Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 167

Chapter 167 I dare to buy if you dare to sell

Only from the address and tone of voice, we can tell the distance between Tang Huan and the three of them.

Cheng Long is a thick line, ignoring the predicament of his elder brother Qin Xianglin next to him, and asked excitedly: “Mr. Tang, are you the boss here? There are so many foreigners.”

Tang Huan nodded, and naturally speaking with Cheng Long should be straightforward, “This office building has only two companies, both of which are my industry.”

He pondered for a moment, and instructed the front desk who led the way: “Elena, you take these three VIPs first and go to the Chinese restaurant outside to wait for me.”

Then, Tang Huan explained to Deng Lijun, “My meeting will end soon. Since you have brought three friends, you should be responsible for entertaining, and I will be there later.”

Deng Lijun nodded and agreed. Seeing Tang Huan returned to the meeting room, he took Lin Qingxian’s hand and walked first, while whispering in a low voice, “I beg you, men are all liars, especially when they take the initiative to show their courtesy.” , You are such a good cabbage, be careful not to be arched by the pig.”

Obviously, Deng Lijun was so poisoned by Tang Huan’s agricultural setting that he unconsciously quoted the name of vegetables.

“You’re really getting more and more distracted when you speak.” Lin Qingxian chuckled and explained tentatively, “Tang Huan did help me a lot, especially in San Francisco. However, I didn’t know about you until recently. You know the origin of the relationship. I was always afraid of flipping through the newspaper.”

Deng Lijun waved his hand indifferently, “You don’t need to feel that there is a thorn in your heart. It’s just a stinky man. Nothing compares to our sister’s affection, and his messy things, I’m not interested in taking care of it, but you. Be careful not to Was eaten so much that there are no bones left.”

After hearing this, Lin Qingxian realized that the pig that Deng Lijun said was Qin Xianglin.

“Nonsense.” Lin Qingxian, who had an open heart, patted Deng Lijun and asked curiously. “How did you become a shareholder here?”

“Last year when he was a poor boy, he gave me the shares. I don’t know the specific value now, but it must be a lot of money. I don’t know if the guy regrets it.” Deng Lijun’s face showed a good smile again.

“In that case, it really took him only a year to create the current situation?” Lin Qingxian asked in surprise.

“That’s right.” Deng Lijun nodded affirmatively, and at the same time he was also feeling emotional. This year. The life situation is really amazing. I suddenly fell a big somersault, but when I met him, everything became different.

Seeing that the two big beauties had gone out for a long time, and Qin Xianglin hadn’t moved his footsteps, Cheng Long couldn’t help but feel a little anxious, “What’s the matter?”

“I don’t want to join in the excitement.” Qin Xianglin, who was dejected, and Cheng Long, who was forcefully pulled at the beginning, exchanged attitudes. There was a retreat.

“Well, it’s just a woman. You used to be able to hold it and put it down. Let’s talk about it. I’m not stopping there yet.”

Speaking of this, Cheng Long looked at Deng Lijun’s back with regret. He originally thought that everything would be unsatisfactory after the other party was banned. He, a popular young student, just worked hard to win the heart of beauty, but now it seems impossible. They were just that way. It’s hard to say how good it is.

At a certain moment, Cheng Long’s heart was empty. However, he was touted to enter Hollywood by Jiahe, and he is eager to make friends with Americans. Then filled in.

Obviously, regardless of Cheng Long’s young age, he has already figured out that for himself, only his career is the most important.

Being despised by his own little brother, Qin Xianglin was deeply embarrassed, so he bit his teeth and bit his scalp and said, “Since you want to join in the fun so much, I will give it up.”

After not taking a few steps, Qin Xianglin suddenly sighed, “Filming is an ups and downs after all, no one can tell. I haven’t received a very good film contract so far this year, so it is safe to do business.”

Okay, this old man was disappointed, just like the original time and space, he moved the idea of ​​switching to business.

In addition, he could understand that he was far inferior to Qin Han in Lin Qingxia’s place, and perhaps only the other party could compete with Tang Huan, this abominable rich man.

With mixed feelings, Qin Xianglin and Cheng Long left Zheru’s office building, speeded up their pace to catch up with Deng Lijun and Lin Qingxian, and came to a Chinese restaurant.

The front desk clerk, Irina, was very dedicated and arranged the four people properly. Then, she started to lose her mind and glanced at a white young man sitting in the distance talking and laughing.

As a shareholder, Deng Lijun felt very kind to Tang Huan’s subordinates, so after seeing this, he joked, “Ilena, is that your boyfriend?”

