Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 493

Chapter 491

To put it simply, most practitioners have just made a big firecracker and blasted a big pit even if they opened up the “sea of ​​air”, while Ning Yuan built a hydrogen bomb and blasted a “desert” as the “sea of ​​air”. A little pit is full of water, and a hundred times the amount of water in the desert is at best just a spring.

However, small pits will gradually expand with the impact of water, from small pits to large pits and then ponds, lakes, and the sea. Slow scouring can eventually become a “real” “sea of ​​air”, and at most it will spend more time and energy in the later stage.

In the opinion of most aborigines, in order to gain more time to practice, there is nothing wrong with the practice of first hitting the realm and then consolidating the foundation.

If Ning Yuan was not a player but an aboriginal, and there was no such or such coincidence, he would have made the same choice. Because if an aboriginal person has no special chance, it would take nearly twenty years to polish the “breath of breath” to the limit. Although the result is that the cultivation of the entire human rank will be unimpeded from now on, but the water milling technique is still unavoidable. And after all, the realm is related to combat power. No matter how big your “sea of ​​air” is, the soldier-level is only the soldier-level, usually you can’t beat the husband-level ascetics.

And in this world where warfare is the main theme, the combat power represented by the realm, to some extent, symbolizes everything.

However, Ning Yuan estimated that players wouldn’t mind more polishing the “qi species” and then opening up the “qi sea”, after all, there is an advantage in the speed of cultivation. So it can be foreseen that in the battle of the same realm, players should be dominant against ordinary aborigines.

After practicing luck for a week, Ning Yuan sighed comfortably. The improvement of his realm made his state return to perfection in an instant, and his pale face and cold body quickly warmed up under the influence of inner energy.

After opening up the “Qihai”, Ning Yuan clearly felt that the purity of internal Qi had improved a lot. The meridians, blood vessels, and viscera in the body had also gained some strengthening and became tougher, and this strengthening was still going on all the time.

It is said that the cultivation of human ranks is a process of laying the foundation, but it is actually a process of polishing and strengthening the physical body more accurately. This is the process of “making a boat in a sea of ​​bitterness”.

After the achievement of “Qihai”, the inner Qi of practitioners will no longer be rootless duckweed but active living water. Even if the practitioners no longer practice gong, the “sea of ​​qi” will slowly and automatically absorb the vitality of the outside world, continuously wash and transform the body, and then incorporate the pure vitality filtered by the body into the “sea of ​​qi” to replenish itself. That’s why it has been said that practitioners who open up the “sea of ​​air” are truly stepping into the ranks of practitioners.

The vitality flushing and transforming the physical body is a process from the inside out, and the cultivation of the human rank completes this process. The three levels of soldier, husband, and lieutenant correspond to the three-stage strengthening process of the flesh, bone, and skin.

“Tin” includes meridians and viscera. It is the place where the vitality flows directly after entering the body, so it is the first to be strengthened.

“Bone” includes bone and cord blood. The compatibility of blood and vitality is actually not high. Only when the powerful meridians and viscera can absorb more vitality can they slowly increase the process of blending with each other with “quantity” and “strength”. Fusion can transform the blood marrow and bones through the blood.

The “skin” corresponding to lieutenant practitioners is muscle and fur. When the practitioner completes the internal transformation, in order to accommodate more vitality, the body must be transformed into a “non-leakage body”. To achieve a “non-leakage body” requires strong muscle control and strong skin and pores. Free closing ability.

After carefully experiencing and adapting to his own changes, Ning Yuan got up and stepped into the flame channel.

The scene of the flame channel is similar to that of the ice pattern channel. The whole body is made of red “flaming stone”. The entire channel is shrouded in a fiery red light, but the channel does not appear hot, just warm, or warm and comfortable. People want to sleep.

Here the challenger’s mentality is easy to relax, and the spirit is easy to relax. However, the limitation of the passage is rapid calculation and judgment, both of which are operations that require a high degree of concentration, which is very terrible.

The “ji”-shaped circuit has almost no redundant branches. Although there are many dead ends, Ning Yuan passed here without much risk with the help of further improved thinking ability and boundary line memory.

Ning Yuan chose to take the ice pattern channel first in order to further improve his mental concentration and endurance. The experience of his first death made Ning Yuan understand his shortcomings. He does not lack judgment. What he lacks is long-term self-control and mental concentration. The experience of the seven-day ice pattern channel helped him to make up for this short board to a certain extent.

After passing through the flame channel, Ning Yuan stood on a fork again. It is still divided into left and right channels. “Puppets” are engraved on the left and “earth puppets” are engraved on the right.

