Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 476

Chapter 474

“The deer is the horse” is more bluntly like “reverse black and white”, “cognitive rewriting”, and “human heart control”. It allows the ability owner to change the memory and cognition of others from the conscious level, and treat the words of the ability owner as truth. And this effect can last for a month at the longest. The most important thing is that as far as Ning Yuan currently knows, no one is immune to this ability.

Therefore, Ning Yuan is not surprised that Ning Rou can easily get the city knot. With such a terrifying ability to “point a deer as a horse”, he learns all aspects of information in a short time, then finds the target, and “grabs” the city from the target. For Ning Rou, knotting can be regarded as a routine operation at hand. Moreover, Ning Rou’s goal is very accurate. The second-tier city knot is not too precious to the “Bauhinia Alliance” that can be called the third largest city-state alliance in the Longshan Region, and it does not matter whether it is a belonging knot. In fact, it will be controlled by the alliance in the hands of anyone.

“That is to say, is the monster siege specifically aimed at the threshold of the player lord?” Ning Yuan lowered his head and thought, “That’s right, compared to the aborigines, players have more ways and opportunities to get the city’s heart, and it is not easy. less.”

“Regulations specifically for you?” Qin Yirou raised her eyebrows slightly, and said in a certain assertive tone, “Then the intensity of the monster’s siege will definitely not exceed your ability to withstand it.”

“I think so too.” Ning Yuan nodded, raised his hand and tapped his eyebrows. “A month’s time should be just to upgrade the village to a town in terms of the player’s normal progress. At least 50 people a day in the circle of choice. At most, there are a hundred people, plus the refugees outside and the captives after the suppression, the population is not a problem for the players in the early stage. The key is some necessary construction facilities and the towers and walls that must be built to upgrade the town.”

“From the perspective of the upgrade rules given by the urban knot, the village must have shops, restaurants, workshops, schools and other supporting facilities that meet the needs of residents when upgrading from a village to a town. In addition, there are also city walls and walls that can basically resist the enemy. The tower then requires source coins and some energy-containing materials to sacrifice to increase the city range delineated by the city’s knots. From the player’s point of view, it takes about a month for the village to rise to the town.”

Ning Yuan thought for a while, looked at Qin Yirou and said, “As long as the city location chosen by the player is not in some particularly dangerous territory, with the help of the guard troops sent by the higher-level alliance, it is indeed true that I want to overcome the weak monster siege. It’s not difficult, but we don’t have external conditions here. The factors of the “Dragon Prisoner Jedi” and the urban characteristics of “Yuanmeng” restrict population growth. In addition, we do not have a higher-level affiliated alliance, so there is no foreign aid. Under such circumstances, to be honest, I don’t have much assurance that the monster beast can attack the city, even if the intensity of the monster beast is not high.”

“The safety zone set at the beginning was five thousand miles west of the precipice of the East Fulong Mountains, including Longfan Lake and Xiling. It is enough for a city to be safely upgraded to the city level and can be repelled at a very small cost. The city-level monster attacking the city.” Qin Yirou clearly understood what Ning Yuan meant, and said lightly.

“However, although I considered that there is no conventional migrant population in the Longzang Land, considering the number of non-inhabitants in the tribes in the west, I did not take the population factor into consideration too much. I would not even think of building a city here. The characteristics of the city will naturally bring about the effect of population suppression. After all, when we come to build a city, we will definitely bring enough population to upgrade the city to the city level in a short period of time to have a stable foothold.”

“But everything is different now.” Ning Yuan said.

“Not bad.” Qin Yirou said lightly in an inexplicable tone, “Everything is different.”

“The Qin Alliance has disappeared in the long river of history, and you have gained the legacy of the Qin Alliance. The population problem that was not a problem has now become the biggest problem in your city.”

Ning Yuan nodded.

“Don’t open up the city selection before the monsters attack the city.” Qin Yirou suddenly suggested.

“Why?” Ning Yuan frowned and asked inexplicably, “Yuanmeng now lacks population most. Moreover, cities cannot be upgraded without population, and cities cannot be blessed if they cannot be upgraded. Without a certain number of combatants and cities, Blessing, Yuan Meng can never survive the monster siege, right?”

