Rebirth of the Super Agent: Miss Good-for-nothing Turning the Tables

Chapter 7 - Someone on the roof

Floating on the surface of the water were roses, bright red petals, and the beautiful skin was as thick as fat.

She is as delicate as a hibiscus, misty, her beauty is dreamlike.

Suddenly, Ye Lan stopped her movements, her eyes became sharp, and in the rich floral fragrance, she smelled something strange-that is the smell of blood!

She was alert to the movement around her.

The room was quiet and strange, the candlelight occasionally made a crackling sound, the cold wind sewed in and out of the stern windows, the bead curtains were oscillating, and the tinkling was jingling again.

All these sounds were in Ye Lan’s ears.

“Ding Dong …”

A drop of water fell from the beam of the house to the surface of the water, a circle of red ripples swayed …

This is … blood!

Ye Lan’s eyes widened, and when she looked up, another drop of blood fell-someone on the roof!

She flew up, pulled off a piece of gauze curtain to wrap herself, put on a piece of white fox fur, broke out of the window, followed the beams in the corridor, and fell to the roof.

The whole action was done in one go, as fast as lightning, so that people in black on the roof had no time to react.

“Who are you? What’s the purpose in my yard?”

Ye Lan’s eyes were sharp, her voice could be frozen for three feet, and the man in black was surprised. The little girl seemed soft and weak, but she was extraordinary and courageous.

He stabilized his breath, drew his sword, and Ye Lan jumped, avoiding the sword wind, and fell three meters away from the man in black.

The White Fox Qiu was picked up by the tip of the knife and broken into two halves.

The wind blew from the wind, her body covered only half of the curtain, and the gauze fluttered, and her white skin was bare, just like the snow under the night sky.

The man in black quickly covered his eyes and murmured: “Don’t look at it! Do not look at it …”

Ye Lan is not sloppy, she just feels funny, this ancient man is really foolish enough.

Her eyes narrowed, and she leaned down at the timing, stretched out her feet, and the blue tiles flew out, killing the black man like a dart.

The man responded swiftly, rolled over his robe, and the tiles cracked to the ground. He flew again and ran out of Taolin.

“Want to escape !?”

Ye Lan caught up and entangled with the man in black.

“You’re injured, you can’t escape!”

The man in black said nothing, but snorted coldly, as if mocking Ye Lan’s involuntary force. His wrists kept swinging, his sword turned over, and the shadow of his sword was chaotic, forcing Ye Lan to retreat.

But he was not war-fighting, and after closing his hands in time, the man receded into the distance.

Ye Lan looked at the man’s back coldly, his mouth raised, and a faint smile appeared. The black man fled a few steps, and suddenly, he struggled to stand up, but his body squatted tremblingly.

Ye Lan flew to the man.

“You … cheating!” He gritted his teeth and glared at Ye Lan, then pulled out the silver needle stabbing at Qu Chi.

Ignoring Ye Lan, he tied the man to the beam of the house and pulled off the man’s mask. A handsome face was impressive.

The candlelight in the hall was weak, the man’s profile was firm, stubborn and arrogant, and under his thick eyelashes, his eyes were sharp and murderous.

He glared for a while, only to find that Ye Lan was thinly dressed and impolite, blinking his eyes embarrassedly and lowering his head.

Ye Lan noticed the blushing of the man’s face, sneered and approached him.

Suddenly, she leaned down and approached, “I asked what, you better answer honestly, otherwise …”

“Otherwise?” The man looked coldly at Shang Yelan, “If you want to kill you, just do it!”

The two were very close together, the breath was misty, and the fragrance of the woman’s unique body lingered on the tip of the nose. The black man’s gaze stayed on Ye Lan’s white neck and hurried away.

His face became more rosy.

Ye Lan suddenly withdrew and stood looking at the man a few steps away. The embarrassed and shy look, like a wayward child, was so cute.

She pursed her lips like a smile, “Fun!”

“You have fallen into my hands, and your mouth is still hard?”

“If it weren’t for me to be injured, would you lose to all third-order spirits?”

