Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 1007

Chapter 1005 Silicon Valley 1 is busy

At this stage, the performance of supercomputers has broken through the 1000gflops or 1tflops mark.

And Fangyuan’s latest supercomputer, with the philosopher’s 64-bit risc microprocessor holder, reached 2.3796tflops-but according to predictions, this is a technical test, and it was first deployed in Cupertino and reserved for its own use. It is not known whether the world’s strongest name will survive until the end of this century, because 64-bit risc microprocessors are maturing and exploding.

Tang Huan’s diligent pursuit of supercomputers has not only valued the product sales revenue and various honors it can bring, but also his own application needs.

For example, analysis calculations of biotech companies, automatic driving simulation calculations of automobile companies, financial model calculations of investment companies… and so on.

In particular, this superhuman first-class computing power provided for the financial sector is even more favored by the richest man.

Judging from the signs that have been carefully observed, international capital speculators have already viciously focused on Asian targets. After all, opening a position is a gradual and continuous process, and no matter how quietly they prepare, they can be caught by those who have the intention.

The richest man’s “follow the trend” action this time, seeking wealth is the second, and the other purpose is the most important; and with stronger computing power, it will obviously make him more comfortable.

The hardware of a supercomputer is only a basic foundation. The actual performance of the supercomputer depends on the level of software compilation.

Therefore, Tang Huan specially expressed condolences to the researchers who had defected from Bell Labs.

After AT&T spun off Lucent, which specializes in communications equipment, Bell Labs, a pure research institution, inevitably suffered heavy losses in an atmosphere that only pursues utilitarianism, and the technical elites in it have to make their own efforts. Out of the way, many of them went to Wall Street to work in financial analysis-Tang Huan also took the opportunity to recruit some people.

It seems that the researchers from Bell Labs rushed to Wall Street to be mixed, but in fact it is normal-including some engineers in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, also have the capital to carry out such cross-border transfers.

The reason is also very simple-these researchers are very good in mathematics, and in the past daily work, you will need to do your own hands and compile some codes on the computer to assist in the research. As a result, all of them have become masters who are both proficient in esoteric mathematical algorithms and mature computer programming skills. Going to Wall Street really means “making big money” and “doing the business” without delay.

Such technical elites hired by the richest man have established a model for each Asian economy to dynamically evaluate its ability to withstand shocks, crash time and other data.

After Tang Huan returned to Cupertino from Mountain View, Andy Grove’s preferred successor, Craig Barrett, was already waiting in the office.

Everyone is acquaintance, and the conversation quickly turns to the topic without much greeting.

In fact, when Intel’s first 32-bit microprocessor, intel_iapx_432, failed slower than the 16-bit intel_80286, Craig Barrett, Paul Otellini and others became Intel and Zhe Confucianism is an important communicator between the microprocessor department and the software department. His achievements are obvious to all in terms of operating system support and optimization of the x86 family of microprocessors, and the introduction of the advantages of risc technology.

Now that Craig Barrett has become Intel’s chief executive officer, then Intel’s personal relationship with Zheru, Zheru Software, Fangyuan, and even his personal relationship with Tang Huan needs to be re-examined—this is also Craig Berry. The main reason to seize the time to see Tang it.

Intel, under the leadership of Andy Grove, has reservations about Tang Huan’s attitude towards CPUs, and even guards against obvious first-hand performance. In addition to cooperating with California Institute of Technology, using pentium_pro to develop supercomputers with computing performance exceeding 1tflops, There is also a 64-bit cpu.

In the late 1980s, Hewlett-Packard proposed an instruction set architecture called explicitly_parallel_-Explicitly Parallel Instruction Operation, or epic. The general principle is that the cpu uses a software compiler instead of increasing hardware complexity to schedule resources and execute in parallel.

Andy Grove took Intel and joined the epic alliance to develop 64-bit microprocessors.

This phenomenon reflects the incompatibility between Intel, which has always wanted to enter the high-end market, and Tang Huan.

Just as the leaders of the various major countries have to talk to each other on the phone and reach consensus on some important issues, Craig Barrett also needs to smooth out some of the problems left by his predecessor as soon as possible-nothing else, just a circle. Personal computers, which are the largest consumer market for Intel microprocessors, must be maintained.

The tolerance of the richest man is still very graceful!

Intel sent its own CPUs to supercomputers. That is a good thing. It shows that the product performance has made great progress. It is also a good thing for Intel to join the epic alliance. After all, it is not easy to develop a 64-bit microprocessor, and multiple spare tires can be insured. .

Will Zheru’s risc microprocessor holder be affected by these actions of Intel? Not yet. Holder has many competitors. After mips, sparc, power, alpha, etc., I don’t care about one more!

Tang it’s attitude is very clear-Intel’s microprocessor, the status of the personal computer industry will only be further improved.

However, because of this, Tang Huan still believes that Intel’s 64-bit cpu direction should be compatible with the existing x86 family of microprocessors, just like the introduction of some risc technology into cisc’s x86 family of microprocessors to make it rejuvenated. The prospect of this program is not worse than that of Intel’s joining the epic alliance.

In addition, Intel should try to diversify its operations to reduce the risk of cyclical fluctuations in the industry. Tang Huan took Hollywood production companies outside the circle and Netscape, which is facing bankruptcy in the circle, as examples. What a sad reminder of being hanged.

Craig Barrett, who had a pleasant communication with the richest man and had a great conversation, asked humbly: “If Intel is diversified, which direction should it choose.”

