Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 471

Chapter 469

“Use the blood of Tianfu as the matchmaker” and “use the blood of Tianfu as the matchmaker” Ning Yuan followed.

“The rules are a lesson.”

“The rules are a lesson.”

“My Terran Ning Yuan”

“My Terran Ning Yuan”

“Wish to be with the puppet Qin Yirou”

“Wish to be with the puppet Qin Yirou”

“Form a soul bond brother and sister.”

“Form a soul bond brother and sister.”

(“Brothers and sisters?!”) Ning Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately asked, “Wait…”


“Qicheng!” Ning Yuan said subconsciously, and then reacted after speaking “Wait!”

Just after Ning Yuan understood how to give others authority, when she opened her eyes and planned to promote Qin Yirou to deputy city lord, the girl might feel that Ning Yuan’s decision was a bit difficult, and she planned to help him. Before Ning Yuan spoke, she said:

“Give me a drop of your heavenly blood.”

“What?” Ning Yuan was taken aback, temporarily put aside the matter of granting authority, and asked with a serious expression: “Tianfu blood? Are you intending to completely tie it with me?”

To be honest, Ning Yuan had never thought of such a thing. Now that he knew that “Qin Yirou” in front of him might be the “Qin He” in Fan Xiu’s memory, Ning Yuan did not expect to treat the girl who claimed to be a puppet in front of him as a puppet.

In fact, after the girl showed complete personality and wisdom, Ning Yuan never thought about treating the other person as a “puppet.” Ning Yuan is an ordinary person. Although his ideals in his heart seem to be far-reaching, he is never a “big man” even if he was born in an uncommon family. He can’t do it and has never thought of using independent intelligent individuals as crops. Look.

So even if the girl is not “Qin He”, Ning Yuan has never thought of letting the girl in front of him recognize the master through ordinary puppet recognition.

But at this moment, the puppet girl Qin Yirou took the initiative to ask for recognition, which had to make Ning Yuan feel a little surprised.

The girl took a serious look at Ning Yuan and said, “Although it is still unclear whether you will become a qualified successor, your performance is still satisfactory to me. It doesn’t matter if you are calm when you first meet me or don’t understand. The attitude of asking to break the casserole and asking the end, or the way you hesitated just now, shows that you do have the potential to become a qualified lord.”

(“Hello?! Isn’t it? When did I calm down? I was shocked to die at that time, okay?! What else is there to ask if I don’t understand? I just want more information?! There is more Why am I hesitating? Am I just looking for a way to grant permissions according to your requirements?!”

Ning Yuan’s face was calm but full of grotesque desires, but instinctively, Ning Yuan felt that it would be better not to explain for the time being. Ning Yuan had a hunch that he might not end well if he explained it now.

To say that Ning Yuan is unprepared for girls is not necessarily true. It is true that she has an indescribable sense of trust in girls, but the premise is that the girls have not shown any hostility since they appeared, and Ning Yuan is now bound to the heart of the city. , During the protection period, as long as the existence does not enter from outside the city, any existence that directly appears in the city, even a high-ranking expert, can’t hurt him.

Let’s put it this way, as long as a lord or a player who is about to become a lord binds the city knot, all things within the delineated city that are judged to be threats by the city knot, whether it is a living thing or a non-creature (puppet), or Things like spirit bodies and spirit bodies will be directly teleported out of the city in an instant. If these beings enter the city again after teleportation, they can harm the lord who is bound to the heart of the city. But the way to enter must be down-to-earth “walking” in. If it is directly teleported into the city, then no matter how strong his strength is, he will not be able to hurt the lord at all during the three-month protection period. This is a protective measure of the rule for the novice lord.

The rules do not exclude the fight for the status of the lord, but they protect the lord from being harmed by unknown means. The seeming contradiction is quite reasonable.

When the lord binds the heart of the city, the rules will first eliminate the danger, and then when the danger enters from the outside world, as long as there is no specific action, the rule will not judge it as a danger. At this time, everything depends on the lord’s own judgment and choice. However, abnormal appearances like teleportation will be automatically judged as dangerous as long as they are not known by the rules, and the protection of the rule for the lord will appear at this time. Therefore, it is not valid to wait for the player to bind the city knot and then grab the city knot by lying in the vicinity of the player with the city knot. If you want to **** the player’s city knot, you can take these two ways to **** from the front of the city outside the bounds before or after binding.

By the way, the assassination of lords beyond the visual range outside the city limits is not allowed by the rules except during the war. Of course, it is feasible for you to mix with the lord and wait for an opportunity to assassinate. It can be said that the mechanism of this judgment is very complicated.

