Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 1018

Chapter 1016 This is called responsibility

A genius remembers “Love♂Go÷Small?Speaking→Net” in one second, and provides you with wonderful novel reading.

The two first-generation national goddesses created by the richest man in South Korea led to the “gold donation campaign” in Korea. The reason why they “rised the pole” suddenly became vigorous, of course, because the instigators accurately grasped the current situation.

At this stage, South Korea, the leader of the “Four Asian Little Dragons”, has less than 4 billion U.S. dollars in foreign exchange reserves. In the face of the swaying economic collapse, it is not enough to stuff its teeth unless it dares to declare a sovereign debt default. But the question is, is there the courage to pay the corresponding cost for such a wonderful existence that does not even control the command in wartime among the military sovereignty?

Faced with the United States and Ichiban, which should be a hard-core ally, South Korea, who indifferently refused to lend a helping hand, had to bow to the International Monetary Fund.

Under this circumstance, the so-called “donation campaign”, although more or less with a tragic color of helplessness, can hardly be said to have much effect on the increase of foreign exchange reserves, but the precious thing is that it can be restored. Condense the energy that dissipated after breaking the spine.

Kim Dae-jung, who won the South Korean presidential election on December 19, joined his wife to participate in this sudden “gold donation campaign” and donated the precious gold jewelry at home.

The new South Korean president is so “struggling”, how can the “Gold Contribution Campaign” not respond!

The two female artists are so knowledgeable, how can they not be embraced as national goddesses!

When the South Korean President-elect Kim Dae-jung met with the richest man, he opened two points clearly:

First, South Korea should take the development path of building a country based on science and technology, and elevate the development of information technology to a national strategic position-it even bluntly stated, “I want to become the president of the IT industry.”

Second, South Korea must also vigorously develop its cultural industry and make important contributions to Korean culture’s entry into the global arena-so after taking office, one of his specific measures is to increase the budget of the cultural department and raise the current level to the government. One percent of the total fiscal budget.

Obviously, the first point is Tang IT’s old line; the second point is also Tang Daheng’s strong point.

In the opinion of the richest man who responded positively to the expectations of the president-elect-for Korea, Kim Dae-jung’s life is equivalent to a condensed modern history of Korea, called a “political pillar”, and is currently being supported by everyone; for the international community, there is The other party known as “Korea Mandela” has a great appetite for Western politics, and has a lot of affinity with those forces that emphasize the correctness of politics.

On this basis, Kim Dae-jung took over as Kim Young-sam, who had already taken over the “calling for scolding” issue, and turned the tide in South Korea’s economy. There is no big problem.

After all, the experienced International Monetary Fund has already prescribed the “prescriptions”. If the issue of “traitorship” is not considered, it should be effective, and South Korea is next to the huge Chinese market that is increasingly close to each other. .

It has to be said that the general trend is the general trend-the two business cards of South Korea a few years after the original time and space have been designed at this time.

In the face of Kim Dae-jung’s hospitality, Mr. richest man, in addition to the two major industries of IT and culture, cautiously stated that he would try to participate in the reconstruction process of South Korea’s finance, manufacturing and other fields.

To this end, Tang Huan also took a curious look at how Daewoo, who is said to be the third largest chaebol in South Korea at this stage, has gone farther and farther on the road to death.

He created this giant Jinyuzhong with one hand, and he still firmly believes in the myth of “Malaysia is not dead”. Under the raging Asian financial turmoil, other chaebols have shrunk their fronts and made internal adjustments to cope with the crisis. However, Jin Yuzhong still regards expansion as the only truth, regards the crisis as a good opportunity for acquisition and expansion, and frantically “manages with debts”, and the accumulation of short-term debt crises is like eggs.

The richest man naturally has no time to care about the life and death of Jin Yuzhong and Daewoo. What he is really interested in is the factories that Daewoo invested in mainland China, which are attractive high-quality assets within the shaky Daewoo system.

You know, China is about to usher in another round of infrastructure construction peaks, and Daewoo’s construction machinery business will also take this opportunity to make a fortune.

How to get the target elegantly is a test of wisdom—or else, in a debt-to-equity swap, give Jin Yuzhong a little loan, who is looking around for money with red eyes?

