Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 1014

Chapter 1012 United States of America v. Tang Monopol

Before Tang Huan went to Asia in late June, the monopoly case of Netscape v. Zheru Software Company had been settled.

At that time, he still murmured to the newspaper quoted a certain congressman’s argument that “this matter is not so easy to end”, but he was too busy to continue the in-depth analysis.

Now, the answer is ready.

Under the activities of some members of Congress and officials of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Justice is linking up some states, preparing to join forces to sue the software company Philosophy for the monopoly.

In this regard, the richest man is very angry.

Since entering the 1990s, the independent agency represented by the Federal Trade Commission, the federal administration represented by the Department of Justice, and the industry represented by Netscape have taken turns to be entangled in the monopoly status of philosophers.

After the “single” dramas of this kind have been staged, the more powerful “group fight” tricks will appear on the stage again-this is obviously just trying to make troubles! ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Tang Huan can already be sure—then he will really be entangled in big troubles.

Seeing this information, Brad Swahlberg, CEO of Philosopher Software, said bitterly: “This bunch of bastards! If the judicial process starts again, then go directly to the Supreme Court, lest the generals Entangling so unconvinced.”

Tang Huan didn’t answer the conversation right away, and Geinblad Svolberg’s vision was still at the level of the Philosopher Software Company and the Tang’s Kingdom Management Committee, and he thought more about it—perhaps Oneself is the ultimate goal; as for Zheru Software Company, it is only a breakthrough.

After pondering for a while, Tang Huancai said, “Since the news has been known in advance, Zheru Software Company must continue to maintain the previous working state of external looseness and internal tightness; in operations, do not suddenly change the course to avoid failure Demographic reality—in short, plan for the worst and wait for the changes.”

Brad Svolberg nodded knowingly, and then asked: “Then what about the visit of the Chinese delegation to the US…”

“Continue to arrange in accordance with the original plan.” Tang Huan waved his hand. “When the time comes, I will personally be a guide to visit the most representative company parks including Zheru Software Co., which will be useful for further exploring the Chinese market in the future. It’s extremely important and you must take it seriously.”

Brad Svolberg certainly understands this meaning-in the final analysis, only stronger can have more capital to deal with those seemingly endless troubles.

The application field can be called the ubiquitous Philosophy software company products, and it is certainly inseparable from mathematical algorithms such as various sorts, and no matter how sophisticated its design is, it may encounter the worst situation, that is, the queues to be sorted and Compared with the required order, it is completely inverted and must undergo n*(n-1) permutations to complete the sorting-thus confirming the Murphy’s law that states that “anything that can go wrong will go wrong in the future”.

Perhaps, using the folk rhyme like “When the bread falls, the buttery side is always on the ground”, people are more likely to remember the tragedy they have experienced-“It should have been all right before, but at the critical moment it just made a mistake.” .

Zheru Software’s “doing not escape” originally made the richest man upset, and Tang Wenmao reported another news-in the mci battle, a powerful bid has reached 37 billion U.S. dollars.

Hearing the other party’s question, “Will you follow?” Tang Huan snorted coldly, “Since these guys want to die, let them find their way.”

Hearing the Patriarch’s words “seeking a dead end” in his mouth, Tang Wenmao couldn’t help but wonder what he meant, but when he saw Tang Huan’s gloomy face, his lips moved, and finally he held it back, and did not go to the roots.

The richest man is now able to mobilize 37 billion US dollars of funds for the fight for mci, but the problem is that even if mci is worth this price in terms of long-term value, the unprecedented prosperity of the telecommunications industry driven by the Internet boom has a “preservation period”—— A major feature of the economic trajectory of the capitalist world is that it has obvious ups and downs, and it is precisely Tang Huan who can see that “critical point” now, and naturally refuses to be “taken up.”

In other words, no matter how great the richest man is, he is not sure that in the next three years, such a high cost of mci acquisition will be worth the fare.

