Rebirth of the Super Agent: Miss Good-for-nothing Turning the Tables

Chapter 1 - Cross

“Miss, how do you deal with these two sluts?”

Ye Wanru turned around and walked for a few steps, heard the maid asked, turned around, and looked at the maid with white clouds, and angrily said: “Of course it is buried! Is it still here to let others see, so as to drop the handle?”

Liu Yun bowed down and apologized, “Yes, Miss, I and Cuimeng will do it!”

“Don’t ask me this kind of thing in the future! You can’t do a little thing, what use do you want!”

Seeing that Missy was going to move her anger, Cui Meng still wanted to be gloating, and she didn’t want Liu Yun to pull her into the water, and she took the girls to the snow.

In the vast snow, the snowflakes flew, and in the freezing cold, a woman kneeled on her knees, and her body fell on the ground, if her wings were stretched out; her head fell down, and she did not enter the snow; her hands alternated in front of her chest, empty Death protects the person in his arms.

The snow fell silently, covering the blood, covering the wounds with visible bones, and gently covering her ragged clothes. The woman’s face was serene, her hair was unkempt, and blood and snowflakes pressed against her face.

She was thin, covered in snow, and looked like an ice sculpture from a distance.

If the woman is like this, no one is filled with indignation, and the person who started it can be described as cruel.

“It’s such a troublesome person to die, it’s so cheap!” Cui Meng raised her left foot, kicked indignantly, and the woman’s body fell sideways in the snow.

She turned around and told the girl behind him, “Take these two people to Houshan, and the family members brought by Liuyun know how to bury them!”

Why did she dream up the dead man? Liuyun fell well, but ran a leg and called some family members.

Perhaps it was because of anger, Cui Meng didn’t find a person who fell on the snow.

The maids didn’t care either. They stepped forward and lifted the woman. Cui Meng turned and walked towards the veranda. Her master was baking the stove and waiting for her to return to life.

Suddenly, Cui Meng felt a cold wind blowing behind her, and there was a sudden silence behind her. She didn’t even hear the heavy breathing sounds of the girls in lifting people.

what happened? Are these maids lazy again?

But, it was strangely quiet behind him. Cuimen couldn’t help shivering.

She breathed heavily, and her breath turned white as cold, as pale as her face. Cui Meng had just turned her head to look back, and suddenly she was choked by a pair of cold hands.

She wanted to call for help, her mouth wide open, but she couldn’t make a sound.

“You better be honest!”

The person behind warned with a cold voice. Cuimeng was full of fear and sweating in cold sweat. As Ye Wanru ’s minions, she had never seen any strong winds and waves, but this time, she was almost scared to death by this cold voice.

What Cuimeng heard was clearly his voice!

“She saw her daughter was not hungry, but just took two buns from the kitchen, and you killed their mother and daughter alive?”

The voice of the speech suddenly changed, and the voice was calm and indifferent, like a killer who didn’t blink.

Cui Meng was naturally unable to answer the call. She stiffened her body and stared straight at the veranda in the distance. Liu Yun led the family to her. She seemed to see the hope of being rescued, and her eyes were black and shiny.

However, as if the lamp was burning again, Cui Meng’s eyes suddenly dimmed.

“Cuimeng, what are you doing standing there silly? People? Are they all carried to Houshan?”

Seeing that Cui Meng didn’t respond, Liu Yun smiled cunningly and shouted deliberately in the direction of the veranda: “Cui Meng … Are you lazy again?”

Immediately, Ye Wanru’s roar came from the direction of the veranda: “Cui Meng! You are a dead girl, look at Miss Ben to take care of you!”

Liu Yun saw that Ye Wanru came with a whip, turned to look at Cuimeng with a smile, and then noticed that Cuimeng at this time was different from the past.

Cuimeng’s eyes are covered with grey ash, lifeless.

Suddenly, Cuimeng jumped suddenly and came to Liuyun.

Liu Yun was not surprised, thinking that Cui Meng was not convinced and asked her to settle the bill, “Oh! Your girl still wants to do it with me? Miss is coming, don’t look at pulling your muscles out!”

She only looked at Cuimeng’s face, and didn’t even notice that Cuimeng’s feet were dragged to the ground, and her left leg was completely broken from the base of the femoral head.

“Ye Wanru is here? I’m going to find her!”

“Cuimeng, you are too presumptuous, and the name of Missy is casually called by your rude man!”

Liu Yun raised his hand and pumped Cui Meng’s face fiercely. Cui Meng’s head was fanned ninety degrees at once, flush with his shoulders.

“You, what’s the matter with you?” Liuyun was terrified. She turned her head to the side instead of a normal person and should have died long ago.

However, in Liu Yun’s frightened eyes, Cui Meng’s head returned to its original position, staring at her in a dumbfounded straight hair.

“Nothing,” Cui Meng answered.

The voice is Cuimeng’s right, but when Cuimeng said this, she didn’t even open her mouth! Liu Yun felt that the green dream in front of him was like a puppet, a puppet manipulated by people.

“Cuimeng, you dead girl, you’re lazy again!”

The sound came with the whip, Ye Wanru’s whip slammed suddenly, the air was crisp and clear, and there was no trace of broken snow.

At most, this whip makes the skin flesh, but Cui Meng’s body fell to the ground.

Cuimeng has long since died! ?

“Cui, Cuimeng!”

Liu Yun was too late to support Cui Meng, who fell to the ground, and quickly backed away, pointing to the person who suddenly appeared behind Cui Meng, trembling and exclaimed: “You, you! Ah … ghost!”

When Cuimeng’s body was leaning, Ye Wanru was stunned to see the face behind him.

“Ye, Ye Lan!”

“Miss, your face is so pale, are you upset when you see me?” She still used Cui Meng’s voice, and Liu Yun fainted.

Ye Wan was as dusty as the face, and immediately said viciously: “Since you are fatal, I don’t mind sending you a ride!”

She waved the whip in her hand, and she was determined: Ye Wanru was more than enough to deal with Ye Lan, a waste material with no cultivation ability.

Ye Lan’s mouth was gently raised, and her smile was cold and glamorous. “Ye Wan is so full of words, don’t be too full, be careful that your tongue is cut off …”

This shrill, arrogant and overbearing voice, clearly Ye Wanru, spit out from Ye Lan’s mouth.

Ye Lan is very satisfied with the panic-stricken look on Ye Wanru’s face. She is a top agent in the 21st century. The code name of the thousand machine changes is not a fame, but for the people in the world, she can always imitate the best.

“You give me! Kill this little bitch!”

Ye Lan sneered and looked at those family members, his eyes were sharp and eye-catching, and all the family members bowed their heads and dared not look straight at them.

“Useless things, ask you to give me!” Ye Wanru grabbed two family members and pushed towards Ye Lan.

Ye Lan didn’t dodge, but shot quickly, only listening to a neat and crisp sound, the two Ding Qi who squeezed their throat bones fell to the ground, holding their throats and staring at their legs a few times, they were exhausted.

All the family members and the maidservant behind Ye Wanru were forced to rush towards Ye Lan by Ye Wanru.

Ye Lan flashed, flying like a shadow. No one saw her shot, but the boxing wind screamed, and everyone blinked in the blink of an eye.

In the snow, she was independent, her broken dress, fluttering in the wind, and the black hair swaying, blocking her allure, and the snow behind was quiet., update w fast wide t less

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