Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 107

Chapter 107 Reputation 1: No 2

Tiangong is beautiful, and has not hindered Tang Huan’s treasure hunting team in the weather and sea conditions. It seems that God is not willing to bury this batch of treasures anymore.

According to the list of Madam Atoka’s goods kept in the museum, the gold and silver are counted in tons, and the gems are counted in pounds, which can be said to win by quantity.

With the increase in item records, more and more treasures were salvaged, and this statement was gradually confirmed.

For those gold and silver coins, gold bricks and silver bars, and various gold and silver crafts, Christina just praised the same after reading it. It fully demonstrated what is called a famous family, well-informed, but when dozens of unprocessed greens After the gems were placed on the table, she was no longer so calm anymore, and there was a fiery light in her eyes.

Seeing this scene, Tang Huan smiled secretly in his heart, and the female ship king was also unavoidable.

He picked up a gemstone and examined it, and found that it was the emerald that the Chinese said. The value of this thing has increased. According to the cargo list, the Lady Atoka has 80 pounds of emeralds. The colonists are really tough.

“Give it to me, Don, you say that I will divide me 20%.” Christina pleaded cutely.

Tang Huan made a tricky throw, and the shiny emeralds slid down the looming gully under the woman’s neckline.

Christina screamed, and jokingly stretched out her hand to hit Tang Huan.

Tang Huan can’t always stare here, not to mention gold and silver jewelry can’t be eaten directly as gourmet food. He is too tired of watching too much. He and Christina will return on the fourth day. Naturally, the rest of the work will be taken care of by the ship’s cronies. .

Before getting to the shore, Tang Huan could see the crowds on the beach. They should have come to see the excitement by hearing the wind.

It seems that there is a vivid example of himself there, and the gold rush in Florida is about to rise again. Tang Huan’s mouth is slightly tilted when he thinks about it here.

For the 20% net profit, the resources of the Onassis family have been activated long ago. Tang Huan doesn’t have to worry about all kinds of trivial matters, but the reporters’ chase and blockade still make people feel awkward.

After taking a break and summarizing all aspects of information, Tang Huan found that blindly covering up did more harm than good, so he announced a press conference the next day to satisfy people’s gossip psychology.

Media reporters from major newspapers and TV stations rushed to hear the news overnight. For a while, this small place was famous in the United States.

It’s no wonder that everyone is so popular. After the Iranian hostage crisis broke out last year, this form of follow-up reports on the TV station’s daily news appeared. Tang Huan’s lucky treasure hunting experience became the focus of such shows. When the information on the scene arrived, the real money was clearly and unmistakably presented on TV anyway, and its impact was too strong.

Youdao is Qianbo with a red face and a charming wine. The American people are also human, so naturally they turned their attention away.

The first question that everyone is most concerned about is, of course, what is the value of this discovered treasure?

Tang Huan replied conservatively, “What I found is only part of the wreckage of the entire ship, and the seabed situation is more complicated. It is not easy to judge how many items can be retrieved, but based on the current results, it will probably be Around two hundred million dollars.”

After receiving this official confirmation, the reporters not only exclaimed, but then the vulgar but logical question was thrown over, “Tang, how do you plan to spend such a large fortune?”

Tang Huan smiled. Although he could respond with the excuse of personal privacy, he lost the meaning of holding a press conference.

“Naturally, I want to satisfy my selfishness. I recently received an unexpected gift. Although I like it, it is also really tricky. I just have this treasure. I plan to save 20% of the income for myself to maintain it.”

Tang Huan’s scandal in the United States has naturally been known to reporters. Someone immediately booed and said, “Tang, the unexpected gift you mentioned was the Boeing 747, right?”

In the eyes of Americans, a tall and perfect image often means unreality. Tang Huan’s secularism makes everyone feel very cordial, and many people laughed along with it.

Tang Huan didn’t answer this question. He just waved his hand and signaled to continue to ask questions, but after all, someone was calm and pointed out, “Tang, you only said that you would leave a treasure of 20% of the income, so what about the rest? ”

“It seems that everyone really cares about this wealth.” Tang Huan stretched out his hand and counted with his fingers: “Actually, it is not as optimistic as everyone thought, and there will definitely be a legal dispute with Florida. Part of the benefits is inevitable. The Fisher team spent more than ten years in finding the Lady Atoka, and I promised to give them 10% as comfort and reward. In addition, my partner contributed to this treasure hunt. Many, of course, I also want to thank them, they will take away 20%. So, after this calculation, it is not bad that there will be one-third of the treasure left in the end.”

“Then how do you plan to spend this third?” The reporters asked without giving up.

