Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 984

Chapter 982 Tang’s richest man’s appetite is har

Don’t look at the South Korean chaebol’s humility in semiconductors at this stage. Even one person has been confused, and he is often stolen. But when his wings are hardened, he will still show the face of a wealthy wolf.

In the original time and space, they did things like manipulating memory prices or controlling flash memory shipments in the name of production line upgrades.

Of course, capital does not have a good man and believer, and other people’s homes are almost like this-how high the limit can be depends on how much awe.

In the heart of the richest man, Yiben, South Korea, Treasure Island, Singapore, as well as mainland China and Funan, which have special layouts, all have their own positions. They also need checks and balances, so that they can serve his interests.

Therefore, in South Korea, although Samsung has a long and deep relationship with himself, Tang Huan remains vigilant in his heart.

Looking at the scenery outside the car window, the richest man who chatted with Li Jianxi and Li Shoucheng admired: “I haven’t been to Korea for some time, and it has developed to a higher level, so that it doesn’t match my impression.”

Li Shoucheng graciously said: “Then Tang stays for a while, so I can give detailed advice on South Korea’s high-tech development.”

Tang Huan laughed loudly, “I don’t dare to add too much – South Korea has been advocating a country based on science and technology since the 1960s and a country based on cutting-edge technology since the 1980s. It has grown to the present and it is a bumper harvest.”

After taking a look at Li Jianxi, Li Shoucheng joked, “It seems that if you want Tang to give him any advice, you have to rely on President Li’s thoughtful hospitality.”

Li Jianxi promised concisely: “It will definitely live up to the trust.”

After the convoy arrived at the Samsung Group’s Shilla Hotel, Li Jianxi’s eldest daughter, Li Fuzhen, has led the staff to wait at the door for a long time.

After entering the hotel lobby, Li Shoucheng stopped walking: “Tang has a good rest. We will see you at the Blue House tomorrow.”

“We have Mr. Lao.” The richest man smiled and said goodbye.

Li Jianxi also said goodbye, “Tang take a good rest. If you have any requests, please let me give you a family dinner later.”

“Then bother.” Tang Huan nodded without courtesy.

As a result, the richest man received a call from Zheng Mengjiu, as if counting the time, just after cleaning up the dust in the guest room. He wanted to find a chance to entertain him.

Tang Huan said happily, “I will stay in Korea for a few days as much as I can this time, and I will definitely not miss President Zheng’s kindness.”

After the greeting was over, the richest man put down the phone and couldn’t help but smile-he really wanted to do a good inspection in South Korea, and dealing with various South Korean chaebols is the best way to investigate.

I have to say that tequila is really addictive-if you want to drink Tom Yum Goong next year, why would you miss kimchi? In this way, a lot of basic work still needs to be done by yourself.

As for the diligent reason Zheng Mengjiu took the initiative to send it to the door, Tang Huan could guess a bit.

Regardless of Zheng Zhouyong, the founder of Hyundai Group, his second son, Zheng Mengjiu, became the chairman of Hyundai Group, but his most trusted son was actually the fifth oldest Zheng Mengxian, so Zheng Mengxian was appointed as the vice chairman of Hyundai Group. Gouxue’s family fighting scene has become exciting.

It is conceivable that under this situation, Zheng Mengjiu wants to achieve as dazzling performance as possible to help him establish authority.

The richest man here is not only high-tech, his social experiment field-Funan, the demand for high-quality and cheap cars is strong, and Hyundai Group is also worried about this piece of fat.

Zheng Mengjiu, who put down the phone over there, showed a relaxed look on his face—the richest man’s promise to keep the appointment was a good start.

Then, he told his confidant. “If Chairman Gu calls and asks about this, he will reply on my behalf and I’m still in contact. Don’t say anything else.”

The Gu family of LG has a lot of marriages in the circle of South Korean chaebols. For example, the third uncle of the current chairman, Gu Benmao, Gu Zixue, is married to the second sister of Samsung chairman Lee Jianxi, Lee Sook Hee.

Therefore, although the family is big, the relationship between each other and the level of information circulation is hard to say, but there is no big mistake in being careful, and there is no harm in being strict.

“Yes.” The other party asked winkingly: “Then what preparations do we have to do in terms of hospitality?”

“At that time, it was set to the highest specifications.” Zheng Mengjiu waved his hand vigorously, “Better than forget the rare things I got from the north.”

