Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 466

Chapter 464


Returning from the “urban incident”, Ning Yuan clicked on the “household registration file” again.

“You have the right to view the household registration file if the player Ning Yuan’s city lord authority is detected.”

“Ning Yuan: Male, head of Yuanmeng Village. Occupation: Cultivator. Strength: Human-level soldier.”

“If you think of combat power, a cultivator with extreme power cannot actually be compared with an ordinary cultivator in the same realm.” Qin Yirou said flatly, “because the two are completely incomparable.”

“Except for the heavenly ranks whose life level is fully sublimated, any existence with the ultimate power is to some extent a monster that ignores the ranks.” Qin Yirou looked at Ning Yuan’s shocked expression and said lightly, “The cross-border battle is against them. It’s as simple as eating and drinking water.”

“The ultimate power?!”

“Pure strength, speed, physique, blending into the will and spirit of the will and mind, the ultimate sublimation technique, the speech spirit that connects the world, the rhythm that inspires the seven emotions, and the Taoist body that resonates with the vitality. This is the nine recognized by the spiritual world. Great ultimate power.” Qin Yirou explained lightly, “Of course, no matter what kind of ultimate power wants to reach the ultimate level, it is not a realm that ordinary people can reach.”

“How difficult is it?” Ning Yuan asked solemnly.

Qin Yirou looked at Ning Yuan quietly for a long time, before faintly said: “Only one of the millions of fellow practitioners of the same power can obtain the ultimate seed, and only one of the tens of billions of practitioners can reach the ultimate.”

Ning Yuan’s pupils opened wide in an instant, showing a shocking and unclear expression.

“Million” and “Ten billion” Ning Yuan heard the two numbers, and was completely shocked, but he seemed to understand what Qin Yirou said.

“Do you know why I recognize your soul bond relationship with Xiaohe?” Qin Yirou said lightly.

Ning Yuan shook his head, he really didn’t know.

“You already have the’Extreme Seed’. Only one of a million cultivators can obtain the’Extreme Seed’. That’s why I recognize you.” Qin Yirou uttered words that surprised Ning Yuan, “And you are very surprised. It is possible to become a cultivator with two kinds of’extreme seeds’.”

“Me?!” Ning Yuan pointed to himself in surprise, completely unable to understand Qin Yirou’s words, “Have the’Extreme Seed’?! There may be two kinds?!”

“Having the power and intention of the spirit will, this is the potential I see in you.” Qin Yirou said lightly, “Position, you have a rudimentary shape, a mind, and you have a bud.”

“I don’t understand.” Ning Yuan looked at Qin Yirou and shook his head in confusion, “Position and intention, I probably understand what you are talking about, but as far as I know, as long as the cultivator steps into the ground, both of these will become Conventional power, the suppression of the realm of the tiers, and the sword intent and sword intent that the repairer integrates into his own will. There is nothing special about these, is it?”

“Yes.” Qin Yirou nodded, “but that’s on the ground level.”

“Any power, as long as the realm is reached, it will become a conventional power and method. There is no doubt about it. Even if it is the word spirit like the heavenly pardon, as long as the cultivator reaches the heavenly monarch level, it will naturally be mastered. But naturally controlled by the realm. Power can never achieve the ultimate power.” Qin Yirou continued, “Only the supernormal power that is mastered before the realm is reached can become the’extreme seed’. For example, the power-type repairer who mastered the’tiger power’ at the soldier level. , A speed-type cultivator who can leave an afterimage in place, such as a cultivator who has the will of the mountain spirit like you, and a cultivator who can faintly integrate his own will in his moves.”

“For power-type repairers, let alone other things, it may not be difficult for a repairer who has the dual talents of’strong’ and’physical’ to enter the soldier-level with the ultimate potential, but it is not difficult to enter the soldier-level. It can be said that it is almost impossible to deepen the talent to the realm of tiger power. Even if the husband level enters the tiger power level, it can be regarded as a godless talent. The same is true for speed-type cultivators. The formation of afterimages in the movement can be regarded as a talented arrogant, but to leave a deceptive afterimage in place is really something that an evildoer can do, let alone at the soldier level.”

“These are still under the condition that the cultivator has the corresponding talents and the talent potential is extremely high.” Qin Yirou paused, and continued inexplicably, “And your situation makes me very confused to be honest.”

“Although you have spiritual talents and can be said to be top spiritual talents, they should not help you master the effect of will at the soldier level. However, you have initially mastered the’potential’ at the soldier level. The understanding, knowingly or unintentionally, has mastered a little bit of’meaning’. Should you say that you have too much luck, or your savvy is too high?”