“It’s just the ideal Prince Charming.” Irina replied generously. “The girls in the company who don’t have boyfriends basically think so.”

Deng Lijun was a little unconvinced, “He is so powerful, doesn’t even the charm of your boss Tang Huan match it?”

“Of course not, but after the billionaire female ship king Christina came to the company several times, she suppressed all the sisters’ hopes.” Irina looked sad.

Deng Lijun nodded suddenly, unexpectedly, apart from showing off her wealth, Christina could also do some business, which fulfilled Tang Huan Rabbit’s ethics of not eating grass on the edge of the nest.

“Who is that person?” Deng Lijun asked casually.

“Ea’s Hawkins, the one sitting opposite is the president of Hollywood United America Albert. He has visited our building several times and has a very close relationship with the company. Everyone is discussing in private that the boss wants to take this old Hollywood brand. The company bought it.”

At this point, Jelena’s eyes flashed with excitement, “If that’s the case, it would be great.”

Hearing this gossip, the four people were dumbfounded to varying degrees.

The company is operating well, so Tang Huan only pointed out a few concise instructions in the meeting to address some shortcomings. When Deng Lijun came, he was talking about the database business.

With more and more information management systems centered on ebase, this department has developed rapidly and has become the largest source of profit for Zheru America, not even worse than ea’s game console business.

These products, under the names of mrp, erp, crm, etc., are very bluffing. They have eroded the low-end market of many minicomputers due to their high quality and low price.

Tang Huan poured cold water on everyone. Although the potential of Apple’s second-generation machine was almost fully tapped under his own promotion, there is a gap that cannot be made up by software between it and minicomputers, and there is no new breakthrough in marketing. I lost my watermelon and picked sesame seeds.

Now the first priority is still the market share. When next year’s 16-bit Fangyuan second-generation computers are launched, these customers can be smoothly upgraded to have a foundation to compete with minicomputers.

At the end of the meeting, Tang Huan listened to the operation of bbs as an important part of the technical support platform. Due to the current high telecommunication costs, technical indicators such as the number of simultaneous online users are greatly limited, and the effect is not satisfactory. Provoked opposition from the executive branch.

The starting point of this divergence is also to control the company’s operating costs. Even if the family has a big business, one has to live a life carefully, so Tang Huan behaved very patiently.

After discovering that the technicians were really keen to apply for more telecommunications lines, Tang Huan couldn’t help but raised his brows slightly. These guys can really burn money. They don’t know how much firewood, rice, oil, and salt are expensive. The line scale remains unchanged, and some resources are allocated for use by ea.

As the founder, Tang Huan’s prestige is unparalleled, and this dispute immediately disappeared.

Tang Huan shook his head secretly. It is still too early for the large-scale application of the Internet. Why are you anxious? Brother’s technical reserves are also at a loss.

After the meeting, Tang Huan went directly to the Chinese restaurant, first greeted Deng Lijun and others, and then sat down with Hawkins and Albert.

“Tang, your Chinese food tastes really good here. After I have eaten it once, I am thinking about the second time.” Albert joked.

“Then come and taste more.” Tang Huan smiled as he sensed the closeness of the other party.

After Pan Am and Lian Mei fell out, although they reappointed the management of Lian Mei, they still controlled the situation, but the hearts of the people were scattered and the team was not easy to lead. Lian Mei did not reject the proposal for a new owner.

And Pan American has also begun to argue that although the company is ranked among the eight largest in Hollywood, it is only a project on the report. The current situation is so stale, it is necessary to spend energy on it.

In the process of ea’s low-key approach to Lianmei I don’t know which guy from the other party leaked the news, let Pan Am know that this old insurance company was very upset, but the internal differences were even greater, and finally, it was very arrogant. He let out his sigh, “ea wants to buy Lianmei? Yes, first sell you 40% of the shares, all cash transactions, little guy, can you take the order?”

“The value of 40% of the shares exceeds US$150 million. I think Pan Am is testing our strength and at the same time sharing their risks while maintaining control. If the situation in Lianmei continues to deteriorate. If they do, they will decisively list the remaining shares for sale. In fact, we don’t need to follow Pan Am’s aggressive approach. After a few months, the situation will become clearer after the big investment movie “Heaven’s Gate” is released.”

In front of Albert, Hawkins did not shy away from analyzing, and Albert nodded from time to time while listening. This situation is really intriguing.

Tang Huanxin said, this man is sincere in his heart.

Regarding Hawkins’ suggestion, Tang Huan just nodded, “It doesn’t matter what tactics are, I will dare to buy if you dare to sell it. First get the 40% of the shares. Even if there is a premium, it doesn’t matter.” (To be continued. )


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