Seeing that his boss made such a loss, this person reminded: “It’s just that the **** at the banquet…”

“It’s really not easy to pick. Tang hasn’t seen any beautiful women in Hollywood?” Zheng Mengjiu was a little distressed, “In this way, you call someone who knows how to do it, and I will ask it myself.”

The so-called knowledgeable people are nothing more than advanced pimps.

Don’t underestimate this kind of role, once you achieve the ultimate, it is also a man of the wind.

For example, Mrs. Claudius, who is the godmother in this field in France, once said a famous saying-people always pay for two things: food and sex, but I don’t know how to cook any food.

Mrs. Clauty’s benefactor is either rich or noble. There are not only political and political figures, but also members of the Mafia Party. The address book includes the last Iranian King Mohammed Reza Barravi and the former president of the United States. John F. Kennedy, Italian Fiat’s then boss Gianni Agnelli, etc.

It can be said that countless secrets have passed by Mrs. Claudius, and now, most of the benefactors have passed away, and she herself is safe and sound in her old age in a small French town.

South Korea is not inferior to a small country with few people, but it is not inferior. On the one hand, under the high monopoly of society, when big people need to socialize, naturally some people are eager to use it as a channel for promotion; on the other hand, South Korea “buy “Spring Mission” is already notorious.

The knowledgeable person who can be brought to the head of the second largest chaebol in South Korea at this stage is undoubtedly absolutely professional. He bluntly said that he could not come up with such high-standard resources-when we were “researching business” , It will naturally assume the various identities of the guests, and the world’s richest man will certainly not be forgotten.

However, the more you study, the more you discover that Tang’s appetite is hard to guess!

Some conclusions that can be inferred now are: he should prefer oriental women, a good face is better, a certain fame is better, education with connotation is better, and a clear and simple background is better…

Zheng Mengjiu, who was a little big-headed, waved his hand impatiently: “Okay, just say, where can I find qualified candidates?”

The charming and knowledgeable pedestrian said with a Qiao smile: “Of course it is relatively easy to find in the literary and art world.”

Zheng Mengjiu nodded suddenly, “Then look for a few famous female stars according to your standards… By the way, pick the younger ones!”

“No, it’s not that the younger the better.” The other party added coquettishly: “According to my’research’ experience, in recent years, the female celebrities who have had scandals with Tang are younger than those after 1975.”

“You’re really professional!” Zheng Mengjiu said with a dumb smile: “Then you can say it clearly, who should I look for?”

The middle-aged woman handed over an envelope solemnly, “My suggestion is these two photos.”

“Shen Yinhe, Li Yingai.” Zheng Mengjiu nodded, and then handed the photo to his confidant, “final this matter as soon as possible.”

“They are in a period of rising careers with bright prospects. It’s hard to talk about horror.” The middle-aged woman quickly reminded: “Especially Shen Yinhe…”

“You don’t need to worry about this problem!” Zheng Mengjiu glanced lightly at the other party, and waved to interrupt.

Li Jianxi gave the richest man a family banquet to receive the wind, which can be said to show the goodness of the family.

Looking at the youngest daughter of the Li family, Tang Huan smiled and said, “Yin Xin has grown into a slim and graceful girl. Why don’t you think about it and be my daughter-in-law.”

The cheerful Li Yinxin blushed and hid behind her mother. Everyone laughed at her shy childish appearance.

Li Jianxi then said: “This year, I am going to send this girl to study in the United States.”

The richest man looked at the little princess Li with a smile and reminded: “If the child is still young, you can let her be so far away from home, are you willing?”

“If you don’t think about it, it’s not a weapon.” Li Jianxi waved his hand and said, “Besides, I can ask you to take care of it.”

“Alright.” Tang Huan nodded, “Jin Ming and Jin Liang entered Stanford University this year. Their young people can also take care of each other.”

Having said that, the richest man turned his eyes to the little princess of Li’s family, and happily suggested: “Yin Xin can leave early for the United States. The Atlanta Olympics will be held there soon. It is very lively.”

Li Yinxin replied excitedly: “I will call Jinming and the others.”

At the Li family banquet, Tang Huan and Li Jianxi didn’t talk much about official affairs, and mainly discussed some business issues at their fingertips. But this kind of exchange is enough-think about the original time and space, Warren Buffett was just auctioning an opportunity to have a meal together, which attracted business elites from all walks of life at all costs.

