Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 978

Chapter 976 Philosopher engineer is a tuo

It has to be said that the “struggle” consciousness of the monopolistic resource controller has deepened into the bones of the bone, and it will come when you open your mouth-what on the surface is “interconnection” and privately creates “delay”, “lost orders” and other accidents, even if the AT&T Company This giant, whose market value has always been in the top ten, can make it “kneel” when it comes to Pacific Telecom’s site, and the Federal Communications Commission has not been able to grasp it.

Tang Huan, who has never denied that he is correct and that complements each other, is noncommittal. At most, he occasionally inserts a few words to guide this group of people to reach a consensus on how to deal with the future trend of the development of the telecommunications industry.

Soon, everyone exchanged a preliminary point of view, that is, don’t look at the 1996 version of the Telecommunications Law. Hundreds of competitors are coming surging forward. It’s not scary, but if you think about it, the real threats are still the current ones. Existing practitioners, such as the other six former Bell Regional Telephone Company, AT&T and other princes-this is determined by the inherent monopoly characteristics of the telecommunications industry and the first-mover advantage that is difficult to surpass. Yes, it is difficult for newcomers to get ahead, mci’s history of painstaking management over the past few decades is the best evidence.

Specific to the main business scope of Pacific Telecom-the local telephone field, it is extremely difficult to introduce the actual operation of “full competition”, and it is not comparable to the long-distance telephone field.

The reason for this is mainly based on two reasons.

The first is the historical inertia formed since the implementation of the 1934 version of the Telecommunications Law, that is, while the Federal Communications Commission, an independent institution, manages the US telecommunications market, the public welfare committees of the states also have the power to manage the telecommunications market within the state. Purpose, let the local telephone market dominate. This naturally gave birth to the existence of hilltopism, local interest groups, etc.

The second reason is cost. From the perspective of economic efficiency, the operating cost of local telephone services is relatively high, especially for residential telephones, which have extremely high input costs, but are subject to profit control, and their income is very low. As a result, the combination of high cost and low profit spontaneously dampened the strong desire of potential competitors to enter the field of local calls. In addition, new entrants have their own competitive disadvantages and cannot compete fairly with the original operators, thus further consolidating the monopoly pattern of the local telephone market.

To put it bluntly, the local call market is inherently very exclusive, so that it is difficult for new competitors to join in.

In other words, the full competition mechanism introduced by the 1996 Telecommunications Law wants to allow the three major areas of long-distance telephone, local calls, and cable television to enter each other. In the actual operation process, the specific difficulty is different-the new competitors want Entering the field of local calls is the most difficult!

When this conclusion was discussed more and more positively, those who had come up with bluffing ideas and tricks before subconsciously tightened their mouths and sat down in a dreadful manner to pose as a gentleman.

Since the local area, the headquarters of Pacific Telecom’s business scope, security defense is not as difficult as it was initially thought, then how to enter the long-awaited long-distance telephone field naturally was followed.

It is not an exaggeration. Under the **** of the 1996 Telecommunications Law, it is so convenient for new competitors to enter the long-distance telephone market. It is almost as simple as applying for a license from the Federal Communications Commission.

However, although the barriers to entry have been greatly reduced, it does not necessarily mean that the survival of the industry will be so smooth in the future.

You must know that the long-distance telephone field that introduced the competition mechanism early is also the completion of the division of the site-AT&T has more than 70% of the market share; mci and sprint, the two escorts each have 10% Around the market share.

It is not difficult to imagine that once a new competitor enters the long-distance telephone market, it will inevitably be frantically suppressed by AT&T.

According to the survival experience of mci and sprint under the terrible power of AT&T over the years, low price is the only powerful weapon available.

Under this circumstance, it is conceivable how heavy the pressure of survival of the new competitors is!

In this way, after several days of meetings, the management has a consistent and clear understanding of the road ahead.

When Tang Huan summarized it, he pointed out specifically that the monopoly in the local telephone field should continue, but this does not mean that new competitors have nothing to do.

Looking around the crowd, the richest man waved his hand, “If I were a new competitor, I would take a more direct approach-buy this local telephone company.”