Ning Yuan’s eyes flashed, and luck is indeed luck.

If it hadn’t been for the accidental hit and accident to evolve the “Triangular Spear Technique (Reform, he would never have the will of the “big mountain force” at the soldier level. If he hadn’t mastered the “Great Mountain Power”, he would not have been able to comprehend the embryonic form of the “Power”.

However, Ning Yuan really didn’t expect that a little bit of “mountain” fur that he mastered through “big mountains” would make Qin Yirou give such a high evaluation, and even call it the “extreme seed”. In Ning Yuan’s cognition through the memory of the boundary line, although the so-called “situation” and “intention” cannot be said to be the ability that everyone has mastered, they are also regarded as conventional powers among practitioners, but this power is usually held in the ground. It’s just in the hands of the cultivator.

“Huh?!” Qin Yirou wrinkled her eyebrows and thought for a while, looked at Ning Yuan with some surprise and uncertainty, and asked, “You know what you are doing?!”

Ning Yuan was taken aback, nodded, and replied unclearly: “If I hadn’t been for my understanding, I wouldn’t have become the so-called successor of the Qin Alliance, right?”

Qin Yirou looked at Ning Yuan in surprise: “Who told you that obtaining the secret realm heritage requires understanding?”

“Isn’t the question of mind just for the challenger to see his mind?!” Ning Yuan asked back.

“Is there really someone with a clear mind under my mind?!” Qin Yirou’s voice suddenly changed. In a crisp and surprised voice, Qin Yirou changed her figure without warning, a long-eared girl with long aqua-colored hair and an exquisite figure. Appeared in front of Ning Yuan’s eyes.

Looking at the suddenly changing figure in front of him, a girl with long ears in light green leather armor, Ning Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and then knocked his eyebrows somewhat as usual.

(“This is the fifth ‘personality’, right?!”) An inexplicable thought flashed through Ning Yuan’s mind, (“Are they really different personalities from the same soul?”)

However, this thought was thrown out of Ning Yuan’s mind for only a moment.

“How do you call me?” Ning Yuan asked politely.

The girl stared at Ning Yuan’s eyes for a long time, her ears wobbled from time to time, but she didn’t answer Ning Yuan’s question, but talked to herself and discussed with the “Qin Yirou” in her body.

“Second sister, how about this successor entrusting me to train? A cultivator who can be’mindful’ in’asking the mind’ is a rare breed. Simple training like Broken Steel is too wasteful. He is very suitable for training my “” “Nine Yi”, I have trained him to completely condense the dual ultimate seed of’potential’ and’intention’ at the husband level.”

“But it may also be completely practiced by you, isn’t it?” Qin Yirou’s voice came out of the girl’s mouth in a cold and indifferent manner.

“Oh, it’s not the same. How could a cultivator with a’mind state of mind’ simply pass through. Don’t worry.” The girl’s crisp voice waved her hand indifferently.

“No.” Qin Yirou said with a faint majesty in her cold voice, “Ruolan, you can’t take this risk.”

“What happened afterwards?” Ning Yuan thought about it over and over again in his mind, but as if he had lost his memory, he couldn’t recall it anyway.

Nearly magical, Ning Yuan had to force himself to give up thinking when he almost made a mistake in his movement due to the fluctuation of consciousness.

In any case, although Ning Yuan fainted, and somehow fell into a three-failure situation, at least he did not do anything irreparable.

“I should be grateful that this inexplicable thing happened after confirming the city’s ownership, otherwise it is estimated that the monster beast would have been killed in fainting at this moment.”

Because Ning Yuan determined the personal mark of the city knot heart, that is, the city name, and completely completed the soul binding of the individual and the city knot heart, only under the protection of the city knot heart rules can it be protected from monsters within the city.

When the city knot determines the scope of the city, the monsters within the area will automatically be completely driven out of this area. Not only the monsters, but also any conscious life forms that are not in the city will be removed after the city’s ownership is determined. Drive away and teleport out of the city. Except for the city’s owner, any conscious living body, including those spirits that have generated consciousness, cannot enter the city’s confines before the city’s heart is formed as the core building of the entire city. Only after the two core buildings of the city, which are automatically generated by the city’s core, are generated, this restriction will selectively disappear.

The city knot heart will automatically extract the power of the earth vein after confirming the ownership, and generate the city altar and the city pillar of the city.

The city altar is the storage building of the city knot, and it is also the place where the city upgrades and other sacrifices such as the separation of the city knot. Of course, at the beginning of the construction of the city, it can also take on the role of the city hall for the office of the city lord.

