Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 1045

Chapter 1042 This financial turmoil should be over

Soon after the official commercial ceremony of the Iridium system, Motorola became a mess. The reason is not to cause any trouble, but to modify the previous marketing plan with the highest possible efficiency.

No one paid attention to how Al Gore, then US Vice President, left the scene griefly. He only firmly grasped how the richest man used the Iridium terminal phone to “reach the world and all directions” as if he was heroic. In my mind.

After Christopher Galvin finished his stunned state, he couldn’t help but slam his head.

Oops, Tang, why don’t you come up with your idea of ​​”Through the Heaven and Earth, reach all directions” earlier?

For now, the marketing plans that have been prepared have all been compared to nothing, and a large amount of advertising budget has been wasted in vain.

Tang Huan didn’t answer the question, he muttered in his heart, “I wouldn’t have bothered to waste brain cells for you unless I had to give a color to the American Vice President Al Gore who suddenly jumped out and clamored.”

Again, without comparison, one would not realize the difference between high and low.

The Galvin family has been passed down to the third generation. Christopher Galvin, the chairman and CEO of Motorola’s board of directors, is absolutely worthy of the title of “family origin”.

He immediately realized that the world-renowned man, the richest man, this time made a super high-end advertisement for Motorola for free. If you don’t want to waste this effect, Motorola must quickly follow up and integrate the popular “universal and all-round” into the marketing plan of the Iridium system, or even make it the center.

The fact is also true. After the media reporters hurriedly took the wonderful scenes they saw at the official commercial ceremony of the Iridium system into the newspapers, the whole world immediately began to start a new surprise.

The relationship between Vice President Gore and Tang, who had formed good friendships because of the consensus in the IT field, officially broke down.

Vice President Gore paid the price for his big mouth a few days ago, and Tang unceremoniously took away his performance opportunity.

In the process of reaching out to the Iridium terminal phone at the same time, Vice President Gore was ridiculously clumsy compared to Don’s quick movements.

Obviously, Tang, who was annoyed by the United States of America v. Zheru Software’s monopoly case, regarded Vice President Al Gore, who publicly criticized Zheru Software, as a blowjob.

Tang, who has always used the Eastern standard of modest and modest gentlemen to shape his public image, embarrassed Vice President Gore in the most rude way.

Tang is not without opponents, but so far, Vice President Gore is the highest-ranking one in politics. If he participates in the two-thousand-year presidential election, as the rumors say, and finally wins, it will set a record for Tang.

We have no way of knowing what the effect will be if Vice President Gore dials the first call of the Iridium system; but what is certain is that Tang made a wonderful publicity for Motorola.

Perhaps Motorola should pay Tang a sum of money for this.

It is reported that Motorola is urgently revising the marketing plan of the Iridium satellite system to incorporate Tang’s “Through the Heaven and Earth, All Directions” creativity into it.

Unconsciously, Tang celebrated his 43rd birthday. I don’t know how many guests he will invite to celebrate his birthday by using the Iridium terminal phone at the official commercial ceremony of the Iridium system.

Whether the birthday party of the richest man is lively or not, there is of course no need for outsiders to worry about it.

Among the guests in the “Chang’an City”, Tang Huan’s results of “calling friends and calling friends” through the Iridium system are: the presence of ambassadors from the five countries, as well as US President Bill Clinton and US First Lady Hillary Clinton, showing up with his daughter Chelsea Clinton’s family.

Just as at the official commercial ceremony of the Iridium system carefully prepared by Motorola before, media reporters digressed one after another, paying attention to the grievances between the world’s richest man Tang Huan and US Vice President Al Gore. At this birthday party, the media reporters I also separate my mind and pay attention to every move of the first family in the United States.

Gein, the “zipper door” of US President Bill Clinton, the more you dig deeper, the more indescribable it is. Rumor has it that Hillary Clinton, the first lady of the United States who has always valued and promoted feminism, is completely sad and disappointed. , And divorce was put on the agenda.

It is undeniable that people’s gloomy psychology can no longer be suppressed at this time, and everyone is peeping at when the first American family will break down.

