Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 986

Chapter 984 A circle that everyone knows about in bu

Although China has not yet set up the “Golden Week” long holiday aimed at promoting the consumer economy, the May 1 Labor Day has always been an important national holiday-the five-day comdex Yanjing Exhibition, which was arranged during this time period. In order to accumulate popularity to the greatest extent.

Comdex, which has a history of nearly 20 years, has been to Asia several times before, but without exception, they chose to settle in Tokyo; and this year’s move to Yanjing is not only the first time in China, but also the second in Asia. Site.

The reason is that comdex, which is completely promoted by commercial companies, has a very good nose and is most sensitive to interests. It used to be the second largest it consumer market in the world. Now, as an emerging IT consumer market, China has space and space. The prospects are so big that the world is stunned.

From the perspective of ordinary people, the most impressive technology application may be the booming telecommunications industry, which has blossomed everywhere, almost to the extent that public phones can be found in any small shop in the county below.

In addition to the convenience of the traditional function of the telecommunications industry, ordinary people enjoy the convenience of telephone calls, and additional services such as telephone query of college entrance examination scores are also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Behind these circumstances, it was Tang IT who had completed a series of technologies including adsl in advance, which made the development of China’s telecom industry without wasting emotions in “pits” such as isdn, and basically achieved it in one step. If you suffer, you can’t be fooled.

To give another example, cable television is also developing rapidly, and it also radiates to ordinary users at the city and county level.

And there are more articles to do here-you know, although personal computers are still a rarity for ordinary households in China, TV sets are definitely considered standard configurations. On this basis, further cooperation with cable Television networks and set-top boxes may be able to embark on a path of Internet development with Chinese characteristics in advance.

Therefore, the current China IT consumer market has begun to make those major international companies more enthusiastic-and the comdex Yanjing Exhibition has naturally received their enthusiastic support.

At the same time, without the slightest suspicion, the enthusiasm and self-motivatedness of Chinese people for advanced technology will burst with a little guidance.

Under the combined effect of such favorable conditions, Comdex Yanjing Exhibition has become the focus of Chinese media’s recent attention.

After the richest man arrived in China, he took a short rest and went straight to the China International Exhibition Center at the northeast corner of the Third Ring Road to attend the opening ceremony of the Comdex Yanjing Exhibition.

This exhibition hall, which was rated as one of the ten largest buildings in Yanjing in the 1980s, took less than two years to complete the first phase of the project in October 1985; then in November of the same year, it undertook the first large-scale international Exhibition-Asia Pacific International Trade Fair.

In June 1994, the main building of the China International Exhibition Center was completed, and the Fifth Asia-Pacific International Trade Fair was held here in the same year.

Today, the China International Exhibition Center has integrated exhibitions, conferences, accommodation and entertainment, with various exhibition halls, lecture halls, meeting rooms, negotiation rooms, Chinese and Western restaurants, bars, dance halls, tennis courts, gyms, etc.; customs, sports Plant quarantine, foreign transportation, engineering construction units, etc. also all work on site, and have the conditions to hold and receive various types of comprehensive and professional exhibitions, expos and conferences-comdex Yanjing Exhibition has been very considerate Hospitality.

Tang Huan met many important leaders of state ministries and commissions here, and it was his first contact with officials in China this year.

It is completely conceivable that the speech at the opening ceremony is a necessary but a bit cumbersome link. When it is the turn of the richest man to give a speech, he will try his best to be brief and concise.

“I can say without humility. I have been concerned about the Chinese market for a long time, and I know very well about its growth, current situation, prospects, etc., so I have a certain conclusion here-if anyone ignores it. This huge market is really outdated.”

“I have always emphasized a win-win situation in doing business-I hurriedly walked through the exhibition hall just now and found many Chinese companies, which allowed me to see a broader and deeper cooperation opportunity.”

“The Internet is now in full swing, and the information age is all around us. I hope everyone can use the platform of this comdex Yanjing Exhibition to communicate more and not to miss opportunities, and to embrace the new millennium with a better attitude.”

“I wish this comdex Yanjing exhibition a perfect success! Thank you everyone!”

The applause won by the richest man was obviously much enthusiastic. In the eyes of some entrepreneurs, there was an eager light.

To be honest, there are really not many it companies with pure bloodlines in China at this stage. The pioneers who made a lot of reputation in Zhongguancun in the early years will not fall; or they will change their minds and move to other fields; they can survive until now. There are only a handful of them-but if the home appliance circle is brought over, the momentum will be magnificent.

Of course, not everyone can get the light of it. At the very least, color TVs occupies a considerable proportion of the product line, and at the same time, it is better to involve communication products such as telephones.

In addition to the new model of “TV-set-top box-cable network-Internet” that is still in operation and the final result is unpredictable, the two-sided connection hub also includes traditional home TV game consoles, which are gradually becoming better. vcd and so on.

This kind of alternative commercial development route designed by Tangit is naturally to fully consider various restrictive factors including national conditions, and the purpose is to be grounded.

In the subsequent product release process that has been hyped up for a long time, the richest man who personally presided over this characteristic idea.

The first grand debut is naturally the world’s first real 64-bit microprocessor, instead of the previous concept that uses two 32-bit cpu “splicing” to mix the concept, so far the most powerful family TV game console ——Four generations of Xiaobawang game consoles.

What the reporters pointed at was the large screen in the exhibition area where the promo was being played.

This extremely beautifully produced video takes the form of historical review.

The Tyrannosaurus rex, born in 1979, has the number “8” in its pattern, walking around leisurely, naive.

