Rebirth of the Tech Frenzy

Chapter 498

Chapter 498 : Landing on the island

“70,000 tons? Are you going crazy? Xiang Qiang, I remember you weren’t so crazy before, what’s wrong with you? Expanded? The earth can’t hold you anymore?” Yang Hui looked at Xiang Qiang madly and asked.

Xiang Qianjin said with a smile: “You think, we can’t build more of this stuff. It’s better to go directly to the nuclear reactor, and then go directly to the large vacuum tube launch pit of Shilian, to cooperate with the satellites on the orbit, or to make special preparations for him. A small unmanned spacecraft that scans the ground by radar and sends back signals. In this way, the small spacecraft can be stationary and maneuver in high-altitude orbits. Then it can always maintain linkage with the strategic ships on the ground. In this way, this kind of ship When it is built, it will always keep a ship on the sea for combat readiness. This type of ship can automatically release this kind of small spacecraft. When not in use, the small spacecraft can automatically fly back to the base.”

Fang Xinyi said as a joke: “If that were the case, then this type of ship would have to have enough terrorist carrier-based ballistic missiles. It is best that these missiles can be maneuvered at high speeds, and it is best to fly with waves. This is basically the case. It can penetrate all current prevention and control systems. This kind of ship is matched with an aircraft carrier, and that is a high-end fleet of destroying nations.

Xiang Qianjin said with a smile: “Yes, it has strengthened its electronic capabilities for the sea, as well as its communication coverage capabilities, making this ship a veritable flagship, carrying a large number of ballistic missiles and our special super weapons. With such a big reminder, we can load some unmanned submersibles and unmanned boats on the ship. If we put some disgusting things on the unmanned boat, this ship is a veritable mortal.”

Xiang Qianjin said with a smile: “In the case of unmanned boats, the weapons can actually be simpler, made into a semi-submarine solution, and then bring some unmanned sonar equipment and unmanned guidance equipment. Basically, the weapons are anti-infantry weapons. That’s it. If that’s the case, this ship is definitely a super annoying big guy in the world. As for the strategic ship itself, it can directly let him take on the command and strategic strike tasks. Basically, the fire support of the process should not belong to him, but he It should have the ability to instantly destroy the core of the enemy fleet. In other words, if we want to do it, we must turn it into a fleet killer. As the name suggests, the fleet killer is to kill the opponent’s flagship. Generally speaking, the flagship is very large and has a large tonnage. Are not too small, and flagships generally have frigates. Fleet killers should deal devastating blows to ships near the core of the fleet. At least, within the combat range of medium-range missiles, we should deal with enemy ships. The core of the ship has the ability to kill with one blow, and at long-range distances, we should also have the ability to penetrate the enemy’s aircraft carrier. Let the aircraft carrier become a living target at sea.”

Fang Xinyi whispered: “But in this case, a large number of destroyers and frigates are needed, and the most important thing is that we want an aircraft carrier! Your configuration requires the cooperation of the aircraft carrier with him, as well as nuclear submarines, nuclear submarines below the surface, and above the surface. The strategic ship. In addition, you said that the aircraft carrier. Aircraft carriers and destroyers carry out fleet air defense, and the frigate is engaged in medium and short-range naval warfare. As for the strategic ship, it is responsible for the killer attack on the core of the enemy fleet. His strike mode It must have a long-distance unmanned submarine, as well as the semi-submarine for reconnaissance you mentioned. They form a real front-end reconnaissance. This requires us to flow out an internal cabin, store the unmanned submarine, and then release the submarine through a lift. Go out…seems to work…”

Xiang Qianjin said with a smile: “Isn’t it? This seemingly unreliable thing is actually quite reliable, because nuclear submarines cannot patrol the sea, but strategic ships can basically make direct observations in a huge area. Find the opponent’s aircraft carrier in the shortest time, and use radar waves and remote sensing visual technology to directly locate the opponent’s fleet. So the opponent has nowhere to hide. Unless they come in a storm, of course, in that case, our submarine or submarine The drone will also find them. Once discovered, the unmanned semi-submarine will report the information as a sentry. At that time, we can directly attack the target in medium and short range. Hahaha, cool!”

Three people just like that, you say a word to me, and the report is handed over.

When Hong Botao saw this report, he asked experts to coordinate and discuss. Many people think that this kind of ship is replaceable and unnecessary.

However, it was also suggested that this kind of ship is a reintegration of forces, and once built, this kind of ship itself is not an arsenal ship. After all, there are actually only 60 craters on it, which is not up to the level of an arsenal ship. The distance is medium and long range, and the attack distance is actually a combat range of 10,000 kilometers to 500 kilometers. Its role is terrifying, because it carries 20 medium-range ballistic missiles, 20 long-range ballistic missiles, and 10 special anti-ship super weapons. There are also six nuclear missiles and four ship-borne low-orbit temporary satellites.

In this case, this weapon has extremely terrifying long-range delivery capabilities. What he has to do is that no ship can do at present, that is, fleet command, fleet defense and fleet strike.

