Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 412

Chapter 410

An hour later, Ning Yuan climbed up the treetops to confirm the direction while gnawing on the wild fruits. Looking at the endless forest sea, Ning Yuan was a little desperate. He really did not expect that the map was already the arrival point of the edge of the Dragon’s Blood Forest. After the actual arrival, he could not see the edge of the forest.

Facing the cruel contrast between imagination and reality, Ning Yuan suddenly regretted it. If he didn’t choose to follow the memory in the dream on the spur of the moment, he tried to get that thing while all players didn’t know it. Instead, he started the game as smoothly as most players. After careful investigation and preparation, he would not seize the opportunity. Would be a better choice.

In Ning Yuan’s memory, the chance was only known to him even during the time period when the player’s strength was already on the road. Moreover, on another realm line, he also entered that place by accident. It can be said that Ning Yuan could wait until he was familiar with the life of Nieno Continent and had certain strength before going there.

However, Ning Yuan regretted it for a while and had to admit that he chose to look for this opportunity now, which might be impulsive, but he had to do it.

Ning Yuan hides behind a giant tree, holding his breath carefully.

He began to rejoice that he fell into the water just now, and the semi-wet rookie suit and the lush weeds in the forest reduced his breath to the point where he would not be noticed by those common-smelling beasts as long as he was not too close.

And in the gap of dense forest less than 100 meters away from the hiding place of Ningyuan, a few fierce beasts are now faintly visible.

is different from Zhuxing’s reality, which only divides wild creatures into beasts and fierce beasts. Although there are classifications of beasts on the Nieno continent, they only account for a small part of the beasts on the Nieno continent. The overwhelming majority of the Nieno Continent are ordinary fierce beasts collectively referred to as monsters and powerful fierce beasts of above strength.

fierce, savage, famine, calamity, four power levels plus two types of demon, spirit, this is the way of cognition of all creatures on the Nieno continent except for the intelligent race.

Take the fierce beast as an example. Those beasts that are harmless to practitioners are not counted. Although they are collectively referred to as fierce beasts, they can be divided into four categories according to their danger, fierce beasts, wild beasts, wild beasts and disaster beasts.

If you want to specify the danger, you have to compare the cultivation system of the practitioner.

The level of cultivation in the Nieno Continent is divided into three levels: Heaven, Earth, and Human. The signs are the initial condensation of vitality, stepping into a gangway, and crossing the sky. Each level is divided into three levels, namely soldiers, husband, lieutenant, school, general, commander, marquis, king, and prince. A total of three levels and nine levels.

Knowing the cultivation level of the practitioner, it is easy to explain the danger of the beast. The fierce beast corresponds to the three levels of soldier, husband, and lieutenant, the wild beast corresponds to the three levels of lieutenant, school, and general, the desolate beast corresponds to the three levels of general, commander, and marquis, and the disaster beast corresponds to the king level and above.

That’s right, the upper limit of the fierce beast, the wild beast, and the wild beast is exactly the same as the lower limit of the upper-level. That is to say, the top fierce beast is not weaker than the ordinary wild beast, and the peak wild beast is also not weaker than the ordinary wild beast. , Savage Beast, Savage Beast is more the difference of the upper and lower limits of strength caused by rank. Only the calamity beast can be said to have surpassed the level of ordinary rank difference, more is the complete transcendence of the life level and individual strength, and the overall power. The calamity beast is described by the creatures of the Nieno continent as a moving natural calamity, and its lower limit has far exceeded the upper limit of the strength that the desolate beast can reach. The most powerful disaster beasts are equivalent to the super powers of the cultivator’s heavenly king level.

After talking about the comparison of the strength of the fierce beast and the cultivator, let’s get a little understanding of the difference between the fierce beast and the spirit.

In the long and endless years of war with beasts, practitioners discovered that some beasts can be tamed and communicate to a certain extent. In order to distinguish them, practitioners call these beasts that can be communicated and tamed as spirit beasts. The other fierce beasts are collectively referred to as monsters.

After recalling the records related to the beasts, Ning Yuan was even more grateful that the side north of the Luoning River already belonged to the periphery of the Dragon’s Blood Forest. Generally speaking, only beasts with the strength of beasts exist, and the edge is even if there are only beasts. Beasts on the scene. As long as the fierce beast-level monsters are not particularly sensitive in smell, perception, or drifting, generally speaking, the warning zone is only 50 meters away. As long as they are not seen, Ning Yuan has the opportunity to avoid these. Monster.

