Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 1022

Chapter 1020 America Online’s ultimate expansion

Because the Republican Party fell the most under the “machine gun” of the House of Cards, it believed that the House of Cards was a Jedi counterattack launched by the defeated Democrats in the 1994 midterm elections—— As a result, this account can be regarded as “injustice and debtor” has been settled.

However, the same Internet websites broke the news. Draghi was just “icing on the cake” to pull out the former White House intern Monica Levinsky, who was related to US President Bill Clinton, and the House of Cards was “extraordinary.” “The current speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and the two scheduled speakers of the U.S. House of Representatives who are going to take over the position are discredited.

This year is the first midterm election after the success of the 1994 “Republican Revolution”. By November, there will be 435 seats in the House of Representatives, 33 or 34 full-term seats in the 100 seats in the Senate, and The governors of 36 of the 50 states in the United States will all be replaced-therefore, the importance of this can be imagined.

At such a critical moment, the revelation of the House of Cards is equivalent to a stick that has smashed the republican party and the Democratic Party that are enjoying each other soberly. Since everyone has the same dirty butt, it is better to keep the tacit understanding not to expand the “zipper door”-this can be regarded as a quarrel between a couple and a quarrel, but it will never cause a divorce. .

And the next step is to let the House of Cards, like Draghi, break the news, but control the “degree”-as long as the American people can believe that we both are supervising each other professionally, that’s fine, don’t engage in it. It’s so earth-shattering!

It is a pity that the bottom of the House of Cards is smooth and does not leave hands. It makes full use of the “invisible” feature of the Internet-the website services are provided by AOL for free, and the rewards are through the Bitcoin channel.

Of course, this is not to say that the House of Cards is absolutely invisible-as long as you are willing to put out the resources and intensity of counter-terrorism, you will have great confidence to follow the vine.

But the problem is, just for such an unspeakable trouble, who would dare to really reach out? Once, no, absolutely sure, will be stabbed out, it is a bigger scandal. Its nature is like the current U.S. President Bill Clinton. The zipper problem is easy to deal with, but obstruction of justice lies really deadly—it’s serious enough to hinder freedom.

Therefore, the most effective way to stop the backstage of House of Cards is to let the service provider, AOL, temporarily take down the website of House of Cards.

After all, this service is free. In the license agreement provided by AOL, there are countless reasonable excuses for exemption, which can be called zero cost and zero risk.

As a result, the public relations staff hit the nail, and AOL flatly refused—just kidding, you are afraid of hindering your freedom, don’t we worry about suspicion?

You know, we are a company with a great future, and we are discussing the merger with Time Warner Turner, which will produce the world’s largest media company-how could it be possible to risk such boring risks at this juncture? Pointing to the backbone and questioning credibility.

How motivated is AOL at this stage? Or how magnificent is the Internet tide?

Just last year, that is, in 1997, the top ten companies with the highest market value in the United States all crossed the threshold of 100 billion U.S. dollars and formed an extremely luxurious “100 billion club”-and philosophical software and philosopher software and General Electric has reached more than 200 billion US dollars.

By this year, it is obvious that the scale of the “100 Billion Club” has expanded-Zheru Software, a leader shrouded in anti-monopoly cloud, has a market value of nearly 400 billion U.S. dollars.

As the most popular Internet service provider, AOL is of course unambiguous, not only among the “100 Billion Club”, and with a market value of nearly 160 billion U.S. dollars, it broke into the top ten for the first time, ranking tenth— —In contrast, the market value of Time Warner Turner, which has been secretly committed to it, is just a fraction of the highest.

This is where AOL’s confidence dared to say “no” directly, and it also reflects how the Internet’s right to speak is developing and growing!

Since it is public relations, it is certainly inevitable that the game of interest will be pushed back and forth, and another path after falling into a dilemma-as a result, the richest man of AOL’s important shareholder has become a key lobbying target.

Tang Huan, who has gotten rid of the annoying rumors like “Who is the richest man and the president,” is now at the Motorola headquarters in Schaumburg, a satellite city about 40 kilometers northwest of Chicago, Illinois.

