Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 392

Chapter 390

There is a “mountain avenue” in the “big mountain posture”, which has been understood since he understood what a “big mountain posture” is. In the course of constant practice and display, Ning Yuan also had a slight understanding of “The Way of the Mountain”, and what he had to do now was to deepen this understanding.

According to the unknown tricks passed down by his father and the deduction of “Yaoyan”, the best way to understand “Tao” is to start with “Yi”. The best way to comprehend “intention” is to “melt in.” Capture the “meaning” between heaven and earth and integrate it into your own soul. With “soul and will melt heaven.”

This kind of method has been naturally mastered since the first time Ning Yuan perceives his vitality through visualization. When he practiced the Three-Edged Spear Technique, he used the exercises of the spear technique, breathing and visualizing the Qi diagram of the Three-Edged Spear Technique to guide the process of the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi flow around his body. And the vitality that was absorbed into the sea of ​​qi is the vitality that the Triangle Spear Art needs.

Although this process is Ning Yuan’s initiative, in fact most of the process is passive. In fact, the so-called exercise has almost only played a guiding role.

is different. “Mongyi” requires Ning Yuan to take the initiative to visualize, to perceive the “intention” flowing between heaven and earth, to analyze and understand which “meaning” he needs, and then to shake it through his own will and spirit to capture what he needs. “Intention” integrates “them” into their own will and spirit to comprehend their “heart”, their “truth”, and their “dao”.

This is not destined to happen overnight.

After adjusting his state to Consummation, Ning Yuan got up and started another challenge.

Challenge, rest, challenge again, and so on.

I have to say, “It’s better to be beaten for three days in one year of empty training” which still makes sense.

Actual combat is indeed the best way to cultivate and grow for some people.

Three days later in the afternoon, Ning Yuan finally broke through the gatekeeper’s defense for the first time with a “big mountain force” after pulling away the gatekeeper’s spear with skill.

Although it only caused a small piece of damage to the enamel layer of the gatekeeper’s chest, it was also a great encouragement to Ning Yuan.

After resting again, Ning Yuan stepped into the gatekeeper’s attack range with a gun. At the moment when the gatekeeper’s spear struck, he stepped forward, and drove the gun against the body of the gatekeeper’s spear and drilled towards its gun-holding earthy wrist.

When the gatekeeper closed his gun while defending, he looked at him with a serious look, and a vague aura floated. The spear in his hand suddenly seemed to heavier a lot. The smoke-ring-like air ripples, stepping forward, Ning Yuan’s spear slowed down. Slowly roll out.

“The Great Mountain Power.”

This shot is Ning Yuan’s pinnacle shot so far, and it also contains all his comprehensions of the “big mountains” trick so far.

As deduced by “Yao Yan”, the shot that stirred up the air ripples passed through under the intercepting spear slowly and quickly, and the inclined upward spear shattered the enamel layer at the gatekeeper’s head-body junction where the gun power was enveloped. Steady into the exposed core.

The gatekeeper’s spear that hit Ning Yuan’s body stopped, the majestic expression on his face, which was different from that of the other earth puppets, faded away, and his bodily functions completely stopped. At this time, the point of the gatekeeper’s gun was only half a foot away from Ning Yuan’s neck. The wind pressure brought by the super strong force caused Ning Yuan’s neck to arouse layers of concave contours, and the feeling of breathlessness made Ning Yuan’s face turn blue.

“Huh!” Ning Yuan took a step back, took a long breath, raised his hand to touch his neck and gasped for a few breaths.

Waiting for Ning Yuan’s breath to calm down, he suppressed the nervous “banging” heartbeat in his chest, his face was already covered with cold sweat.

I didn’t feel it when I was fighting, but after reacting, I realized that I was on the verge of death again.

After a while, Ning Yuanyou suddenly chuckled, his face filled with confidence and excitement.

After a short break, Ning Yuan came to the standing gatekeeper and tried to take off the spear in his hand. After breaking by, I found that the spear didn’t move at all.

Ning Yuan frowned and checked the storage finger. It was already filled with all kinds of weapons, including the iron bow with the scar which was systematically shown as “Tie Ling”, and the thin scar with the name “Xianqi”. Daggers, as well as the more sophisticated eighteen weapons in the maze.

“Forget it, lest you have to throw away some when there is not enough space.” Ning Yuan Yao said to himself.

then stopped paying attention to the gatekeeper’s spear, and looked at the gatekeeper’s chest with a faintly visible shell panel. Take out the thin scar and insert the dagger into the gap and carefully pry it outward.

“I didn’t pay attention in the realm line, I don’t know if there is something hidden?” Ning Yuan thought while prying.

“Basics of Puppet Manufacturing (Earth Puppet: a basic book that records the methods of making puppets of the earth puppet type, edited by Qin Qiao, the chief puppet master of the “Qin” Alliance. Qin Qiao: The first female puppet master in the history of Longshan Domain, known as the “Puppet Female Maharaja”.

