Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 1069

Chapter 1066 But I can make him not be president

The Russian Federation, which was established on December 25, 1991, does not even have a history of ten years. It stands to reason that the prime minister of the government should not have been a few times.

But the fact is that when the financial turmoil in Asia occurred in 1997 and Russia followed the economic collapse in 1998, the Russian Prime Minister began to be like a revolving lantern. You sang me and I appeared on the stage, and The stability of the location is getting worse and worse.

At the beginning of the shock, Victor Chernomyrdin, who had been the prime minister of Russia for several years and was well-qualified, resigned on March 23, 1998. The 35-year-old Schell Guy Kiriyenko took over, setting a record for the youngest prime minister in the history of the Russian Empire, the Russian Soviet, and the Russian Federation.

However, on August 17th of the same year, Russia experienced a financial crisis, which led to a devaluation of the ruble and a debt default. The Russian State Duma passed a resolution of no confidence in the ill-fated Sergei Kiryenko, and it had to end the situation. The term of office of one hundred and twenty-one days.

In this case, Victor Chernomyrdin hurried back to the rescue.

It’s just that, in the past few years when Victor Chernomyrdin was the prime minister of Russia, Russia’s economic situation has been getting worse year after year. There are dissatisfied voices everywhere in the Russian political arena. Therefore, he who has stepped down before, only Can be a transitional role.

So on September 11 of the same year, Russian President Karma chose Yevgeny Primakov as the Prime Minister of Russia, and he was approved by the Russian State Duma.

But in 1999, in early May of this year, Russian President Karma Chin relieved Yevgeny Primakov from his post on the grounds of weak economic development and appointed Sergey Stepa. Shen, served as Prime Minister of Russia.

It didn’t take long for the Russian President Karma Chin to be dissatisfied with Sergey Stepashin again and wanted to change the other party, and Pu Jing became the successor.

The main reason why the Russian political arena has been so unstable in the past two years is nothing more than the deteriorating economic situation in Russia, and someone must be responsible.

The Russian President Karma, who once ordered the army to besiege the Russian Parliament Building, must be too tough to take the blame and resign, so only the Russian Prime Minister will be the one to carry it out.

But the deeper reason is also attributed to Russia’s complicated political and political struggles.

Russia’s state executive power is shared by the Russian President and the Russian Prime Minister, but the latter’s powers are smaller than the former.

It is not difficult to imagine that power struggle and suspicion will inevitably be unavoidable.

Take the former Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov, who has stepped down, and the current Russian Prime Minister Sergey Stepashin, the reason why the Russian President Karma is dissatisfied with them is that there is no economic aspect. As, but in essence, Yevgeny Primakov is very good at gaining prestige and popularity, threatening karma; and Sergey Stepashin will participate in the attack next year for the Russian president. The actions of the competitors in the election did not meet the requirements of Karmaqin.

To put it bluntly, the current requirements for the Russian prime minister, the first-in-line successor to the Russian president, do not necessarily suffocate rigid indicators such as political qualifications and management experience. The key lies in whether this candidate can make the Russian president Karma assured. And satisfaction.

Obviously, Putin, who was chosen as the successor of Sergey Stepashin, did just that.

So, where is the current Pu Jing?

It can be said that Pu Jing, who was born as an agent, went back to his old profession. In July last year, he served as one of the successor institutions of the Soviet KGB, the head of the Russian Federal Security Service. This shows how much Russian President Karma is. Acknowledge his loyalty.

In this position, Pu Jing can be said to be handy, but facing the position of Russian Prime Minister that Karma Chin wants to hand over, he can’t help but drum up.

The first issue is the Russian economy.

You must know that typical victims of the Asian financial turmoil like Thailand and South Korea are desperate. They can also beg for assistance from the International Monetary Fund despite domestic criticisms of losing their power and humiliating the country; but Russia, which brazenly defaulted on its debts during the Russian financial crisis , Has blocked this road by himself.

Now no matter who comes to be the prime minister of Russia, facing the mess of the Russian economy, they are unable to recover.