After all, the value of the circle can only be understood and cannot be explained in words.

The next day, the richest man arrived at the Blue House and met with South Korean President Kim Young Sam.

This veteran politician, who was called the “three golds” in Korean politics along with Kim Dae-jung and Kim Jong-myeon, defeated his former allies in the 1992 presidential election of South Korea and became South Korea’s first literati president in 32 years.

Therefore, during the talks, Kim Young-san gave Tang Huan a different feeling from those of Lu Tae-woo and Quan Dou-hwan of the previous two terms.

Although Kim Young-sam has spared no effort to promote reforms for the sake of Korea’s political integrity and integrity, there is no perfect person. Seeing his son Kim Hyun-cheol’s active appearance on the sidelines, the rumors of the “Little South Korean President” are really not groundless. .

I have to say that the position of South Korean president is too “dirty”-no matter who has been sitting for a few years, his **** will not be clean.

Considering that since Kim Young-sam came to power, he allowed the expansion of South Korean chaebols, which in turn generated a mountain of debts. When his tenure expires next year, it is really hard to tell whether he can achieve his success and resign.

In the past few years when Kim Young Sam has been on stage, South Korea’s GDP growth rate has steadily maintained above 8%, and the per capita GDP has exceeded the US$10,000 mark. However, this year, affected by the yen’s exchange rate, South Korea’s exports Decrease, equipment investment decreased, and the economic growth rate dropped to 7.1%.

During the talks, Tang Huan talked about this point-he will build a joint venture with Samsung for flash memory to inject new vitality into the development of South Korea’s high-tech industry.

Get the South Korean chaebol, get the South Korean president, and then there will be nothing that cannot be done in South Korea.

After the richest man had talks with Kim Young-sam and visited Samsung Group again, he went to Zheng Meng-jeou’s appointment.

There is no need to describe the specifications and privacy of the banquet.

Zheng Mengjiu also enthusiastically delivered tonics-Tang Rili’s all kinds of opportunities, and he should pay more attention to health preservation. This is the “tian ginseng” in Korean ginseng, please accept it.

Tang Huan has his own unique skills in traditional Chinese medicine, so he knows the goods and immediately laughs loudly, “Chairman Zheng, you are so polite, how am I embarrassed.”

“It should be, it should be.” Seeing the richest man happy, Zheng Mengjiu also followed his heart happily, “Today, I will entertain Tang with Korean-style wine and delicacies-of course, and beauties are indispensable Tang Huan’s gaze fell on the two young girls who were approaching with curvy Tingting, not only raised their brows.

Zheng Mengjiu introduced on the side: “This is the rising star of our Korean showbiz-Shen Yinhe and Li Yingai.”

“Miss Shen, Miss Li, I’m glad to meet you.” In Yingshengyan’s greetings, the richest man nodded gently, and then smiled at Zheng Mengjiu: “In my spare time, I love to read history-remember Ming Ming Chengzu Zhu Di’s favorite concubine Gongxian Hyun Concubine Quan Shi is the daughter of the Joseon Dynasty. She is described as a beautiful country, smart, able to sing and dance, and proficient in flute. Seeing two beauties today, I feel more about South Korea. It’s the place of Zhongxiu.”

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Zheng Mengjiu’s face, and he said with a smile: “Tang Bowen Guangji, knowing the past and the present, it is admirable.”

“Thank you.” Tang Huan smiled slightly, took a glass of wine soaked with Korean ginseng, took a sip, and then asked, “Sakura Ai, how do I feel as if I have seen your commercial? Let me think about it, it should be Did you cooperate with Andy Lau of Hong Kong?”

“Yes.” Li Ying’ai replied slightly cautiously: “This was a matter of years ago.”

Seeing the VIPs he invited and the carefully selected beauties were chatting speculatively, Zheng Mengjiu quipped: “I’ll just say, Tang’s extensive knowledge and extensive records are really admirable. No wonder it has set a record in the high-tech field. kingdom.”

At this stage, the fame overshadows Li Ying’s love for Shen Yinhe. Seeing that she was a little left out, she couldn’t help but secretly became more eager to win. He then said: “Mr. Tang is not just a leader in the computer industry. His Hollywood company has been a masterpiece over the years. Constantly.”

Zheng Mengjiu laughed loudly, “Beautiful women love heroes–it seems that Yinhe has been admiring Tang for a long time, otherwise, I can’t rely on the richest achievements of the richest man.”

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