Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 8

Chapter 5 Fear

The inside of the tree cave looked like a closed conical space, but the air inside did not appear dull. On the contrary, the air with a touch of mud and wood made Ning Yuan very comfortable.

Although the air outside also carries the breath of woods and soil, it may be a psychological effect, or it may be safe enough here to some extent, so Ning Yuan feels that the air here is reassuring.

Through the faint light of the firestone, Ning Yuan found that the ground of the tree cave was composed of a huge undulating root system and soil. The part of the root system lying on the ground was like a small bench, and the smooth soil between the root system and the root system was enough to ignite the fire in the middle. There is enough space in the pile to lie down and rest.

After carefully confirming the ventilation, Ning Yuan was very satisfied with the environment in the tree hole. The space is large enough, the air circulation is good, the ground is flat and dry, the soil is hard, and there is no flammable resin on the wooden cave walls. It is no wonder that similar empty trees in reality are called natural snail dwellings.

Just as Ning Yuan sighed secretly, a cold wind with heavy moisture blew in through the cut tree cracks along the rock wall at the angle outside.

Along with the whine of the wind blowing the tree hole, Ning Yuan shuddered inexplicably. Only then did I remember that it is not the time to relax.

Put on the jacket again, and move the bark, wood blocks, sawdust and other things that were dug outside and some dead branches picked up on the road into the cave as fuel and firewood, and then use it to cover the rocks just in case The bushes in the corners are piled outside the tree slits as a camouflage.

After confirming that the light of the pyrotechnic stone would not be noticed by the outside, Ning Yuan began to use the most primitive method to ignite the fire and set the fire to keep warm.

While roasting the fire to dissipate the chill, and listening to the whistling wind passing by, Ning Yuan placed the short gun within reach, and after eating a few wild fruits to replenish moisture and physical strength, he finally slowly relaxed.

“At least it’s safe for the time being,” Ning Yuan murmured.

After discovering the giant tree accompanied by the giant rock, Ning Yuan roughly surveyed the environment within a mile. As far as the results of the investigation are concerned, at least this is not the main activity area of ​​the night monsters. Even if a few night monsters pass by occasionally, they will not notice this narrow tree gap hidden in the inner corner of the huge rock and blocked by shrubs. And as long as the entrance to the tree gap is not exposed, Ning Yuan hiding in the tree cave will not be in danger of being attacked by the monster.

With the temporary worry-free security environment, Ning Yuan finally had some confidence in getting out of the Dragon Blood Forest. Although it is definitely not easy to find such a safe place in the next few days, since there is one such giant tree, there are definitely other similar giant trees.

As long as there is hope of a safe rest at night, Ning Yuan has the confidence to continue walking. Even if the hope is slim and the confidence is low, even if it will take more time to get out of the dragon blood forest, Ning Yuan is willing to try his best.

It doesn’t matter if Ning Yuan is ignorant, impulsive, or he likes to bet on his life, since he has chosen, then there is no way out.

Ning Yuan regretted it before, and felt that it would be safer to improve his strength first and then take that opportunity. But after thinking for a long time, Ning Yuan gave up his plan to go back.

He couldn’t pay the price of going back.

Ning Yuan is a Huangsheng, awakens the dream in Huangsheng, and possesses the spiritual magical power “Xizhao”. He was able to maintain the memory of the boundary line longer than other Awakening Huangsheng, and fully reproduce any details in the memory through the “sunset” when needed. And as long as you don’t get out of the “sunset” state, all memory details can be viewed repeatedly without limitation. Although once you leave the “sunset”, the memory being viewed will quickly blur or even disappear, but in terms of detailed memory, Ning Yuan has too many advantages over other bright students and those so-called unforgettable creatures.

But how to say it? There are many bright students in this world, and although the awakening bright students are not many, they are not small.

Although Ning Yuan’s memory of the realm line only knew the chance, but what Ning Yuan possessed was only a short period of time on the realm line. No one knew what happened next? Will that opportunity be known to other Huangsheng in the later period of time, and what’s more, no one knows whether Huangsheng will know the existence of that opportunity earlier than himself in other realm lines.

Ning Yuan could choose to fight for that opportunity after he was prepared, but no one knew whether that opportunity would still exist after Ning Yuan was prepared. After all, for Ning Yuan on this realm line, all other realm lines are points of divergence that he did not choose. The process may be similar, but the starting point and details will definitely be hugely different.

Ning Yuan didn’t want to bet on the memory of other Huangsheng’s realm lines, nor dared to bet on other Huangsheng’s choices. Then the rest can only bet on your own choice. If it succeeds, it cuts off the other brilliant path. If it failed, he watched other Huangsheng cut his own way.

