Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 135

Chapter 135 One year’s plan is spring

According to Tang Huan’s vision, if both branches of the 386 project are successful, it will not only avoid the constraints of the CPU architecture and its manufacturers, but also enrich the product line, instead of just relying on monotonous memory capacity to divide high, medium and low grades.

At that time, the product line of the Intel8086 branch that replaced the Fangyuan generation machine will focus on the low-end market, while the product line of the MC68000 branch will focus on the high-end market.

In addition, the second-generation Xiaobawang game opportunity is derived from one of these two branches.

As for stronger floating-point computing capabilities, it needs to rely on additional integration of coprocessors like Intel8087 to support it.

Therefore, the evaluation and planning work at this stage as a foundation is particularly important.

Tang Huan spent almost a week in the company, until his aunt called and said, “Lin Fengjiao is going back to Baodao, you hurry back to send it off”, he suddenly realized that “there is no time in the mountains”.

If possible, Lin Fengjiao, whom Tang Yun looked at with a different eye, would of course want to stay in San Francisco for a few more days, but the conditions are limited, she must rush back to the island and continue filming “The Native”.

The position of the film’s director Li Xing in the industry needless to say, and from “My Land and My People” to “A Boat in the Ocean”, “A Story of a Small Town”, “Original Countryman” and so on, Lin Fengjiao The series of movies starring in Li Xing are all works of Li Xing, and the relationship between the two of them can be called a master-student relationship, so Lin Fengjiao dare not neglect, let alone work very seriously.

“Jiaojiao has a good family, and helped me do my filial piety. It’s a hard work.” After seeing Lin Fengjiao, Tang Huan first praised him, and then hugged him for a while.

“Oh, you haven’t shaved for a few days. It hurts me.” Lin Fengjiao was furious, but there was joy in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows. He obviously enjoyed Airo’s affirmation very much.

Lin Fengjiao brought one suitcase when he came, and when he left, they became two. The more ones were filled with clothes and accessories that Tang Yun bought, which shows how much the elderly like her.

After sending Lin Fengjiao away, Tang Huan wanted to go back to the company directly, but was called by his aunt to reprimand him, “Such a good girl, you should cherish a little more yourself, don’t mess up the relationship.”

Tang Huan Nuo Nuo said it was over, and Tang Yun said: “My children are all full moon, right? Go to Los Angeles with me to see. Don’t let anyone make trouble and say that we are ruthless.”

“I have already called to greet you. Go ahead. There are still some things that have not been handled at the company.” Tang Huan just finished speaking, and saw his aunt’s face turn cold, he quickly dropped the sentence “Really busy, I After arriving the next day, Sa Yazi slipped away.

Seeing the appearance of his nephew running away, Tang Yun snorted, “Smelly boy, I don’t beat you often, maybe you did something ridiculous again.”

In fact, there is really a lot of official business waiting for Tang Huan to handle. As the saying goes, the plan for a year lies in the spring. He has to smooth all his work and put it on the right track. Only after the overall planning is completed can he continue to leisurely do nothing.

The incident before me is about telecom program-controlled digital switches. Through headhunting, he dug two PhDs from Bell Labs for research and development, and the arrangements were made, so it was just a matter of face-to-face instruction.

“You have all seen my project plan. The positioning is not high, mainly for small and medium-sized enterprises, hotels and other customers. For example, our philosophers have such a demand, if they are connected to public switched telephones through this kind of switch On the Internet, aside from additional features such as call forwarding, you can save a lot of phone bills alone.” Tang Huan began to communicate with the project team.

There are two types of telephone dialing: pulse and dual-tone multi-frequency. Ordinary people can distinguish by the dial of the phone. The former is a rotary dial type, and the latter is a button type, from 0 to 9, A channel D, * number, # number 16 Consists of numbers and characters.

Dual tone multi-frequency dial keyboard is a 4×4 matrix, each row represents a low frequency, and each column represents a high frequency.

Each time the user presses a key, a combination of high-frequency and low-frequency sinusoidal signals is sent to the telecommunications exchange, and the exchange can receive these frequency combinations and determine the key pressed by the user, thus obtaining information such as telephone numbers.

Its main advantage is that it is relatively easy to implement, has good anti-noise and anti-attenuation performance, and has a broad application prospect in medium and low speed data transmission.

This technology is still widely used even in the 21st century. Tang Huan naturally attaches great importance to it. If he can buy one after AT&T was split in 1984, he might be able to operate a different network based on this. .

The dual-tone multi-frequency technology was invented by Bell Laboratories. Tang Huan was digging at this point. Two engineers and college students deployed by Philosopher, there is no problem in realizing the function of the program control switch, but the digital program control needs to be carefully polished. Up.

The results of the communication also reflected this. The two Ph.Ds did not praise Haikou because they were born in the world-famous Bell Labs. Instead, Tang Huan appreciated their stability.

Next, Tang Huan adjusted the original fax research and development project team. The three technologies of modem, scanner and printer are still being studied, but new directions for identifying barcodes and magnetic stripes have been added, which can be regarded as supermarket merchandise management and membership cards. , Bank cards and other applications as technical reserves.

After this series of work, Tang Huan has allocated all tasks for this year except for the CPU R&D project.

