Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 1016

Chapter 1014 Take daughter as mortgage

In the entanglement of monopoly or not, Philosophy Software Company complained, the Ministry of Justice was aggressive, and the Supreme Court evaded it. Of course, the media and the public were not willing to lonely express their opinions.

In fact, whether or not Zheru Software has a monopoly can get a preliminary answer only from the absolute advantage of the market share.

However, the philosopher software company, which is deeply aggrieved, has its own justification.

The software industry spawned by the personal computer industrial revolution belongs to a whole new field. In the past ten years, Zheru Software Company has created countless technological firsts, and then has the dominant position in the industry today. Called “monopoly”, it is also a “natural monopoly” after free competition, and it is fundamentally different from the monopoly of Standard Oil and AT&T in earlier years.

According to the thinking of Zheru Software Company, he is hard-working, smart and capable, and has made recognized great contributions to the development of the entire industry, and thus has the status of the industry today. “, “Unload the mill to kill the donkey” trick.

Because the personal computer industry has carried the aura of stars over the years, the media can be said to know a lot, and there has been a consensus. In the eyes of the government the government, Zheru Software Company has too many resources in the industry, and this result is one Kind of sin!

To put it bluntly, the United States of America v. Philosophy Software’s monopoly is not so accurate. It should be the United States of America v. Tang, the IT hegemon who single-handedly controls Fangyuan and Philosophy Software, which is more appropriate.

In this case, arguing whether or not monopoly is based on their respective positions is not only unsolvable, but also of little significance-the key depends on what has Zheru Software Company done with its dominant position in the industry?

At this time, the value of word-of-mouth is reflected.

Many mainstream media commented that the performance of Philosophy Software as an industry leader in these years is remarkable!

Consumers’ attitudes are more perceptual and clear-cut—Zheru Software makes personal computers simple and easy to use, which other companies can’t compare. How can they blame others for their monopoly? Zheru Software’s operating system integrates free programs such as browsers, media players, compression tools, download tools, etc., so it is difficult for users to use software that must be paid for?

What’s more, some economists and university professors clearly expressed their opinions that they filed antitrust lawsuits against Zheru Software Company, which interfered with free competition in the market. If the industry leader of Zheru Software Company is really defeated, the development of the computer industry may not be as fast as the shackles are removed; and consumers are likely to spend more when buying software.

Seeing the public opinion, you can’t wait to see that you are pursuing a fierce fight against Philosopher Software. The Ministry of Justice, which is trying to pull California into the camp, has to speak up and do a public relations.

According to them, it is of course that Zheru Software can easily squeeze out new competitors, such as Netscape, by taking advantage of its own industry advantages, and then dominate the entire industry. And when this industry advantage of Zheru Software Company is removed, the entire market will surely usher in more full free competition, and it will also further reduce users’ software product expenses.

Tang Huan didn’t bother to pay attention to the other party’s rhetoric, because any excuse is a cover up, essentially because you have too many things-everyone is not guilty, guilty of crimes, nothing more.

In the strategy of dealing with this round of anti-monopoly litigation, the richest man clearly put forward a key word, that is, “delay”-as long as it can be delayed, it can be delayed for as long! How to act in favor of procrastination, then how to do it!

The understanding of the audience is that the big boss hopes to drag the Philosophy Software company monopoly case to the next government, just like the ibm in the early 1980s, through the change of the US president, Reagan came to power, and the political situation changed drastically. Opportunity, escaped.

Of course, the executives have no objections. Since there is little hope of making the final judgment through the Supreme Court, it is indeed a wise move to wait until the next government to make all sorts of natural changes.

As for the lawyers’ group, it can only be described as “sleeping from the heart”-the lawsuits continue to make money.

Of course, the prerequisite for Zheru Software’s monopoly case to be dragged on is that Zheru Software can survive until that day. Just like the tragedy of Netscape, it has sold itself to oracle, and may even disappear. What is the significance of the result of the Philosophy Software Corporation’s monopoly case?

