Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 1051

Chapter 1048 Facing difficulties and expanding Bank o

Tang Huan raised his brows, “You mean those people who went short in Xiangjiang, but turned out to be in the sand, right?”

“It seems that you have remained calm in the face of great personal honor.” Warren Buffy nodded characteristically, “I heard a news that someone didn’t know how to get a part of your tax return.”

Tang Huan shrugged his shoulders in response to the meaningful look of the other party, “I have no problems with tax filing.”

“It’s better to be careful.” Warren Buffett’s tone contained a hint that everyone knew. “In the antitrust lawsuit of Zheru Software, there are now such things as controlling downstream vendors through subsidies and discounts. Evidence of unspoken capital operation like this! If your tax returns are involved, no matter whether there are problems or not, they will be mixed together and have a bad effect.”

Tang Huan snorted, “If they think that it is a helpless’natural disaster’ to stumble upon the Russian financial crisis, and to return home in Xiangjiang’s’Great Miracle Day’ is a’man-made disaster’ that can be settled, then Although it’s fine, I don’t mind having more shows besides the monopoly case of the United States of America v. Zheru Software Corporation and the rigid relationship with Vice President Gore.”

Warren Buffett helped his glasses and said playfully: “Tang’s anger seems to be getting bigger and bigger.”

Tang Huan narrowed his eyes and said faintly: “If this fire, like liquefied gas, is compressed into a small space, it will also cause an explosion.”

“No one is so unsure.” Warren Buffett hit a haha, and then changed the conversation: “In the financial turmoil from last year to this year, Bank of America has not been dragged down, but it has made a lot of money. You have a unique vision, and you should really take the opportunity to expand. I don’t know, which acquisition target did you favor Bank of America?”

“The Bank of the Nations is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina.” Tang Huan asked in a slow tone, “What do you think?”

“Good savvy layout.” Warren Buffett praised: “Bank of America’s main business scope is on the east coast, and Bank of America’s main business scope is on the west coast. If the two can really be integrated, then the new bank’s operations in the United States The scope is ubiquitous.”

“I think, not only do I have no reason to oppose this plan, but other shareholders will also unanimously support it.”

“It’s just…” Warren Buffett said here, frowning slightly, “How do I remember that the German Shao Fund, which lost 1.4 billion U.S. dollars in the Russian financial crisis, was a loan provided by the National Bank.”

Tang Huan joked: “If this were not the case, how could Bank of America have a relatively easy opportunity to win the Bank of America.”

“That’s true.” Warren Buffett laughed: “Then it depends on whether other shareholders care about this hole. I think that since Bank of America has firmly supported you from beginning to end during the Asian financial turmoil, it should not be met with Oppose.”

The same is true of the facts. Bank of America is now a “dead fan” of the richest man. Especially when he saw the first income worth 200 million U.S. dollars, he didn’t know what the “rejection” was.

Of course, this trust is accumulated by time and success.

In the beginning, the Bank of America was miserable by the Latin American sovereign debt crisis in the mid-1980s. As a result, the stock price fell to eight dollars around the “Black Monday” in 1987, if it weren’t for the richest man in the California consortium. The rookie made a fight and didn’t know whether it was selling assets to survive the storm or being swallowed by big fish.

Since Tang Huan began to exert an important influence on Bank of America, the bank founded by the Italians has been lucky, and has never been capsized in the gutter, including the Russian financial crisis last month.

In addition to this miracle of “seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages”, the most notable thing that the richest man brought to Bank of America was the successful application of it technology, which helped it establish a number of advanced banking networks in the world.

Today, Bank of America has developed into the largest commercial bank in the United States with the largest savings; if it can successfully acquire the Bank of Nations, it will create a bank that spans the east and west coasts of the United States with a total of 4,800 branches and more than $570 billion in assets. Giant bank.

Although this acquisition plan is not as earth-shattering as the merger of Citigroup and Traveller Group into Citigroup with total assets of 700 billion U.S. dollars in early April this year, it is also enough to cause a sensation in the industry.

As the blueprints unfolded one by one, everyone eliminated their doubts and decided to act immediately.

For example, Alden Clausen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank of America, used his previous qualifications as the President of the World Bank to test with regulators; Warren Buffett went to Wall Street to watch the wind through his contacts; Tang Huan played his own role. Personal charm, contact Hugh Michael, Chairman and CEO of the Bank of America.

A major manifestation of the personal charm of the richest man is the foundation of mutual trust that he established and maintained early in interpersonal relationships. The two most important executives of the Bank of China, Hugh McEl and Ken Lewis, belong to this kind of first step. bedding.

Thirty years ago, the National Bank was just a small unit called “National Commercial Bank” in Charlotte, North Carolina, until the thirty-nine-year-old Hugh Michael took office in 1974. Later, the radical expansion began.

Thanks to the deregulation of banks in North Carolina to establish branches throughout the state, it took Hugh Michael nearly a decade to make the North Carolina National Commercial Bank the industry leader in North Carolina.

After the time entered the 1980s, the Reagan government promoted “Reagan Economics,” and all aspects of control began to relax.

Hugh Michael took this opportunity to start his first cross-state acquisition. In 1982, he bought First National Bank in Lake City, Florida for $6 million; Two other banks in Florida; in total, they spent 225 million U.S. dollars.

Since then, the National Commercial Bank of North Carolina entered a period of rapid expansion of acquisitions and mergers, until the end of 1991. Formally formed the National Bank with nearly 120 billion U.S. dollars in assets.

In this process, Hugh Michael and Ken Lewis contributed the most. The former is responsible for buying and buying, and the latter is responsible for digestion and digestion.

You know, these two links are indispensable, especially the “digestion” after acquisition and merger is a complicated project.