“Normally, it is true.” Qin Yirou nodded, “Even if the Four Gate Array has suppressed the danger of monster beasts to a minimum, the group of monster beasts still has destructive power to the towns where population is scarce.”

then added faintly: “If we weren’t there.”

Ning Yuan’s eyes shone slightly when he heard this.

“Can the guard puppet block it?”

“What is the scale of the monster siege?” Qin Yirou didn’t answer, but instead asked.

Ning Yuan recalled the data on the forum, and said: “All monsters in a radius of a hundred miles around the city are of no limitation. They are mainly local monsters of ordinary strength, with the strongest monster as the leader, and the population exceeds a thousand. There will be elites and bosses in monsters.”

“The duration of the siege?”

“Three days.” Ning Yuan replied.

“Unstoppable.” Qin Yirou said lightly.

“Can’t stop it?!” Ning Yuan was surprised, “Then you…”

Before Ning Yuan’s words fell, Qin Yirou said lightly in the second half of her sentence: “Only by guarding the puppet.”

“Uh.” Ning Yuan was taken aback, not sure what to say.

Qin Yirou glanced at Ning Yuan calmly, and said, “What do you think you want to defend an entire city with thirty guard puppets?”

“I…” Ning Yuan choked again.

Indeed. No matter what kind of design scheme Tuyan gives, it must be a design scheme covering the entire city. Although Ning Yuan did not maximize the scope of the village, it was by no means all 30 guarding puppets could defend it. Unless these puppets can fly. Or when the monster attacked the city, Ning Yuan gave up other facilities and directly concentrated his defense power on the most important sacrificial ancestral hall.

But in this case, Ning Yuan might as well push all the village construction activities after the monsters attacked the city. Obviously, Ning Yuan was not willing to do this.

Qin Yirou looked at Ning Yuan with a somewhat unwilling look, and said lightly: “The population problem can be slowed down first. After all, this place is special. Although there are rules and restrictions, if the residents encounter monsters attacking the city before the residents have fully returned to their hearts, even if they join the household registration. At least half of the people will choose to destroy the contract and leave, and the majority of the civilians in the other half of the population will die as a result of this monster attack. And neither population fleeing nor depletion is a good thing for a city. Especially Newly built city.”

Seeing Ning Yuan’s expression of listening, Qin Yirou continued: “This is the land of the Dragon Hidden, a treasure that all forces want to station in. After the city residents defect, the news here will spread immediately. This is very important for you. unfavorable.”

“But as long as the selection is opened, the news here will inevitably spread, right?” Ning Yuan asked.

“No. You don’t understand.” Qin Yirou sorted out and thought, “After a city-state citizen has naturalized a city-state, it takes at least one year to leave the city-state, and it takes at least one year to join another city-state after leaving the city-state automatically. Time. That is to say, the news here will not spread out within one to two years under normal circumstances.”

“In one to two years, with the properties here, as long as you don’t mess around, it will be enough to firmly grasp the hearts of the people.” Qin Yirou continued, “If there is no monster attacking the city in the first month, or the monster will be attacked. The time for beasts to attack the city is postponed for three months. I have no objection to you opening Tianxuan to increase the population. After all, it is easier for the city residents to build a home together. But the time is too tight. Instead of sacrificing the Tianxuan population in vain, the news is advanced. Released and lowered the foundation of the city-state’s popular support, then it is better to be sure to survive the monster siege before opening the Heavenly Selection.”

Ning Yuan thought about Qin Yirou’s words, and brought out what he didn’t understand.

“You just said that the depletion of the population will reduce the basic public sentiment of the city? What is this setting? What else is there to destroy the contract? After the contract is destroyed, will the city residents automatically send back to the outside world?”

“What do you think the rule of mind is based on?” Qin Yirou asked back.

“Naturally is the rule.” Ning Yuan replied without even thinking about it.

After finishing speaking, he was taken aback.

“Notice it?” Qin Yirou stared at Ning Yuan and said faintly, “The rules accurately refer to the laws and laws between heaven and earth. All of these are objectively existing, and it is not because there is no heart without rules. There is no rule. The heart can still build a city, and some invisible blessings will also exist after the city develops.”

“Moreover, there are no restrictions on the setting of urban knots, so there is much more freedom.” Ning Yuan thought along Qin Yirou’s thoughts. “But why are city states built on the basis and core of urban knots? A city with urban knots. How is it different from a self-built city?” Ning Yuan raised his eyes and looked at Qin Yirou in doubt.