What’s more, Putin, who was trusted by the Russian president’s karma, took the path of a “lone minister”. He did not join any party in the Russian political arena and has no strength at all.

Without the backing of organization, the position of Russian prime minister is difficult to change. In the end, he may not even be as good as Sergey Kiriyenko, who only worked for one hundred and twenty days.

Therefore, when the richest man vowed to analyze: You don’t need to worry about how the Russian economy will get out of the predicament so early, just stabilize the current situation; it will not be long before the global oil price will inevitably increase, and then Russia’s income will increase greatly. , You can immediately break the game in one effort; and you will become the strongman who turns the tide and is supported by all.

Pu Jing, who listened carefully, was happy and suspicious, and couldn’t help asking directly: “Tang, are you so sure?”

“It’s not in the right place, don’t seek its own government.” Tang Huan smiled, “You can find a professional yourself, do an assessment in this respect, and see if you can find any clues.”

“To be honest, I will also be the affected person in this change, so the conclusion is still very sure!”

Pu Jing quickly explained: “It’s not that I don’t believe Tang, it’s just that the period of low international oil prices is so long that I can’t turn my mind.”

The richest man nodded slightly, accepting the explanation from the other party.

After all, this is a fact. Why did the Soviet economy collapse? The lack of a large amount of oil revenue is one of the main reasons; so that even Russia, the heir, has suffered greatly.

The exchanges between Tang Huan and Pu Jing are mainly at the level of the Russian prime minister that the other party will accept.

Although, the richest man can now conclude that the domestic popular support rate continues to decline and the Russian president Karma, whose health is not optimistic, will certainly not be able to complete his term of office, and then give the presidential throne to the presidency that will inevitably protect him, rather than after stepping down. Pu Jing who started various liquidations.

However, Tang Huan will not take the initiative to mention to Pu Jing that he will become the topic of the successor to the Russian President Karma.

Because of this, politics and investment must also be limited and kept at a distance.

Just imagine, if the investment target is on Dabao, will he be brooding about the secrets at the beginning? If there is a “Tongtang Sect”, it will be a political-control stain!

Now everyone limits the maximum scope of political investment to the level of Russian prime minister, and there is no burden to each other.

The richest man with a wide range of contacts can frankly admit that in order to accumulate contacts for business, Pu Jing, who has been so lonely, can also accept normal contacts for work with peace of mind. It can be said that everyone is happy.

After waiting for another year, Pu Jing, who had reached the summit unknowingly, looked back and might still have the precious sighs and beautiful emotions of the slightest acquaintance.

So how does Tang Huan ensure his influence on Pu Jing? Of course, it is through the circle of close and trusted people around him. For example, Anatoly Alexandrovich, Pu Jingzheng, who is currently in Paris, France, is currently healing and recuperating. · Sobchak.

In fact, including the current U.S. President Bill Clinton, Texas Governor George Bush, and even the richest man himself, can’t escape this rule.

To sum it up with a general principle: human beings belong to social animals.

The temple is not comparable to the world, it must be organized to operate; not to mention, even in the world, the ranger can only be a legend.

When Pu Jing used his own channels to evaluate the oil price trend and confirm Tang Huan’s analysis, he became more and more convinced of this conclusion; and then he started as if he knew in advance how high the stock price should be. Things can be very targeted, thoughtful and comprehensive.

This year the richest man ingeniously put his birthday banquet in Russia. At the banquet, it was natural to gather celebrities from Moscow for political and business terms.

Such high-profile social activities naturally contributed to the gossip media’s pursuit of the rumor that “Russian super-rich intends to acquire the “Triple Crown” Chelsea Club”.

Tang Huan, who used this as one of the covers, faced the reporter’s inquiries, but skillfully replied that “Chelsea clubs are not for sale”. As expected, the result became more and more uproar. What? “Tang has seen at least a dozen intentions in Moscow this time. A full-fledged buyer”, with a nose and eyes.

On August 9, 1999, Russian President Karma removed Sergey Stepashin, who was not obedient, and nominated Putin as the Prime Minister of Russia.