The puppet girl Qin Yirou didn’t look at Ning Yuan’s face, and then said, “So in order to further trust each other, I think it’s better to conclude a contract so that you can feel at ease. I can safely guide you on how to become a qualified lord. You can also rest assured of my guidance.”

Talking about it, the girl became happy on her own: “That’s right, that’s it. I’m so smart.”

Ning Yuan stared at the girl’s slightly neurotic performance, and found that the girl’s logic was a little bit magical.

(“Are you silly shut in the storage ring?”) Ning Yuan murmured silently in his heart.

After thinking about it, Ning Yuan decided to ask clearly: “You really decided? You have to know that I can completely control your behavior after acknowledging the Lord?”

“Am I so stupid?” The girl gave Ning Yuan a blank look when she heard the words, “Who said I would recognize you as the master?! What I said was to conclude a contract.”

“Um.” Ning Yuan realized that he seemed to have some misunderstanding again. Sure enough, there is still a lack of understanding about things in this world.

“Is there any difference between the two?” Ning Yuan asked suspiciously.

“Of course it’s different.” The girl said irritably, “I am not a dead thing without wisdom. Who will sign a control contract with you?”

The “control contract” is the master recognition ceremony in Ning Yuan’s cognition, that is, the way to recognize the master by dripping blood in the storage ring.

“Non-shit! Give me the blood of Tianfu quickly.” The girl said impatiently, then looked up at Ning Yuan and said: “Forget it, I’ll do it myself.”

Then, without waiting for Ning Yuan to react, he felt a slight pain in the center of his eyebrows. When he frowned, he saw a drop of blood floating on the girl’s Qianqianyu finger. There is no doubt that it is his “Heaven Blood”.

The girl raised her other hand and stretched out her jade finger at a point between her eyebrows, and a drop of colorless jade liquid appeared on the girl’s fingertips. Then the girl combined Ning Yuan’s “Heaven’s Blood” and “Jade Liquid” with each other, and then said to Ning Yuan, “Follow me.”

In the evening, some of the sky puppets who went out for survey returned to the city hall, and Tu Yan directly found a place to start drawing the city plan.

After Kang Yu saluted Qin Yirou, he reported to Ning Yuan the result of the misconception.

Qin Yirou said that Xiaohe needs a long period of dormancy because of the soul-deed backlash, so she “should” appear as a personality recently.

The words “should” made Ning Yuan’s eyes flash, but he didn’t say much.

The situation reported by Kang Yu was much more detailed than what Ning Yuan saw in the light and shadow images. The entire city, including the surrounding land, is very fertile soil suitable for the growth of crops, and a considerable area of ​​the land is dragon blood soil suitable for the growth of high-grade spiritual materials. The soil of dragon blood is not the soil contaminated with dragon blood, but a kind of black soil full of vitality energy. Based on the observed weather conditions and the light conditions of 100,000 miles west of the cliffs of the East Fulong Mountains, the crops grown on the fertile soil, especially the basic food crops, can basically achieve three or even four crops a year. The spiritual rice seeds that Li Xiang sorted out for the monks can also be cooked twice a year here.

According to Kang Yu’s investigation, the stream that Ning Yuan saw in the light and shadow image was indeed a freshwater tributary that merged into Longfan Lake from south to north. According to the feedback given by the rules (that is, the system), this stream is called the Xun River, which originates from the Xun Mountain three thousand miles away. The whole river has an irregular curve with two ends narrow and wide in the middle. This part of the Xun River outside Yuanmeng Village is only three feet wide and only six feet deep. Either as a source of drinking water or irrigation water is extremely suitable.

The Xun River passes through Yuanmeng Village and enters Longfan Lake. The beach where the two meet is a shallow gangli rocky beach. The granite reserves in the rocky beach are very rich, and the mining difficulty is almost zero. It can be said to be an excellent nearby quarrying point.

On the upper stream of the Xun River, that is, to the south of Yuanmeng Village, Ning Yuan saw the Qinggang Forest covering an area of ​​about 100 miles. After surveying the Kangyu site, it was found that in addition to the main Qinggang Forest, there are also string pine trees. The red oar fruit tree, sac fruit tree and other valuable tree species, but Kang Yu pointed out that one point is unusual. The most common associated shrub of green ganglion tree, iron arrow tree, is very rare in this green ganglion forest, and it has been damaged. Traces of logging.

Although the survey results show that the Xun River is not suitable for direct use as a moat, the two banks are very suitable for farmland reclamation. There is basically no need to worry about the height difference between the two banks and the river channel due to heavy rains and floods.