When the richest man still did not forget his calculations during the break, Li Yingai and Shen Yinhe came together and happily said a piece of news.

Kim Dae-jung personally met the two girls, and in addition to praise, invited them to serve as image ambassadors of South Korea’s tourism industry, and even discussed the feasibility of taking part in the filming of tourism promotional videos in person—it is rare for a president of a country to do so personally.

The richest man just smiled gently, “The two national goddesses are also ready to participate in large-scale investment in film and television production.”

Shen Yinhe, with a relatively pungent temperament, said with a grin: “In front of you, I don’t dare to be the title of a national goddess-after a while, we will not be at your mercy.”

The richest man laughed, “Humility is unnecessary–in fact, I also like the national goddess.”

Tang Huan stayed in Korea for a little longer this time, and the main reason was that there were more things. After all, although taking a stake in Samsung Electronics is only something that Li Jianxi and him can finalize by playing a game, it still takes a lot of time to implement the following.

More importantly, through evaluation, the richest man is convinced that South Korea’s current collapsed economy will quickly recover in the future, and he is unwilling to just be like those international ransackers, but only in the financial sector. When Tang Huan prefers to buy bottoms, Also gain prestige. Therefore, he is secretly interested in high-quality investment in the Korean industry, especially in China.

With this purpose in mind, the richest man naturally pays great attention to South Korean politics-witnessing the final victory of Kim Dae-jung in the election and actively interacting with the candidate president.

Among the many achievements the two have achieved, the capital injection of Samsung Electronics has undoubtedly become the most effective, brightest, and most anticipated item in IT; the second is the Internet.

Of course, Tang Huan also has practical actions in the cultural field advocated by Kim Dae-jung-for example, in addition to continuing to support the film and television productions of the two Korean national goddesses he created, Li Yingai and Shen Yinhe, he also made Korea a part of video game competition. Breakthrough.

It just so happens that the real-time strategy game “Fengshen” expansion piece “The Forsaken” is on sale globally, and Shen Yinhe has participated in the shooting of the promotional film, and further related promotion work including professional competitions, TV live broadcasts, etc., it can be said that it is natural.

The richest man also personally clarified some misunderstandings dictated by ordinary people at the media briefing for video game competition.

The first point to emphasize, of course, is that electronic game competition is not a plaything-fun. Take the real-time strategy game “Fengshen” as an example. The entire battle process is similar to Go, full of game wisdom.

The quality requirements for players participating in electronic game competitions are not as simple as they can take for granted-in addition to being flexible in their brains, they must also have a good body, otherwise it will be difficult to cope with the mental and physical exhaustion of the fierce confrontation process.

Although electronic game competition is still a new thing, EA has been exploring for so many years and has developed a mature routine.

As long as the culture and entertainment industry is inseparable from two things, one is a story, the other is a star. This is the foundation of appeal-sometimes sports are also classified into this category, which seems incomprehensible. You can follow these two rules. Compared with the world’s most commercially valuable football league, what kind of grievances from giants, derby in the same city, superstars, etc., isn’t that the case?

At this stage, South Korea, which is fighting against each other, has to vigorously develop its cultural industry, which is equivalent to giving a piece of valuable growth soil for the development of electronic game competitions on a global scale; and “Fengshen”, the world’s best-selling real-time strategy game, has never Lack of stories; as for celebrities, first let Shen Yinhe, the national goddess who was arbitrarily manipulated by the richest man of Tang, come out to act like a baby, and it will attract many Korean teenagers to actively participate; the next larger social recognition will depend on financial support And it works solidly.

The richest man came forward to coordinate the project, and of course the effect was extraordinary-the video game competition of the real-time strategy game “Fengshen” started in the upcoming spring school season of 1998, and also opened a live TV channel for it.

Tang Huan, who was full of harvest, attended the engagement ceremony of Li Jianxi’s eldest son, Li Jae Rong, and was planning to bring him and Yin Xin at the banquet. He and Yin Xin were praised as a pair of young people. They returned to the United States. A news from Xiangjiang made him temporarily change his mind.