Ning Yuan looked at the jade book in his hand, his eyes lit up. These puppets may be inadequate for offense, but they are a good choice for defense.

Packed up the spoils, Ning Yuan bypassed the huge body of the earth puppet gatekeeper and stepped into the one-way Dunjia gate at the exit of the maze.

After passing Dunjia Gate, Ning Yuan entered a stone house with only Zhang Xu’s radius.

A sand table surrounded by a barrier is placed in the middle of the stone house. On the ground in front of the sand table, there is a round stone dish, which is a stone futon. The stone disc was engraved with inexplicable runes, faintly glowing.

Ning Yuan raised his brows, his expression was unexpected and he seemed to have expected it.

There is finally a great deviation between the boundary line memory and reality.

Ningyuan’s boundary line does not exist in the memory of this stone house. In the memory, it should be a stone forest with coercive force to reach through the labyrinth. That is a place that can make people completely collapse, but also can make people’s spiritual will grow greatly.

But Ning Yuan had long known that such a huge deviation would occur sooner or later when the boundary line was different. This is determined by the boundary line itself, as well as by the choices of sentient beings themselves.

So although Huang Sheng can have the foreseeable advantage in certain things, he will never be worshipped as a “prophet” by sentient beings. Because the memory of Huangsheng’s boundary line has always only been of reference value and not much value of unpredictable prophets.

This is also the reason why Ning Yuan calls Huangsheng’s chance a “gambling”.

Although there is no memory of this place in the memory of the boundary line, Ning Yuan can easily guess what he needs to do with the simple setting in the house.

When the all-star coalition government announced that it would launch the “Rebirth Plan,” Ning Yuan spent a long time to supplement some of the spiritual knowledge left over from the ancient and ancient times.

Benefiting from the non-ordinary family background of the Ning family, Ning Yuan has read a lot of the records about runes left by the Xian Xia and Xian Shen Era.

The rune on the stone dish in front of him happened to meet Ning Yuan.

“Guide the soul”, “Guide the soul” and “Attach the soul”.

There is no doubt that the function of the stone dish is to strip the user’s consciousness from the body and throw it into the “sandbox” in front of him and attach himself to a certain existence, to complete a certain trial with the identity of this existence.

Ning Yuan thought for a while, then looked at the stone house, but found no means to leave the stone house.

“It seems that I can only go in and walk for a while.” Ning Yuan said calmly to himself.

Ning Yuan was obviously a little different after passing through the maze of earth puppets, compared with the caution and caution, nervousness and anxiety that he had entered the secret realm at the beginning.

The most obvious thing is that Ning Yuan has become confident. It’s not the arrogance and slack after taking the White Skull Grass in Long Sen, or the hilarious and arrogant after pitting Scar and others, but the true self-confidence. Confidence in grasping one’s own strength and confidence in passing trials.

is not blindness, but peace of mind.

Ning Yuan put the somewhat inconvenient triangular cold iron gun into the storage and pulled his finger. After adjusting his breath a little, he sat cross-legged on the stone dish.

After Ning Yuan sat on the stone dish, the stone dish under him lit up a mask to cover Ning Yuan, and then Ning Yuan felt his consciousness start to leave his body.

Ning Yuan lowered his head and “looked” at his calm body, sitting cross-legged, and then was wrapped in a force and threw it towards the “sandbox” barrier in front of him.

When Ning Yuan came back to his senses, his consciousness was no longer in the stone house, but in a chaotic camp. He raised his hand to look, touched his face and body, and took a photo with a glass of undrinked water on the low table next to him, and found that he had become a seven-footed man in armor. The armor was full of scratches, and there were even wet blood dripping along the edges of the armor. A long, blood-stained knife was stuck on the ground beside him.

Just as Ning Yuan was thinking about the identity of the brawny man he was in, a **** sergeant who looked like a soldier rushed into the camp, bowed his head and knelt three steps away in front of him, and said loudly: “Report! Your lord, chasing behind him. The enemy has already fought with our front battalion, and there are also enemy troops on both sides. There are many enemy troops. Our soldiers have long been exhausted and morale is low. The outnumbered people have been retreating. Vice-General Zhao inferred that the battalion soldiers would have been at most a quarter of an hour ago. It’s going to fall apart, so please make a decision quickly.”

Ning Yuan’s big man raised his thick eyebrows, and just wanted to ask, a memory that didn’t belong to him poured into his consciousness.

In the process of closing his eyes and digesting this memory, Ning Yuan finally gained a little understanding of his own situation and this trial.

But after understanding his own situation, Ning Yuan’s heart became heavy in vain.

opened his eyes, Ning Yuan pondered for a while, then opened his mouth and asked:

“Has the guard camp assembled?”

Chuan Lingbing raised his head and reported: “It has been assembled outside the account.”

“Behind you is the homeland.” Ning Yuan took a deep breath, and sighed in a hoarse voice.

According to the information instilled, this was a city-state war that took place in 7264 years of the city-state calendar, which is more than 3,000 years ago. The two city-states at war were the small city-state “Xiuyuan City” and the medium-sized city-state “Iron Zhicheng”.

