Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 396

Chapter 394

After thinking for a while, Ning Yuan gave up the passage on the left and chose the “earth puppet” maze.

This is not to say that Ning Yuan has confidence in his own strength, but that the spear tactics he currently masters, especially the “Triangular Spear tactics (modified, which focuses on rehearsal, are not suitable for dealing with dexterous enemies.

Taking out the three-sided cold iron gun from the storage finger, Ning Yuan cautiously stepped into the hole with both guns in his hands.

As the entrance of the cave closed again, Ning Yuan’s eyes fell into darkness once again.

At the moment when he plunged into darkness, Ning Yuan took the gun to the corner on the right front without any hesitation.

Ning Yuan’s gun speed was not fast, but the power on the gun was very heavy. There was a crisp “click” in the dark, followed by a muffled sound of “boom”, a flash of sparkle splashing, and it was fleeting.

Ning Yuan retracted his gun and retreated, waiting for the light source in the maze to light up. With a glimpse of the fire, Ning Yuan knew that the shot had hit the opponent’s waist and hip, so he didn’t have to worry about the opponent’s counterattack for the time being.

Both the memory of the boundary line in the “sunset” state, or the glimpse in the glimmer of light before the passageway was closed, allowed Ning Yuan to accurately see the earth figurine puppet preparing to attack. That’s why he attacked the first time after he fell into the darkness.

The puppets in the labyrinth have no intelligence, but they have not weak detection and induction capabilities. They can accurately attack after sensing vitality fluctuations, and can also defend themselves based on induction. Although the attack is more modular, the power is indeed not weak. The key is that the appearance of these earthen puppets in the memory of the boundary line is very irregular, and the way and location of appearance are also very unexpected.

Ning Yuan, who retreated to Shimen, raised his ears, and guarded carefully in front of him with guns in both hands.

After a few breaths, the light source in the maze would light up, and Ning Yuan would not be so passive at that time.

However, just as Ning Yuan waited carefully, a muffled noise sounded on the left, and at the same time a strong cold wind hit Ning Yuan’s chest.

Ning Yuan held his spear horizontally with both hands, and his body shook in the crisp sound of “dang”, his hands were suddenly suppressed to his chest, his back directly hit the stone gate, and he let out a muffled hum.

Ning Yuan just let out a sigh of relief, and a sharp wind swept straight across his neck. Under the crisis, Ning Yuan could only squat down to avoid the sweep, and then rolled forward in embarrassment, leaving Shimen’s position.

Fortunately, when Ning Yuan got up, the maze finally lit up.

In the slightly dim light, Ning Yuan, who turned to make a defensive posture, finally saw the appearance of the sneak attacker. The head was as round and round as in the memory, the body was round and narrow on the top and the bottom was round like the big clay pot, two small columnar legs and big arms that were thicker and rounded like lotus root that were thicker than the legs more than a circle.

The overall round and round image of the mysterious black clay puppet is still very happy, if you don’t count the weird crying expression on Yuan’s face and the sharp weapon in his hand.

Originally, Ning Yuan thought there were only two soil puppets, one was retreated by his first attack, and the other was a sneak attack. But there are actually three clay puppets here.

The slightly damaged torso on the front left was undoubtedly the one that Ning Yuan attacked first, with a short stick on his big arm.

The two on the front right are holding a machete with bare hands and the other. The one who attacked him first and shook himself back should be the one with bare hands, followed by the one with a machete.

“Although the strength is indeed what it looks like in the mid-soldier rank, it is really heavy.” Ning Yuan glanced at the inch-deep scratches on the Shimen and muttered.

Fortunately, because the earth puppets were quite large and the maze passages were designed to be wide and tall, Ning Yuan’s spear was fully deployed, otherwise the battle would not be very easy to fight. Although it doesn’t look good at all now.

Ning Yuan swung his spear and changed his defensive posture to an offensive posture. Then, instead of waiting for the clay puppet who turned his upper body weirdly to launch an attack, he took the first shot at the joint between the body and the arm. The earth puppet holding the knife turned the direction of the sword and directly blocked the gun.

The spear turned, and hit the joint of the other arm again with a spin, but was punched crooked from the side by the boxing puppet.

Not discouraged, Ning Yuan turned around in the direction of strength, and the spear rushed into the abdomen of the boxing puppet like a poisonous snake out of a hole.

Then, without waiting for the opponent’s defensive fist to touch the barrel of the gun, he pressed the gun with his left hand and picked it up, spinning and drilling into the joint between the head and the body of the clay pot.

The spear shook back and ignored the boxing puppet, but swept the retracted spear toward the head-body connection of the sword-bearing puppet like a stick.

Amid the loud noise of the “boom”, the earth puppet’s round head tilted, the machete deformed, and it slashed into the ground diagonally.