After all, the reason why Hugh Michael was able to expand so quickly was due to the fact that the target had various business problems, and thus was in a weak position.

In this way, how to rejuvenate these outlets will test the wisdom and execution of leaders more and more.

To this end, Ken Lewis learned from the richest man with successful experience and introduced the “Six Sigma” management system; he even sent a number of employees to the management training and further study center of Zheru; plus The active use of it technology has significantly improved the operating efficiency of this bank, which has grown and grown through continuous piecing together.

It was during this period that Hugh Michael, who supported Bill Clinton, and Ken Lewis, who was smart and studious, and Tang Huan became close.

Entering the 1990s, the National Bank, which has tasted the sweetness of expansion, has acquired larger scales of acquisitions, especially in the last two years.

Hugh McEl first spent 10 billion U.S. dollars to acquire the Boatman Bank in St. Louis, Missouri, in January 1997, bringing the assets of the National Bank to 225 billion U.S. dollars; In May, it spent 15 billion US dollars to acquire the largest bank in Florida, Barnett Bank in Jacksonville, and the assets of the National Bank increased to 284 billion US dollars.

However, Hugh Michael’s massive expansion this time has a bit of a failure.

Gein, after eating two large pieces of fat in a row, the Bank of America developed symptoms of indigestion.

The most obvious problem is that the two newly-incorporated banks cannot smoothly connect, leading to severe degradation of service quality and causing extreme customer dissatisfaction.

This made Hugh Michael’s prestige severely damaged.

House seemingly endless rain.

It borrowed 1.4 billion U.S. dollars from the Deutsche Bank Fund from the Bank of Nations. Because of the Russian financial crisis, it is not an exaggeration to say that it was lost.

Sometimes, the world is so satirical.

In the past two decades, Hugh Michael has been taking advantage of the fire to harvest others; now the other way around, he has become a “weak chicken” being hunted.

You know, the Clinton government supported by Hugh Michael has been the green light for large-scale corporate mergers and acquisitions in recent years, and Hugh Michael has to worry that his efforts may be due to this convenient background. , Fell into the bag of the most unfamiliar competitors.

Yes, there are circles everywhere.

Compared with Citigroup and j.p. Morgan Bank, the “family boy” who stayed in New York, the National Bank, which emerged from Charlotte, North Carolina, is more like a country boy.

These two types of people are naturally offended!

I have to say that the richest man who came to the door in person, once again staged a good show, and asked for warmth in the snow!

After Tang Huan’s straightforward start, Hugh Michael’s face showed a big move, and we can see how timely the marriage of Bank of America and the Bank of America was, and it even hit it off.

The current obstacles between the two sides are mainly human factors.

For example, Hugh Michael has always acquired others by himself in his life, but now he is acquired by others. Whether he can accept it in his heart is a question.

The richest man first set out to solve the other party’s heart disease, and said tactfully: “Under your leadership, the brilliant achievements of the Bank of America are obvious to all, but it is undeniable that in terms of popularity, Bank of America is a well-known company in the world. Brand.”

Hugh Michael nodded irrefutably. The Bank of America is indeed a “land rich man” in the United States with its business scope in the United States, and cannot be compared with the Bank of America. He originally wanted to lend 1.4 billion to the Deutsche Shao Fund. The U.S. dollar tried to extend its tentacles to the world, but it was sour and sour by the Russian financial crisis!

Seeing that Hugh Michael recognized this, Tang Huan began to offer “Chicken Soup for the Soul” and said leisurely: “If Bank of America can merge with Bank of America, then, although the new headquarters will still be located in San Francisco, The bank brand will be abandoned, but the Charlotte headquarters can still be retained, for example, the investment department can be moved over. After all, the environment here is still quite good.”

Having said that, the richest man looked directly into Hugh Michael’s eyes and solemnly promised: “Furthermore, the Bank of America recognizes the successful experience of the Bank of America very much and is willing to let you be the CEO of the new company .”

With this level of communication, there is no need to repeat the follow-up development.

It’s just that after Warren Buffett heard this personnel arrangement, he muttered a little bit, “Hugh Michael, this guy is a bit unruly!”

Tang Huan smiled slightly, “It’s okay. The CEO’s choice is just a temporary transition. In two years, Hugh Michael will be sixty-five years old According to our rules, we must retire. Up.”

Warren Buffett helped his glasses and said in a deep thought, “So, you have now considered the candidate for the next CEO, right?”

The richest man nodded calmly, “Ken Lewis, I have been observing for a long time, enough to take on the big responsibility, let him be the president for two years now.”

Warren Buffett smiled, “You think so well, I don’t have any good suggestions.”

“Then it’s settled.” Tang Huan raised the Coke and touched the opponent lightly.

In fact, it is impossible for the richest man to tell Warren Buffett about his thoughts.

Bank of America’s acquisition of the Bank of America is of course a fancy to the other side’s business network in the eastern United States, but Hugh Michael, Ken Lewis and others are somewhat unpopular among mainstream Wall Street forces and the upper-class banking industry. , Is more delighted by Tang Huan.

The personnel arrangement of allowing Hugh Michael and Ken Lewis to serve as the CEOs of the New Bank of America actually allowed Bank of America, the financial center of the California consortium, not only to maintain a “hard” distance from Wall Street geographically, but also to In corporate culture and other aspects, the “soft” distance is opened to ensure sufficient independence.

As for the ultimate goal, of course it is better used by the richest man.

Under the dazzling operation of the richest man, the New Bank of America, with assets of more than US$570 billion, just jumped out.

After that, Tang Huan, who has been making great moves this year, is so radiant, one can imagine.

Naturally, once again, there were too many celebrities.

It’s just that, compared to the scandal that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, this time there is a new show: someone broke the tax return of the richest man.

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