Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 429

Chapter 427

“The eldest princess of the first family of Zhuxia, the world-famous singer of the stars, the first beauty of the human race of the stars, the first person of the anti-realistic racial supremacy of the Nieno continent, the Qin family-Qin Yuqing.”

Ning Yuan opened his eyes and muttered.

“It’s a pity that the Ning family is in the lower class, and there is no chance to see her. If you can meet her once, you should be able to know her true nature.”

“Now, I can only tell that she is in the next big chess game. And it represents the righteous side for both the aborigines and the players.”

tapping his forehead lightly, Ning Yuan fell into thought:

(“She really only saw those things in the post? It’s impossible. The Qin family’s intelligence and ability to grasp the general trend have always been the top of Zhuxia’s family.”)

“That is to say deliberately.” Ning Yuan murmured.

After reading related posts on the forum about the general trend of players, Ning Yuan fell into silence, and various thoughts flashed in his mind.

For some reason, Ning Yuan could see that most of the related posts about the contradictions between the players and the indigenous people and the so-called “fusion factions” and “player supremacy” of the players were all from the same powers.

Although it did write something that gave most players a seemingly comprehensive understanding of the status quo, it also hid some deeper things.

For example, the nature of the aboriginal people.

Ning Yuan didn’t believe that only he was told something by the indigenous people.

Although it is relatively difficult to obtain the permissions of “Rebirth”, Ning Yuan believes that there are many more than Ning Yuan. Such as the Qin family, Li family, Wan family, Wang family, Huang family, Helian family, Sima family, Yu family, etc. of Zhu Xia, and the Dejia family, Gullard family, Bolt family of Yi people, etc., There must be many other clan forces who enter the Nieno continent and have certain “Rebirth” permissions by default.

However, the existence of the upper level does not deliberately tell the truth of certain things in the lower level, not to mention the so-called “truth” that they themselves don’t know thoroughly.

But the game has already begun.

On the whole, the power of the lord player of the Dragon Mountain domain has been divided into hundreds of scattered parts. Outside retail investors have been divided up by various forces in just one year. The adventurer players who occupy the majority of the population are also faintly divided into camps. They are the so-called “fusionists”, “players first” and “neutralists”.

Under the operation of Qin Yuqing, the Qin family and the Qin family and the alliance family, who have a strong influence in the reality of the stars, the “fusion faction” that was originally at a disadvantage has stabilized and stabilized the “player supremacy”, which originally occupied the majority. The “neutrals” of China are now in the minority.

According to the analysis of related posts in the statistics section, the current risk-takers who agree or lean towards the “integration faction” account for about one-half, or about half, and about one-third of those who support the “player supremacy”, which is vacillating. The “neutral faction” accounted for only one-sixth of adventurer players, and the situation is still declining.

And the strongest among the current “fusion faction” players is the “Sunny Rain League” headed by Miss Qin “Da Qin City” and listed under the name of the “Lion and Dragon Federation”, one of the strongest city-state alliances in the Longshan Region.

“Qingyu League” has 20 D-level cities, 81 high-level towns, and thousands of intermediate-level towns and below village-level cities. In addition, players outside of the “Lion and Dragon Federation” have a total of 100 points in the league, and each league has at least 3 D-level small cities.

It can be said that the overall strength of the “Qingyu League” is worthy of the first among all player forces, and it is not weaker than some small city-state alliances among the aborigines.

The strongest among the “players supreme” is the “Yong Ye Bang” composed of “Night Fort” members under Gudla’s command. “Yong Ye Bang” has annexed its belongings without attracting the attention of the aboriginal forces. The small aboriginal city-state alliance, also known as the “Xiaodaolin City-State Alliance” to which the old man Hu Yang belonged, has 18 D-level cities, plus the D-level “Eternal Night City”, and the number of D-level cities has reached 19 In addition to other occupied towns and villages, although it is slightly weaker than the main alliance of the “Qingyu League”, it is not much worse.

But because “Yongyebang” does not have a so-called split alliance, its overall strength is far from that of “Qingyu League”.

But the power of the players is actually meaningless to the natives.

It is important to know that the city knots in the hands of almost all lord players, whether they were purchased through Long Yuan authority when creating characters or obtained after entering the Nieno continent, are basically the city knots of the aboriginal city-state alliance forces.

In other words, almost all player lords are nominally under the jurisdiction of the Aboriginal City-State Alliance. As mentioned earlier, as long as they are not formed by independent forces, all player cities need to obey the management of the higher-level Aboriginal City-State Alliance, regardless of war or resource allocation. .