Taking this opportunity, Ning Yuan stepped back a few steps, slowing down his numb hands, and looking at the boxing puppet who stopped moving.

Seeing that the strange crying expression on the other’s face disappeared, the nervous mood eased a little.

“As in the memory, the core is there.” Ning Yuan was sure of his mind, turned and rushed towards the stick-holding clay puppet who stepped on his short legs.

After a few falsifications, the short stick that finally deceived the opponent shot into the head-body joint. Seeing that the opponent was not moving, let go of the gun and an iron bridge flashed past the attack of the knife-holding soil puppet. He got up and grabbed the spear and sent it upwards to block the opponent’s chopper again. The opportunity of the knife puppet’s movement was swept toward the head-body connection.

“Bang” with another loud noise, he turned back and pierced the joint between the head and the body again.

Seeing that the movement of the clay puppet holding the knife stopped, the weird crying expression on his face disappeared. Ning Yuan retracted the spear and let out a sigh of relief.

The battle of sneak attack, counter attack and then attack ended in Ning Yuan’s victory.

The three soldier-level soil puppets were solved fairly easily, and Ning Yuan had a basic understanding of his own combat power.

Although the combat power of the three earth puppets is not strong, their actions are equivalent to those of ordinary soldiers-level practitioners, their traveling speed is no different from that of a mortal, and their moves are simple and single-board, but the overall combat power can still be used as a reference. of. Moreover, the coordinated movements of the martial arts puppet and the sword-wielding puppet are quite well-organized.

Overall, Ning Yuan felt that he might still have a chance to win against ordinary practitioners.

“Then, the next step is actual combat training.” After Ning Yuan exhaled his breath, he raised his eyes and whispered towards the maze passage.

Although the short-term battle is easy to win, there are a few thrilling moves in the process, and the combat action of the soil puppet is equivalent to that of the ordinary soldier-level practitioner, and the weaker overall strength is the actual combat of a rookie like Ning Yuan. Good opponent. For Ning Yuan who wants to gain combat experience, the soil puppet is quite an ideal target for training.

In this way, when there is no danger of traps and Ning Yuan is not in a hurry, this mud puppet labyrinth has become a temporary habitat for Ning Yuan.

For the next half month, Ning Yuan fought with the earth puppets who didn’t know at any time from the maze, familiar with his combat power and accumulated combat experience, while searching for the exit of the maze according to his memory. When you are tired or sleepy, find a safe place to meditate, while improving your cultivation level, while training your vigilance.

After half a month, Ning Yuan finally found the exit of the maze that was inconsistent with the memory of the realm line, and also saw the earth puppet gatekeeper who was a circle larger than the ordinary earth puppet.

The strength of the earth puppet gatekeeper is obviously much stronger than that of the ordinary earth puppet. Regardless of the movements and speeds, they have been consistent with those of the mid-soldier-level practitioners, and their strength has reached or even surpassed those of the late-level ordinary soldiers.

When he first made contact, Ning Yuan was almost blasted off by the gatekeeper without notice.

Ning Yuan, who had been blasted back more than twenty steps, shook his numb body, and looked rather solemnly at the earth puppet gatekeeper guarding the exit of the maze.

The body strength of the gatekeeper of the earth puppet is more than 30% stronger than that of the ordinary earth puppet. The weapon in his hand is also a spear like Ning Yuan. The speed and movement are similar to that of Ning Yuan. However, the oppressive feeling and far superior power brought by the huge size make Ning Yuan very It’s uncomfortable, but fortunately, the moves are the same as ordinary clay puppets, which are the “three-axes” patterned moves back and forth. The range of activities is also limited to the range of about two feet away from the maze exit.

However, it is worth complaining that although the offensive moves of the soil puppets in the maze are very modular, the methods of sensing defense are extremely flexible. During the half-month battle, Ning Yuan spent most of his time thinking about how to break through the defense of the soil puppets. on.

And now, before Ning Yuan faced the perverted power of the earth puppet gatekeeper, he also had to figure out a way to break the defense with his own attack. In the tentative attack just now, the shot that Ning Yuan accurately pierced on the body of the goalkeeper was directly slid away by the enamel layer on the opponent’s body. Not only did it not achieve the attack effect, but it also caused the entire body to be deformed and the opponent seized the opportunity. A shot came out,

If you didn’t return the gun in time to block it, now it is not simply being blasted back, but strung.

Ning Yuan frowned and stared at the black enamel layer of the gatekeeper for a while, took a deep breath, and rushed up again with the gun.

As soon as he entered the attack range, the gatekeeper’s spear swept over. Ning Yuan’s body was short, and he leaned back over the sweep of the spear, then leaned forward and pierced the gatekeeper’s armpit joint.