“Knowing what you call the’urban knot heart’, why do we call it the’heart of rules’ more?” Qin Yirou’s eyes calmly stared in front of him, and the pupils in his eyes seemed to have no focus in a gentle tone. Said to himself, “Because it can concretize the rules of Tiandijia and the rules made by humans, and give it a strong binding force at the oath level. It can speed up the development of a city, reduce the difficulty of management of a city, and improve it. The cohesion of the city and the sense of belonging of the city people give the city special abilities. It is the heart of the city where rules are gathered.

Raising his hand to adjust the green silk on the temples, Qin Yirou’s indifferent eyes looked at Ning Yuan with a scrutinizing gaze: “Although the city established by the heart of rules has many restrictions, the area of ​​the city, the upper limit of the population, the strength of the practitioners, and even the city The choice of functional buildings, but it has to be said that it allows many people who are not proficient or even ignorant of urban construction to know how to build and even operate a city through simple guidance, making the city a boost and cornerstone for many practitioners to practice. .”

“The visualization of the rules can make it easier for practitioners to understand Tao, comprehend Tao, and allow people to formulate rules to play their due role more effectively. It also allows a city to take shape earlier and have corresponding strength, and then Naturally exert this power.”

Qin Yirou paused, and once again raised the little finger of his right hand across the blue silk on the temple, glanced at the inexplicable distance with his calm and indifferent eyes. How long does it take for a city of the people to take shape?”

Ning Yuan shook his head slightly. He didn’t even know what kind of tribe existed, let alone their urban development.

“It takes about five to ten years for a city in a tribe to be designed, constructed, and then completed. Then the migration of the population will take at least two to three years or even longer. The integration of the migrated population and the initial governance will take at least five years. The process from a small city to a prosperous medium-sized city-state will take about fifty to one hundred years. During this period, various problems continue and require constant adjustment.

“Although the city established by the heart of rules also needs to be constantly adjusted according to the situation, the journey from a village to a medium-sized city-state only takes five to ten years if the population source is stable and sufficient, resources are abundant, and quick success is achieved. And because of the constraints of the rules, the population Integration and governance are much simpler. As long as the city lord does not die, the city can naturally maintain considerable stability.”

“What did you ask just now is the basic people’s sentiment? This is the natural power to maintain stability is the basic people’s sentiment.” Qin Yirou said while looking at Ning Yuan.

“Is it a manifestation of the concreteness of the rules?” Ning Yuan muttered to himself suddenly, “Does the imperceptible things in reality be expressed in an intuitive way? This is really a game-like feeling!” Low Ning Yuan, who was muttering to himself, suddenly thought of something, his brows narrowed slightly, and he secretly said in an undetectable voice: “No, there have been reports that space compression technology and the automation construction technology of smart dolls have achieved key breakthroughs. If you think about it, I am afraid that things like portable bases will become the norm in a hundred years. Perhaps many such devices already exist in the material warehouses of the refuge. And the city-state construction here is a preview to some extent?”

After thinking about it for a while, Ning Yuan temporarily let go of his thoughts and asked Qin Yirou: “Then what’s the matter with the city people destroying the contract?”

“You know the purity of the heart of rules has changed, right?” Qin Yirou looked at Ning Yuan calmly. .

Ning Yuan nodded, remembering the information displayed on the panel by City Knot. There is indeed a purity setting.

“Although the city established by the heart of rules can restrain the behavior of the city citizens through the concrete vows of rules, it does not control the minds of the city residents. The purity of the heart of rules is the city residents’ feedback on the city and the city’s spirit, negative Feedback from will defile the heart of rules and reduce the power of the heart of rules, and positive feedback will further enhance the power of the city. The resentment caused by the death of city dwellers is the power that can most pollute the heart of rules. The death of a large number of city dwellers will severely damage the rules. When the city people are completely disappointed with the city and the city owner, they can use the negative force in the heart of the rule to directly destroy the city people’s yoke of leaving the city. This is the breach of the contract. After the breach of the contract, the heart of the rule will default to the person who broke the contract. Never joined the city, and then directly teleported the original chosen residents back to the location where they were before stepping into the circle of the chosen.”

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