It’s just that the scene of the Clinton family of three getting out of the car under the extremely subtle gaze of the atmosphere, so that reporters who watched the excitement are not too big can not help but be touched to soften their hearts, and even more moved.

Although in this public occasion, U.S. President Bill Clinton and U.S. First Lady Hillary Clinton both professionally maintained the dignity brought by their identities, but the latter’s indifferent attitude towards the former , Was still carefully caught by the scrupulous reporters.

The first family of three people in the United States walked side by side. Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton were on both sides. Even if the latter glanced at the former, it was cold; the daughter of the two, Chelsea Clinton, Stay in the middle and hold the parents’ hands tightly from left to right.

The 18-year-old Chelsea Clinton, how can he compare to the city of adults, despite the generous demeanor of the United States’ first daughter, he more often exposed the anxiety in his heart.

That kind of carefully holding the parents’ hand, and using his own way from time to time to make up for the cracks between them, for fear that they will leave themselves, make many parents feel unbearable.

Is the media’s follow-up report on America’s first family really going too far?

The richest man who came out in person naturally took this scene into his eyes.

Looking at Chelsea Colinton, who was walking among his parents, but still seemed to show a sense of insecurity, Tang Huan couldn’t help but nodded secretly: This girl is quite sensible!

It is no exaggeration to say that Bill Clinton is indeed like a rat crossing the street, everyone shouting and beating.

Therefore, it’s nothing more for official contacts; but for private activities, in order to avoid being burdened by them, most of them are afraid to avoid them. Rarely, like the richest man, he sends out birthday party invitations with fanfare.

The outside world’s interpretation of this is directly attributed to Tang Huan’s unique “kindness”.

After all, this image has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Take Reagan, the former president of the United States who had a good relationship with the richest man in office. He proclaimed that he was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease in 1994, and the actual medical history may even be traced back to the second presidential term.

Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine that such a politician who has left office for nearly eighty years, as long as he leaves his position, he will be completely exhausted and has no practical value.

But Tang Huan was not so snobbish, including Reagan’s publicly disclosed that he had a paid speech invitation before suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, and the care he still maintained afterwards, all proved that his communication is not the kind of The pragmatist at the back”.

Now, facing American President Bill Clinton, who has been crusaded into “eternal sinners” and even the conservatives in the Republican Party, began to release the impeachment proceedings against US President Bill Clinton. Up.

Of course, only Tang Huan understands himself best: he is not so naive, he will neither hate for no reason, nor love for no reason.

Bill Clinton is indeed in the quagmire now, so that the presidency is at stake. But in the eyes of real discerning people, the president of the United States is not as easy as “you can’t do it, you go down” as he claims.

After all, the current “zip door” of the Democratic Party man Bill Clinton is very different from the “Watergate” of the Republican Party member Richard Nixon more than 20 years ago, and the latter did not wait. The impeachment procedure started and he resigned.

In terms of stepping back ten thousand steps, even if Bill Clinton is ousted from the stage, in the ecological circle of the United States, it is not simply an end that will never turn back.

People who can climb to the throne of president are all perseverance and perseverance.

Take Richard Nixon, who resigned because of the “Watergate Incident,” as an example. After being pardoned by his successor Gerald Ford, he quickly returned, and before his death, he managed to achieve his political status and Recognized restoration of reputation is definitely regarded as an overturned salted fish.

As represented by the case of the United States of America v. Philosophy Software Corporation’s monopoly, the troubles facing the Down’s IT Kingdom are probably the last test that the Tang family, which is already full of wings in the high-tech field, needs to face.

In this case, Bill Clinton, who is far less than 60 years old, is a very valuable investment target no matter whether he is on or off the stage.

Again, the far-sighted richest man likes it very much and is very good at “giving charcoal in the snow”.

Ever since, “Chang’an City” welcomed Bill Clinton with the most solemn etiquette.

However, after waiting for the separate reception room, Tang Huan still had to mention something.

