Rebirth of the Super Agent: Miss Good-for-nothing Turning the Tables

Chapter 5 - Old man in white

He was also not annoyed, and said with a smile: “You can’t kill me! What you see is nothing but my phantom ghost, don’t try it in vain.”

Seeing Ye Lanjie’s heart, the old man arched his hand and recommended: “The old man in white clothes is called the old man in white clothes.”

“White? Huh, what’s your” clothing! “Ye Lan picked up another needle and threatened:” What the **** are you, old man? What are you doing here again? “

“Of course I’m here to help you!”

“Help me?” Ye Lan chuckled, her eyes as cunning as foxes, “You and I are not relatives, why do you help me?”

“Don’t you want to take revenge? There are hundreds of spiritual practitioners in the Ye family. Although you have martial arts and you still possess stunts, you are just a mortal body.

The old man paused and smiled at Ye Lan deliberately, “How do you revenge?”

Seeing Ye Lan saying nothing, the old man chuckled and plucked his beard. “Without my help, you can hardly cultivate spiritual power. If you worship me as a teacher, I can teach you.”

Ye Lan sneered, “I can practice myself.”

“That’s not necessarily …”


“As far as I know, can’t you practice now?”

Ye Lan was shocked. According to the memory of the original owner, she, as the fourth Miss Ye family, seemed to be born unable to cultivate spiritual power, and she was therefore bullied and scolded as a waste material.

But how does this old man with white eyebrows know?

But, Ye Lan didn’t believe it. She couldn’t practice the entire Ye family?

“I can practice!” Ye Lan determined, gritted his teeth, and said, “You just use this as the original, so that I can worship you as a teacher, I do not follow your wishes!”

The old man shook his head and sighed, “Your little girl is really stubborn! Hey … No way to take you!”

The white beards on both sides were upset.

“Forget it! When you can’t cultivate, come and find me again!”

The old man grumbled dissatisfiedly and retracted the ring.

Ye Lan saw that the old man was gone, and she retrieved the needle thread and continued to sew the wound, but she hadn’t dropped the needle for a long time, but just stared at the burning candle.

She was a little dazed, she knew nothing about the Fengtian Continent, just like a baby just born in this world.

Although the original owner also has some memories, most of them are related to family grudges, which does not make her fully understand the continent.

She doesn’t even know what the so-called spiritual power is, how to cultivate, and how to cultivate?

Ye Lan gently put the tiles in place and quietly ran down the beam. The little grey sparrow dozing on the pomegranate tree suddenly felt the wind blowing, and suddenly opened her eyes, seeing that no one had passed and continued to doze.

Stepping on the ground, Ye Lan bypassed the trees and took a short cut back to Taohua Xiaozhu.

“Isn’t it just cultivating spiritual power … would this be me?”

Ye Lan closed the door and window, sat cross-legged on the bed, and slightly raised the corner of her mouth, “I am a thousand-machine change, what tricks do you not?”

She learned how to cultivate spiritual power just before stealing her eyes. She crossed her hands over her chest and meditated on the secret.

A golden breath suddenly appeared, clearly visible under the skin, slowly rising from the base of her caudal vertebrae, flowing through the blood veins, just like a large golden tree trunk, reaching the fingertips around the outside of both arms.

Suddenly, a golden light gushed from the fingertips, floating in the air, condensing into a ball.

Ye Lan looked at the golden ball in front of her, and there was a trace of curiosity in her heart, “Is this spiritual power?”

“Don’t be too happy! This is just an illusion.”

But within a few seconds, the golden ball dissipated, and the golden veins on his back dimmed. Ye Lan read the recipe again, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t summon spiritual power.

“what happened?”

Ye Lan was surprised, because he had already condensed his spiritual power, how could he disappear suddenly?

“Everyone said that you can’t practice! Hurry and go to the teacher, and the teacher will tell you why!”

“Old man, are you a ghost?”

The ring buzzed, and the old man flew out, “If I want to hinder you, will I let you know?”

Ye Lan thought for a moment, contemplatively said: “I want to do it because the training is not enough! You have to step up training!”

“Stubborn!” The old man raised his beard and muttered: “It’s really hard!”

He became the master of Ye Lan again unsatisfactorily, and returned to the ring vigorously.

“If the little girl thinks about it, come to me again!”

“You still do not give up? Why do I have to go to the teacher’s door?”

The old man’s tone is also very helpless, “I don’t want to bother you, but the entire Fengtian mainland is the only thing I can teach you … It’s impossible!”

After training for a few days, Ye Lan found that she couldn’t even make a piece of gold thread out of hand, so she remembered the old man’s words.

Ye Lan hesitated whether to worship the old man as a teacher. After all, he was responsible for his family. This old man did not want to reveal his identity. It was very suspicious. She must not take risks.

But if she can’t practice, how can she avenge her hatred?

After thinking about it, Ye Lan summoned the old man.

“Little girl figured it out?” The old man said with joy, pointing at the tea on the table, “Tuer is not happy to give the master tea!”

Ye Lan glanced coldly at the tea bowl, reached for one end, and handed it to the old man, “Drink tea!”

“Alas, how can there be such a tea? You need your hands … kneel on both knees, and serve the tea to the forehead, and then say,” Master is on, please be apprentice. “

The old man happily pointed out, and deliberately blamed, “I am such a big man, and I still need to teach etiquette for teachers?”

“Less wordy! Love to drink or not to drink!”

“I drink, I drink, what’s the matter!” The old man was the first time he met such a disrespectful apprentice, but he was still very happy to be her master after seeing this little girl’s hardship for thousands of years Drinking tea.

“Cough … this, this is boiling water!”

“Don’t you say that you’re fictitious?” Ye Lan didn’t take it seriously. “What about boiling water? I can’t get you anyway.”

The old man is so angry that this apprentice is really hard to teach!

“Don’t be wordy, old man, I ask you, why can’t I practice?”

“Your physique is different from ordinary people, so you cannot follow the spiritual methods of ordinary people.”

“Physique? How is it different?”

The old man smiled mysteriously and lowered his voice.

“Because you are the body of the Holy Spirit!”

“The body of the Holy Spirit?”

“Ordinary people cultivate spirits, they are all flesh and flesh, but their skills are not reckless; the talents of different talents, half gods and half people, it is still okay to call the wind and the rain; only the body of the Holy Spirit, which is hard to come by for thousands of years, can only reach the peak and reach the peak Turn around! “

“However, this ordinary practice method of physique is invalid, and must be practiced with a special secret method. Once the body of the Holy Spirit is opened, the spiritual power will be thousands of miles a day, which is impossible for ordinary people.”

The old man brushed his beard and floated in front of Ye Lan. “As far as I know, this so-called Ye family can never have such a special physique.”

“The old man speaks straight!”

“I can be sure that you are not from the Ye family.” The old man thought deeply, and then said: “The mother who knows your life experience has passed away, you can only practice well, maybe one day, when the time is ripe, you will know yourself. Is born. “, update w fast wide t less

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