After waiting patiently for about a quarter of an hour, the hissing of the few badger monsters in Ning Yuan’s ears, hiding behind the tree, finally disappeared.

waited for a while before Ning Yuan looked carefully into the gap in the dense forest. Sure enough, there were no more monsters there.

Confirming safety, Ning Yuan let out a sigh of relief while stroking his chest with his left hand. As a mortal who hasn’t cultivated yet, Ning Yuan still has some confidence in dealing with ordinary beasts by relying on the short spear in his hand, but it can be said to be a life of nine deaths against any fierce beast.

Even the weakest fierce beast must have vitality in its body, and with vitality, no matter how weak the fierce beast is, it will inevitably gain the first level of extraordinary power. Regardless of power and speed, they are far from comparable to those of mortals.

Ning Yuan held the short gun tightly in his right hand. Although this thing is useless against fierce beasts, it is more or less a comfort than nothing. When you are desperate, if you are lucky, it will be somewhat effective.

After climbing up the treetops again to confirm the direction, Ning Yuan cautiously sneaked into the distance along the places that were not easily noticed by the monsters.

Every quarter or two, Ning Yuan would climb to a high place again to confirm the general direction, and then carefully avoid the places where monsters might be encountered, and walk concealedly towards the edge of the dragon blood forest. When encountering wild fruits, he will Determine whether it is edible according to actual experience, and pick the wild fruits that are confirmed to be safe for use in the stomach.

Repeatedly discerning directions in this way, carefully avoiding encounters with monsters, carefully confirming the safety of the environment, stopping and stopping, when the time came to the evening, the surrounding environment became more and more dim.

climbed up the treetops again, Ning Yuan looked at the time and direction, then secretly calculated the itinerary, and then found that he had traveled less than thirty miles in the whole day. Although I could see the shadows of the mountains faintly visible in the clouds and mist in the distance, there was still a dense forest that could not be seen at a glance.

Although the sky outside is still bright, the forest is obviously dark, and a faint mist is beginning to fill. The rest of today is obviously not suitable for moving on.

Ning Yuan sat down in the shadow of the tree fork, avoiding being spotted by the flying demon birds starting to return to the nest above the forest. According to his estimation, the boundary of the Dragon Blood Forest is at least more than one hundred and fifty miles away from where he is now. If we keep moving at the speed of today, it will take at least five days.

The five-day rush time alone is nothing to Ning Yuan. It stems from family education and he has some certainty about survival in the wild. Moisture and physical strength can be supplemented by wild fruits that can be found everywhere in the dense forest. During the daytime, as long as there is no luck. It might be able to survive through gritted teeth.

The key is night.

The night in the Dragon Blood Forest is obviously an active period of monster activities. You don’t need to think about open flames for heating, and even firestones can’t be used. Any light source is a continuous target that attracts monsters to attack in a dark environment.

To make matters worse, as far as Ning Yuan observed, the night in the Dragon’s Blood Forest was accompanied by heavy fog, and rain in the forest was likely to occur.

Now is the overcast season, that is, spring, just after Yinyue (March), it is still the time when everything is growing and the cold is not warm in spring.

The Dragon Blood Forest was originally dense and dense, and the temperature was much lower than the outer boundary. Although Ning Yuan’s rookie suit had dried out after checking the location, he still felt a little cold when he walked in the dense forest. This is the case at noon during the day when the sun is the most prosperous. It is conceivable to what extent the temperature in the Dragon’s Blood Forest will drop after dark.

To be honest, even if frost began to freeze in the forest at the end, Ning Yuan would not feel the slightest weirdness.

Under such circumstances, Ning Yuan still cannot light a fire to keep warm, cannot relax and relax, or even move casually, and must always remain concealed and vigilant. Because in the densely foggy forest at night, he couldn’t see his fingers, Ning Yuan could only rely on hearing and limited perception to detect the movement around him. And during the active period of the Nightwalking Monster Beast foraging, even if Ning Yuan just missed a little movement, he might encounter unpredictable danger.

If it’s just one day, Ning Yuan will pass by after a while. However, Ning Yuan obviously feels desperate after such a day for at least five days.

The novice suit is not a warm suit. It is enough to survive a day in such a wet and cold night without a fire. Five days? That would be deadly.

can’t move even in a small area, squinting and taking a nap is a luxury. You must keep your mind tight and concentrated throughout the whole process. With your body on alert at all times, you will at least peel off your skin during a day like this cold night. Five days? Let it die.

After thinking about it, Ning Yuan felt that what he was facing was a desperate situation, and it was also a dead state.

Although Ning Yuan’s physique is good, staying up all night in such an environment is sick at best, but he will definitely die in five days. It may not take five days, and tomorrow it is possible to be killed because of the illness.