To avoid the negative effects of the Philosophy Software Monopoly Case, the most effective way for the listed Philosophy Software Company is to blind everyone’s eyes with the performance, and the return attracts all investors.

In fact, although the anti-monopoly over the past few years seems to be overshadowed by the cloud, no matter how the wind blows, it will not dissipate, but the operation of Zheru Software is still thriving-throwing away General Electric and reaching the top of the market value list. , Is the best explanation.

After all, only the strong are worthy of being associated with “monopoly.” At the same time, this external pressure has also made Zheru software companies more and more cohesive.

But it is undeniable that such strength can also be expressed skillfully.

At this time, Tang Huan was discussing the quarterly report with the chief financial officer of Zheru Software. For example, on the indicator of earnings per share, how many cents is better?

You must know that “giving” is a profound knowledge. Otherwise, China, which has a broad and profound culture, would not have passed down such things as “fighting with rice to nurture gratitude, bearing rice to nurture enmity”, “don’t worry about widows and inequality”. The most famous saying.

The financial report data is even more so-Zheru Software Company can’t just swipe a pen without thinking about the return on income just because it needs to please investors more now. Everyone is happy this quarter, what about next quarter? What about next quarter?

In the final analysis, “psychological expectation” is the decisive factor, and it is also the essence of “giving”.

It’s like the boss of a company, seeing the poor performance of the company this year, he started the idea of ​​year-end bonus, so he spread the news of the cancellation of the year-end bonus as if it were true. In the end, under the rumors, he finally sent half of the amount. The year-end award, and instead of complaining, everyone felt that they had earned it.

On the other hand, Zheru Software, which has climbed to the highest position in the company’s market value list, is so sought after by investors. This is also the mystery. There are so many capable people on Wall Street. It is natural to analyze and predict the financial statement data of various companies. But Zheru Software Company is able to frequently create surprises, which are a few cents more than the data they analyzed.

What Tang Huan is thinking about now is not just the issue of “a few more cents”, but the “a few more cents” that can be maintained for the “surprise happiness”.

Obviously, there is a psychological game between the financial report compiler and the Wall Street elite, as well as the general public.

Fortunately, Tang Huan has the “inherent advantage” of information asymmetry, and now there is a sufficiently sophisticated “think tank”, especially the world’s most powerful supercomputer, enough to ensure the speed of drawing reference suggestions through mathematical models. Overtake other players in the game arena.

During the discussion, the secretary reported-Samsung Chairman Lee Jianxi asked if there is any leisure time to gather together and play tennis.

He has already come to the United States-the richest man smiled, and immediately asked the secretary to turn the phone around, talked a few concisely, and set the schedule.

I vowed before that South Korea, which is not afraid of the spread of the Southeast Asian financial turmoil, has collapsed at this time and is begging for mercy in front of the International Monetary Fund, hoping that the other side will help to tide over the immediate difficulties.

South Korea’s fearlessness in the past is nothing more than the strength accumulated by the miracle of economic development over the years.

After entering the 1990s, Korea, which began to face the development of the 21st century and was preparing to become a developed country, launched the seventh five-year economic development plan. One year after the implementation of the plan, in 1993, he became the 14th president of South Korea. Jin Yongsan formulated the “New Economy Five-Year Plan” to replace the original Seventh Five-Year Plan.

Against this backdrop, South Korean chaebols have risen one after another, recruiting troops and expanding their territory to build “great companies.” You can see their high spirits in the United States and Europe. Even the richest man bought a retired Russian aircraft carrier. At that time, all come to join in the fun.

The driving force of the South Korean chaebol’s frenzied expansion is bank loans, and it is also the kind of silly and bold that he is worth only one dollar, but he dares to spare five dollars.

Still the same sentence, time comes and the world is the same force, and it is not free to transport the hero-when the situation is great, you can close your eyes and toss at will; on the contrary, you often walk by the river, and there are no wet shoes.