The big man possessed by Ning Yuan is the lord of the small city-state “Xiuyuan City”, and Fan Xiu, a knife practitioner who has just entered the prefecture school level.

According to memory, in this war, “Iron Zhicheng” was the offensive side who initiated the war, while “Xiuyuan City” was the defensive side who had no choice but to fight.

“Xiuyuan City” is a small city-state with a population of just over 150,000, with an army of about 25,000. However, about 10,000 of these 25,000 are full-time defensive troops, and the other 7,000 are logistic and security forces that include baggage, inspection, and security. Only 8,000 can be used for foreign operations. And two-thirds of all soldiers are recruits who have just turned normal.

Tiezhicheng is a medium-sized city-state with a population of 800,000, with an army of 200,000 on the bright side. Among them, 50,000 city defense forces, 10,000 security forces, 20,000 logistics units, and 120,000 soldiers used for foreign operations. And because Tiezhicheng has always been a very aggressive city-state, more than half of the soldiers have experienced at least one or two wars. Veteran.

After comparing the two sides’ data, there is no doubt that “Xiuyuan City” is at an absolute disadvantage. Theoretically speaking, such a military comparison, “Xiuyuan City” is undoubtedly defeated.

But war is not something you can’t fight without knowing that you will lose. Especially when others come to invade you and want to kill your people and relatives.

can’t beat, it depends on how you beat it.

Although “Xiuyuan City” had just been upgraded to a small city-state, it only took a year or two. However, thanks to the influence of the large-scale and occasionally small-scale “beast tides” that erupted on the Nieno continent twice a year, the walls of “Xiuyuan City” were still solid.

If you concentrate on defense, there is still a slim chance to survive. Moreover, as a member of the “Qin” alliance, “Xiuyuan City” had already sent a message to the alliance city-states for help after receiving the information. Therefore, as long as it can survive the opponent’s attack for half a month, “Xiuyuan City” will have a certain opportunity to wait to support the attack to repel the “Iron Child City” or even counterattack with the help of allies.

However, just when Dahan Fan Xiu and the staff of “Xiuyuan City” planned to use the city defenses of “Xiuyuan City” to fight a defensive battle with the first group of 50,000 offensive troops from “Iron Zhicheng”, The latest information is that everyone’s heart tightens and their scalp numb.

According to intelligence, several special units appeared in the first offensive force of “Iron Zhicheng”. And it was these special forces that made the strategy of the “Xiuyuan City” defensive battle almost aborted as soon as it was implemented.

Five siege behemoths, a large group of mountain destroyers, a curved wood spirit unit, and a battalion of large spear-making units.

The scientific name of the siege behemoth is “Rakaroff’s Behemoth”, which is the largest among the tamable spirit beasts of mankind. An adult “Lakarov Behemoth” can grow up to fifty feet long, a hundred and twenty feet long, and a width of nearly twenty feet. It is a veritable behemoth.

Mountain Destroyer Force is a special force with the characteristic “Mountain Destruction”. All troops with characteristics are elite. The effect of the “destroying mountain” feature is to double the damage to the city defense. When using heavy weapons, especially heavy blunt weapons such as a single siege hammer, there is a certain chance to cause a crushing blow to the city defense.

It can be said that the first two troops have made the defenses of “Xiuyuan City” useless, making Fan Xiu and the high-level people desperate, then the latter two troops will completely make Fan Xiu and others face ashamed.

Wood Spirit Troops refers to a troop composed entirely of Wood Spirit tribes, or a troop composed entirely of Wood Warlock professionals. Both the wood spirit tribe and the wood warlock have an ability that makes people both enviable and fearful. That is “plant manipulation”.

Wood Spirit Clan’s “plant communication” and “plant alienation” are abilities that belong to the category of racial talents, and are inevitable awakening talents in the Wood Spirit clan.

Wood-based warlock’s “Plant Grows” is a basic professional ability, and basically every practitioner who is employed by the wood-based warlock can master it.

The “plant manipulation” ability of the    Wood Spirit forces allows most of the siege infantry to ignore the existence of the city wall, because the plants being manipulated are the natural “ladders” of the siege infantry. Moreover, this kind of “cloud ladder” can grow on the city wall, and can have some special abilities according to the plant seeds used, such as fire prevention, oil absorption, and even active defense and attack capabilities. .

Finally, the large-scale spear-making unit. Large-scale refining guns are called “gas refining ballistas.” It is a double-operated air refining firearm. The refining spear uses the source stone as the power, and is excited by the runes engraved on the small turbine, which can launch suitable ammunition. It is a powerful weapon that mortals can skillfully use. The range of large refining spears is usually between five and twenty-five miles. Of course, beyond the visual range of the attack requires the appropriate detection means to cooperate. However, any gas refining firearm is the most powerful at close range.

A powerful firearm that can shoot 25 miles away can imagine the effect of attacking the human body at close range.

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