Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 1066

Chapter 1063 Just can make money out of you

If the outside world thinks that Tangit and Zheru Software Co., for “cloud computing services”, just operate like ordinary technologies and products, then it is a big mistake.

There are various signs that the treatment of “cloud computing services” is special and meaningful.

For example, many users who are really fascinated by “cloud computing services” will find in the consultation process that the unit responsible for the reception is not a Zheru software company, but a Zheru cloud computing service company.

After inquiries, it is known that Zheru Cloud Computing Service Company is a new company established this year that is fully controlled by Zheru Software. Its business scope mainly includes Internet products and services.

This has to be reminiscent of, is Zheru Software Company already planning for the worst?

It should be understood that once the case of the United States of America v. Zheru Software Company is judged and the Zheru Software Company monopoly is established, then according to the design of the US Department of Justice, Zheru Software Company will be disassembled into at least three parts, namely the main operating system, Three small companies for enterprise products and general software.

Take ibm, which also faced the Department of Justice’s antitrust lawsuits, set up a company of similar nature in Atlanta, responsible for almost all businesses except mainframes, in order to deal with the worst situation that may be split.

In contrast, Zheru Software Company kept secret in this respect until Zheru Cloud Computing Service Company was accidentally picked out by the outside world.

When the media asked Zheru Cloud Computing Service Company about this matter, the answer was: The new company has not yet been fully on track, and there is no comment on the relevant information.

When the question was transferred to Zheru Software Company, the answer received was not so far away: As for the future prospects of “cloud computing services”, Zheru Software Company is very optimistic and attaches great importance to it, so it decided to let it be. An independent company to operate exclusively.

The reporter asked sharply: “Zheru Software suddenly established a Zheru cloud computing service company under its complete control. Is it preparing for the worst outcome of the United States of America v. Zheru Software Company’s monopoly case?”

Brad Svolberg, CEO of Zheru Software Company, disagrees with this: “The establishment of Zheru Cloud Computing Service Company is really to better manage this business that represents the future. If you don’t believe it, You can wait patiently, we are about to start a big move around this one.”

Seeing Brad Svolberg’s stiff mouth as always, the onlookers couldn’t help wondering: This man can really act! Could it be that he naively thought that the monopoly case of the United States of America v. Zheru Software Co., Ltd. could be “suspended” forever?

It didn’t take long for these defamers to find out that they really seemed to blame Brad Svolberg for a little bit, and they really made big moves.

The first news that came out was: The major headhunting companies in the United States are about to step on the threshold of Philosophy Software.

Gein, Zheru Software Company is looking for a CEO for Zheru Cloud Computing Service Company, and it is also looking for it from outside the Zheru Software Company system, so the headhunting companies received the “big job”.

The special thing about this dynamic is that after more than ten years of development, the Tang Kingdom where Zheru Software is located has already had its own talent training system, and it rarely finds middle and high-level management from outside.

At this time, it was the richest man’s turn to explain: In order to better develop the “cloud computing service” that represents the future, Zheru Cloud Computing Service Company needs a more open-minded CEO, and from a broader scope Finding a needle in a haystack is a good way.

Speaking of this, Tang Huan said seriously: “Cloud computing services are inseparable from data centers in the’cloud’. For this reason, Zheru Software Corporation intends to use a new round of financing to support the construction of several data centers around the world. .”

Everyone was a little dumbfounded when they heard this: Zheru Software Company has been suppressed to such a degree, even thinking about collecting money?

This kind of first reaction is not surprising.

Compared with the saying “poor”, Philosopher Software, which has tens of billions of dollars in cash reserves, has been “rich” in the past two years and swallowed hundreds of millions of dollars at every turn.

For example, previous purchases of California high-speed rail bonds, recent global promotions, and stock repurchase warnings to certain short-sellers in the capital market were all measured in hundreds of millions of dollars.

Is there still a need for financing with such wealth?

The richest man said innocently: The landlord’s house has no more food. Who makes the construction cost of the data center so high!

Soon, the 800-year-old financing statement was released to the public by Zheru Software.

The content has a considerable length and clearly introduces to investors a series of latest high-tech crystallizations, including cloud computing services and data centers, and their value and significance to the entire industry.

Not everyone can foresight! Not everyone can be justified!

In the high fever of technology stocks, Wall Street dumped the new financing plan of Zheru Software Company. Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, and Bank of America were overwhelmed by the specific operations.

Investors do not worry that the monopoly case of the United States of America v. Zheru Software Company in the second half of the year will inevitably reignite the war.

After all, compared to other profit models that are still being explored. For com concept stocks, Zheru Software has an unmistakable, mature and credible long-term plan. If it hasn’t caught up with this wave of market conditions, it’s really missed if there is no store in this village!

Anyway, just like a high-rise building, the data center is located there and can’t run away!

According to Zheru Software’s plan, it will build at least twelve data centers worldwide in the next fifteen years.

Among them, there are six in the United States, and the rest are located in Europe, Asia, and South America.

More specifically, North Carolina and Alaska in the United States, Finland in Northern Europe, and Singapore in Asia are basically determined, and a data center will be settled.

The “Los Angeles Times” noted sensitively: California, where Zheru Software is headquartered, is not on this list.

Is this an accidental coincidence, or an intentional suggestion?

You must know that a project like a data center is no small matter. The electricity required is equivalent to a small industrialized town, which shows its “scale”.

Otherwise, Zheru Software will not cry out plausibly, and investors will not rush to participate.

Here, Zheru Software Co., Ltd. is arrogant and raises 2 billion US dollars first; over there, it has invested hundreds of millions of US dollars in a data center, and California has not gotten a single one.

Such a weird scene, it is difficult not to imagine it!