“No. You must find an environment where you can rest quietly, or there is only a dead end.” Frowning Ning Yuan said to himself decisively.

While the surrounding environment was still visible for the time being, Ning Yuan quickly jumped off the tree, inspected it for a while, and then cautiously and quickly touched it in one direction.

After cautiously exploring for half an hour, he shuddered and avoided a few night-walking monsters that had gone out for food in advance. Ning Yuan finally found an environment where he could barely settle down before the sky was completely dark.

This is an ancient tree that is obviously more than a few thousand years old, and it seems to be of the same genus as the big tree in reality. Big bale tree is also called empty bale tree, because the trunk is thin and thick at the bottom and swells like a bag and is hollow. It is the natural dwelling of some inhabitants in reality.

Whether this ancient tree is an empty tree or not, Ning Yuan is not sure, but it is true that the trunk is enlarged. Ning Yuan estimated that at least 20 people would hold hands in a circle to hug each other. As for whether the tree trunk is hollow, it has to be dug to know.

Ning Yuan chose this tree not only because the trunk of this tree is the thickest and largest among the surrounding trees, it looks like an empty tree, but also because of the huge rock next to this ancient tree. The folded surface of the huge rock forms a concave angle with the ancient wood, which is a natural hiding place. Even this angle can save Ning Yuan a lot of vigilant energy.

The fog began to thicken, feeling the heavier and heavier coldness, Ning Yuan no longer delayed, holding the joint of the spear head of the short gun, the tail of the spear against the rock wall, and digging along the wedge of huge rocks and ancient trees.

Because of the limited space, the gun tail and the rock wall would bump into each other from time to time, and the gun head was difficult to exert force, and the excavation project was more difficult than expected. If it hadn’t been for Ning Yuan to take off his shirt and wrap it around the tail of the gun, the sound of the short gun colliding with the rock wall might have been heard far in this secluded environment.

It was faintly visible in the sky that the visibility was less than half a foot before reaching out under the mist. After two hours of hard work, Ning Yuan finally dug a gap in the trunk that he could squeeze into.

Ning Yuan reached out and probed, breathing lightly in the darkness.

The trunk of the ancient tree is hollow like the empty tree. The hard work of two hours was finally not in vain.

Ning Yuan put away the short spear and squeezed into the tree hole sideways, carefully took out the firestone in his waist pocket, and touched it gently on the wall of the tree hole, the firestone lit up.

stretched out his left hand holding the flaming stone, and the environment inside the tree cave appeared in front of Ning Yuan’s eyes in a slightly dim light. Although the tree hole is not as big as expected, it is enough for two or three people to lie down and rest.

The tree cave looks like a closed conical space, but the air inside does not appear dull. On the contrary, the air with a touch of mud and wood makes Ning Yuan very comfortable.

Although the air outside also carries the breath of woods and soil, it may be a psychological effect, or perhaps it is safe enough here to some extent, so Ning Yuan feels that the air here is reassuring.

Through the dim light of the firestone, Ning Yuan found that the ground of the tree cave was composed of a huge undulating root system and soil. The part of the root system lying on the ground was like a small bench, and the smooth soil between the root system and the root system was enough to light a fire in the middle There is enough space in the pile to lie down and rest.

After carefully checking the ventilation, Ning Yuan was very satisfied with the environment in the tree hole. The space is large enough, the air circulation is good, the ground is flat and dry, the soil is hard, and there is no flammable resin on the wooden cave walls. It is no wonder that similar empty trees in reality are called natural snail dwellings.

Just as Ning Yuan sighed secretly, a cold wind with heavy moisture blew in through the cut tree cracks along the rock wall at the outside angle.

Along with the whine of the wind blowing the tree hole, Ning Yuan shuddered inexplicably. Only then did I remember that it is not the time to relax.

Put on the jacket again, and move the bark, wood blocks, sawdust and other things that were dug outside and some dead branches picked up on the road into the hole as fuel and firewood, and then use it to cover the rocks just in case The bushes in the corners are piled outside the tree slits as a camouflage.

After confirming that the light of the pyrotechnic stone would not be noticed by the outside, Ning Yuan began to use the most primitive method to ignite the fire and set the fire to keep warm. .

While roasting the fire to dissipate the chill, and listening to the whistling of the wind outside, Ning Yuan placed the short gun within reach, and after eating a few wild fruits to replenish moisture and physical strength, he finally slowly relaxed.

“At least temporarily, it’s safe.” Ning Yuan murmured.

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