As soon as the gatekeeper’s gun body lifted to block the blow, the gun body turned and pierced the empty door exposed by the gun body. Ning Yuan threw the gun up and flashed by one side of his body, and then took the gun back. Turn to the goalkeeper to pierce the waist and leg joints.

But the shot was also simply blocked by the gatekeeper.

Several consecutive attacks on the body joints of the gatekeeper were blocked by the gatekeeper either swinging or sweeping. The force of the counter-shock shook Ning Yuan had to retreat to relieve the numbness of the body’s agitation.

Some helpless Ning Yuan tentatively attacked several times with sweeping and rotating guns, either directly blocked or slipped away by the enamel layer on the opponent’s body, and there was no chance of breaking the opponent’s defense.

“How to do it?!” Ning Yuan’s thoughts were spinning rapidly, “Xizhao” repeated all the memory images from the beginning to the present, and also actively used the mind-consuming “Yanyan” talent for deduction.

But the result of deduction in the consciousness time after time is that no one can do anything about the goalkeeper. Ning Yuan is because his range of action is delineated. Ning Yuan can withdraw from the opponent’s attack range at any time. Of course, if Ning Yuan is careless, there is definitely a good chance. He fell dead under the perverted power of the gatekeeper’s spear.

“The key is that layer of enamel.” Ning Yuan murmured, using “Yao Yan” again to deduct it.

But this time the goal is no longer how to defeat the goalkeeper, but how to break through the enamel layer on the goalkeeper.

After repeated failures of the deduction, Ning Yuan, whose mind began to fall into exhaustion, finally saw a successful deduction.

I saw the long spear in Ning Yuan’s hand that was swayed by several tricks to deceive the opponent’s attack, and then slowly pushed out in a seemingly slow motion. But it was this “slow” movement that the goalkeeper did not block. The spear passed directly under the gatekeeper’s spear, and then shattered the enamel layer under the spear in Ning Yuan’s incredible eyes, and pierced the gatekeeper’s body.

“This is…” Ning Yuan closed his eyes and played back the shot over and over in his consciousness, with a solemn expression on his face. It took him a long time to open his eyes, and muttered with a sigh of relief: “The power of the mountain.”

“Dashanshi” is the name of the gun in my mind. This gun is the unique trick of “Triangular Spear (Reform that “Yaoyan” evolved when he awakened. It was also a move that Ning Yuan had never successfully rehearsed except for the first unconscious rehearsal in the evolutionary process.

I don’t know why, Ning Yuan always feels that this trick is too mysterious, completely beyond his understanding at this stage.

But in the current situation, Ning Yuan could only bite the bullet and let himself learn this trick anyway, even if he couldn’t understand it, he had to be able to use it.

“Triangular Spear Jue (Reform is a unique “Triangular Spear Jue” created by Ning Yuan unconsciously with the help of the “Yao Yan” talent. On the basis of the original “Triangular Spear Jue”, she added his own right The first realm of the “spear spine” talent “heavy” understanding. If this were the case, it wouldn’t be a big deal. The weird thing was that when Ning Yuan evolved with the help of his “Yaoyan” talent, he also added something that appeared in his mind, but he still didn’t understand it. Only then has the “Three-Edged Spear Jue (Reform that can be compared with the “Three-Range Spear Jue” gifted by the predecessors, which can reach the top grade of human level.

When Ning Yuan was worried about how to use the “big mountain”, Xu Yong, who had been tortured for two months without collecting accurate information from Ning Yuan, in Koka City, which had just ended the “Blood February”, immediately took his confidant. He and many of his subordinates rushed to the Longshou Mountain Range, and shortly after exploring, they accurately found the crevice of the mountain where Ning Yuan and the others had entered.

“Sure it’s here?” Xu Yong’s feminine voice sounded with a slightly suspicious tone, unconsciously pinching Lanhua’s finger.

The confidant who looked down and couldn’t see the expression heard the sound and responded: “Based on intelligence and surrounding investigation results, it is basically certain that it is here.”

“Oh?” Xu Yong’s bright bald head lifted, looking at the dark mountain gap that has been re-shielded by vines with one eye, a strange shimmer flashed across the green fake eyes, and he muttered to himself, “It seems to be The loopholes that occur when turning over, such as the’earth dragon’, exist just like the back door.”

After lowering his head and thinking for a while, Xu Yong didn’t bring anyone in directly, but instead ordered: “Send a few clever scouts to investigate and find the safe path first.”

“Yes.” The subordinate responded, then raised his head hesitated and said: “Do you need to inform Young Master Xue Qing?”

Xu Yong frowned and said in a deep voice, “It won’t be too late to notify you when it’s confirmed.”

The confidant nodded, turned around and recruited a few small scouts to enter the crevice of the mountain to investigate, while the others watched around.

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