Compared with the defeated warriors including Siam and South Korea, the successfully defended Xiangjiang, that is, the linked exchange rate system of 7.8 Hong Kong dollars to 1 U.S. dollar is maintained. As for the stock index, futures index, and even real estate, it is also inevitable. The plagued land plummeted and caused countless bankruptcies.

Among them, there is a securities company that is about to go bankrupt-Peregrine Investment, which has attracted the attention of the richest man.

Peregrine’s history can be traced back to 1988. Liang Botao, who has now won the title of “Father of Red Chips”, and Du Huilian, a British supervisor, raised 38 million U.S. dollars together when he worked at Citibank Bank. , A joint venture; it was supported by many rich Chinese, including Li Bancheng, Rong Zhijian, and Hu Yingxiang, and the business was endless; in the short two years since its establishment, the price was 226 million Hong Kong dollars. Acquired a 30% stake in Guangshenghang, founded by Feng Futian, and then acquired Taisheng International from Xiangzhiqiu, as the flagship company, thus laying the foundation for the current Peregrine; by 1992, the total assets had reached At 6.2 billion Hong Kong dollars, the business scope has also expanded to the entire Asia-Pacific, as well as Europe and the United States.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Shanghai’s rapid development after Chief Deng’s tour to the south in 1992, and the urgent need for funds, Peregrine started by assisting Shanghai Industrial’s listing in Hong Kong, and drove the “red-chip fever” of Hong Kong-first during this period. Among the last 60 “red chips”, 70% of them are sponsored by Peregrine or as the underwriters of allotments; of the 39 H shares, Peregrine also underwrites 7 of them. Liang Botao, the managing director of Peregrine, also won the title of “Father of Red Chips”.

By 1996, Peregrine’s turnover was as high as 175.5 billion Hong Kong dollars. In the same year, Merrill Lynch’s turnover was 167.8 billion Hong Kong dollars and Lehman Brothers’ turnover was 105.1 billion Hong Kong dollars. This makes Peregrine one of the few in Asia. Investment bank is the only Hong Kong investment bank that can truly compare with Wall Street in Hong Kong, an international financial center at this stage.

But don’t get me wrong, Peregrine’s brilliant performance is derived from underwriting “red chips”-not to mention whether it can earn so much, if it is really so honest, it may not be bankrupt now.

The secret of the brilliant performance lies in the fixed-rate bond department established by Peregrine in 1994 and a director named Andre Lee who was dug from Lehman Brothers for it.

Andre Lee is a Korean-French hybrid born in Canada. He is a capable man in the securities field. He is described as “can sell snow to Eskimos.”

As a result, Andre Lee and Peregrine have quickly established a junk bond market for Asia in the past few years. The junk bond market was ruined by the United States in the 1980s. In addition to being fined hundreds of millions of dollars, Michael Milken also went to jail, but in Asia, there is room for survival at the right time, which can be regarded as a kind of information asymmetry.

From 1994 to 1996, Peregrine’s performance increased by 6 times; also in 1996, when Peregrine surpassed Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers, one-third of Peregrine’s operating profit came from Andre. ·The junk bond department led by Li.

That sentence is good I often walk along the riverside, and there are no shoes that are not wet. When the Asian financial storm hit, Peregrine broke up.

Its biggest failure was that in order to obtain the junk bond underwriting rights of a taxi company in Indonesia, it provided the other party with an unsecured loan of US$260 million. As a result, as a result of the financial turmoil, the exchange rate of the Indonesian rupiah to the US dollar was all from 1:5000. It plummeted to 1:11,000, and the loss was overwhelming.

Coupled with other losses such as this, Peregrine’s cash flow has ceased, and it is very difficult to find foreign aid, and it is really not far from death.

Zhuang Menghua, who lives in Xiangjiang, suggested: “If you follow your plan and participate in the Xiangjiang linked exchange rate defense battle next, then Peregrine may not be a good resource to undertake the camp, which is safely isolated from Qin and the first department.”

In this way, the richest man came to Xiangjiang again after more than two months after receiving the award from the Big Bauhinia.

The Silicon Valley One is too conspicuous. Just after landing at the Kai Tak Airport, which is about to end its historical mission, the Hong Kong media heard the news. Is the richest man coming at this point in time to help the local people in danger? Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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