So even if Ning Yuan knew the series of punishment restrictions that came on his own when he entered the game, and knew that there was little hope, he still resolutely chose to gamble, betting that he chose the right one, and at the same time betting that there may be a bright life with the same memory of chance. select. Betting that a certain bright student or a few bright students may choose to be safe.

Although Ning Yuan regretted it on the first day of the game, he would not choose to retreat, because he knew that even if he chose again, even if he knew he would regret it, he would still choose this path. Because he is walking in his own realm.

Backward, he lost not only time, but also not only the opportunity to be seized by others, but also self. He can’t afford such a price.

Sitting on the roots of the giant tree, Ning Yuan listened carefully to the movement outside while staring at the burning flames in a daze.

The weather was getting colder and colder, and even across the tree hole, Ning Yuan by the fire could feel the slightest coolness. In twilight, apart from the sound of the wind and the occasional roar of various unknown monsters in the distance, there was also the sound of crackling rain hitting the rocks.

When the rain sounded, Ning Yuan, whose pupils diverged and stared at the flames in a daze, subconsciously grasped the short gun, and put it down again as his thinking returned.

Ning Yuan, who had completely recovered from the cold moisture immersed in the surface of the tree, once again grabbed the short gun and walked carefully to the edge of the tree, listening to the crackling rain outside, feeling the rain on his face hitting through the gaps in the bushes. The coldness on his face, some fearful and grateful muttered to himself: “It really rained.”

The dragon’s blood forest might rain in the forest at night is Ning Yuan’s inference based on knowledge in reality.

The actual situation is not certain, but I did not expect it to be fulfilled. And it’s bigger and colder than expected.

“If you didn’t find this place today…” Ning Yuan muttered to himself and imagined the scene, and couldn’t help but shudder. The right hand holding the pistol tightened unconsciously, and the left hand tightened the shirt on his chest. My face is numb.

The chill that passed from the tail vertebra to the top of his head at that moment made Ning Yuan subconsciously stop thinking, and quickly retreated to the fire in the center of the tree hole.

The heat from the flames gave the chilling body a little warmth, and Ning Yuan, who gradually broke away from his stagnant thinking, realized that his back was completely wet with cold sweat.

“If I don’t find a safe place to shelter from the wind and rain, I’m afraid I won’t die by tomorrow, and I will have to get rid of half my life.” Ning Yuan laughed at himself somewhat fearfully.

I already felt that the situation I was thinking of was scary enough, and it could be called a desperate situation. How could I think that the actual situation was worse than I imagined, and where the five days of sleeping and sleeping is desperate, it is simply dead.

“No, the itinerary must be changed.” Ning Yuan frowned and thought. “Even if you are less than 30 miles tomorrow, you must find a safe place to hide before night. Even if you drag the original five-day itinerary to For ten days, you must never sleep in the dense forest. This dragon blood forest is not a place for mortals without cultivation.”

“Unfortunately, it is forbidden to purchase the initial resources in the system store, otherwise it is good to buy a few basic practice exercises before entering the game.” Ning Yuan looked at the blank practice column on the character panel with some envy and thought.

Now most players who have entered the game step by step have already cultivated their first inner energy and become novices.

It’s a pity that Ning Yuan probably won’t be able to become a practitioner in a short time.

However, Ning Yuan was not in a hurry.

Although the first ray of internal energy can be quickly grasped by the player with the help of the system, the subsequent practice can only be explored on their own.

The player’s strength gap will not widen in a short period of time. As long as Ning Yuan can obtain that opportunity, he is sure to catch up with and surpass the player’s large force in a short period of time.

Therefore, if it weren’t because the current situation is too unfavorable for mortals who have not practiced before, Ning Yuan would not envy those players who can purchase basic practice techniques or even urban mindsets in the system store.

The rain in the Dragon Blood Forest came and went quickly. Although it was big and urgent, it could turn the depression into Zeguo in a very short time, but once the rain stopped, Zeguo was also a matter of instantaneous change.

In the evening, after confirming that no monsters would come here specially because of the rain in the forest, Ning Yuan leaned on the short spear and fell asleep early by the fire.

The next morning, Ning Yuan woke up, and after making sure it was safe, he put out the unburnt fire. After taking the remaining wild fruits yesterday as breakfast, he set off early in the morning mist.

Although it has been decided that even if the itinerary is extended, it is mainly to find a resting place at night, but Ningyuan still hopes to be able to hurry more.

I don’t know if the system has opened his eyes, except that Ning Yuan almost met a stray monster head-on in the morning, and after a panic, the next day’s trip went smoothly. Not only did he rush ten miles more than yesterday, but he also found a hidden abandoned monster lair nearby.

Not only that, but in the abandoned monster lair, Ning Yuan also obtained a strange grass that was precious in the memory of the realm line.

However, Ning Yuan’s luck seemed to have come to an end the next day.

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