When Zheru separated from Zheru Software and AT&T separated from Lucent, and the IPO was a big success, Motorola, like HP, which is separating its medical and measurement equipment businesses from Agilent, plans to separate its semiconductor component division. Established as a semiconductor supplier named ON Semiconductor, so that it can be put on the US stock market for capital operation-this is the influence of Wall Street, and every giant must respond.

This ON Semiconductor’s business is not manufacturing microprocessors, semiconductor memory and other products-Motorola is very large, it is another department, its traditional strong products of Motorola, such as discrete transistors, standard analog and standard logic devices; more specifically That is, a series of solutions for computers, consumer electronics, automobiles, communications, LED lighting, medical, military, aviation and other fields, including power and signal management, logic, discrete and customized devices.

Unlike the Agilent of Hewlett-Packard, the ON Semiconductor from Motorola belongs to a more important link in the supply chain of the Tang IT kingdom. Now that the great reform of the establishment of a school is going to be carried out, Tang Huan naturally wants to come over and coordinate.

And his personal visit this time is more than just this work content, as well as the Iridium Star Project.

Facts have once again proved that creativity and technology alone may not necessarily be successful. Based on the experience of the original time and space and the existing intelligence, Tang Huan feels that this version of the Iridium plan is also a bit mysterious.

The first point-after the end of the Cold War, the globalization model was opened and the United States became the sole superpower. However, the world is far from being a country, and various consultations including the establishment of base stations in various countries and regions, even on the surface High enthusiasm and expectation, but in reality, he still stumbles because of concerns about personal interests.

It can be said that with Tang IT’s participation in the Iridium Project, which has greatly accelerated the progress of technology research and development, it has been delayed again because of this.

Now, the obstacles blocking the actual commercial road are basically cleared, but the external environment has undergone extremely important changes.

For example, the number of mobile communication base stations has increased rapidly, which has greatly improved the signal coverage, and even international roaming has become popular, so that the price-performance ratio threatens the superiority of satellite communication.

For another example, communication technology has entered the digital age, making the technology of the Iridium satellite program look a bit old.

However, although Tang Huan is pessimistic in his heart, he does not regret participating in it. Motorola is the absolute protagonist anyway, and his investment of resources, including technical experience, achievement sharing, military cooperation, etc., is worth it!

The starting point for the richest man to consider problems now is often an intangible but very important “relationship”-just like the friendship he forged with Apple more than ten years ago, if in the next ten years, Motorola will still “repeat the same mistakes.” “The land is declining, it is self-evident who is the first to be qualified to split the meat.”

Talking about the commercial application of the Iridium project, the public relations staff who want to persuade AOL to close the House of Cards have arrived.

Hearing the assistant’s report, Tang Huan smiled knowingly-the mission of the House of Cards has been completed, and if the action of the million-dollar solicitation for revelations continues, it will be on the contrary.

The **** determines the head-a person’s position is determined by his vital interests.

For example, a poor student who has to rely on loans to repay school expenses would definitely hope that the social welfare including education will be better; but when he climbs to a higher class and his pockets bulge, he is often unwilling to see the use of these social welfare benefits. Make an excuse for tax increases.

The attitude of the richest man towards the U.S. Republican Party and the Democratic Party is naturally based on his own interests. He belongs to the “fence-riding” faction in the fields of banking, finance, insurance, national defense, and telecommunications; and his subordinates are like Fang Yuan and Zhe Large companies such as Confucianism and Philosophy Confucian Software also learn from General Electric, Honeywell, and United Technologies Corporation, and “build walls” all the year round.

In Tang Huan’s view, he likes the “fair opportunity” that the Republican Party can provide, so that he can exercise his strengths without restraint.

On the other hand, as a minority, the richest man needs the “social justice” provided by the Democratic Party to protect his rights and interests in the long run.

But at the same time, the “big government” concept promoted by the Democratic Party will inevitably add a “ceiling” to the Tang IT kingdom. In addition to the overwhelming force of the People’s Republic of China, it is also not unrelated to this political factor.

In contrast, the Republican Party’s “small government-government” concept does not control large companies so tightly-this is why Tang Huan advocates and his subordinates agree that Zheru Software Corporation uses delaying tactics to respond to the opposition. Monopoly litigation will last until the turning point of the ruling party rotation that may arise in the 2000 general election.

It has to be said that this is the general trend of imperfections under mutual checks and balances, which in turn makes the richest man “rid the fence.”

