan Xiong shouted:

“Keep your distance and shoot freely.”

He stepped on his feet while drinking, leaving a shallow hole on the rock pillar of his body, and rushed towards the turned petrified rock lizard.

Li Yi and Zhang Wu on the stone pillars on both sides looked at each other, and at the same time they jumped down the rock pillars and stood in front of the two lieutenant rock lizards.

“Chi!” The petrified rock lizard saw Tan Xiong rushing forward and opened his mouth without any hesitation. A gray-white vitality bullet hurriedly shot towards Tan Xiong. At the same time, the turbid yellow pupils instantly turned grayish, looking maliciously at Tan Xiong’s eyes. .

Tan Xiong’s expression remained unchanged, his steps turned halfway, his eyes closed and opened, and while flashing the vitality bullet of the petrified rock lizard, his eyelids were covered with a layer of transparent vitality.

The petrification skill of the petrified rock lizard has two attack methods, one is to melt into the vitality bullet and contact the target body to petrify it, and the other is to petrify the sight when the pupils turn gray.

It is not difficult for experienced people to cope with the petrochemical contact of the vitality bullet or the petrification of the pupil’s sight. As long as the vitality bomb is dodged, the sight of the petrified rock lizard does not meet the eyes of the petrified rock lizard or cover a layer of vitality on the eyelids.

The petrified rock lizard is really difficult to deal with not petrification but the natural awakening rock thorn ability.

just like now.

After Tan Xiong’s figure swayed past the petrochemical vitality bullet, he frowned silently at the moment his steps were about to fall, his steps retracted in an instant, his figure halted, and he shook his body and rushed towards the petrified rock lizard again.

And as Tan Xiong withdrew in his footsteps, a sharp thorn came out silently wiping Tan Xiong’s toes. If Tan Xiong didn’t take back the right foot that he stepped out, or hesitated for a moment, then it can be foreseen that the ground thorn that appeared without warning would not be wiping the toes, but penetrating Tan Xiong’s right foot.

This is the real killer of the petrified rock lizard, and it is also the reason why the petrified rock lizard is known as one of the most important low-level beasts in the Nieno continent-the shadowless sting.

Shadowless stabbing is a natural instinct that naturally awakens after any type of stone lizard evolves into a petrified stone lizard. It is the most important attack method of the petrified rock lizard besides the iconic petrified vitality bullet and petrified pupil.

And the petrified rock lizard, who used the “strongest three-axe” without hesitation when he discovered Tan Xiong, shows that he attaches great importance to Tan Xiong. In other words, it shows the strength of its wild intuition.

Seeing that the three axes did not work, the petrified rock lizard roared without any hesitation, and leaped back away from Tan Xiong at a very fast speed.

Hearing the “calling order” from the boss, the two Li Yi rock lizards who were confronting Li Yi responded with a roar without any hesitation, and then each of them pushed back each other with three consecutive vitality bullets, and their stubby limbs were on the ground. Pulled, avoiding the two people who were backing forward and rushed towards Tan Xiong.

Tan Xiong felt the malice coming from behind him, his expressionless face frowned, but did not stop to respond, still eagerly chasing the petrified rock lizard. He believed that Li Yi two could stop the threat behind him. The lieutenant-level capable people are always the lieutenant-level capable ones. Even if Li Yi and the two have just broken through, it will not change the fact that they are already lieutenant-level capable ones.

Li Yi did not disappoint Tan Xiong’s trust. Although it hasn’t been two days since the two talents broke through to the lieutenant rank, they are not familiar with the fighting method of the lieutenant’s vitality into the weapon, nor are they sure to independently kill the lieutenant beasts of the same rank, but containment can still be done.

Although the two were in a hurry when they were forced to retreat by the rock lizard’s triple vitality bomb, they had a rough idea of ​​the specific strength of the Lieutenant-level rock lizard after successfully supporting the attack. They were originally stiff and nervous. After actually experiencing the rock lizard’s attack, he also relaxed.

Seeing two rock lizards chasing Tan Xiong, both eyes flashed fiercely, and they looked at each other, and pursued their respective targets.

Li Yi’s job as a light swordsman, with a dexterous figure and a high-frequency fast sword to attack.

“Charge fast!”

Li Yi stared at the lieutenant-level rock lizard with his back facing him in a low voice. The speed that was already extremely fast doubled again, and he chased behind the target rock lizard at a speed close to the afterimage, with a sting as the main attack method in his hand. Kuaijian stabbed towards the base of the rock lizard’s tail without any hesitation.

Zhang Wu’s profession is armor warrior, a warrior profession that uses heavy armor and warhammers to strengthen defense and combat effectiveness.

Armor Warfare is not fast, but has short-range acceleration and collision skills, which can effectively pursue targets within the attack range.

“Short punch!”

Zhang Wu took a deep breath, his leg muscles swelled in vain, and the whole person turned into a cannonball and slammed into the Lieutenant Rock Lizard who was also facing away from him.


Zhang Wu didn’t accidentally knock the rock lizard over. He lifted the long-handled warhammer in his hand, and facing the rock lizard’s dizzy head was a big move.


Li Yi on the other side also hijacked the target rock lizard, and took advantage of the chance that the opponent lost his balance due to the tail injury and made a big move.

“Sunwind stabs!”

After the malice behind him dissipated, Tan Xiong’s indifferent eyes flashed with relief, and after a turn of his footsteps, he flashed a haunting ground thorn again, and he held the four-meter-long large gun in his hand to face him. The petrified rock lizard turned sideways and swept away the petrified rock lizard who wanted to breathe vitality bullets.

“Chi!” The petrified rock lizard roared in pain, and immediately rushed towards Tan Xiong without retreating when it landed. Its front paws stepped on the ground, using a shadowless stab to stop the spear from sweeping, and at the same time, the eyes became again Gray color.

Tan Xiong did not hesitate to cover his eyelids again, and he lifted the barrel of his spear to the head of the petrified rock lizard and slammed it.

“Dragon’s tail strike!”

The barrel of the spear smashed down with a dim flame light with the momentum of the building overturning.


The petrified rock lizard hissed again, and flexibly flashed across the barrel of the gun one by one, the vitality bullet in his mouth shot at Tan Xiong without stopping.


The falling spear bounced as it smashed into a shallow hole on the ground.

Tan Xiong turned sideways slightly, his feet flashed across the vitality bullet while his wrist shook, and the spear rod swept out.

“The dragon swings its tail!”

When Tan Xiong and the petrified rock lizard were fighting vigorously, the militia members also divided the rock lizard group that had completely rushed out in small groups and led them to one side.

Ninety-eight militia members are divided into ten teams, each team of six to eight hunter professionals use bows and arrows to attack, retreat while attacking, maintaining a range advantage. Militia members without long-range occupations are responsible for defense.

A wave of shots shot and killed more than a dozen rock lizards, wounded more than 30 rock lizards, and tripped over more than 20 rock lizards by the corpse. After the shot was thrown, the bow and arrow shot again, killing nearly ten injured rock lizards and wounding part of the original intact rock lizards. .

There are now more than a hundred rock lizards of 145 soldiers and below, and they are divided into the hands of ten ten militia squads that almost reach the balance between enemy and us.

The basic range of the hunter class is almost 30 meters, and the rock lizard’s vitality projectile range is generally 20 meters, so in theory, as long as the militia team maintains its range advantage, it can destroy all rock lizard beasts without damage.

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