“In other words, Pacific Telecom may not be afraid of new small and medium-sized competitors, but it must be vigilant about acquisition risks.”

Speaking of this, Tang Huan increased his tone and said: “Here, I can make a confident prediction-the 1996 version of the Telecommunications Law liberalized various controls, which will surely lead to the formal separation of American Telephone and Telegraph Company and American Telephone and Telegraph Company in 1984. The seven former Bell local telephone companies, naturally including Pacific Telecom, will see a wave of capital operation of mutual mergers between them in the next few years.”

“After all, it is too hard to challenge an existing monopolist as a new competitor, and the outcome is unpredictable. How can it compare directly to an acquisition.”

All the people present in the meeting were all masters who saw six directions and listened to all directions. From these words, they tasted the subtext—the big boss’s response to the impact of the 1996 Telecommunications Law on the entire communications field in the United States, Lean towards capital operation.

In fact, there are traces to follow.

According to internal sources, the well-developed Datang Mobile Communications Company does not refuse to merge with Pacific Telecom; while the big boss and mci have had a cooperative relationship for many years, and the feasibility of directly acquiring each other is still very high-this is comparable to Pacific Telecom. Telecom is much more cost-effective to operate long-distance telephone business from scratch.

Tang Huan did not respond to the savvy subordinates, who were quite close to the speculation-this layout is only suitable for explaining the operation of a smaller circle of executives, and it is always right to be low-key.

After working hard for so long, this year’s Lunar New Year and the following first month seem to be extremely busy. So, the richest man with the best care, returned to the “Chang’an City”, ready to take a rest and deal with housework by the way.

The first is the question of the “children of Tang” who are going to higher education-after Deng Lijun’s Jinchang and Jinge went to Harvard University on the east coast of the United States last year, this year, Lin Fengjiao’s Jinming, Jinliang and the girl ship The Aristotle and Socrates presented by Christina Wang are also time to make a choice.

The situation of the female ship king Christina is relatively special. After more than ten years of development, the Onassis family has surpassed the strength of the old ship king when he was alive, and the training of the successor is relatively independent. The whereabouts of this child basically determines the University of Oxford or Cambridge University in the UK.

The choice of which university to apply for in the United States will roughly determine the inertia of the future circle, which is more obvious.

As the eldest sons, Jin Chang and Jin Ge were trained by Tang Huan as capital operators to lead the overall situation, so they went to the East Coast, the political and economic center of the United States. Then, how Jinming and Jinliang arranged would be more intriguing. Up.

Tang Huan belongs to the “big matter unambiguous” group at home. Once a decision is made, even his aunt Tang Yun has to retreat.

After returning home this time, Tang Huan called Jinming and Jinliang, who were already 15 years old, to the study and had a long conversation. The first issue was naturally the choice of university.

The two brothers are quite excited that they are finally about to “spread their wings and fly high.” They eagerly want to stay away from the sight of their parents and go to the East Coast of the United States to find freshness.

Tang Huan and Yan Yue said, “Since you have become my son, your mission is naturally different-in fact, your own conditions are inherently unique.”

Jin Ming and Jin Liang, who had already tasted the idea of ​​”want to run outside with joy”, were not annoyed by being pressed by his father, and they nodded sensibly together and said yes.

The situation of the Tang family is indeed special. The “wealth and enemy country” is not ranked at all. The main reason is that the “twins” are too common, and they are all geniuses. It is estimated that only Tang Huan, a mass manufacturer, can understand that they are. Some mysterious mapping of hundreds of “cores” in my brain.

Seeing that the two sons were very honest, Tang Huan smiled comfortedly: “So, you should stay on the west coast of the United States to go to college-a lot of practical tasks, waiting for your brothers to help in the future.”

The older the “Children of Tang”, the more they could feel their father’s majesty. After this decision was made, both Jin Ming and Jin Liang expressed happily that they obeyed the arrangement.

After listening to the teaching for a while, the two brothers retired.

When they waited out of the study, they saw the maid who had served their mother for many years and made a reminder gesture not far away.

So Jinming and Jinliang hurried to see their mother Lin Fengjiao and aunt Tang Yun.