In this case, Tang Huan does not want the fierce artillery house of cards, which is worth destroying the balance of power between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party of the United States. Big, so there is room for flickering.

Therefore, when he learned that the public relations staff took the initiative to come to the door, the richest man immediately understood that the opportunity to get off the donkey along the **** had arrived.

When he walked into the reception room, Tang Huan couldn’t help but raised his brows when he saw the people coming-the circle was really getting smaller and smaller!

“Tang, it’s a great honor to see you by this opportunity!” The other party introduced himself: “My name is Barack Obama. I work as a lawyer and a lecturer at the University of Chicago. I also serve as a representative for Chicago. Illinois State Senator for the 13th District.”

“Bellak, nice to meet you.” The richest man smiled gently. Like an old friend, he stretched out his hand.

Barack O’s eight-yard handshake has a characteristic of “humility”, it seems that he did not deliberately practiced it after becoming president.

To put it to the heart, Tang Huan, who has a layout and friendship with the Bo Shi family and the Clinton family, doesn’t care much about Barack Ao. When Gein originally served as the President of the United States, this person “wrapped” too much, and his own political strength is very questionable. At that time, it will be too late to make friends now!

Barak O, who was packaged as a star president, is one of the most impressive. It may be the splendid and chic scenes of his speech on live TV. He looked around the audience left and right, and he was eloquent. He didn’t need a speech from beginning to end. In turn, it gives people a public image of a genius speaker with quick thinking, amazing memory, blurt out, and great on-the-spot language skills.

But this is not the case. Barack Ao Bama still needs a speech draft, but it has changed from traditional paper to a high-tech speech teleprompter.

When giving a speech, there will be a teleprompter with exactly the same content on the left and right, that is, a square brown or colorless panel. The side facing the audience is transparent without any words, but the side facing the speaker is clear speech content.

What Barack Oba Ma does is similar to the job of a TV newscaster-looking around the audience when speaking, seeming to interact with the audience through eyes, but actually to read from the teleprompter on the left and right twice. The speech is not an off-script speech at all.

This way of speech relies heavily on the teleprompter, even more than any president in the history of the United States, and the outside world ridiculed Barack Ao Bama as the “prompter president.”

The richest man with countless speeches in the past ten years, has never been so tricky, and there is reason to look down on the strength of Barack O’s eight-yards-his real capital, that is, the kind of black man who knows his heart. The star halo brought by identity is nothing more.

Of course, since everyone has met now, Tang Huan will only send each other the warmth of spring.

It’s just that the richest man can’t help murmuring a bit during his greetings-it’s so difficult, Barack Ao Ba Yard has now entered the ranks of cultivators.

As the ruler of Tang’s IT kingdom , the first power to grasp is the appointment and removal of personnel, especially when the CEOs of various companies are metabolically succeeding. Therefore, Tang Huan is instinctively controlled by himself and others. So think.

“Since I served as the Illinois State Senator, I have been pretty good at coordinating the cooperation between the Democrats and the Republic and the two parties-so when Tang came here, I was commissioned as a lobbyist nearby. “I got eight yards from the familiar Barack Ao and started to turn to the topic.

The richest man said, “Although I am a shareholder of AOL, it is not easy to interfere with the decision that the company has already made.”

Upon hearing this, Barack Ao, who had originally wanted to make a contribution, couldn’t help but feel frustrated.

“Still young!” Tang Huan, who saw this scene, laughed in his heart, thinking, and groaning: “How about this-MGM is in charge of the authorization of “House of Cards” in the United States. On the grounds of infringement, it requested AOL to close the website of the same name.”

Barack Ao, who had just sunk in eight yards, was amused. He immediately slapped his thigh and praised it in the tone of a legal professional: “This solution is really perfect.”

The richest man laughed, “The emperor is not short of hungry soldiers-I also want to find a convenient door for AOL, but I don’t know, can you…”

Barack Ao, who was eager for meritorious work, answered in a panic, “Don’t worry, I will convey it as soon as possible.”

Tang Huan nodded slightly, “AOL is discussing the merger with Time Warner Turner, and one of the hurdles to pass is the industry monopoly assessment conducted by review agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission.”

Barack O’s eighty yards suddenly realized, “I understand…”

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