Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 994

Chapter 992 Help change circles

Regarding Netscape’s submission of an antitrust complaint to the Antitrust Department of the US Department of Justice, the response of the richest man can only be described as “Ge Ying”.

However, this matter is not enough to work his way-immediately put aside his affairs and go back home.

Tang Huan just gave a few instructions:

First of all, focus on attacking the oracle in the “noise” alliance-this insidious guy hiding behind has two fronts, namely the hardware nc and the software database.

With the approach of summer vacation this year, in addition to the usual Hollywood blockbusters, there will also be unusually popular PC sales promotions. Its spearhead was directed at nc, vowing to push the opponent into the corner of “e-waste”.

The “cost-effectiveness” is not enough for the database war.

Gein, the ecological chain of the database is roughly divided into several levels.

The bottom is databases such as ebase, oracle, sybase, db2, or database management systems, which belong to the “back-end” of the application architecture.

Immediately above, there are various programming languages ​​like c/c++, pascal, basic and so on. Although the relational database management system has a standard configuration language like sql, its operation target is mainly for the database The various objects of, certainly cannot compare with the programming language that can control more computer resources in function.

The development tools that support these programming languages ​​are “front-end” relative to the “back-end” database, and have a fashionable name-visual rapid application development.

Zheru Software’s zeroe_development_workshop, Microsoft’s microsoft_visual_, etc., are all popular visual rapid application development tools at this stage.

And those database vendors that have developed from mainframe platforms often do not have such visual rapid application development tools—at most, they provide a reporting tool that displays data from SQL queries in the form of tables.

Take Sybase System, in order to make up for this shortcoming, it acquired a visual rapid application development tool, after a little packaging, launched powerbuilder.

Oracle also has shortcomings in visual rapid application development tools.

The top layer of the database ecological chain is undoubtedly the information management system of financial computerization, purchase-sales storage, human resource management, etc., which directly interacts with operators through the software graphical interface.

As for the companies that provide such specific information solutions, there are countless companies, such as the PeopleSoft software that flew out from Zheru, and the sap from Germany, which are well-known for a long time.

Obviously, what kind of database these companies support has a significant impact on the market share of ebase, oracle, sybase, and db2.

Tang Huan asked to focus on cracking down on Oracle’s database business, that is, to start with two aspects of visual rapid application development tools and information management systems-to fight a snake and fight seven inches, nothing more.

Next, Netscape can’t let it go either—it’s just that it can’t act on the traces, so as not to pretend to be a poor partner and further brush sympathy points.

Tang Huan’s request is: Doesn’t Netscape want to enter the corporate Internet market? Then it can’t find the opportunity to cross the threshold at all. It can only lie on the browser market and eventually “starve to death”!

In addition, for the smug “noise” alliance, we must also look for opportunities to “disintegrate” it.

This aspect is not so easy to operate compared to picking up the guy to attack head-on. Gein, which must involve complex exchange of interests, and even there is a potential risk of destroying the existing Down’s it ecosystem.

After all, the “noise” alliance was able to take shape, to a certain extent, because its members belonged to the leftovers who were eliminated by Tang it-now they are drawn in, and the previous concerns of “not getting along” and “indigestion” remain exist.

However, everyone understands that the disintegration of the “noise” alliance is not an overnight effort, so patience is still necessary.

The richest man was discussing the “diplomatic relations” of the IT industry on a conference call, and the secretary reported that Kisinger had been contacted.

Tang Huan’s search for Jixinge was not for the other party to make suggestions for the current chaos in the software industry, but for other things.

In fact, Tang Huan is a long-term client of the former U.S. Secretary of State. Kisinger’s achievements are not limited to the well-known special envoy in the process of establishing diplomatic relations between China and the United States. He has also participated in many other major international affairs of the United States. What is the Vietnam War, the Bengal War, the East Timor War, the Fourth Middle East War, and the Chilean Augusto Pinochet military coup in Latin America, the relationship between the United States and Cuba, the Argentine military dictatorship, and the Rhodesian Bush War in Africa, etc. Wait.

After the death of former US President Nicholson, Kisinger, who was not involved in the “Watergate Incident,” can be described as the most active and influential former member of the cabinet.

And many multinational companies, including philosophers and Fangyuan, when assessing the impact of international political-government relations on business activities, they inevitably listen carefully to the opinions of senior people like Ji Xinge.

The richest man clicked the button and connected with Kisinger. After a few words of greeting, he turned to the main topic: “Dr. Henry, there is something that needs your professional knowledge to help-the series of film “007” will be produced again. It’s a work, and the producer wants to get a bit of enthusiasm.”

Regardless of his age, Kisinger still has a clear thinking and quick response. He immediately smiled and took the words: “Could the screenwriter be concerned about China’s upcoming restoration of sovereignty over Xiangjiang, right?”

“The doctor guessed it.” Tang Huan also smiled, “You also know that there is no need to risk commercial risks to test some political bottom lines. I hope that the doctor can give them some authoritative opinions.”

After the great success of “Goldeneye”-“Golden Eye”, the producer of “007” is naturally a bit ambitious in breaking through the themes to attract more people’s attention.

The richest man didn’t have time to give instructions to the men. In practice, he would not cross the line and would easily fall into the trap. So he simply asked Kisinger, a senior actor on the stage of international diplomacy, to check in—can invite such a person. The participation of big coffees in the production will inevitably be conducive to movie hype, and this indifferent consulting fee can also further promote the “incense sentiment” between the two parties!

