Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 1032

Chapter 1029 Web 2. Zero-sum search engine

As a “riding the wall of “Harmony””, the richest man naturally supports those politicians who can take care of their own interests to come to power, rather than considering what party stance is.

I have to say that Jerry Brown, an old friend, will really take the opportunity to not only take the opportunity to compete for the governor of California for the Democratic Party, and get Austrian aid, but also help the richest man to get the best of both worlds.

After all, he is also afraid that California, the base camp, will take a 180-degree turn in the attitude of Philosophy Software’s monopoly case due to the change of governor.

At this time, a candidate for governor who has stated his position a long time ago will undoubtedly save a lot of suspicion.

Another thing that made Tang Huan feel relieved was that David Boyce had a good way to delay the opening date of the monopoly case of the United States of America v. Zheru Software Company, thus avoiding the excitement of the Zheru Spring Developer Conference. At the same time as the trouble was held, but also busy with the embarrassment of litigation.

Every year, the Spring Developer Conference of Philosophers is very important to the industry, and this year has another special significance for the development of the Internet.

Gein, Tang it’s opening speech, compared to the formal introduction of world_wide_web on the Internet in 1990, and proposed a further concept of web2.0.

“The magnitude of the current development of the World Wide Web is obvious to all! Exciting new applications and new websites are emerging at an astonishing rate.”

“I don’t know if you will continue to ask as curiously as in previous years-how many websites and pages are there on the World Wide Web?”

Having said that, the richest man shrugged, “This answer, I, who is praised as omniscient, don’t know anymore. If investors have to force me to come up with a statement, then I can only tell him -There are hundreds of millions of pages on the World Wide Web, so many users have to use the’search engine’, an emerging tool, to retrieve the information they want from the explosive growth of information.”

In the laughter, Tang it waved his hand, “At this philosophical developer conference,’search engine’ will be a very important topic, and there will be special discussion time, so we are still saying that this is hundreds of millions. World Wide Web page.”

The richest man looked around the audience and asked seriously: “Do you know how these hundreds of millions of World Wide Web pages came from?”

There was a burst of livelier laughter from the audience, and they responded one after another-it still needs to be asked, it is made by programmers and artists.

Tang Huan, who walked to the side of the stage to interact with the crowd, pointed seriously at a young man in his twenties in the front row who was thinking about his eyebrows, “You didn’t smile, it’s good! Would you like to answer?”

“I am Evan Williams from O’Reilly Media.” This person took advantage of this great opportunity very cleverly, first advertised and introduced himself, and then replied with the same seriousness: “I I feel that the reason why Tang has this question must be full of meaning, but I can only think of it now-these web pages are all made by the website.”

“Thank you.” The richest man smiled and nodded, “Actually, what I want to confirm with you is this.”

“In other words, the current application model of the web is that the website acts as a content producer and produces web pages; and the user, as a consumer, obtains information through the browser.”

Tang Huan, who had returned to the center of the stage at this time, began to release his personal charm. “Everyone knows that the personal computer industrial revolution broke the monopoly of computer use rights by the state machinery and large enterprises, making computers now accessible to everyone This tool is the crystallization of countless human wisdom.”

“So, what about the World Wide Web, which almost no one knows now?”

“My opinion is that the World Wide Web has further popularized this precious freedom and equality, and broke the traditional information barriers, so that every ordinary person can obtain it freely without being restricted by objective conditions. Knowledge.”

“But, I think we can do better and go further on the point of’equality’!” The richest man pressed the button of the laser pointer in his hand and said loudly, “This is today. On the basis of the web, an upgrade concept proposed-web2.0.”

Tang Huan pointed to the huge projection screen, “Under this concept, users are not only unilateral content consumers in the traditional sense, but also two-way content producers-in this way, the “equality of resources” on the Internet can be obtained. It’s a further manifestation.”

“In order to explain the concept of web2.0 vividly, I want to take the popular p2p network as an example-each node on the network can not only download the data you want from other nodes, but also peer to peer. To provide other nodes with the data that others need, thereby achieving a huge increase in data transmission speed and achieving the goal of multiple wins in one fell swoop.”

“Similarly, on the Internet of web2.0, every user is no longer a passive receiver of information, but an active participant; no longer a purely bystander viewer, but a weaving of the Internet. Maker, user, communicator!”

“In this way, the Internet will become a truly endless organism, and it will usher in a broader prospect than what we have seen so far.”

In the warm applause, Tang Huan walked to the table where the computer was placed, “I will give you another example of web2.0-AOL ​​has completed internal testing and will officially provide a blog in the next few days. Service. It is completely different from the well-known personal website service. There is no need to use additional ftp tools in order to upload webpages. It is almost the same as the normal operation of word processing software.”

“Everyone knows-I take care of some product experiences on AOL, and the same is true for this blog.”

“For now, I will put the text of my speech on the blog; you can visit it later and leave a message.”

“This is a typical example of web2.0-some of the ideas are not brand new; they can be called brand new in the realization of the technical architecture.”

“For this reason, Zheru and Zheru Software have specially designed a new two-way protocol for Internet communication to support-representational state transfer, namely rest; simple_object_-simple object access protocol, that is, web services such as soap.”

“In short, on this architecture, anyone can implement web2.0 applications, including blogs.”

“As for more specific technologies, we will discuss them later during the conference session.”