Faced with questioning by a reporter from the Los Angeles Times, Brad Swahlberg, the CEO of Philosopher Software, who was walking through Wall Street in a personable manner like a Hollywood star, shrugged his shoulders with no surprises. The other party began to popularize science, “The location of the data center must take into account many factors.”

“For example, when the equipment in a data center is running, it generates heat that is unimaginable for ordinary people. Therefore, cooling is a very serious problem.”

“This is also one of the main reasons why Zheru Software will give priority to placing data centers in Finland in Northern Europe and even Alaska in the United States.”

“If possible, Zheru Software Corporation wants to put the data center in Siberia.”

Of course, the reporter of the Los Angeles Times was not satisfied with the explanation given by Brad Svolberg.

Places like Alaska and Finland are “cool,” but what about North Carolina and Singapore?

Idiots will believe that the trade-offs are so simple!

So, after the day turned, the “Los Angeles Times” printed a striking headline on the front page: “California is too hot to build a data center.”

After seeing this report in the Los Angeles Times, some people suddenly felt that the weather seemed to be a bit “hot”, and even the small flames in their hearts were hooked out.

No, in this matter, Tang must stand up and give a clear explanation.

As a result, the California-born media, including the Los Angeles Times, began to besiege and intercept the richest man again.

As a result, they got a very polite reply: Tang is personally interviewing the candidates for the CEO of Zheru Cloud Computing Service Company, and there is no time to entertain all friends from the media.

At this time, Tang Huan is indeed busy for the candidate of CEO of Zheru Cloud Computing Service Company.

Previously, what he revealed to the media that he had to look for a CEO with a broader mindset outside the Tang system was indeed a true word.

It is true that the Tang Kingdom has long had its own talent echelon’s endless mechanism, which can be said to have no worries about lack of people; but this model inevitably limits its vision while maintaining its own corporate culture steadily.

In the original time and space, why was Microsoft evaluated by the media as being vigorous and aging compared to Google, and it was completely relying on its laurels to fail to collapse?

Google acquired Motorola, and Microsoft followed suit in acquiring Nokia, but the gains of the two parties are not the same.

Microsoft has always wanted to imitate Apple and make hardware in person, with deep integration of its own software technology, to create a new ecosystem, but also the home game console xbox, by burning money all the way, it can be regarded as a **** road, but digital music Players, smartphones, tablets, etc., which one is not a bleak ending.

In terms of cloud computing, Microsoft also pushed up windows and office with hindsight.

The reason for this is not unrelated to the instinct of instinctively resisting positive changes in order to adapt to the new environment after its own system has been solidified.

Regardless of the explanation, the outside world always thinks wishful thinking that the richest man has newly established a Zheru cloud computing service company to prepare for the worst outcome of the United States of America v. Zheru Software Corporation monopoly case, but God knows that this is true. It’s putting the cart before the horse!

The actual situation is that cloud computing services are the general trend, and Tangit has to pay attention to it.

For example, as the technology of GPs and the Internet becomes more and more mature, the electronic map brewing in the Zheru Research and Development Center is about to be pushed to the forefront. And this big data user typically relies heavily on cloud computing services.

At the same time, cloud computing services will also profoundly affect the rules of the game for the entire industry.

Take software piracy in terms of software piracy. The latest version of the consumer operating system of Zheru Software has painstakingly introduced a set of “activation verification” copyright protection mechanism; but in the cloud computing service environment, there is no need to work so hard. Everything is in the cloud, pay according to subscription, count money easily and happily!

It can be said that if Zheru Software Company does not actively deploy for the “cloud era” as soon as possible, even if it escapes the United States of America v. Zheru Software Corporation monopoly case, the sword of Damocles, it will be like Microsoft in the original time and space. The ship is too hard to turn around. In the inclement weather where the industry’s game rules are changing sharply, it hobbles awkwardly and passively.

In order to break the shackles of this old system, Tang Huancai took great pains to serve cloud computing, established a company alone, and tried to find a CEO with a broader vision and a more free mind from the outside world. For example, the blue giant, who had been itching to see the vigorous development of the personal computer industry, created an additional unit for the development of the ibm-pc chess plan in order to avoid the negative impact of its own “big enterprise disease”.

When the demand of the richest man was announced the famous headhunting company in the United States, but it was very busy, day and night selecting the resources in hand, and then sending it to the philosopher. Cloud computing service company.

Although the requirement is probably only a broad range of experienced senior people in the industry, in fact, Tang Huan is more inclined to find people from the it circle.

Gein, the concept of “cloud computing services” is still rather obscure. General-purpose executives may not be able to understand the intentions of the richest man, and it will be easier to communicate with people in the industry.

Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine that as the wind of finding the CEO for the Zheru cloud computing service company by the richest man has become more and more violent, major IT companies have raised their security levels for fear of being unscrupulous about their “white rich beauty”. “Gao Fu Shuai” abducted.

Today, from the professional recommendation of many headhunting companies and the evaluation and selection of his subordinates, Tang Huan took out a resume according to his own feelings, and invited the other party over for an interview.

This person is called Eric Schmidt, a senior computer engineer, and he worked in information technology companies such as Bell Labs, Zilog, and Xerox Palo Alto Research Center in the early days.

Eric Schmidt’s career, which began to attract attention, was a turning point when he was the chief technology officer of Sun Microsystems. During his tenure, he led the development of the java platform technology, the program technology of the independent platform of Sun Microsystems, and established the company’s network strategy

However, in 1997, Eric Schmidt jumped to Netwei to become president.

Looking at Eric Schmidt, Tang Huan smiled playfully: “Schmidt, when you worked at Sun Microsystems, it should have been Sun Microsystems, and the’noise’ alliance, and Zheru Software Company. The most tense stage of the sword and shadow. What do you think of this period?”

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