Ye Lan sneered, “If you lose, you lose!”

The man in black was silent, and he didn’t seem to want to meet Ye Lan, a woman-in-law.

“Are you Ye family?”

The man cherishes words like gold and does not respond.

Ye Lan was also not annoyed and said provocatively with a sneer: “Look at you as a serious man, like a gentleman, but she is just like a man.”

“Less there to spur people!”

“Oh? Is there?” Ye Lan leaned closer and exhaled like a blue. “Who is that peeping on the roof while I bathe?”

The man was speechless for a while, and his pale face was blushing due to blood loss. He looked annoyed. “I don’t know how offended the girl is when she bathes in the house.”

He was strenuous when speaking, and his face was pale, and he could still survive until he was seriously injured.

The misunderstanding between the two people was eliminated, and the atmosphere in the house was slightly relaxed.

Ye Lan felt it was important to heal him first.

“You’re not hurt badly, I’ll help you deal with the wound first.”

She turned to get the sewing box, but heard a snort behind her, “What is this injury?”

Ye Lan paused, and continued to walk around the table, taking out the sewing box.

“Even if it is a minor injury, the infection is very serious.” Ye Lan loosened the man and helped him lie down on the bed. “If tetanus is infected, you can kill yourself overnight.”

“Tetanus? Infection?”

Ye Lan coughed a little and realized that she was in ancient times. People here didn’t know modern medical knowledge. She talked indiscriminately and stifled the past.

The man stared at Ye Lan, and his face was fascinating. The curve was soft, but his eyes were cold.

She was saving him, stitching needles and threads to him with exposed bone wounds, as if she were alive Bodhisattva, but the cold in her bones seemed to come from Purgatory Shura.

“Who are you from the Ye family?”

“A girl.”

“Women?” The man shook his head weakly. “I don’t see it. No matter how you behave or spiritually, you should be a young lady who is out of the house.”

Ye Lan sneered and sneered, wringing out a towel and wiping the blood off the man.

“However, how could the young lady who was out of the house do the work of treating the wound? These tasks should all be done by the next person … It’s strange …” The man’s words were vague, and Ye Lan discovered that he had a high fever.

She looked down the wound on the man’s arm and found that the elbow joint had completely broken, and the joint fluid at the joints had overflowed, causing an inflammation.

To lower the temperature, you must first eliminate inflammation.

However, what can Fengtian Mainland use to reduce fever and reduce inflammation?

Ye Lan looked up and looked out of the window, and the snow began to fall again.

In the early morning, a ray of sunshine fell on the peach blossoms.

Under the peach blossom tree, a towering pile of snow suddenly moved.

The man woke up, wiped the snow from his face, and saw that most of his body was buried in the snow.

Did the woman bury him alive?

He moved his neck, and on one side saw Ye Lan, who was asleep in the snow, wrapped in a white fox robe.

She stayed up all night? The man’s heart jumped for no reason.

Seeing that there was a glance of eyes, Ye Lan suddenly opened her eyes, her bright eyes flashed with cold fronts, and she tranced the morning light that had already filled the man’s eyes.

“Wake up?” Ye Lan lifted the man, shaking off the snow, “Let me see your injury.”

The man opened Ye Lan to hold his hand, keeping a distance from her, and not looking over the snowdrift.

Ye Lan saw the displeasure of the man and knew one or two in his heart, “Are you blaming me for burying you in the snow?”

“Last night you had a high fever and the snow can cool down.”

The man was cold and arrogant.

Ye Lan never looked at the man again and turned back to the house. “Since you are well injured, let’s go.”

She pointed to Tao Lin: “Along this path, you will see a fence wall, and over to the street.”

Ye Lan stood outside the door and pushed open the door.

The sunlight came in from the outside, the weak body was stretched on the ground, the halo fell obliquely, and there was snow and dust flying, her lonely shadow, but it was lively because of another tall figure that suddenly appeared.

She turned suddenly and pointed her sword at the person behind her., update w fast wide t less

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