City Pillar is an intelligent core of the city, which records all the history of the city, and also stores the relevant information of all the residents of the city with registered permanent residence. It is also a refreshing place for the natural population of the city.

The refreshing of the urban natural population is the circle of choice. The Chosen Circle is a rule setting for cities to convene automatically naturalized populations. When the city owner sets the day selection time, that is, the city’s daily population refresh time, the city pillar will randomly place the selection circle at the set time to all the refugees who do not have household registration within the boundaries of the Nieno continent. Refugees will decide whether to step into the circle of heavenly choice, and once they decide to step into the circle of heavenly choice, they will automatically be sent back to the city where the circle of choice was made and become residents of that city. The origin of the name of the Chosen Circle is that only those refugees who are selected can see the Chosen Circle.

Of course, some refugees who have their own destinations or those who are unwilling to become residents of a certain city can refuse to enter the circle of choice. To be honest, those refugees with purpose will generally not enter the circle of heaven unless the city represented by the circle of heaven is their own goal. Those who will step into the circle of choice are those who have no clear purpose or have nowhere to go. Of course, there are also situations where someone accidentally stepped into the circle of choice, such as someone being chased and killed, and a circle of choice appeared in front of him, and then stepped into the circle of choice in order to avoid chasing and killing.

No matter what the circumstances are, as long as you step into the circle of heaven, as long as you step into the circle of heaven, the person who enters will automatically become a registered citizen of the city where the circle of heaven is sent. Residents with registered permanent residence are restricted by the rules and must not harm the city owner, and they cannot unconditionally refuse the reasonable request of the city owner. It can be said that the registered residents of a city are the power of a city that truly belongs to the city owner.

The next day after Ning Yuan finished adjusting his breath and regained his energy, the two landmark buildings, the City Altar and the City Pillar, have also been generated.

The city altar is a courtyard-like building separated from the front and back, the back is the consecration room for sacrifices, and the front is the city hall for office use.

City Pillar is an eighteen-sided diamond-shaped black crystal column located in the center of the city. The initial height is about nine feet, and the initial width of each side of the rhombus is about three feet. The mysterious black crystal pillars are naturally engraved with runes of unknown meaning, and the ancient city name “Yuan Meng” is engraved on the upper eight feet of each side of the rhombus. The name of the city, which naturally exudes mysterious glow, carries the breath of new life in the city.

Ning Yuan stood up and looked at the stone building that suddenly appeared without warning all night, slightly in a daze. He remembered that he was still on the edge of the Earth Vein Altar before adjusting his breath, but at this time he had already appeared in a room with tables, chairs and beds.

Although the layout of the room is simple, it has to be said that it is really similar to a room in Ning Yuan’s memory, except that there are no objects that exist in reality.

Pushing open the wooden door and walking out of the room, Ning Yuan appeared in a courtyard measuring nine feet long and wide. On the right hand side of the courtyard, which is close to the cliff, is a spacious and bright hall. The plaque above the door says “Conference Hall” “The three words are the three rows of houses opposite and behind Ning Yuan. The left hand side of the room behind Ning Yuan seems to be the kitchen, and the right hand side is the study. The opposite position of the study seems to be the warehouse, and the kitchen is for the miscellaneous room.

Walking into the chamber, Ning Yuan saw a door leading to the back on the side of the main seat of the city lord. After passing the door, there was a larger courtyard. There are also some rooms on both sides of the courtyard, and the rear of the chamber was opposite. The city altar that naturally exudes a solemn and mysterious atmosphere.

“This is really amazing. Although it looks very crude, this ability is really amazing.” Ning Yuan sighed slightly.

Walking out of the city hall, Ning Yuan raised his head to look at the city pillar in the distance. After thinking for a while, he felt the imprint of the rules left by the city knot in his consciousness. When his thought moved, the whole person suddenly disappeared, and he was in the city when he reappeared The position of the pillar.

“Although it can only move instantaneously between the area of ​​the altar and the city pillar, it is really convenient.”

Thinking like this, Ning Yuan raised his hand and touched the city pillar. A virtual interface appeared in front of Ning Yuan’s consciousness.

There are only two options on the    interface, one is “city event” and the other is “household registration file”.

Ning Yuan was thinking about it and clicked on “City Event”. .

“On the 7th day of Shen (September) in the city-state of Nieno continent 12019, Ning Yuan (the player) of the people of Zhuxia established the “Dream Village”.”

“Today is the seventh day of the moon. It’s been more than four months.” Although Ning Yuan still knows how long it has been since the advent, the exact date is still only now clear. After all, accurate calculation of the year and month did not make much sense to him before this.

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