In addition, because of the unexpected twists and turns of mci, Pacific Telecom, which is still negotiating with Southwest Bell, is tantamount to being in a two-line attack state, and it is inevitable to lose sight of one another.

Moreover, at this time, the Southeast Asian financial turmoil is forming an Asian financial turmoil and spreading to the world.

Heroes in troubled times are nothing more than this-saving this resource can definitely do more interesting things.

So Tang Huan immediately gave a clear instruction, “This is the end of the matter, so you should be clear about your position and sell the mci shares you have on hand; however, wait another half a month for the specific operation.”

Tang Wenmao can no longer hold back his doubts this time. “The Dow Jones Industrial Average has steadily reached the 8,000-point level in mid-July. Now the U.S. stock market is in full swing. If you delay deliberately, It’s hard to say how the financial turmoil in Asia will affect the US.”

The richest man who has always paid close attention to the dynamics of the U.S. financial market explained: “From 5,000 points, to 6,000 points, to 7,000 points, and even the most recent 8,000 points, the breakthrough speed of the Dow Jones Industrial Average is getting faster and faster. In about two and a half years, it has doubled-but it is only getting better and everyone is still in the mood. Under the background of economic globalization, financial fluctuations in Asia will inevitably affect On the American side, it only affects that.”

Tang Wenmao thought for a while following this line of thought, and then smiled: “Although I accidentally missed on mci, it is unavoidable that I am a bit regretful, but it is not bad to make a lot of money.”

“It’s pretty good.” Tang Huan said slowly with feelings: “Then let the Asian side have another blood bag.”

Observing the expression of his cousin carefully, Tang Wenmao tentatively said: “The constant troubles at Zheru Software Company seem to make you very worried.”

“It’s nothing—the soldiers will stop and the water will come to the land!” Tang Huan waved his hand indifferently, “In terms of stepping back ten thousand steps, it’s a big deal to try to delay the next three years or two. This should still be possible. Yes, and time always brings some positive variables.”

Seeing that the Patriarch was still calm and restless, Tang Wenmao, who was faintly disturbed, felt relieved.

Tang Huan rubbed his eyebrows and said in thought: “This time should be very busy – on the one hand, the financial turmoil on the Asian side will transmit the impact to the United States. Although it cannot shake the fundamentals of the U.S. stock market today, I must also deal with it carefully; and I have to spare special time to personally follow up a series of activities of the Chinese head of state to visit the United States.”

“We will have the spirit of twelve points.” Tang Wenmao comforted: “Furthermore, Jin Chang, Jin Ge, Jin Ming and Jin Liang are all sensible and can already take on a lot of work within their capacity.”

The visit of the Chinese head of state to the United States after a lapse of 12 years is indeed of great significance, and the White House and the business community also attach great importance to the United States.

This can be seen from the television speech made by US President Bill Clinton to the country on the day of the departure of the Chinese head of state.

He mentioned: The comprehensive development of mutually beneficial and cooperative relations between the United States and China is in the fundamental interests of the two countries; it is believed that by strengthening the exchange of visits between the leaders of the two countries, Sino-US relations will be further improved and developed; the differences between the two countries will also be properly resolved. .

Bill Clinton’s remarks not only demonstrate the determination of the US government in developing relations with China, but also show that the US attaches great importance to the visit of the Chinese head of state.

In fact, Bill Clinton has sent Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Vice President Al Gore, and National Security Affairs Assistant Sandy Berg to China in February, March and August this year. , To discuss and determine the schedule of the Chinese head of state to visit the United States after a lapse of 12 years.

At the same time, the White House is actively preparing for public opinion at home and around the world, using all opportunities to put forth the reasons for developing relations with China, and to win the greatest support from the people.

It can be said that the content and timing of Bill Clinton’s speech reflects the good intentions of the Democratic Party president, who has been chased by the Republican Party everywhere, trying to break the situation and build political achievements.

Correspondingly, anti-China forces in the United States have recently become rampant.