According to Ning Yuan’s vision, Yuanmeng Village’s end is backed by the Wanren cliff and the village head faces the Xun River. In this case, the front of the village is basically the Xun River, not far to the south of the village is Qingganglin, and the north of the village is Longfan Lake.

“What terrain is the Xun River going westward?” Ning Yuan asked Kang Yu.

“Twenty miles westward from the Xun River is a dwarf hilly area. There are a lot of forest resources, and the types of monsters and beasts are also very rich. And there are many pheasants, rabbits, and sheep suitable for domestication into domestic animals. There are also suitable for domestication as food for monks. The two spirit animals, the Cailing Chicken and the White Tongue Rabbit.” Kang Yu replied without any emotion, “The monster beasts mainly consist of the ironback wolf and the steel-toothed wild boar, the water velvet rabbit, the ice tongue deer, Cyan scale armor, rock lizard, and quiet feather crow are the main species. No trace of monster beasts above the basic level of the beast has been found.”

Ning Yuan’s eyes flashed, and he continued to ask, “Thank you so much about the distribution area of ​​all monsters.”

“According to the current survey situation, the three monsters of ironback wolf, water rabbit, and youyu crow are the most widely distributed. The village is basically distributed on three sides. The two monsters of blue scale armor and rock lizard are concentrated in the post. In the range of rocky beaches and low mountains, the steel-toothed wild boar is mainly found in the green forests and low hills. The ice tongue deer habitats in the green forests, and the rhino horns are clustered in the grasslands along the shores of Longfan Lake.”

“What’s the number?” Ning Yuan then asked.

“Compared to the normal situation, the number of monsters in a single ethnic group is small.” Kang Yu replied without the slightest ups and downs.

Broken Steel added to Ning Yuan: “It is estimated that the total number of monsters in the city does not exceed a hundred, and it does not exceed two thousand within a hundred miles. With the suppression of the four-door formation, these monsters will not pose a threat.”

“What if they focus on the village?” Ning Yuan asked with a frown.

Duan Gang looked at Ning Yuan without hesitation and said, “It’s not dangerous. Unless there is a commander in the monster group.”

Ning Yuan recalled several images of monster siege on the forum, frowned secretly, looked at Qin Yirou in the seat on the left and asked, “Is there a monster commander in the monster siege encountered by the aborigines?”

Qin Yirou said lightly: “Yes, and more than one.”

“Sure enough?” Ning Yuan raised his hand and tapped his eyebrows, and then asked, “Can you first reduce the number of monsters within the range within this month?”

“It’s useless.” Qin Yirou said in a flat tone, “If the number of monsters in the range is not enough to start a miniature beast wave, the rules will guide the monsters outside the range to come over, I am afraid that there will be more variables at that time.”

“Will the types of monsters increase?” Ning Yuan asked to himself, “Indeed, one month is enough to fully understand the situation of monsters within a hundred miles and make corresponding arrangements. If the number of monsters within the range is reduced, But letting other monsters who don’t know the details come in is not worth the gain.”

“Broken steel,” Ning Yuan turned his head to the broken steel road, “I would like to ask you to lead the guard to deal with the monster beasts in the city first.”

“Understand.” Broken Steel nodded to express understanding.

“That’s right,” Ning Yuan thought about it and said to Qin Yijuu, “The monster beast that was expelled in just one day re-entered the city. I don’t know if there is any way to turn the city delineated area into a safe zone without monsters ?”

“It’s not necessary.” Qin Yirou replied lightly.

“No need?!” Ning Yuan showed a puzzled look.

“After Tu Yan has designed the city drawings, when you upload the selected city plan to the heart of the rules, the city’s beast exorcism enchantment will automatically take shape, so there is no need to specially protect it.” Qin Yirou looked at Ning Yuan lightly Tao.

“Is that so?” Ning Yuan recalled, and found that the information given by the system had no relevant description, and gradually realized that there are many things in this world that I can only explore by myself.

Although up to now, all the items that Ning Yuan has come into contact with, the system will give corresponding information, even if it is a completely unfamiliar environment, it will give place names and other information based on conscious doubts, but a lot of information is actually incomplete.

Just when Ning Yuan understood the auxiliary positioning of the system a little bit, Qin Yirou’s face suddenly changed, who had been calm and calm and clean.

Ning Yuan noticed that the light in Qin Yirou’s eyes flashed, dimming for a moment. .

For a moment, Ning Yuan suddenly couldn’t perceive Qin Yirou’s existence. It was clearly right in front of him, but the soul aura completely disappeared at that moment.

For a moment, the whole person looked like a dead thing like a stone on the ground.

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