The richest man kindly looked at Chelsea Clinton who was turning around in front of his parents, and pointedly praised: “Chelsea is so good and sensible!”

Bill Clinton took his daughter’s hand and said with emotion: “Chelsea is my spiritual pillar now! No matter how much pressure I face, when I see her, my heart immediately calms down.”

Chelsea Clinton smiled and said, “Dad, remember when I was a kid, you set up a small desk for me in the governor’s office and watched me do my homework?”

“Of course I remember.” Bill Clinton smiled and patted Chelsea Clinton’s hand. “My daughter, at that time was a skipping elementary school bully.”

Hillary Clinton looked away from her soft gaze, and said flatly, “Chelsea is eighteen years old and an adult.”

Chelsea Clinton hurriedly hugged his mother’s arm again, and said coquettishly: “But I still have a lot of things I don’t understand. I need mom to teach it often.”

Hillary Clinton said with a sullen face: “At the age of independence, you can only rely on yourself.”

Chelsea Clinton darkened, looked at his father at a loss, then at his mother, not knowing what to say for a while.

Seeing this scene, Tang Huan gave a light cough.

Standing at the door, No. 3 “Son of Tang” Jin Ming, who was always waiting for dispatch, beckoned to the US’s first daughter and said softly, “Chelsea, I have some work on hand. I need your help. Can you come here?” ”

After Chelsea Clinton’s gaze rolled around the adults’ faces, he obediently agreed and followed Jinming away.

Looking at the back of the second child, the richest man asked leisurely: “Mr. President, Mrs. President, you can guess that if one day, Philosophy Software Company is convicted of a monopoly, the kingdom of it I built will fall apart, and others will What do you say about me?”

Before they could answer, Tang Huan went down and said to himself: “Look, I knew it would be like this. These companies should have endured this way a long time ago.”

The drum is played without a heavy hammer.

Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton naturally understood on the spot what the real meaning of the words of the richest man was.

Shrugging, Bill Clinton muttered with some guilty conscience: “The problem is that now it is Hillary who refuses to forgive me and is not willing to give me a chance to remedy it.”

Hillary Clinton suddenly went into a runaway state without warning, and shouted: “I have given you so many opportunities, have you forgotten it?”

Seeing the first lady of the United States grabbing the water glass, the President of the United States was so frightened that she held her head in her hands, and Tang Huan couldn’t help but trembled.

He got up quickly, separated the two of them, and then earnestly persuaded: “You are like this, do you know how gloat about the conservatives who have attacked you for a long time ?”

Hillary Clinton put down the water glass and said dejectedly: “Whenever I think of those things that he dared to mess with when I was in the White House, I completely lost the confidence to maintain the marriage.”

Tang Huan simply said with interest: “I know, madam, you intend to run for the Senate representing New York State next year.”

“The image of the iron lady can certainly be favored by women in the new era; but a wife who can’t talk to each other and accompany her husband to tide over the difficulties, I am afraid it will be difficult to get the approval of conservative voters.”

Hillary Clinton sighed unwillingly: “This society is really unfair.”

The lively birthday party of the richest man came to a successful conclusion.

The American President and his wife, who looked like a divorce, seemed to have been infected with this peaceful atmosphere, and when they left, they were not so awkward.

The reporters noticed a detail. Bill Clinton took the initiative to open the car door for his wife. Hillary Clinton gave her husband a long-lost smile. Then the American president trot to the other side of the car. , Got into the car with joy.

After the day turned, some media gossip said: Tang is really versatile, and he is so good at mediating conflicts between husband and wife!

Soon the media answered, “Of course, Tang pulls up, it’s no trivial thing. Take the Asian Xiangjiang side, the increasingly fierce international speculators and the battle of Xiangjiang, he is in order to help Xiangjiang, now Already bought nearly one-tenth of the shares of Hong Kong stock market.”

“It’s not over yet. It is reported that Tang has already raised another sum of funds to continue the fight.”

When being chased by the media to confirm the matter, the richest man just said lightly, “This financial turmoil in Asia, it is time, and it should be over!”

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