The experts finally agreed after seeing Xiang Qianjin’s design plan arguing. Build this super weapon.

Moreover, only three ships were built in the first batch. The purpose of this type of ship is very straightforward. And it is the ability of the fleet to strike.

If this performance index is completed, the aircraft carrier is really dangerous.

Because its core destruction capability for the fleet is 6,500 kilometers, and its precision decapitation capability is 14,000 kilometers.

That is the ability of global strike!

The precision strike capability on the ground is also around 6,000 kilometers. With this kind of combat power, no one else can play at all!

However, this kind of ship does not mean to build, approve funds, then start to form a project committee, and then the production and distribution link. Basically, after Xiang Qianjin finished the matter, it was already the beginning of the coming year.

Xiang Qiang’s project is the research and development of this super weapon, and the hull was handed over to other people to do it. Many engineers from Huayan also participated in this research and development. Of course, Xiang Qianjin went there when he had time. Don’t go if you don’t have time. For Xiang Qianjin, what he cares more about is that going to the Five Sacred Island is delayed, so he has to go to the Five Sacred Island to see it!

Five Holy Island is the core among all the cores of Xiang Qiang, of course, this project was done without everyone else.

When Xiang Qianjin announced that he was going to travel, and his family was going to travel, no one thought there was any problem. Under such circumstances, Xiang Qianjin went to the Five Sacred Island generously.

The construction of Five Holy Island was completely beyond everyone’s expectations!

Wusheng Island, a futuristic city full of robots and technological sense, coming here almost makes people understand the future interstellar life. Manned vehicles are not allowed on the island, and all vehicles must be unmanned. of. Everything is controlled by AI. All vehicles must obey the traffic rules. So the probability of a traffic accident here is too small!

Du Qingyi’s eyes shined straight when he saw this scene, including Anna. She covered her mouth in surprise and said: “It is really possible to achieve this level.”

JK looked at everyone and said with a smile: “Welcome to the Five Sacred Island, this is our home from today, we can have a good rest here. Please come with me, here is the rest area.”

After everyone disembarked, they followed JK and boarded an unmanned bus. After Xiang Qianjin got on the bus, he watched that the bus was already moving. After everyone got on the bus, the surrounding scenery and the scenery on the island were still coming, but kept as much as possible. The cities are all artificial islands.

Robots can be seen everywhere on the road, all kinds of them. There are still many weather airships in the sky. These airships are made of large flexible screens. Inside are the advertisements of the Five Holy Islands and the current situation. It’s all useful information. Of course, there are no advertisements, and no advertisements are needed on the island.

Xiang Qian’s and their residence is a very luxurious mansion, six-story luxurious sea view buildings.

This cannot be said to be a villa, or a building, it is a seaside building, which is huge. There are six floors in total. On the mountain, the building is still suspended, and the bottom is supported by metal pillars, which are all metal piles nailed into the mountain. The whole of this villa is like a boat, which looks unique in shape. Moreover, the middle of this building is hollow, and the sea water is pumped to the top, and then the other section will be discharged. The water inside is all living water, and in the middle of the villa is an artificial lake. There are some fish in the water, and the water drawn by the pump will fall from the top of the building like a waterfall. In short, you can feel luxurious and noble here.

Xiang Qianjin looked at this place and blinked and said, “Fogcao, who designed this? How scary?”

Situ Huang smiled and said: “I designed it. At that time, JK said that there is no decent residence, and there is no domineering of the island owner at all, so I designed this. I call it “Dream Boat”. dislike? ”

Xiang Qianjin shook his head, and he whispered: “No, I just think it’s too awesome!”

Anna looked silly, she asked curiously: “Are we going to live here in the future?”

“Well, I live here, I live here now.” JK explained with a smile, and then she began to introduce the structure of this house. In this house, there are office areas, residential areas, leisure areas, reception areas, and restaurants. Area. Plant area. Entertainment area. It can be said that everything you can think of, here can be given to you. The residential area chooses an angle that can bask in the sun. And this is an oversized room with independent partitions. How can I say that there are many small compartments in the house, but there is also an oversized “bed”, which is the central hall of this residential area. It is an oversized bed. It’s a soft bag. You can lie down wherever you want. The ring cabinet in the middle is full of quilts. In this hall, there are more than a dozen people playing like. Uh, there is only such a room on the sixth floor. As for the partitioned room, it is a bit a bit inside. The partitions similar to those in the office are all uncovered ones, and they are all made of glass walls, with a door and a bed inside. As for the wardrobe, there is a changing room. There is also an oversized bathroom, so there is no problem washing them together.

Everyone lay in the central hall on the sixth floor. Everyone lay on the ground and looked at the ceiling. The ceiling was still a starry sky. It was an oversized glass wall… so you could lie on the bed and watch the stars…

Xiang Qianjin looked at the sky and said, “Fuck, now suddenly I realize that I’m still a rich landlord!”

Liu Ruoxin smiled slightly, and she whispered: “After so long, we finally have a home of our own.”

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