Lin Fengjiao let out a sigh of relief and a happy smile appeared on his face when he heard that his two sons would go to Stanford University to study.

“Your father still understands things very well, knowing that your mother and I are reluctant to travel far.” Tang Yun, who was also very pleased, nodded and said: “However, you also have to be mentally prepared for responsibility-there are so many things in Silicon Valley. Your father confided to me inadvertently, foreseeing that there was a crisis right in front of him.”

When the old lady said this, she waved her hand brazenly, “Fighting brothers, fighting fathers and sons-you must be ready to do things at any time.”

The leisure activities of the richest man in “Chang’an City” naturally include watching movies. Anyway, there is a small theater here, the effect can be called the world’s top.

Hu Yinmeng recommended a new movie starring Liu Dehua and Liang Jiahui to Tang Huan. The story is roughly based on Fang Guohui, an officer of the Bureau of Investigation of the Ministry of Justice, played by Liu Dehua, investigating the many illegal incidents involved in the Baodao black played by Liang Jiahui helping the boss of Zhou Dynasty. . The Zhou Dynasty tried to switch from the underworld to the political arena by running for legislative elections, and then used the umbrella of public opinion to save himself, but in the end, the evil was overwhelming and Fang Guohui was brought to justice.

This film with an investment of 60 million Hong Kong dollars was co-produced by several film companies. The “Maijiaban” was the main performer. It was filmed in Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung. The scenes with great visual impact such as disturbances, helicopter chases, etc., the subject matter is a social sensation topic that McDonald is good at-alluding to the more notorious phenomenon of black gold politics and governance since Baodao entered the 1990s.

Because of being too realistic and insinuating many people, he was almost blocked by Treasure Island. In the end, although the joint was opened up, the name of the movie was changed from “Black Gold” when it was released in Hong Kong to “Sicily of Love” when it was released on Treasure Island.

To be honest, such a film with violent and passionate scenes from time to time is really not suitable for family viewing. After all, it is really rare for Deng Lijun, Lin Qingxia, Lin Fengjiao, Hu Yinmeng and others to sit together. .

However, the richest man in Tang still chose to let everyone watch this movie together, which is to raise the awareness of the women.

Since the beginning of the Straits Crisis last summer, it entered its most severe phase in March this year. Panic and the stock market plummeted again. Even the US aircraft carrier battle group was “seduce” in the past.

As the focal point of political life, such influential celebrities as Deng Lijun and Lin Qingxian must return to Baodao to participate.

Tang Huan clearly remembers how social security collapsed on the treasure island in this period of time and space , where major criminal cases broke out one after another, but the officials were helpless and even unable to allow the murderer to escape the law or become a media follow-up report. The so-called well-known people.

In an understatement, the women who needed to return to Treasure Island naturally accepted their men’s arrangement to enhance the security of their accompanying team-although this will inevitably cause some inconvenience, safety first!

After the plan was settled, Tang Huan was interested in joking: “Liang Jiahui’s performance skills are getting deeper and deeper! When you see him performing this Zhou Dynasty, when he said, “Who agrees, who opposes”, he was full of domineering–I started to be somewhat aggressive. I wonder if he has been on the road before.”

“That’s not a deep understanding, but they are very serious!” Hu Yinmeng rolled his eyes, “In order to play a good role, Liang Jiahui went to Baodao to observe the life of the gangster two months before the shooting started, so as to collect He even wrote a biography of Zhou Dynasty’s first characters in more than 100,000 words.”

Tang Huan nodded suddenly, “This year is the year of the U.S. election. Americans will be very interested in things related to politics and governance-you might as well run this movie well.”

Everyone was talking, Lin Qingxia’s Jinyan, holding a laptop, walked in angrily and complained: “Dad, look, those nasty guys from Netscape actually scold us grandiosely. .”

Jinyan, who has recently been particularly interested in computer security, has been ganging up with Symantec.

When he scanned the Netscape browser product, he unintentionally parsed a string of characters-the philosopher engineer is a shit, and suddenly the little guy who values ​​honor can’t stand it.

Tang Huan took the laptop and scanned it carefully, frowning.

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