According to the memory of the boundary line, both sides are pure mazes, there is no danger of traps, but there will be puppet sneak attacks and strong attacks. The strength of the puppet is automatically adjusted to the same level as the challenger, and the guard puppet at the end of the maze is a small level higher than the challenger.

“The one on the left is a wooden organ puppet, and the one on the right is an earthen pottery figurine puppet.” Ning Yuan looked at the memory of the boundary line while flashing his eyes thinking. “The wooden puppet is mainly animal-shaped, although it has a slightly weaker attack. The regenerative ability of the earthenware figurines, and the speed is very dexterous and light. The earthen pottery figurines are mainly humanoids. They attack very hard and use moves. The enamel of the pottery figurines can deflect attacks to a certain extent, but they are not fast.

After thinking for a while, Ning Yuan gave up the passage on the left and chose the “earth puppet” maze.

This is not to say that Ning Yuan has confidence in his own strength, but that the spear tactics he currently masters, especially the “Triangular Spear tactics (modified, which focuses on rehearsal, are not suitable for dealing with dexterous enemies.

Taking out the three-sided cold iron gun from the storage finger, Ning Yuan cautiously stepped into the hole with both guns in his hands.

As the entrance of the cave closed again, Ning Yuan’s eyes fell into darkness once again.

At the moment when he plunged into darkness, Ning Yuan took the gun to the corner on the right front without any hesitation.

Ning Yuan’s gun speed was not fast, but the power on the gun was very heavy. There was a crisp “click” in the dark, followed by a muffled sound of “boom”, a flash of sparkle splashing, and it was fleeting.

Ning Yuan retracted his gun and retreated, waiting for the light source in the maze to light up. With a glimpse of the fire, Ning Yuan knew that the shot had hit the opponent’s waist and hip, so he didn’t have to worry about the opponent’s counterattack for the time being.

Both the memory of the boundary line in the “sunset” state, or the glimpse in the glimmer of light before the passageway was closed, allowed Ning Yuan to accurately see the earth figurine puppet preparing to attack. That’s why he attacked the first time after he fell into the darkness.

The puppets in the labyrinth have no intelligence, but they have not weak detection and induction capabilities. They can accurately attack after sensing vitality fluctuations, and can also defend themselves based on induction. Although the attack is more modular, the power is indeed not weak. The key is that the appearance of these earthen puppets in the memory of the boundary line is very irregular, and the way and location of appearance are also very unexpected.

Ning Yuan, who retreated to Shimen, raised his ears, and guarded carefully in front of him with guns in both hands.

After a few breaths, the light source in the maze would light up, and Ning Yuan would not be so passive at that time.

However, just as Ning Yuan waited carefully, a muffled noise sounded on the left, and at the same time a strong cold wind hit Ning Yuan’s chest.

Ning Yuan held his spear horizontally with both hands, and his body shook in the crisp sound of “dang”, his hands were suddenly suppressed to his chest, his back directly hit the stone gate, and he let out a muffled hum.

Ning Yuan hid behind a giant tree, holding his breath carefully.

He began to rejoice that he had fallen into the water just as he had just arrived. The semi-wet rookie suit and the lush weeds in the forest reduced his breath to the point where he would not be noticed by those common-smelling beasts as long as he was not too close.

And in the gap of the dense forest less than 100 meters away from Ningyuan’s hiding place, a few fierce beasts are now faintly visible.

It is different from the fact that the stars in the field only divide wild creatures into beasts and fierce beasts. Although there are classifications of beasts on the Nieno continent, they only account for a small part of the beasts on the Nieno continent. The overwhelming majority of the Nieno Continent are ordinary fierce beasts collectively referred to as monsters and powerful fierce beasts of above strength.

After patiently waiting for about a quarter of an hour, the screams of the few badger monsters in Ning Yuan’s ears who were hiding behind the tree finally disappeared.

After waiting for a while, Ning Yuan carefully looked into the gap in the dense forest. Sure enough, there were no more monsters there.

Confirming safety, Ning Yuan let out a sigh of relief while rubbing his chest with his left hand. As a mortal who hasn’t cultivated yet, Ning Yuan still has some confidence in dealing with ordinary beasts by relying on the short spear in his hand, but it can be said to be a life of nine deaths against any fierce beast.

Even the weakest fierce beast must have vitality in its body, and with vitality, no matter how weak the fierce beast is, it will inevitably gain the most extraordinary power. Regardless of power and speed, they are far from comparable to those of mortals.

Ning Yuan held the short gun tightly in his right hand. Although this thing was useless against fierce beasts, it was more or less a comfort than nothing. When you are desperate, if you are lucky, it will be somewhat effective.

After climbing up the treetops again to confirm the direction, Ning Yuan cautiously sneaked into the distance along the places that were not easily noticed by the monster beasts.