Although the Aboriginal City-State Alliance actually does not care whether the cities under its command will annex each other or grab resources, once an alliance war occurs, all the cities under it, whether it is aboriginal cities or player cities, must unconditionally participate in the war or complete the alliance. Assigned tasks.

Once participating in the battle, player cities belonging to different city-state alliances have to attack each other. Even if the two player cities belong to different leagues of the same player league.

As long as the lord player cannot separate his own city, the so-called player alliance will only have a certain meaning when under the name of the same aboriginal city-state alliance.

Therefore, in Ning Yuan’s view, whether it is “Qingyu League” or “Yongyebang” or other player alliances, at this stage, they are only nominal alliances. If you want to truly become a veritable player power, you can only wait until it is strong enough to bear the independence of betraying the Aboriginal City-State Alliance.

At that time, whether the aboriginals and players are mixed, the “fusion faction” or the pure player city “player supremacy” will welcome the true baptism from the aborigines.

After browsing many posts in various sections, Ning Yuan unexpectedly discovered that although the player’s strength and influence have increased rapidly, it seems that it has reached a certain bottleneck.

After more than 100,000 Grade D cities appeared in the entire Longshan Domain within a year, the rate of appearance of Grade D cities began to drop sharply. Although there are still D-level cities appearing every day, they are very few compared to a few months ago.

4 billion players around the world have entered the Nieno continent, and all players are concentrated in the Longshan domain except for the sporadic players who live in other regions for special reasons. Although the players who can become the lord do not account for a large number of players, there are always one or two billion. Even if most players entered the game two months after the opening of the Nieno continent, the time to become a lord player is still short, but 1.5 million player lords were the first to establish a player city. So much time plus the ownership With the option of pure player city, no matter how to count the D-level cities that are less than 200,000 up to now, it is not normal.

It’s not just that the number of D-level cities is abnormal. The player’s strength and level are also abnormal.

Nine months after the emergence of the first player, the “Ping-level” player, only 90 million of the 4 billion players reached the “Ping-level”, not even 100 million. There are only 1 million players who have reached the Jingwei level, and only 9,000 players have reached the Silver Wei level. So far, no player has reached the golden school level and entered the ground level.

“What is the reason?” Ning Yuan frowned in surprise.

is not only the strength, the player’s level is also strangely stagnant at the level of 59 total level. The player with the highest level among the players is an adventurer player called “Dream Road”, with a character level of 30, the first professional level of 15 and the second professional level of 14 and a total level of 59.

According to “Dream Dao”, since he reached the 15th level of the first job, the level of the first job was stuck there motionless. Although the experience he put in was not bad, he couldn’t be upgraded. He originally guessed it was the character level. The upper limit was not reached, so the character level was fed from 15 to 30 again, but after the character level reached the second upper limit to 30, the class level still remained silent.

Without a way, he can only develop a second career, but who knows that after reaching 14% of the second career, he will not be upgraded. Just when he gave up on himself and planned to get the third job upgrade, the system reminded him that he could not get the third job before the second job reached the first upper limit.

In this way, he and most of the players who have the same experience as him are all stuck at 30/15/14, with a total level of 59.

In order to be able to improve the level, many players have exhausted all the methods they can think of, including consulting aboriginal mentors. But almost all the aboriginal tutors gave only one sentence: “The strength has not been reached, and the heart has not been reached.”

The players couldn’t understand the meaning of this sentence at all. The strength is not there yet? Although there are many players who are only pawn-level when they reach level 59, some of them are at the silver lieutenant level? Is it necessary to reach the golden school level?

But if it wasn’t for the fact that the strength could not be improved, the players would not upgrade.

You have to know that as far as the players experience in one year of gaming, level and strength have nothing to do with each other, okay? Although the level promotion adds attributes, it also makes the player feel a little stronger. Only the blessing provided by the skill can be regarded as a significant increase in strength.

At first, players thought that level was equal to strength, so they raised the character level and class level to 15/15 in the first stage, but after killing monsters, they found that the efficiency of killing monsters at level 1/1 and 15/15 is exactly the same it is good.

Just when the players were puzzled, the first pawn-level strength player appeared. At this time, the players realized that the strength on the Nieno continent is reflected in the skills, more accurately the blessings that the skills can provide. Above.

But after the players have upgraded the skills they can obtain to the limit they can achieve, they discovered that it seems wrong. The same skill, the same skill level. Why is he a fine guard level and I am only a pawn?