The new upgrade concept proposed by the richest man at the opening ceremony of this philosophical developer conference-web2.0, not only has an impact in the industry, but also aroused the attention of a wider range of it outside the professional media.

You know, AOL Time Warner Turner, a giant that spans the three major fields of media, entertainment, and the Internet, after its establishment, not only made its peers jealous, but also aroused all kinds of efforts to do everything possible. May think deeply.

After all, the social elites haven’t quite figured out how to correctly and systematically understand and use the new technological tool of the World Wide Web.

Compared with their cognition system of the World Wide Web, Tang Huan is leading his own IT kingdom from the small perspective of “people who come by” to move in the right direction!

The “Wall Street Journal” that has turned the sky has analyzed that Tang, who is being trapped by a monopoly lawsuit, has not lingered, but has decisively rushed to the next commanding heights of the industry and launched a set of technical solutions that can affect the entire industry. .

The concept of web2.0 has different meanings to different people.

In the view of technology researchers, web2.0 may mean the rise of new social software such as blogs;

In the eyes of users of new social tools such as blogs, web2.0 provides a more convenient interaction mechanism between people;

In the eyes of venture capital, web2.0 represents a new business opportunity and industry game rules.

This is especially important!

You know, the most mature value manifestation of the Internet at present is advertising.

However, the current form of online marketing is nothing more than email sending, browser pop-up windows, web page banner ads and other methods.

The most common profit point of a website is to sell the advertising space on its webpage. After the advertisers come to the door, they will be charged according to the click rate or the length of the display time-which has given birth to the current so-called “Traffic is king” Internet management theory.

But the shortcomings of this model are also obvious, that is, advertisers can never know whether the advertisements placed on the website really contact the target customers, or just find the poor one or two that are really in demand in the vast ocean of Internet. Consumers.

Web2.0 has opened up new horizons for marketers, bringing content changes in at least three aspects, namely: an innovative media form, a centralized community environment, and a brand-new marketing concept.

If people still can’t grasp the meaning of web2.0 accurately, they might as well pay attention to the various changes brought about by this specific new application model of blog.

Cable News Network praised-web2.0 is the integration of the media and the Internet, opening a window with infinitely beautiful scenery outside. The Internet will move from a computer-oriented era to a people-oriented era.

The implication of this is not without the brilliance and great display of how the AOL Time Warner Turner merger has moved in response to the times.

All in all, the outside world’s hot discussion on Tang Huan’s web2.0 is tantamount to adding a fire to the already high fever Internet, so that entrepreneurs and venture investors have absolute reasons to join it.

At the same time, the Philosophy Software Company, which has been innovating constantly, was caught in the name of a monopoly by the Ministry of Justice and 20 federal states, and won more sympathy.

You know, in the past few years, tens of billions of dollars in mergers and acquisitions in the United States have been one after another. Large companies have fully confirmed what is called the “Matthew Effect” and have become stronger and stronger, while the federal government’s review agencies are almost Green light all the way.

Against this background, Zheru Software Company has been in constant trouble, and it seems to have a little conspiracy.

But no matter what, the capital market has made the most true reflection-Zheru Software, which is preparing for a new round of stock splitting, has seen its stock price soared and its market value has exceeded US$450 billion, which is pointing to the US$500 billion mark. The rankings dominate the rankings; the Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, and Nasdaq Composite Index also rose strongly across the board.

I have to say that this is the appeal of the richest man! This is the value of Zheru Spring Developer Conference! Even the presiding judge of the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Thomas Penfield Jackson, had to make way to postpone the court date of the United States of America v. Zheru Software Corporation Monopoly Case.

In fact, web2.0 also means a change in the rules of the industry’s game, and Tang Huan is leading his own it kingdom and quietly transforming.

Take the most specific and lowest-level programming implementation, extensible_markup_language, the position of extensible markup language, or xml, has become unprecedentedly important. It has become a necessary means for linear data transmission to penetrate network protocols, routers, firewalls, etc. Tang Huan, in addition to personally hosting the web2.0 framework seminar topic at this Spring Developer Conference of Philosophers , There is another content, that is, to introduce a new generation of Internet search engine technology.

The development trajectory of the Internet search engine was not caused by Google’s dominance in the original time and space. It was a misunderstanding of the creators. At this stage, search engines are like browsers. There are already a hundred schools of thought, especially the four main portals. The competition between websites is the most prominent and fierce.

Take the number one Yahoo! Its original intention was to organize access to resources on the Internet to provide viewers with convenient access.

The “Yahoo Directory” maintained by Yang Zhiyuan and David Filo showed its commercial value when the number of hits exceeded 1 million, so that they gave up pursuing a doctorate degree and devoted themselves to entrepreneurship.

The prototype of the search engine represented by the “Yahoo Directory” has a major disadvantage that the inclusion and update of the website must be maintained manually-this is also where Yang Zhiyuan and David Filo had to make a trade-off between academics and entrepreneurship. The root cause.

Obviously, on the current world wide web with vast content, providing users with resource access indexing services must rely on the automatic execution of programs to be realistic; and the development of search engines is still in its infancy.

The richest man launched his own search engine, just like ibm took the lead in making electronic spreadsheet software and personal computers more than ten years ago, without giving those entrepreneurs who came out with a mathematical algorithm to raise money.

I don’t know if Google in the original time and space, or similar existence, can emerge under such pressure!

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