“It depends mainly on the absolute value.” Tang Huan rubbed his eyebrows. “If it is big, then you can do a lot of meaningful things. For example, build a museum for Fulongtan to commemorate this treasure hunt. For example, setting up scholarships to help students with poor financial conditions get better educational opportunities. In addition, some medical institutions can also be funded to research ways to deal with diseases.”

Speaking of this, Tang Huan thought a little bit, “I heard that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and some scientists have discovered a terrible human immune system deficiency disease. Although it has not yet been determined, it is very dangerous. If possible. , I am willing to use funds to fund this research.”

The disease mentioned by Tang Huan is the AIDS that people talk about. On June 6, 1981, in the original time and space, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notified the world’s first case. Naturally, this result cannot jump suddenly. It has been noticed by people of insight before it comes out.

For a long time, AIDS has left human beings helpless, even at first they were ignored and poorly dealt with.

In 1983, French virologist Luc Montagnier and his research team isolated a new virus for the first time. They named it the “immune deficiency-related virus” or IDA_V.

On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, Montagnier’s collaborator at the time, American biomedical scientist Robert Charles Gallo of the National Cancer Institute and his staff also isolated new viruses from some cell lines and named them ” Human T-cell leukemia virus type IIIB/H9″ is HTLV-IIIB/H9.

Afterwards, Gallo went to France to provide HTLV-IIIB/H9 to compare with Montagnier’s IDA_V, and the two viruses were exactly the same.

The two parties had originally agreed to hold a joint press conference, but Margaret Heckler, the secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services, who had been informed, called Gallo back home, unilaterally held a press conference and instructed Gallo to develop as soon as possible The technology for detecting human immunodeficiency virus in the blood has been patented, so that US pharmaceutical companies can sell this technology globally.

In this way, Gallo and Montagnier both claimed to have discovered the virus first, and named them for each. As a result, there have been disputes and lawsuits between France and the United States and scientists on both sides for several years, which have not been resolved.

In the end, Reagan and French President Mitterrand negotiated and reached a consensus, so that both of them and his team had the same credit for the name, and this dispute finally had a result.

I have to say that the incident that ignores the scientific naming basis is quite rare, and this is the first time it has occurred, and the biological dispute has risen to the political level.

In 1986, the name of the virus that causes AIDS was unified as “Human Immunodeficiency Virus” or HIV, in order to more clearly reflect the nature of the virus that causes immunodeficiency rather than cancer.

To be honest, Tang Huan felt from the bottom of his heart that the Madam Atoka treasure was stained with the blood of the colonists, and all of it was held in his hands. He really felt that there was unnatural harmony in the dark, and its value was really jealous. It is better to go out and do some charity, such as HIV research, and its public welfare effect is not limited to the United States, so everyone likes to hear.

In this process, he also got what he wanted, a windfall that is psychologically acceptable to people, and even more important prestige.

In fact, when reporters are formulating their questions in advance, they cannot guarantee that they have set the answers they hope to get in their hearts. This also corresponds to the sentence that people always want to see the news of the results they want.

Tang Huan’s answer really satisfies most of the people present, so he no longer pursues this question, and instead explores some gossip in other aspects. For example, did you come to Florida directly with the goal of treasure hunting.

Of course, Tang Huan would hypocritically say that it was mainly for vacation. Treasure hunting was just a convenient remedy. Unexpectedly, the goddess of luck would come like this.

When a reporter spied on the progress of the relationship between him and Christina, Tang Huan responded vaguely with a few words and ended the press conference.

Satisfied reporters, quickly sort out the materials and send the report back to the agency as soon as possible.

“Washington Post”, “New York Times” on the East Coast, “Los Angeles Times” on the West Coast, “San Francisco Chronicle”… major newspapers have set aside positions for Tang Huan on their own pages, and the National Broadcasting Corporation , CBS, ABC also broadcast clips of the press conference on television.

Tang Huan, who has entertained people, has made the most of the limelight, and his reputation is nothing short of time. The general public praised him for his generosity. The performance of the elites is much more complicated, but he admits that he is aware of the current affairs and can afford it anyway under.

So, the social class from top to bottom, the jealousy of Tang Huan so fortunately disappeared.

At the same time, the lawsuit in Silicon Valley was settled, and Miluohua made a mess and went home in despair, but no one sympathized with it.

People have commented that the boss of the Xiaobawang game console is so generous and a typical representative of a conscientious businessman. As for infringement of your patent, every technology of others is clearly original.

As a result, sales of products under the name of Tang Huan have skyrocketed, and mass consumer products such as game consoles have even produced a loyal fan base.

But these are just appearances. Miluohua was killed by various forces. For the latecomers, the game console market has no obstacles at all.

Due to the weak performance of the US film market during the same period, investors interested in the entertainment industry rushed into this emerging field with their money bags and red eyes.

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