As a result, South Korea’s third-largest automaker, Kia Motors, lost its ability to repay the investment and entered a state of liquidation, becoming the first to fall, sounding the death knell for South Korea’s economy.

South Korea’s surrender under internal and external difficulties also means that the Southeast Asian financial turmoil has developed into an Asian financial turmoil.

The International Monetary Fund is almost ready to watch the fire, and generously lent 57 billion U.S. dollars on condition that South Korea sign various humiliating and even power-defeating treaties-South Korean President Kim Young Sam did not leave the political and political legacy he was looking forward to. , Even the evening festival is hard to guarantee. For example, its poll support rate has dropped to an unprecedented 5%, and it is estimated that it can only wait for future female presidents to break this record.

Faced with the Korean government’s promise to the IMF’s conditions, Koreans certainly have reason to be angry—it is not simply the question of repaying debts, but the coldness of blaming fire and robbery.

For example, South Korea has always insisted that foreign capital come to its own turf to take up shares, with the highest proportion not exceeding 26%; now it is fully open, allowing 100% of shares.

The result of this condition alone is all sorts of foreign stock hunters. Koreans watched the wealth that they struggled hard by eating instant noodles continue to lose.

As far as the richest man knows, in the sorrow of South Korea, although Samsung has not been wiped out, life is not easy. The external debt alone will not be less than 18 billion US dollars.

Gein, Samsung was also one of the participants in the wave of building “great companies” in South Korea in the 1990s.

In particular, although Samsung’s products are touted as the number one in Korea, they are placed in the corners of shelves in other stores around the world. Lee Jianxi, who saw this scene with his own eyes, was irritated to the blood. In addition to focusing on product quality, it is also fruitful to shape the brand through sponsoring various top sports events.

As a result, the ambitious price was exchanged for a famine in the ass.

At present, Samsung’s biggest burden is Samsung Motors, which was established in 1994.

Similar to Tangit’s involvement in the automotive industry, to digest and deploy a large number of scientific and technological achievements, including electronic maps and assisted driving, Li Jianxi’s original intention of establishing Samsung Motors is that he believes that automobiles are a collection of various industrial achievements. Samsung was established. Automobiles will help Samsung Group’s subsidiaries such as Samsung Power, Samsung Electronics and so on to cooperate more closely with each other , and truly tap the capabilities of the entire group.

Judging from the existing development results, Samsung Motors, which has burned money for several years, will almost be able to start selling its own brand cars next year.

Sadly, this moment hasn’t waited yet, the Asian financial turmoil has come, and South Korea has not resisted it—kneeling!

In terms of layout, Samsung Motors does not belong to the core position within the Samsung Group, and it is not unacceptable for a strong man to break his wrist, but it is very difficult to find a buyer in South Korea.

Hyundai Motor, which is negotiating with the liquidated Kia Motors, is qualified and capable, but the relationship between Samsung and Hyundai is relatively delicate, and it is basically excluded.

Whenever this kind of embarrassment, the boss’s contacts must be tested, whether it is broad enough.

Li Jianxi, who came to the United States, came to see the richest man in Tang at the first stop. He even had the idea of ​​being able to get Austrian aid and save Samsung Motors.

The place where the two met was very interesting. It was a club under the Tang Sports Industry Group. No. 4 “Son of Tang” Jin Liang and Li’s little princess Yin Xin jointly suggested and arranged.

During the break, Li Jianxi watched Jin Liang and Yin Xin running vigorously on the court, shook his head and smiled: “These two kids obviously want to come here by themselves.”

The richest man laughed, “The two of them match up on the court!”

Li Jianxi also smiled, and turned to invite: “Inuzi will get married next year in Rong, so there will be an engagement ceremony soon—it’s a private party. Does Tang have time to attend?”

Tang Huan happily agreed, “Then I will take the children and go to ask for a wedding drink, and be happy.”

After playing the ball and talking about the homework, the preparation was almost complete, and the head of Samsung and the richest man began to talk about the subject.

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