As the number “8” evolves into the number “16”, then to the number “32”, until the number “64” in 1996, it symbolizes the giant Tyrannosaurus rex of the four-generation Cassidy game console, raising its head and roaring, and the animals under its feet panicked. I had to run away, the domineering arrogance of no one else, through the sound of no inferior to the theater equipment, blew up in everyone’s ears, and the atmosphere of the scene burst with it.

Tang Huan, who walked slowly on stage, waited for everyone to be a little more excited and calmed down. Then, he pointed to the black bully game console on display and said enthusiastically: “In order to make such a small box capable of providing the most powerful With game performance and the most perfect experience, the four generations of Xiaobawang game consoles integrate the world’s top technology to create a new generation of home entertainment centers.”

“In addition to the lifelike game effects, the fourth-generation Xiaobawang game consoles also support a new generation of digital video standards-DVDs. In particular, they can also connect to and provide online functions. From now on, the Xiaobawang game consoles Players, at home, can wander happily in the wider entertainment world with relatives and friends in other places, as well as like-minded people with similar hobbies from all over the world.”

In fact, the richest man has the same mirror in his heart. Don’t look at everyone’s enthusiasm, but the standard version of the four-generation Cassidy game console priced at $399.99 in North America has limited performance in the Chinese market.

Gein, it is completely conceivable that ordinary people who are the main consumer are now very difficult to accept. They spend thousands of dollars just to play games. It is better to add a little more money to buy individuals who can take into account both study and work. The computer.

The reason why the fourth-generation Xiaobawang game console was officially released at the comdex Yanjing Exhibition was mainly to show its attitude and support for the Chinese market.

In fact, as far as the entire brand is concerned, the foundation of Cassidy game consoles in the Chinese market is quite deep-a generation of Cassidy game consoles that have been localized for a long time, this old antique belonging to the 8-bit era, has the lowest The widest user group including counties, towns and villages.

This benefited from the affordable price for the people and a series of operations under the banner of education, which immediately captured the parents’ mentality of “for the children”, which can be described as a very cute Chinese characteristic.

In a positive sense, the 8-bit generation Cassidy game console, coupled with the educational software gift package, has played a role in popularizing some scientific and technological concepts including computers at the most basic level and bridging the knowledge gap.

Therefore, everyone’s enthusiasm for the four-generation Cassidy game console is not a fake, after all, this brand can be said to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

If the policy level allows, then as the people’s living standards further improve, perhaps within a few years, the four-generation Cassidy game console will have a gratifying market return.

Compared with the 64-bit four-generation Xiaobawang game console, Balinxia, ​​the atmosphere of the USB flash drive conference is very literary-a white-collar model dressed in a white-collar dress, and the delicate and compact USB flash drive in China’s red color pinched by the slender finger , Let people see pleasing to the eye.

The patent has a clearly attributable USB flash drive, and it came here at this time, thanks to three points:

1. Indicators such as the read/write life and production scale efficiency of the storage medium of flash memory have met the requirements;

Second, the USB of the interface, as Fangyuan personal computer has become synonymous with the industry, it has spread to the point of standard configuration;

Third, the vigorous development of the risc microprocessor has finally provided a practical solution to the storage device controller necessary for the USB disk, that is, the master control-this is particularly important.

10 people can build a house in 10 days, but it does not mean that 1,000 people can build a house in only two or three hours.

In the same way, if you think that you can pile up flash memory at any cost, and the USB flash drive can be born naturally, then it is too taken for granted-if this is the case, then the solid state drive can also meet the world.

The richest man took a thumb-sized USB flash drive and plugged it into the USB port of the Fangyuan notebook computer. The operating system directly recognized the device; the green indicator of the USB flashed for a few times, and then remained on; when it was mass-produced The written README file is also automatically opened-it can be said that “plug and play” is demonstrated to the fullest.

Tang it smiled slightly and introduced: “As we all know, the mobile storage solutions for personal computers at this stage include floppy disks with capacities of 1.44mb, 1.68mb, and 2.88mb; zip disks with capacities ranging from tens of mb to hundreds of mb; and the capacity is 700mb. CD discs around, and next-generation DVD discs with a capacity of several gigabytes.”

“Compared to these mobile storage solutions based on the principle of’magnetism’ or the principle of’light’, our newly launched USB flash drives, similar to game cassettes, use semiconductor memory chips, but the difference is that this new generation of semiconductor memory chips It also supports write operations, and upgrading the capacity from the current to the future gb calculation is not unimaginable; the access speed can directly benefit from the update of the usb interface specification.”

Having said that, the richest man gestured to the staff on the side, and then continued to say: “So, let’s take a look at it with our own eyes. The actual reading and writing performance of the USB flash drive is comparable to the traditional mobile storage solution. In comparison, where is the superior?”

There is no need to describe the result of this demonstration too much-the performance of the U disk directly crushed the floppy zip disk and the buzzing CD in the process of operation, and it was crushed countless times.

Tang it finally took up the USB flash drive and showed it: “Like the floppy disk zip drive, the USB flash drive also has a write protection switch to prevent misoperation or virus damage. At the same time, it also supports encryption software to provide a higher level of data security. protection.”

These cheers for Comdex’s first visit to China are naturally very obvious, and they have firmly attracted the attention of media from all over the world.

For example, some commented that after the official launch of the four-generation Cassidy game console domineeringly, other home game consoles are only shivering; some predict that the USB disk will end the floppy disk with decades of history…

The richest man ignored these lively and lively voices, he was expecting it anyway, and then he put his mind on the forum held at the same time in the lecture hall of the China International Exhibition Center.

Tang it’s topic was mainly “TV + STB + Internet” with a little flickering nature, and he enthusiastically extended invitations to participating Chinese entrepreneurs, “The Wuyue Business School that I donated to build will be the first this year The mba class has been opened for the second time. If you want to broaden your business horizons, you might as well take the time to listen.”

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