The players don’t understand it again, and then at this time it broke out on the forum that several players broke through the soldier-level barrier and reached the Jingwei-level strength by upgrading their character levels and professional levels.

So the players started to level up again. Then things became like this.

Players have no idea what “strength has not arrived”, and the following sentence “heart has not arrived” is even more incomprehensible.

Or it should be said that the strength enhancement mechanism and level mechanism of the entire Nieno continent have left players confused.

Although the players have made trouble because of this, the system will always reply with only one sentence:

“Players are asked to explore on their own.”

(“The strength has not arrived, and the heart has not arrived.” “The strength has not arrived, and the heart has not arrived…”) Ning Yuan kept repeating this sentence in his mind, recalling his own experience in the inheritance, seeming to guess What has arrived.

again and again after checking the players’ posts, he sighed silently.

“You can see the lower layer, but you can’t see the upper layer. You can see the upper layer, but you can’t see the lower layer. Even the middle layer can’t see anything.”

“The strength has not yet arrived… Yes, the players’ own strength is far from reached…”

(“Talk about your strength even if you can’t even grasp your own body”)

“The heart hasn’t arrived… After all, it’s the player’s mentality that is causing the trouble…”

(“If the subconscious mind always treats this place as a game, then the “heart” can never reach”)

After sighing silently, Ning Yuan turned his head and understood why the number of D-level cities is so wrong. After all, everything is caused by the player’s mentality.

“But…” Ning Yuan frowned somewhat suspiciously, and reproduced some of the details of the posts he had read with “Yesterday Twilight”, then he frowned and said in secret: “Sure enough.”

In all posts related to player influences and in the master list and strength list of player statistics, the “Qilian Gang” and “Zhanxin” who attacked Tan Xiong, “Yuan Shichao”, “Wolf Road”, “Ruan Xinyi”, and “Yeah” The names of “Wang” are completely missing.

In other words, these forces and player masters are not in the range of public players’ awareness.

In order to verify a certain guess in his mind, Ning Yuan searched these names through the search function of the forum and found any related posts as expected.

After closing the forum, Ning Yuan shouted outside the house: “Liu Ying, come in.”

“Okay.” After washing, the little girl Liu Ying, who changed her clothes and waited outside the house, responded and walked in.

After washing, Liu Ying, who showed her delicate face, wrapped her petite but already slightly coquettish figure in a slightly large green petticoat, walked to a position two meters away from Ningyuan and stood still, and then looked a little dazed in Ningyuan. Zhong lowered his head shyly and looked at the ground.

“What’s your command?” Some shy and embarrassed voices sounded from Liu Ying’s mouth with his head down.

Ning Yuan was taken aback for a while and then came back to his senses, a little embarrassed:

“Sorry, I was surprised. The skirt is quite suitable.”

What was rolling in his mind was the amorous feelings that seemed to be inadvertently revealed the moment Liu Ying walked in.

(“Innate charm or skill?!”)

His eyes shrank slightly when she passed Liu Ying’s petticoat.

(“Yun Luo embroidered clothes?!”)

I have to say that at this time, Ning Yuan’s heart has already turned up the stormy sea, but his face is tight and calm.

(“This group of people is really…”)

“Thank you for your compliment, my lord. What’s your order?” A soft voice with a little bit of joy in the shyness came out again from Liu Ying’s mouth with his head down.

Ning Yuan’s index finger pressed his eyebrows and calmed his mind, and temporarily expelled some confused thoughts from his mind. After putting down his hands, he looked at Liu Ying and said: “Your’heart tone’ can send messages from a long distance and receive other people’s messages, right?”

“Yes.” Liu Ying quietly raised her head and glanced at Ning Yuan. Seeing that Ning Yuan was watching her, she hurriedly lowered her head and said softly, “Who do you want me to send?”

“Yeah.” Ning Yuan nodded, “Help me ask Tan Xiong, what is the power of the player who hunts him down?”

Liu Ying was taken aback, raised her head in surprise, and seeing Ning Yuan’s expression a little serious, she lowered her head again and said, “Okay. Please wait a moment.”

Turning his back while speaking, put the index finger and **** of the right hand together under the back of the right ear.

Ning Yuan looked at Liu Ying’s back with a thoughtful color in her eyes. .

About three minutes later, Liu Ying turned and lowered her head and said softly:

“Big Brother Tan Xiong said that all of the players’ strengths have reached the silver rank or above, and the player whose strength is headed by’Zhanxin’ should be the first-tier gold school level.”

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