Tang Huan pointed out very happily: “For example, the trend of integrating traditional network cards into motherboard chips is obvious for network solutions. New technologies and new applications such as Gigabit Ethernet, wireless LAN, and network firewalls are also the general trend, even with low power consumption. , Mobile communications can also become a new direction for Intel products.”

Speaking of this, Tang Huan specifically mentioned: “Presumably you have also seen the latest popular U disk, which is bound to replace all traditional external mobile storage products including floppy disks. Its further application is the current role of hard disks. However, due to the different reading and writing principles, further in-depth research and development are needed in terms of service life and main control performance. With its existing foundation, Intel is fully qualified to enter this very promising field and gain first-mover advantage. ”

Craig Barrett nodded his head from time to time, and finally asked tentatively, “Tang, what do you think of solar energy as a diversified option?”

The richest man smiled slightly, “Intel’s way of profiting is to invest heavily in early-stage research and development, and make money back through the time difference in the market. If you can change this single model, you may be able to resist including one book, South Korea, Even with the impact of Asian manufacturing, including China, there will naturally be more diversified options.”

Is not in its place, does not seek its own government.

Although Craig Barrett had many opportunities to communicate with Tang Huan in the past, his level and realm were definitely not as good as this time, so when he left, he was satisfied, confident, confident, and energetic.

As soon as the new Intel CEO was sent away, the assistant reported a piece of news from Apple Computer. Jobs has officially announced that Apple Computer’s next-generation computer products will use holder microprocessors. Then say goodbye to ibm’s powerpc. As for the reason, it is because of the obvious difference in the richness of the software ecosystem between the two.

After Tang Huan listened, he smiled slightly-Jobs moved quite fast. In such a short period of time, he sorted out the disorganized and disorganized personal computer product line of Apple Computer, and sorted out a clear context.

In order to share and carry the excessive achievements and resources in his hands, the next move that the richest man arranged for Apple Computer is to “de-computerize” and become Apple.

However, this matter will not be in a hurry within one or two years; Apple Computer will first re-produce products that are sufficient to attract consumers, and get out of the predicament is the top priority.

And he, the leader of Silicon Valley, is not usually busy, and he has to go to the headquarters of HP, a witness to the development of Silicon Valley.

Recently, the “big brother” of HP got into a little trouble, and it proved once again what is called “under the reward, there must be a brave man.”

It turned out that HP had just made a big deal-through its European subsidiaries and an office in Dubai, it sold a series of products such as computers and printers worth 120 million U.S. dollars to Iran.

The United States and Iran, the thorny head of the Middle East in its eyes, are well known for how tense diplomatic relations are. What’s more, the Bill Clinton government also imposed sanctions on Iran in the form of an executive order in 1995. The prohibition on the export of high-tech products to Iran.

Just like many large companies in the United States, through overseas subsidiaries, using rules to avoid high taxes in the United States, HP’s behavior of walking a tightrope is a game between businessmen and politics-as long as the profits are sufficient, I will take care of your federal government What are the rules of the government!

In fact, this phenomenon is not uncommon in the American business community, and Tang Huan is toward HP in his heart-with this “big brother” as a role model, then he has a greater impact when exporting technologies and products to China. The space is not!

However, now HP must pay for its own presumptions-the federal government, especially the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, inquiries, even if HP has one of the founders, David Pockard, served from 1969 to 1971. With the special connections and connections of Nicholson Masayoshi Fuchu, the Deputy Secretary of Defense of the United States, and Hewlett-Packard’s long-term solutions for the United States defense field, public relations are not so easy.

The current CEO of HP is Louis Pratt. In 1992, he took over the class of John Young, the previous CEO, and his performance was remarkable. One figure can explain the problem, that is, HP’s sales have increased from US$20 billion in 1993 to US$38 billion in 1996.

However, Louis Pratt is not very popular on Wall Street The reason seems a little unbelievable, that is, he is too low-key, and will not be as charming and deceptive performances as Jobs, even The media also ridiculed his stupid image with thick-lensed eyes.

I have to say that the times have changed, and the tastes of Wall Street have also changed. They are no longer favored by people who work hard anymore. One evidence is that a batch of unobstructed and disagreeable words emerged in Silicon Valley in the 1990s. The “big mouth” chief executive who can tear up is considered “however he has a strong temper,” and he is highly praised by Wall Street.

In short, the CEO of Wall Street’s favorite should have a personable “face value”, who can use gorgeous electronic slides to give speeches and can inspire the audience to raise their hands and cheer.

And Louis Pratt, who is adhering to the “HP Way”, is a bit out of gregarious.

In Tang Huan’s view, the essence of this phenomenon is the capital of Wall Street, who wants to completely control Silicon Valley.

However, high-tech companies like HP that can successfully go to the present have a systemic culture such as the “HP Way” to condense into a whole.

How to break this framework?

The most direct way is to control the selection of senior executives such as the CEO, and it is not possible to select from within the company. It is best to find someone from the outside.

This round of Intel’s CEO handover is a complete internal power change; and looking at the current situation, how HP will handover after Louis Pratt is really hard to say.

Just as Tang Huan praised HP for doing an Iranian business for HP, he also hoped that HP’s management would be able to withstand the penetration of Wall Street.

After all, with the addition of such a “big brother” standing in the front, the richest man has more reasons to “great” his power to control Silicon Valley.

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