Rebirth of the Tech Frenzy

Chapter 117

Chapter 117 :seek death

Who would have thought that a college student engaged in technology would have such an ability!

One person brought down two people easily, and the most frightening thing was that he didn’t have any difficulty at all.

In other words, it is not difficult for him to play several by himself.

Although Xiang Qiang’s skill is in Chen Tong’s eyes, he is definitely a man of skill, not that kind of ordinary person.

In other words, Xiang Qianjin is considered a member of the circle in terms of skill, although Kung Fu is really not enough for her.

But against ordinary people, even one or two assassins have nothing to do with advancement.

What the **** does this man do?

How could he have such a skill?

And Xiang Qiang’s fighting skills are definitely not kung fu, but fighting skills in the army. It was used to kill people, and Chen Tong could see that it was the fighting technique of the White Eagle Special Forces.

Seeing this, Chen Tong hugged his shoulders and said with interest: “You have so many secrets!”

Xiang Qianjin smiled. He looked at Meng Yang and asked, “Who else is there, just come together.”

Meng Yang’s blue veins were violent, and he really didn’t expect Xiang Qianjin to fight! And the fighting is so powerful!

Nonsense, none of the Xiang family’s children don’t like everyone. Xiang Qianjin is a schoolmaster, but which family’s law stipulates that schoolmasters can’t fight? Do you really think that only the second child of the Xiang family can fight? I think too much, Xiang Qianyong’s worst fighting ability is Xiang Qianyong. The boss and the youngest are the ones who have no friends in the fight, so they don’t do it easily.

Moreover, Xiang Qianjin sent for training to save his life. At that time, when he was trained by Hoffman, he worked when he was at work, and he went to train when he was off work, just to prevent being killed or taken by someone suddenly. go. Therefore, the training is the most basic training, which is to allow them to cope with the general situation. If you really meet a master, they can run.

And this minimum requirement, in fact, has reached the entry level of the professional level, compared to those gangsters, that is a master of martial arts!

How could Meng Yang go up, he was really scared! A few gangsters were confused and wanted to use Chen Tong to threaten Xiang’s advancement, and among them, they could wipe oil.


It was either a broken arm or a broken leg that moved Chen Tong. Chen Tong looked as though he couldn’t lift his head, pressing on the gangster on the ground, and watching Xiang Qiang with interest.

Since ancient times, China has always emphasized both civil and military skills, but in reality, people with both civil and military skills are really rare.

People like Xiang Qianjin reminded Chen Tong of her idol, that is Li Bai. Because Li Bai’s life is really wonderful, everyone knows that Li Bai is a poetry fairy, but what everyone doesn’t know is that Li Bai is still a swordsman, and he thinks he’s the kind who is even worse than Sword Saint Pei Min.

Wenwu Quancai is not just about Li Bai, in fact, there have been many Wenwu Quancai since ancient times. The most typical example is that from the root, Confucius and his elders are martial arts. Don’t be deceived by the false rumours of repaying morals. Confucius traveled everywhere. At that time, the security was very poor. Without the effort, he could not be accompanied by a large number of guards with his little power. Confucius and his elders were also a warrior, repaying virtue by virtue and directly repaying grievances. That’s not a gentleman who talks but doesn’t do it, it’s a typical representative of the standard who can do it and never beep.

You must know that Confucius’s saber is also a famous sword!

That’s not for fun!

It’s just that there are fewer and fewer people like this when they arrive, and Xiang Qianjin surprised Chen Tong.

Skill, mind, emotional intelligence, intelligence, ability. Xiang Qianjin is a very good talent, and such people are generally not ordinary people.

Meng Yang yelled angrily when he saw Xiang Qianjin’s ability to fight so well: “Go together! Give me discounts on his hands and legs!”

A large group of people rushed over, and Xiang Qianjin would not work. After all, Meng Yang seized the opportunity and smiled and said, “Die me!”

Just when Meng Yang rushed forward excitedly, the police car rushed over. At this time, Chen Tong heard Xiang Qianjin shouting: “Run!”