On the following August 16, the Russian State Duma approved the appointment of Pu Jing as Russian Prime Minister with 233 votes in favor, 84 votes against and 17 abstentions.

I am already convinced of the rise in oil prices and only hope that Pu Jing, who will clean up the mess in a ten-minute effort at that time, has acted in an orderly manner after taking office. He did not continuously plant cronies and gather power, but let the Russian presidential business. Liqin, the executive decides its own cabinet.

Of course, Pu Jing is not blindly conscientious. He has worked hard to build his public image of adhering to “law and order” and his indomitable attitude towards solving the chaos in the North Caucasus that has long plagued Russia.

As a result, the little-known Pu Jing’s popularity began to increase substantially.

In particular, the Russian Internet is flooded with all kinds of positive propaganda about the new Russian prime minister, and a large number of young Russians who are confused about the future of the country have become fans.

However, these are secondary. The key is that Russian President Karma is very satisfied with Putin’s posture after taking office as Russian Prime Minister. He further believed in his loyalty, so he let out the news, hoping that Pu Jing could become his successor.

The news came a little bit violently, and not only was the public uproar, even Pu Jing, the party involved, could not find North.

You know, the current Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov and the former Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov are sure to participate in next year’s Russian presidential elections. Now Putin is suddenly positioned as the Russian president’s karma. Chin’s successor is not to blame for not being caught up by competitors.

Pu Jing’s political experience is not so profound. He has not been in charge of a party as a leader, and has cultivated a full set of his own team, nor has he joined any party. He has received stable and strong organizational support. He is very deep in the water based on his personal ability. The Russian political arena in Russia is mixed up and down, and its fate is completely predictable. There is only one result of being wiped out.

Pu Jing even began to suspect that the Russian President Karma, who must know that his approval rate was appalling, was pushing him out of hatred, so as to cover other arrangements.

In desperation, Pu Jing had no choice but to find Tang Huan, who was about to leave Russia, hoping that Mr. richest man with foresight could provide him with a reference.

Tang Huan said with embarrassment: Oh, I’m not suitable for this level of problem now, and I don’t have the ability to participate.

Upon hearing this, Pu Jin couldn’t hide the disappointed look on his face.

The richest man hurriedly reluctantly said: Why not, let me help you contact Tatyana, so as to understand the true intentions of Mr. President from the side.

As the youngest daughter of Russian President Karma Chin, UU Reading Tatyana is a very special member of the Karma Chin family, almost inseparable from her father who suffers from heart disease, and has a special influence on Russian politics. force.

For example, it is not easy to meet Karma Chin who is in poor health now, but working hard with Tatyana can get a better communication effect. This is the mystery of the circle.

Pu Jing, who knew what was at stake, turned from worry to joy.

Tang Huan helped to match up the meeting, but did not follow it further. Under the guard of the mighty assistant team, he boarded the Silicon Valley One, left Russia, stayed in Frankfurt, Germany for a short time, and finally landed in New York, USA, preparing to attend the United Nations Headquarters. The opening ceremony of the building in.

At this time in the United States, those who are interested in running for next year’s presidential election have basically formally expressed their views.

For example, the current Governor of Texas, Xiao Bo Shi, announced in mid-June this year that he would seek the Republican Party’s presidential nomination.

As for U.S. Vice President Al Gore, he took precautions early.

However, sometimes, “going long” means “making more mistakes.”

Al Gore, who held high the banner of environmental protection, recently got off the hook and was ridiculed by the media, making him a little embarrassed.

After analysis by observers, it is generally believed that this “crit” came from the revenge of the richest man. Therefore, the first lady of the United States, Hillary Clinton, accepted the commission and came to persuade Tang Huan not to be involved in the “donkey elephant”. War”.

Besides, you can’t afford to blend in, right!

“If Al Gore comes to power, will I still have a good life?” The richest man sneered unabashedly: “Yes, I can’t influence who is the president of this country; but, I believe, I Can make him not be president!”

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