Every quarter or two, Ning Yuan would climb to a high place again to confirm the general direction, and then carefully avoid the places where monsters might be encountered, and walk concealedly towards the edge of the dragon blood forest. When encountering wild fruits, he will According to actual experience, determine whether it is edible, and pick the wild fruits that have been confirmed to be safe for use.

In this way, I repeatedly distinguished directions, carefully avoided encounters with monsters, carefully confirmed the safety of the environment, and stopped and stopped. When the time came to the evening, the surrounding environment became more and more dim.

Climbing up the treetops again, Ning Yuan looked at the time and direction, then secretly calculated the itinerary, and then found that he had traveled less than thirty miles for a whole day. Although I could see the shadows of the mountains faintly visible in the clouds and mist in the distance, there was still a dense forest that could not be seen at a glance.

Although the sky outside was still bright, the forest was obviously dark, and a faint mist began to fill. The rest of today is obviously not suitable for moving on.

Ning Yuan sat in the shadow of the tree fork in distress, avoiding being spotted by the flying monster birds above the forest that had begun to return to their nests. According to his estimation, the boundary of the Dragon Blood Forest is at least more than one hundred and fifty miles away from where he is now. If we keep moving at the speed of today, it will take at least five days.

The five-day rush time alone is nothing to Ning Yuan. It stems from family education and he has a certain degree of confidence in survival in the wild. Water and physical strength can be supplemented by wild fruits that can be found everywhere in the dense forest. During the daytime, as long as there is no luck. It might be able to survive through gritted teeth.

The key is night.

The night in the Dragon Blood Forest is obviously an active period for monsters and beasts. You don’t need to think about open flames for heating. Even firestones can’t be used. Any light source is a continuous target that attracts monsters to attack in a dark environment.

To make matters worse, as far as Ning Yuan observed, the night in the Dragon’s Blood Forest was accompanied by heavy fog, and rain in the forest was likely to occur.

It is the upper overcast season, that is, spring, just after Yinyue (March), when everything is growing, and the cold spring is not yet warm.

The Dragon Blood Forest was originally dense and dense, and the temperature was much lower than the outer boundary. Although Ning Yuan’s rookie suit had dried out using the time to check the position, he still felt a little cold when walking in the dense forest. This is the case at noon during the day when the sun is the most prosperous. It is conceivable to what extent the temperature in the Dragon’s Blood Forest will drop after dark.

To be honest, even if frost began to condense in the forest at the end, Ning Yuan would not feel the slightest strangeness.

Under such circumstances, Ning Yuan still cannot light a fire to keep warm, cannot relax and relax, or even move casually, and must always remain concealed and vigilant. Because in the densely foggy forest at night, he couldn’t see his fingers, Ning Yuan could only rely on hearing and limited perception to detect the movement around him. And during the active period of the Nightwalking Monster Beast foraging, even if Ning Yuan just missed a little movement, he might encounter unpredictable danger.

If it was only one day, Ning Yuan would have passed it for a while, but for at least five days like this, Ning Yuan obviously felt desperate.

The rookie suit is not a warm suit, and it will be enough to spend a day in such a wet and cold night without a fire. Five days? That would be deadly.

Even a small range of movement is not possible. Squinting and taking a nap is a luxury. You must keep your mind tight and concentrated throughout the whole process. With your body on alert at all times, you will at least peel off your skin during a day like this cold and humid night. Five days? Let it die.

After thinking about it, Ning Yuan felt that what he was facing was a desperate situation and a dead state.

Although Ning Yuan’s physique is good, staying up all night in such an environment would be sick at best, but he would definitely die in five days. It may not take five days, and tomorrow it is possible to be killed because of the illness.

“No. You must find an environment where you can rest quietly, otherwise there is only a dead end.” Ning Yuan frowned and muttered to himself decisively.

While the surrounding environment was still visible for the time being, Ning Yuan quickly jumped off the tree, inspected it for a while, and then cautiously and quickly touched it in one direction.

After cautiously exploring for half an hour, and tremblingly avoiding a few night-walking monsters that went out for food in advance, Ning Yuan finally found an environment where he could barely settle down before the sky was completely dark. .

This is an ancient tree that is obviously more than a few thousand years old, and it seems to belong to the same genus as the big tree in reality. Big bale tree is also called empty bale tree, because the trunk is thin and thick at the bottom and swells like a bag and is hollow. It is the natural dwelling of some inhabitants in reality.

Ning Yuan is not sure whether this ancient tree is an empty tree, but it is true that the trunk has expanded. Ning Yuan estimated that at least 20 people would hold hands in a circle to hug each other. As for whether the tree trunk is hollow, it has to be dug to know.

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