For example, at the beginning of this year, the “China (also see river crab) threat theory” became popular in the United States, and China was portrayed as the “new devil’s empire” after the Cold War.

In June this year, when the U.S. Congress was debating the issue of China’s most-favored-nation treatment, there were again anti-China rhetoric.

The subsequent return of Xiangjiang was also described by some people vowing to the “premature death” of the people.

In general, in the first seven months of 1997, members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have successively proposed 66 anti-China proposals, which is the highest in recent years.

In this cold wave, the monopoly problem of Philosophy software company was hit hard, and Tang Huan could not help but think that behind the scenes was a reaction to the rapid rise from mainland China, and now it has almost achieved nothing. The targeted attack carried out by the defeated self.

The more so, Tang Huan paid more attention to the visit of the Chinese head of state to the United States.

Needless to say, Tang Huan used to have more “feelings” for China, but now he has to consider “interests” first.

The closer the relationship between China and the United States is, the greater the overall situation, the loss of all fears in the United States, thereby gaining room for development; in terms of the small aspect, it gives Tang’s richest man, who is a minority but has climbed into the top circle. A bargaining chip with enough weight-the mystery of it can only be understood and cannot be said!

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the meticulous preparations made by Tang it in San Francisco and Silicon Valley, and Tang Tycoon in Los Angeles and Hollywood to receive Chinese visits to the United States.

Even the richest man simply showed his special value and came to Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii, the first stop of the Chinese delegation to the United States. At 9 o’clock in the morning on October 26, with Governor Ben Cayetano, Pick up together.

When the Chinese head of state arrived in Hawaii, one of the activities was indispensable, that is, to visit the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii.

The origin of this is easy to think of, that is when a navy attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, it was hit by a Japanese warplane and caused a violent explosion in the front turret ammunition, and finally the Arizona that sank in the harbor. .

The United States also attaches great importance to patriotism education. Because the Arizona was seriously damaged, the U.S. Navy decided not to salvage and repair it and decommission it. However, in the wreckage of the Arizona, there were still 1177 soldiers who died in battle. 1102 remains. At the request of Admiral Arthur Radford, who was the commander-in-chief of the Pacific Fleet, and the support of former U.S. Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy, in 1962, the USS Arizona battleship memorial was built on the remains of USS Arizona. It opened and was successively included in the National Register of Historic Sites and National Historic Landmarks.

Since then, every U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, and U.S. national merchant vessel must salute the wreck of the USS Arizona when entering Pearl Harbor and are called “manning_the_rails” “.

Therefore, the visit and memory of this important World War II memorial by the Chinese head of state is also the meaning of the question.

At the welcome banquet set by Ben Cayetano at the Governor’s Mansion that evening, the atmosphere became relaxed and cheerful.

The governor’s wife sang a wish song, and the Chinese head of state happily picked up the Hawaiian hexagram to accompany it, which immediately won rounds of applause from the guests.

And this erudite and peaceful style, quickly spread through the media.

After the trip to Honolulu, the Chinese delegation flew directly to the second stop-the historic city of Williamsburg in Virginia, on the east coast of the United States.

Here is the second oldest university in the United States-the College of William and Mary, founded in 1693. Its graduates have a pivotal political position in the early history of the United States.

For example, among the 56 signatories of the US “Declaration of Independence”, 12 are graduates of the College of William and Mary, occupying nearly a quarter of the quota.

For another example, up to now, the College of William and Mary has produced 5 American presidents, and Virginia has produced 8 American presidents, which has become known as the “Presidential Hometown.”

The second stop of the Chinese delegation to Williamsburg, which has a profound political history, is also sending a signal.

On October 29, the Chinese head of state and his entourage came to the White House.

The richest man has been informed that the Ministry of Justice has united to at least 15 states thanks to the “efforts” of some congressmen, but it is not certain when it will officially pierce that layer of window paper and initiate an anti-monopoly against Zheru Software. litigation.

Tang Huan’s first reaction was to ridicule himself-fortunately, there is no California!

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