It can be said that the reason why Zheru was able to be as eye-catching as Apple in nearly a year is that Tang Huan, as the helm, knows what to do and how to do it, and Apple’s Jobs is still working for a small The little Lisa project is battling endlessly.

Maybe it’s really the spring of the year. Christina’s harassment of Tang Huan became more and more intensive, and she even sat on his lap without fear in Zheru’s office.

Tang Huan has already understood the causes and consequences of the female ship king being so obsessed with him. His own pretense, coupled with the opponent’s fatalism, created the current situation.

As a rising Silicon Valley tycoon, the relationship between Christina and Tang Huan is increasingly recognized by the Onassis family.

After a period of time, Christina found that she could not rely on the huge wealth she relied on to influence Tang Huan, so she retreated after three periods of unsuccessful relationship life, and planned to give birth to a descendant who inherited Tang Huan’s excellent genes. Come to continue the incense for the family.

Spring is here, and the female ship king’s heart is getting hotter.

But Tang Huan hopes that Christina will first follow his advice to adjust her living habits and physical condition. In the previous life, the other party died when she was 37 or 18 years old, which has a lot to do with this.

But Christina can fully understand Tang Huan’s kindness and is unwilling to suffer the sin of unsuitability. Instead, she launched a more violent courtship offensive. In the past two days, she is about to become the boss’s wife and appears every day in the office building in Cupertino. Inside.

Philosopher’s employees are no longer surprised by the gossip of their bosses, but they have developed a keen interest in Christina’s different cars every day. Some people even drooled while watching the luxury car in front of them.

Smelling the scent of pleasure that gradually became stronger on the girl in his arms, Tang Huan rolled his eyes and thought of a way to persuade her.

“Don’t you want to take advantage of your age to give birth to a child? I advise you to take care of your body. If you don’t believe in the effect, then look at a ready-made example.”

“What is a ready-made example? Is it your child?” Christina smiled and bit Tang Huan’s ear.

“Exactly right, the cuteness of my ex-girlfriend’s child and I will only be understood after you have seen it with your own eyes.” Tang Huan snapped his fingers.

“Really? There, I’m going to see it right away.” How about saying that Westerners are open-minded, when I heard this, Christina was not jealous, but became interested.

“I can take you there, but I have to make an appointment for three chapters in advance.” Tang Huan raised three fingers, “First, keep a low profile, and your style should be simple; second, keep a distance from me and don’t always be so sticky. You have to understand that these two things, showing off your wealth and showing affection, are very annoying.”

Christina nodded faintly, “So what about the third?”

“The last request is to be careful.” Tang Huan’s fingers flicked on Christina’s red lips, and the girl licked her tongue deftly, and then she sucked.

Tang Huan looked still, and continued: “Close your little mouth and talk as little as possible. Of course, this behavior can’t be done.”

Christina relaxed, hugging Tang Huan and chuckled, “I don’t have to remember so much, can I just listen to you?”

Tang Huan was speechless, this lady would be lazy.

Now that we have discussed it, let’s set off. Tang Huan has booked a flight from San Francisco to Los Angeles.

And Christina took off almost all of the jewelry, even put on the clothes of her housekeeper Fanning, and followed Tang Huan on the flight with novelty.

After seeing the many luxury houses in Beverly Hills, Christina exclaimed, “The environment here is really good. I will also buy a villa to live in later.”

“Shut up, didn’t you tell you not to show off your wealth? Forget it so soon.” Tang Huan rebuffed.

Christina covered her mouth, but she smiled in a flashy smile, which made Tang Huan feel helpless. It’s easy to change, and her nature is hard to change.

Entering Deng Li?’s villa, Tang Yun was the first to greet him, but after seeing Christina, she immediately lowered her face and asked in a low voice: “You can do all ridiculous things www. .com How come you still bring a woman with you.”

At this time Deng’s mother and Deng Li also came over, Tang Huan hurriedly raised his voice and laughed, “I’m coming to Los Angeles this time for business, so I brought an administrative assistant.”

Looking at Christina, the blonde and blue-eyed foreign girl, Deng’s mother’s face was not happy, Deng Li? She gave Tang Huan a deep look in her eyes.

“I’ll take a look at the baby first. It’s been a long time since I saw it. I really miss it.” Tang Huan muttered and went straight to the nursery.

“Oh, my God, they are twins! Don, why didn’t you tell me beforehand.” Christina’s eyes were straight.

The two babies woke up almost at the same time. It is strange to say that they did not cry, but the two brothers looked at each other. The situation was very interesting.

“Have you seen it, both are boys.” Tang Huan gently fiddled with the little tender legs of the boss or the second.

Christina leaned over to look left and right, looking up and down, her face was full of envy, and finally she turned her head and said firmly to Tang Huan: “Just listen to you. After I go back, I will start to reform myself. When I’m ready, let’s Give birth to twins too.”

Tang Huan gave a light cough. Didn’t the heart tell you to be cautious? Why are you still having such a big mouth? What’s more, the probability of twins is so easy to meet.

He was about to remind Christina that two small sparkling water jets suddenly flew together, and because they didn’t dare to move away, they peeed all over themselves.

While Christina was stunned, Deng Li? behind her smiled and said, “It deserves it you are welcome to read it. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at www. . .com .;

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