Chen Tong was stunned, Xiang Qianjin kicked Meng Yang’s belly, and then pushed away the people. Xiang Qianjin turned around and ran away, and Meng Yang behind him roared, “Chase me!!!”

In the port area, Xiang Qiang ran and shouted: “Run to the door!”

Chen Tong didn’t quite understand what Xiang Qianjin wanted to do. She just ran to the door with Xiang Qianjin, and when she ran to the main road leading to the gate, a large group of people suddenly appeared in front of them. These people stopped two people. On the way to go, Chen Tong looked at so many people and said in a low voice: “They must want you to die today!”

Xiang Qianjin smiled and said, “Well, I know. But I can’t die.”

Speaking of this, Meng Yang and the others arrived, and then someone came up and punched Xiang Qiang in the face, and Xiang Qiang sat on the ground. Meng Yang was furious. He took the knife and ran forward to Xiang Xiang and ran over and shouted: “I think you are not dead today!!”

Meng Yang was holding a dagger with scarlet eyes. He rushed towards Xiang in anger. Xiang Qian looked at him with a smile and said, “Meng Yang, you are done, my rescuer is here.”

“?” Chen Tong was stunned, and then she saw several jeeps rushing in, and a special fighter in the rushing car pointed a gun at Meng Yang.

Meng Yang didn’t see clearly, but saw a car coming in and thought it was someone from the port warehouse security team. Unexpectedly, Xiang Qianjin sent a text message when he arrived, which was an emergency call.

The nearby special forces are here!

After Xiangqian got out of the car, the phone kept on. All Meng Yang’s words could be heard clearly over there.

Just when Meng Yang was three or two steps away from Xiang Qiang, another officer-like person in the car said coldly, “Kill!”


Meng Yang didn’t expect that, just one step away from Xiang’s advance, the bullet penetrated his temple.

Then he lay on the ground, with such a close headshot, Chen Tong originally thought Xiang Qianjin would be frightened, but what he didn’t expect was that Xiang Qianjin looked calmly.

I just want to see a very common thing.

Xiang Qianjin silently looked at the dead Meng Yang. He shook his head slightly and said, “This is your own choice. Since it’s your life and death… then your wish will be fulfilled.”

Xiang Qianjin smiled slightly. Chen Tong looked at Xiang Qianjin and then at the others. As soon as the gangsters saw the gunshots, they immediately ran away, but afterwards, the special police and the special forces directly commanded them. They all got caught. None of them ran away.

A young officer came down, and he saw Xiang Qian walking over quickly and said, “Mr. Xiang, are you okay!”

“It’s okay, thank you very much, I almost went to them.”

The officer helped Xiang to advance. He saluted him and said, “Hello, my name is Zhang Tao. I am responsible for your safety. I will be responsible for the personal safety of you and several other experts. Questions can be asked directly to me.”

Xiang Qianjin was pulled up by Zhang Tao. After he stood up, he glanced at the corpse on the ground. He whispered, “Meng Bohai’s son, you killed me like this…”

“This is not something we have to take care of. He will act on you. I also follow the instructions of my superiors. I have the power on site and we are not a system. There is no intersection between us, so don’t worry.” Zhang Tao was very polite. After that, Xiang Qianjin nodded and said, “Okay, thank you then. I’m in trouble!”

“It doesn’t matter. My task and job are to protect your safety. I don’t have any problems with this kind of personal relationship. There are no troublesome things. This is our work. As for this person, I think he is more than guilty. What he said just now has been handed over to the relevant departments. The rest of the matter has to be investigated by the relevant departments. Assassination of important national R&D personnel, is it okay?”

Xiang Qianjin smiled, Meng Yang didn’t even know that he was on the list, and Meng Bohai was not qualified to see his list. So the Meng family miscalculated this time! The assassination item moved forward but angered Ni Lin. And after death, it really made many people despise or even angry.

Of course, it was not because of his death that he was angry, but because of his spoiler, which made Hoffman not people inside and outside!

JK slapped the table angrily and said angrily: “Asshole! The good situation was completely ruined by him! Now, the relationship between us and Xiang Qiang will be split again! Our plan may have to be changed!”

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