As soon as Jixinge heard that there was a business coming to the door, he was very happy, and also showed a very strong interest. He immediately promised: “Tang, you can rest assured, I will definitely help “007”, and hold it well so that it will not affect the box office. The political governance standard.”

“Of course I believe in the level of authority of the doctor.” After Tang Huan complimented the other party a few words, he turned to chat about the many countries he had encountered rushing to give him honors.

In this matter, the UK, which has a certain result, has released a message to the outside world. Other countries are still communicating, so they are also in the stage of “secret and unannounced”, lest they will be caught by the media and become irresponsible.

After learning about these circumstances, Kisinger praised with emotion: “This phenomenon shows that Tang’s contribution to the world has been highly recognized by those countries. It is really gratifying.”

Think about it, too, as long as it doesn’t involve the sensitive issue of “loyalty”, who can manage how many kinds of national honor the richest man can harvest?

After the conversation with Kisinger, Tang Huan picked up a document on the desk, gave a few sentences, and then called his assistant and ordered: “The name of the latest “007” movie was an error in the fax process. —I think there was a mistake. Now this name is pretty good, so let’s keep it; as for other aspects, we should further gather professional opinions and polish it carefully.”

The latest film “007” scheduled to be released next year, the story design will turn the media tycoon into a villain who wants to control the world and deprive human beings of freedom. So the film name refers to the format of the Beatles song “tomorrow_never_knows” , Defined as “tomorrow_never_lies”, translated as “tomorrow never lie”, and this “tomorrow” refers to the newspaper of the same name in the movie.

As a result, in the process of passing the relevant documents seven and eight, I don’t know who was so careless and turned “tomorrow_never_lies” into “tomorrow_never_dies”.

The richest man is too lazy to pursue the problem of his work attitude. Quandang’s movie is a destiny to be called “tomorrow_never_dies”-“Empire of Tomorrow”.

Although the additional checks based on reducing political and governance risks may cause schedule delays, Tang Tycoon does not care too much. Anyway, “Titanic” will catch up with the summer file of 1997 as scheduled, and “Empire of Tomorrow” will be released until the end of next year. For the Christmas stalls, it might be a blessing in disguise for avoiding its edge.

Tang Huan continued: “In addition, they want to hire a well-known Chinese actress as a Bang girl, so they don’t have to worry about Lin Qingxian anymore. One thing she had previously appeared in “007”, and she was not interested. —Anyway, DreamWorks can provide a lot of choice, and time is too late. Choose slowly.”

After the affairs at hand were almost handled, the richest man took the Silicon Valley One again and came to Russia.

On the surface, his visit was to communicate about Russia’s award of national honors, but in fact it was mainly to help someone change circles.

This year, not only the US is busy with the four-year general election, but Russia is also undergoing various levels of power changes.

Take St. Petersburg, the second most populous city in Russia. Under the vicissitudes of the world, a few are happy and some are sad.

Unfortunately, the former mayor Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak, in the election, with a small gap of 1.2%, was beaten by political opponents, and he was the best teacher. A powerful follower, Pu Jing suddenly lost his room for ascendance in his official career.

Sobchak’s defeat cannot be entirely attributed to his incompetence and the incompetence of his team. It can only be said that he is still worse in experience.

Don’t naively think that the campaign is as perfect as its concept describes it; in fact, humans can “play bad” everything that is good.

On the one hand, the election advertises that whoever has the ability to do things and work for the well-being of everyone will win the most votes; on the other hand, it is to see who has fewer scandals and is relatively less annoying.

In the era of Internet self-media, which was originally developed twenty years later in time and space, the well-known mutual smear between Silari and Troangpu is the most vivid example.

The past few years Sobchak served as the mayor of St. Petersburg has been the craziest stage of Russia’s privatization. The interest entanglements involved are countless-as long as he does something, he will lose control and become a “cannonball” attacked by political opponents in this year’s election.

In this case, whoever is the most vicious and unscrupulous will naturally have the last laugh and enjoy the results of victory. UU reading

As Sobchak’s right-hand man, Pu Jing used to be able to enjoy the light of “one person gains the way, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven”, and now he has to eat the bitter fruit of “the tree fell and the hunger scattered.”

In other words, there is no place for Pujing in St. Petersburg, and there is no way to continue mixing. Even Sobchak may not be able to protect himself.

The reason is obvious-in the privatization process carried out by Russia over the years, who would dare to say that he did not reach out and was clean and flawless?

There has been news that Sobchak is very likely to be liquidated by the political opponents who came to power.

This year, Sobchak is approaching 60 years old. Of course, he can only seek self-protection and not strive for improvement; but Pu Jing is only 3 years older than Tang Huan, and only 44 years old, which is the golden age of his career.

Therefore, at this time, Pu Jing had no choice but to change circles and start mixing again. As the water flows to low places and people go to high places, his next stop can only be Moscow.

In this case, let’s go with the relationship.

Through his contacts, Pu Jing worked as a deputy director in the Russian Presidential Property Management Office to do some chores. For example, some domestic and foreign assets from the Soviet era were transferred to Russia.

You know, Pu Jing was in St. Petersburg before, and he was regarded as the number two man. Now he is an errand runner, and he can imagine the loss in his heart.

Any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

The richest man, anxious for justice, is here to help Pu Jing frame his work so as to enter the inner circle of Russian President Karma as soon as possible.

When meeting, Tang Huan not only noticed that Pu Jing tried to hide the gloomy mood, but also found that Sobchak’s face was sick, so he asked specifically.

Sobchak sighed, “I went to the hospital for a diagnosis, heart disease.”

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